Election Summary Report Date: 11/8/2016 JACKSON COUNTY, INDIANA NOVEMBER 8, 2016 Time: 7:47:17 PM Actual Election Day with ABS Page 1/4 Total plus absentee unofficial Registered Voters 30,532 - Total Ballots 17,974 : 58.87% 30 of 30 Precincts Reporting 100.00% CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT PUBLIC QUESTION #1 UNITED STATES SENATOR Number of Precincts 30 Number of Precincts 30 Precincts Reporting 30 100.00% Precincts Reporting 30 100.00% Vote For 1 Vote For 1 Total Votes 15,273 Total Votes 17,618 YES 12,965 84.89% TODD YOUNG (REP) 11,267 63.95% NO 2,308 15.11% EVAN BAYH (DEM) 5,626 31.93% LUCY BRENTON (LIB) 721 4.09% StraightTicketSelection WRITE IN 4 0.02% Number of Precincts 30 GOVERNOR AND LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR Precincts Reporting 30 100.00% Vote For 1 Number of Precincts 30 Total Votes 6,320 Precincts Reporting 30 100.00% Vote For 1 REPUBLICAN 4,557 72.10% Total Votes 17,405 DEMOCRATIC 1,602 25.35% LIBERTARIAN 161 2.55% ERIC HOLCOMB and SUZANNE 11,319 65.03% CROUCH (REP) JOHN R. GREGG and 5,613 32.25% PRESIDENT AND VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED CHRISTINA HALE (DEM) STATES REX BELL and KARL (K-TAT) 466 2.68% Number of Precincts 30 TATGENHORST (LIB) Precincts Reporting 30 100.00% WRITE IN 7 0.04% Vote For 1 Total Votes 17,665 ATTORNEY GENERAL DONALD J. TRUMP and 12,857 72.78% MICHAEL R. PENCE (REP) Number of Precincts 30 HILLARY CLINTON and TIM 3,843 21.75% Precincts Reporting 30 100.00% KAINE (DEM) Vote For 1 GARY JOHNSON and BILL WELD 832 4.71% Total Votes 16,848 (LIB) WRITE IN 133 0.75% CURTIS T.
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