STARTS HOP ACROSS ATUNTIC *$>- Icanadian with Lieutenant DR.W.R

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STARTS HOP ACROSS ATUNTIC *$>- Icanadian with Lieutenant DR.W.R '-i •' T T- ' T.-. ;. *. >rfl».*^ T_:^ . , *., . - V«--^' . )i$tST PRESS RUN '- V, THE tYKATHER &ViatAGE DAILY CIRCULATION nsTWOpM b> UrB.^WetttEsr JfiilcgE;- jlo T the r Month of Septeniber, 1980 ibrtiofd.., -4 \ /: CSe«4p» poed b V nhowrs to n t| ^ 5,449 Friday dooljr, not mndh ^ Members of the Audit Boreau 54,/ change in ta n ^ r a h o ^ ■> i.V-^ -■ •* of Clrcidations. U >4*-tv vr*; f"*,. r,. -ssrr VOL. XLV.. NO. 8. (Claferilled Adverttring on Page 18). SOUTH S£!!^CHEliTER, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1939. FOURTEEN ^ (H C S JPRICE THBEEUENTS I STARTS HOP ACROSS ATUNTIC *$>- ICanadian With Lieutenant DR.W.R. TINKER on F i^ ra l and Rebel F orc^ S:-»Z 1 *! Roundsoutso N w BatHefieU; D e s tri­ ers Go Over to the R e b ^ Levine’s Plane; Being Used I YEARS SERVICE Washington, Oct. 9.—(AP) —Agent elemrat .of the coauaission for Vohmtjeers Take Place of Promise of an early report on_pPO" an immediate re|>ort on this ques­ BULLETIN! Fellow Doctors Here Honor tion. Police, in Guarding Cities New York, Oct. 9.—■‘(AP)— . hlbition in which there will be “no Chairman George W. Wicker- The Radio Marine Corporation pussyfooting” emanated from Presi­ sham. announced that the commis­ received a message from the Him at Dinner Last Night; dent Hoover’s law enforcement cona- sion hoped to report to Congress by So They Hay F ^ t Against steamship Quaker City, one mission today after long hours of the opening of the December ses­ hundred miles east north-east of argument at its opening session Cape Race, which told of sight­ Occasion Complete Sur­ sion. He added he believed “if the ing the Columbia. The plane yesterday. ; commission resMhes the conclusion was flying at an altitude of It has become definitely known that prohibition is hot enforceable two hundred feet, headed “ East prise to Guest. that the controversial subject of I think we should say so.” true,” the message said. It was prohibition ^ now dominating the All reports on prohibition are un­ Montevideo, Uruguay, Oct. 9- ^ timed 18:55 Eastern Standard discussions : of -the: commiation and derstood to have been completed. (AP) — Brazilian revolutionary Time. that virtually alt of the day and This ia what Is irritating some of Dr, William R. Tinker, medical night sessions yesterday were spent the-meml»ra-. They say there is no troops were nisHed today to the bor­ i------ - der of the states of Parana and Sao Harbor Grace, N. F., Oct. 9.— examiner in Manchester for more in arguing the demands; of ^an insur- further reason for telay. (A P .)—Captain Errol Bojpd and than thirty years, was honored last Paulo, where a battle with defend­ Lieut. Harry Connor hopped off here evening by his fellow members ia ing Federal forces was imminent. today in their airplane for a trans- the Manchester Medical Association Two regiments of cavalry and . arr : Atlantic flight to England at 11:20 upon the completion of fifty yes^rs in ASKS CITIZENSHIP tillery accompanied by considerable I a. m., E. S. T. PREPARE FUNERAL reserves, and 800 volunteers organ­ j The two fliers who flew' here from medical practice. With the glowing ized into a military brigade which v Nev/ York more than a week ago tribute which was paid Dr. Tinker have left Santa Ana Do Ldvramento) had been fog-boimd at the local air­ by his colleagues, was pieced to­ FORTHESAMOANS FOR R -101 VICTIMS had Castro, in the State of Parana, port since. Early today fog still gether a picture of the handicaps as their destinatidm hung over the Newfoundland coast and hardships under which doctors Revolutionary quarters referring labored a half a century ago. Many but, impatient at the delay, they to Castro, which is about 75 miles humorous incidents were brought to from the border of Sao Paulo and prepared to take advantage of the light, but there were occasions for Bingham Comnussion Sug­ to be The mctropo’is of Sao Paulo was reported to be the first objective of revolutionary forces that began Parana said In p message here that first break in the weather. • pathos. It came during the forenoon when an advance northward from Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The upper photo shows one of the beautiful parks in a very bloody battle” possibly Surprise would he fought there. the clouds broke away and the fliers Dr. Tinker was taken by complete the heart of Sao Paulo where federal troops were believed to be awaiting the rebels’ approach. Pictured gests New Form of Gov­ Placed in Westminster decided to take the leap immediate­ below are some of the trained troops of Rio Grande do Sul who are in revolt against the Brazilian govem- Bel^s are Beady surprise. He went to the meeting Insurgent troops already in the ly- held at the Ctountry Club with no govemment. ernment in S o o t h e Isles ifall for Services. battle area, who probably will bear It will be the Columbia’s second knowledge that he wras to be the trans-Atlantic crossing if the fliers the brunt of any early fighting, are guest of honor. After the supper, under the command of the Chieftain arc successful. 'The airplane is owm- regfular business details were attend­ Washington, Oct. 9.—(AP)— A London, Oct. 9.— (AP)—Ancient Miguel Costa. ed by Charles A. Levine, who flew in ed to in the usueiI manner. Then Departure of the troops tor it to Germfiny more them three CAUCOStS new form of-government, for 'Ameri­ walls and. rafters of Westminister Dr. Thomas G. Sloan, close friend of PREPAREDNESS, KEYNOTE #• f • Parana and Sao Paulo has , ex­ years ago. His pilot was Clarence Dr. Tinker, arose to make the of­ can Samoa similar to that to the Hall echoed today imder the ham­ hausted the military power of Santa Chamberlain. ficial tribute Dr. Tinker, whose 'Virgin Islands has been agreed uppn mers of carpenters preparing the Ana Do Liramento, and as a.con­ hearing is somewhat impaired, was DtSTATEIODAY by the American Samoan Commis­ catafklque on which coffins of the sequence, Colonel Francisco Flores The veteran monoplane Columbia given a typewritten copy of Dr. OF LEGION Da Cunha, in charge of the military essayed her second trans-Atlantic Sloan's remarks just as Dr. Sloan sion and chiefs of the South Sea Is­ 48 victims of the R-101 disaster will area, has signed a decree callings for ' crossing when she put out over the started to speak. lands. lie to state Friday. volunteers to police the area. Atlantic ocean today from Harbor All eyes were focused on Dr. Tin New Haven Says Judge John­ Senator Bingham of Connecticut, Forty-Ikght Coffin Colonel Da Cunha said that there Grace, N. F., with Captain Errol ker. They saw first €m expression chairman, radioed'his office today were 300 places vacant. Boyd at the controls and Lieutenant Veterans Want 125,000 WILD STORIES HEARD The forty eighth coffin, that con­ of amazement creep over his face from the cruiser Omaha the resulto taining, the body of S. Church, rig­ Wac;;}iipe Join Bebs Harry E. Connor as navigator. and then a smile lighted his 'coun­ son JViU Be Next Majority of the Investigation. The telegram, which was pub­ The old ship, which belongs to tenance. It was most evident that ger, who died yesterday at Beauvais Standing Army and Na­ The commission has completed its will -arrive today from France and lished in the newspaper El Nadonal Charles A. Levine, is the vessel in he did not have the feast inkling of OF RED A c n m s here, said further that^two destroy- | which Clarence (ISiamberlain and what was to happen. After Dr. Leader in House. inquiry and sitoed a pr^mtoaiy be added to*^ the 47. brought here report Tuesday, recommendtoff aboard the .warships Tempest and era which had been sent to bom-' Levine flew across the Atlantic from Sloan concluded his remarks and tional Guard oP 210,000; bard Rid GrSnde Do Sul had jotoed i I Roosevelt Field to Kottbus, Ger- presented Dr. Tinker with a hand­ American citizenship for the'10,000 Tribute. inhabitant <to'the iitiands as w d l as The cofltoP-^'^ b e , ritottovedito the reTOlution, and that two'-'ftVi* ! j many, in June, 1927, some silver loving cup as a token of JSiap. Haven,.,Ocl:;-9-— (A P )—Cau< wiid iHai-’Hied^-from Hl<»"'"De ’ Since then*it has carried Mabel the high esteem in which^he is heicj. No Dj^ ResolutioiL: -a blti '<^^’^i5g9^’4n^-'pri^)oeBd'n cuitos virill be held throughout Con­ organic law. to tito hall and wiUt.-be timged to a Janeiro .vtith theto planes informed : Boll to Havana, it cracked up at the by his follow members. Dr. Tinker insurgent leaders that all aviators . ) take-off of a projected flight to made a brief speech of acceptance necticut today tp nominate Repub­ “We believe,” the message said, double to^Umn dovm the center of 26;0D0 Gtms an! Will the hall, each'draped with a national there had been imprisoned and that | I Rome, and it w'as damaged in a and thanks: Boston, Oct. 9.— (AP)—Prepared­ lican candidates'for Representatives “ the Navy has done' remiarkably fine the aerial squadron at Natag had : flight which Levine himself made in All Pay Tribute work but that a Samoan Legislature flag with floral tributes ranged ness was the keynote of a series of in the State Le^slature. Justices of joined Oie rebel force with consider­ i the monoplane over Roosevelt Field.
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