958 A 7/ Approved and ordered this day of , A. D. 192 4 c

Jeulenant Governor.

At the Executive Council Chamber, Victoria,


The Honourable in the Chair. Mr.Ulivrr Mr•Sloan Mr...;uthorlanti Mr.-,.,neon Mr•J‘Arrow icL9fm Mr•rlt, tul lo Mr.

To His Honour The Lieutenant-Governor in Council:

The undersigned has the honour to

THAT under the provisions of Chapter 33 of the statutes of , 1914, "Game dot", the subjoined Game Regu- lations for the year 1924 be made and promulgated. • $. • AND THAT the regulations made by Order-in-Council ..,o.755 on the dth day of July, 1924, be rescinded. 4' JATED this . day of August, A.). 1924

L-1L Attorney-General. APPROVED this g day or August', A.1). 1924.

Presiding Lember of the Executive Council, krovinoial GJvernment Coat of Arm.6.



PURSUANT to the °visions of this Act, the Lieutenant-Governor in

Counoil h een pleased to rescind the Game Regulations approved

on t 8th day of July, 1924, under Order-in-Counoil No. 755, and tituta_tliarafara_th-e-Lalloallag-e--

Game Regulations-1924.

1. The prohibitions declared by Section 9 of the "Game Aot," being chapter 33 of the Statutes of 1914, as to the hunting, trapping, taking, wounding, and killing of game, are, subject to the provisions of

Section 2 of these regulations, hereby removed to the extent and within the periods and limits and subject to the provisions hereinafter set out respectively, as follows:-

For the purpose of defining the open seasons for big game, game birds, and trapping of fur-bearing animals, the rrovinoe shall be divided into three districts, to be known as the Northern, Eastern, and Western Distriots:- "Northern District" shall mean and include the Electoral Distriot of Atlin and all that portion of the rrovinoe situate and lying to the north of the mein line of the canadian stational Railway, formerly known as the Grand Trunk eaoific Railway, and to the east of the summit of the Cascade Mountains.

"Eastern District" shall mean and include all that portion of the rrovinoe situate and lying to the east of the summit of the Cascade

MJuntains and south of the main line of the Canadian National Railway, formerly known as the Grand Trunk raoifio Railway.

"Western District" shall mean and include all that portion of the

Province situate and lying to the west of the summit of the Cascade

Mountains and south of the Electoral District of Atlin.

Big Game.

(a) MOOSE, of the male sex, in the Electoral Districts of Atlin,

Fort George, and Omineoa, north of the main line of the Canadian liational Railway, formerly known as the Grand 'trunk reoifio Railway, open season from September let, 1924, to December 15th, 1924, both dates inclusive. Page-2- in the Eleotoral District of Cariboo and those portions of the ()mimes and Fort ueorge Eleotoral Districts situate and lying to the south of the main line of the Canadian National Railway, formerly known as the Grand Trunk r seine Railway, open season from September let, 1924, to December 15th, 1924, both dates inolusive. In the Electoral District of Columbia open season from October let, 1924, to October 31st, 1924, both dates inclusive. (b) CARIBOU, of the ma:e3, sex, throughout the erovinoe, except Queen Charlotte Islands and except all that portion of the rrovinoe lying to the south and east of the main line of the Canadian ,rational Railway, formerly known as the Canadian Northern hallway, open season from September 1st, 1924, to December 15th, 1924, both dates inclusive. In that portion of the pinvince situate and lying in the Eastern District south and oast of the main line of the vanadian National Railway, formerly known as the Canadian Northern ttailway, and north of the mein line of the Canadian xacifio Railway, open season from September 15th, 1924, to uotober 15th, 1924, both dates inclusive. (c) WAPITI(Elk), of the male sex, in the Eleotoral Districts of Yernie , Cranbrook and Columbia, open season from uctober 11th, 1924, to cotober 25th, 1924, both dates inclusive. (d) MOUNTAIN-SHEEt•, of the male sex, in that portion of the erovinoe north of the main line of the Canadian 1:ational stailway, formerly known as the grand Trunk racific Railway, open season from September let, 1924, to November 15th, 1924, both dates inclusive. In the Electoral Districts of Yernie , Uranbrook, and Columbia, open season from uotober 1st, 1924, to november 15th, 1924, both dates inolueive. in that portion of the Electoral District of Cariboo situate and lying south of the 52nd parallel of latitude and west of the Eraser laver, and that portion of the 'Electoral District of Lillooet situate and lying to the west of the Eraser Aver, open season from September 1st, 1924, to November 15th, 1924, both dates inoluwive. (e) h MITAIN-GOAT, throughout the Eastern and Northern Districts, except that portion of the Eastern District south of the mein line of the Canadian eacific =railway, open season from September let, 1924, to Page -3- December 15th, 1924, both dates inclusive. in that portion of the Eastern District south of the main line of the Canadian racifio Railway, open season from September 15th, 1924, to Deoember 15th, 1924, both dates inclusive. in the Western District, open season from Spptember 13th, 1924, to November 30th, 1924, both dates inclusive. (f) BEAR, throughout the Northern District, open season from September let, 1924, to June 3uth, 1925, both dates inclusive. Throughout the Eastern District, open Beason from September 15th, 1924, to Jane 30th, 1925, both dates inclusive. Throughout the Western District, except that portion thereof known and defined as Vancouver island, open season from September let, 1924, to Jane 15th, 1925, both dates inclusive. In that portion of the olestern District, known as Vancouver island, open season from i“nrember let, 1924, to 1.1ay 31st, 1925, both dates inclusive. Provided that no Bear shall be trapped in any part of the erovinoe (g) MR, (Mule, White-tail and ;;oast), Bucks Only, throughout the Northern and liastern Districts, (except White-tail Deer in that portion of the Eastern District known as North and and Similkameen Electoral Districts and An the Grand-torks-Greenwood Electoral District, west of the summit of the Midway Lountains), open season from September 15th, 1924, to December 15th, 1924, both dates inclusive. In the Wes§ern District, Buoks only, except on 4,ueen Charlotte Islands and those portions of Vancouver island, known as North and South Saanioh and Highland Districts, open season from September 13th, 1924, to November 30th, 1924, both dates inclusive. in that portion of Vanoouver Island known and defined as the Highland District, open season from September 13th, 1924, to September 30th, 1924, both dates inclusive. Eur-searing animals. 0) In the Northern and Eastern Districts, all fur-bearing animals(except Beaver), north of the main line of the canadian raolfio rtailway, open season from November 15th, 1924, to April 30th, 1925, both dates ino lusi ye . Page -4- Beaver, in Irterkmoxrtkomccdt the Northern District and in the Eleotoral Districts of Skeena, Mackenzie, eariboo, Omineca, and Port George situate and lying in the Eastern District, open season from November 15th, 1924, to April 30th, 1925, both dates inclusive. in that portion of the Eastern District south of the main line of the Uanadian liaolfio Railway there shall be a close season on all fur-bearing animals, except in regard to Musk-rate in the Columbia Electoral District. Musk-rats, in the Columbia Eleotoral District situate and lying in the Eastern District, open season from January let, 1925, to April 30th, 1925, both dates inclusive. in the Western District, all furpbearing animals, except Beaver, March 31st , open season from December let, 1924, to/textbadttk,/1925, both date s inclusive. Beaver, in that portion of the Western District known as the Prince Rupert, Skeen., and Mackenzie Hleotoral Districts, open season from December 1st, 1924, to March 31st, 1925, both dates in- clusive. Further, for the purpose of describing the Highland District, mentioned in these regulations, the same is hereby defined as folio's:- "Starting at the Junction of the Finlayson Arm Road and the Malahat Highway; thence south along the 14alahat and island highway ga to Atkin Road; thence east along Atkin Road to Thetis Lake Road; thence north along Curtis Lake Road. to triunnte Road; xinokex thence easterly and southerly along Munnts Road to Prospeot Lake Road; thence along tirospect Lake Road north and east to the interurban line of the British Columbia Eleatrio Railway; thence along said railway to Tod. Inlet Road; theme along Tod. inlet Road to Saanioh Arm; thence along Saanioh Arm to Gold- stream Creek; thence following Goldstream Creek to the Finlayson Arm

Road; thence along tinlayson Arm Read to the idalahat Highway. Game Birds. (i) Ducks (except Wood and Eider Ducks), Wilson Snipe, Coots, Black- breasted and Golden Plover, Greater and .Lesser Yellowlegs, in the

Northern and Eastern Districts, open season from the 15th day of September, tlikikTrzt in any year to a date three months and fifteen days later, botth dates inclusive- namely, September 15th, 1924, to

December 30th, 1924. Page05- In the 'Se stern Di strict in that portion of the *it! stern District to the north of the 53rd parallel of latitude), ope season from the first Saturday ne::t following September 7th in any year to a date three months and fifteen days later, both dates inclusive--namely, September 13th, 1924, to December 28th, 1924. in the Western District (in that portion of the Western District to the south of the 53rd parallel of latitude), open season from October 15th, 1924, to January 29th, 1925, both dates inclusive. (j) ■ Geese and Brunt, in the Northern and ∎aetern Districts, open season from September 15th, 1924, to .ueoember 30th, 1924, both dates inclusive. in the Viastern Distriot (in that portion of the destern District to the north of the 53rd parallel of latitude), open season from the first Saturday folbowing septeLiber 7th in any year to a date three months and fifteen days later, both= dates inclusive, --namely, September 13th, 1924, to December 28th, 1924, In the Western District (in that portion of the Western District to the south of the 53rd parallel of latitude), open season from the first Saturday following November 7th in any year to a date three months and fifteen days later, both= dates inclusive, namely-- November 8th, 1924, to eebruary 23rd, 1925. (k) Grouse and Ptarmigan (except Prairie-Chicken mariazrz or Sharp- tailed Grpume), in the Northern District and in those portions of the umineoa, Vort George and Cariboo Eleotoral Districts situate and lying in the EASTern District, open season from September let, 1924, to November 15th, 1924, both dates inclusive. in the remainder of the Eastern District open season from September 45- r4 1924, to October 15th, 1924, both dates inclusive. Prairie-Chicken or Sharp-tailed tirouse, in the Electoral District of Fort George, situate and lying to the north and of at of the ROCIry Mountains, open season from September 7th, 1924, to October 15th, 1924, both dates inclusive. in the Electoral Districts of North Okanagan, South Okanagan, and Kamloops, and in those portions of the Cariboo and Lillooet Electoral Districts situate and lying to the south of the 52nd parallel of latitude and east of the b'reser River, open season from Pap,e-6- Oot)ber 21st, 1924 to Ootober 31et, 1924, both dates inclusive. Blue Grouse, in the Western District, (except South Saanich and Highland Districts and Bowen island), open season from September 13th, 1924, to October 15th, 1924, both dates inclusive. In the Highland District, on Vancouver Island, open season from September 13th, 1924, to September 3Uth, 1924, both dates inclusive. Willow Grouse, in the ;le stern District, trEkilMMIaMktmlaxgt throughout the whole of Vancouver Island (except Oak Bay Munioipality South Seanioh and Highland Districts) and in the islands Electoral Distriotii, open season from November 1st, 1924, to November 30th, 1924, both dates inclusive. In the latiAlaimbi Distri ot , on Vancouver Island , open se ason from November 15th, 1924, to Hoye rther 3Uth, 1924, both dates inclusive. 'le stern Throughout the remainder if the/Dietriot,(exoept Point Grey Municipality), open season from uotober 15th, 1924, to uotober 31st, 1924, both dates inclusive. (1) Quail, in the Eastern District, in those portions thereof known as the Similkameen and South Okanagan Electoral Districts, open season from October 18th, 1924, to November 15th, 1924, both dates inclusive. (m) Pheasants, (except Golden and Silver eheasante), in the Eastern District, 000k birds only, in the Eaeotoral Districts of South Okanagan and Simikameen, (except that portion of the Similkameen Electoral District lying to the west of a line running due south from the boundary of the isle Electoral District to the source of Twenty mile Creek; thence following said Creek to it's outlet into the Similkameen River; thence following said Similkameen River in a south easterly kW direction to the East fork of the said River; thence in a southerly direction along the said East cork to the International boundary line), open season from uotober 18th, 1924, to November 15th, 1924, both dates inclusive. in that portion of the Eastern District known as the munioipality and District ..lanicipality of Salmon Arm, Cook Birds only, open season

1:11ZILX from uotober 18th, 1924, to November 9th, 1924, both dates i no las ive. Page-7- In that portion of the :;astern District known as the Electoral District of Borth FIkanagan, kexcept that part thereof lying to the East of the Coldstream „.unicipality), EN Cook Birds only, open season from November 1st, 1924, to November 9th, 19244: both dates inclusive.

in the Electoral District of Dillooet in that portion thereof along the Fraser River from Big Bar Creek on the north to Texas Creek on the South, extending a distance of ten miles on either side of the Fraser River, Oook Birds only, open season from uotober 18th, 1924, to uotober 31st, 1924, both dates inclusive. In the Western District, Cook Birds only, on Vancouver Island, (except uak Bay Lunioipality) luxidometiodoslExi and -al the mainland (except Point Gre:,. i..unicipality), and on Gabriola and Texada islands, open season from uotober 15th, 1924, to November 30th, l24, both date s inclusive. In the Western district, on Sidney, 1.1oresby, render, Mayne, Galiano, Saltspring, .uenman and Kornby islands, Cook Birds only, o.len season from Ootober 15th, 1924, to Deoember 31st, 1924, both dates inclusive. in the Western District, on Vitt Saltspring, Denman and hornby Islands, Hen Birds, open season from December 1st, 1924, to December 31st, 1924, both dates inclusive. (it) European cartridge, in the Western District, in that portion thereof situate and lying on the 1.iainland and known and defined as the Delta Municipality, open season from November 15th, 1924, to November 1924, both dates inclusive. in that portion of the islands 2leotoral District knorea and defined as ,4orth Saanioh, and those further portions of Vancouver island known and defined as South Saanioh and highland Districts, open season from uctober 15th, 1924, to uotober 31st, 1924, both dates inclusive. Bag Limits. in respect of big game throughout the xrovinoe as defined i i the "Game /lot," no person shall anywhere in the Northern and Eastern Distrilits kill or take or have in their possession during the open season more that two Deer, all of which must be of the meat sex, and in the ..astern Di strict kill or take or have in their possession during the open season more than three deer, all of which must be of the mile 1' age-8- sex; and no person shall kill or take of have in their possession inn during the open season more than three dear of any species other than Grizzly, and north of the main line of the k,anedian national railway, formerly known as the Grand Trunk 2aoifio :railway, two Grizzly Bear, and south of the said railway line, one Grizzly Bear. In that portion of the 2rovinoe north of the mein line of the Canadian Rational Railway, formerly known as the Grand Trunk raoitio Railway, no person shall at any time kill or take or have in the ir possession mou rtain- during the open season more than two/sheep of any one species or three altogether of the male sex. In the Bleotoral Districts of 'tirnie, uranbrook, and Columbia, and in the Cariboo and Lill,oet Electoral Districts, no person shall at any time kill or take or have in their possession during the open season more than one 1,1ountain-Sheep of the male sex. In that portion of the Yrovinoe situate and lying to the south and east of the main line of the Canadian National railway, formerly known as the Canadian Northern Railway, and north of the main line of the Canadian Inollio Railway, no person shall at any time kill or take or have in their possession during the open season more than one Caribou of the male sex. Throughout the 2rovinoe no person shall imam at any time kill or take or have in their possession during the open season more than two 1..ountain-Goat. Game Birds. No person shall in any district hereinaf'er designated kill or take on isir any one day any greater number of game birds than the daily bag limit hereinafter set out respectively; nor kill, take , or have in their possession during the entire open season any greater number of game birds than the total bag limit so set out:- !Astern District,- rheasants, (woke only: Daily bag limit 6; total bag limit, 25. In the Distriots where the season ai o en for the shooting of cook and hen pheasants: Daily bag limit, 6 of which only 2 shall be hens* jai LINK-4111114-V-244411--ttits witenalsa44-11.4-kette4Itt Bur)pean cartridge, Daily bag limit, 6; total beg limit, 25. Willow Grouse; total bag limit Grouse:- Daily bag limit, 5 Blue and 5

Page-9- 50 in the aggregate.

Baste rn District.- South Okanagan and Simia.ameen Eleotoral Districts and the winicipality and District 4,,unioipality of Salmon Arm: Pheasants, 000k birds only, 4 in one day, total bag limit, if-.") In the North Okanagan Alectoral District: Pheasants, cook birds only, 2 in one day, total bag limit , 8, quail, in the Similtameen and South Okanagan Electoral Districts: Daily bag limit, 10; total bag limit, 100. Grouse and Ptarmigan, (except Prairie-Chicken in the Eastern District), in the Northern and Eastern Districts: 6 Ix of one specie a or 12 of all species in one day; total beg limit, 50 in the aggregate. Prairie-Chicken, in the Eastern District where season is opened, ixtmommookin Daily bag limit , 3; total bag limit, 12. Throughout the Province: Ducks: Daily bag limit, 20; total bag limit, 150. Geese, Daily bag limit, 10; total bag limit 50. Brant, Daily bag limit, 10; total bag limit 50. Blaok-Breasted and Golden Plover and Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs: Daily beg limit, 15 in the aggregate of all kinds; total bag limit, 150 in the aggregate. Wilson Snipe: Daily bag limit, 25; total bag limit, 150 Coots, Daily bag limit, 25; total bag limit, 150. Every person aha _1, upon the request of any Constable or flame Warden, furnish satisfactory proof to him of the dates on which any big game or game birds were killed or taken. 2. The open seasons declared by these regulations shall not ap,Jly to the following parts of the Province, namely:- (a) Kaien Island, in the Prince Rupert Electoral District. kb) That portion of the Dewdney •....;lectoral District known as the Colony Farm. (o) Those portions of the Diatriot Municipality of Burnaby known respectively as the Uakalla .L'rison earn and Ventral Park. (d) That further portion of the District Ilulioipality of Burnaby bounded as follow a: Commencing at the Junction of Sperling Ave and the right-of-way of the dritish Columbia Sleotrio Railway Company, Limited; thence due north to the line of the Greet Northern Railway; theme following the said railway in an easterly direction to the Page-10-

Cariboo Road; the noe souther 1,- alon8 the Cariboo Road to the right- of-way of the British Columbia Eleo trio rteilway Company, Li cited; thence westerly along the line of the British Columbia Electric Railway Company, Limited to the point of Oommenoement. (e) That portion of :4naimo Harbour described as follows:- Between high-water mark on Vancouver Island and a line drawn as folJows:- Commencing at Bracken Voint, Departure Bay, near the City of Nanaimo; thence in an easterly direction ti the most westerly point of Newcastle Island; thence south-easterly to the most easterly point on islewoaptle Island; thence to the mce t westerly point on rroteotion Island; thence south-easterly to Gallow's ..oint on rroteotion Island; thence to deals roint on Vanoo aver Island; thence in a westerly direc- tion to Stevens and Wright's shingle -mill on Vancouver Island. (f) That portion of the Nelson District desofibed as follows:- Oommenoing on the north shore of the +lest Arm of Kootenay Lake at Willow roint Wharf; thence following the north shore Duhamel or Six-mile Creek Roads to the intersection of the said Duhamel Creek Road with 11114.44sloweliwur4ivit AsadAk-astlftms-,1 it the First feet Fork of Duhamel Creek; thence following the said First West Fork staziimaxixask to its source; thenoe in a southerly direotion following the divide between Duhamel Creek and the West Arm of Kootenay Lake and Grohman ureek to the mouth of the said Grohman Creek; thence following the north shore of the said West Arm of 400tenay Lake to the point of cop; ianoenwnt. 3. The prohibitions declared by Subsection (1) of section 34 of the "Game Aot," as to the buying, selling, and having in possession of big game and game birds, so far as the same relate to game lawfully killed or taken, are hereby removed to the extent and within tt.e periods and limits and subject to the provisions hereinafter set out as f ollow s:- (a) Moose and Caribou, bulls over one year of age, in the Eleotoral Districts of Atlin and icasztxtiarli ()mime's, from tisk uotober 1st, 1924, to .Ueoember 15th, 1924, both dates inclusive.

(b) Bear, in the .,orthern District, from September 1st, 1924, to dune 30th, 1925, both dates inclusive; and in the Eastern District, from September 15th, 1924, to June 30th, 1925, both dates inclusive.


4. The open seasons declared by these regulations shall not aplay to the hunting, taking, or having in possession of 4uail, itheasants, rrairie -Ohioken(Sharp-taile d Grouse), or _'artridges when snow is on the ground.

A. M. MANS► I, Atto e y-Ganeral. Dap artment of Attorney-Genera 1,

Victoria, , 9 • • • • • • 1924,

Victoria, 13.C.: .rinted by C.F.janfield, rrin r to the King's Lost Sacellent ;via,jeaty.

A PERSONAL b1SSAGE FP,0 LI THE GALE CO ISERVAT ION BOARD. for DON'T destroy fences or property of the AMER and always ask/permission to si,00t over his property. DON'T shoot unless you olearly se e and are sure of what you are shooting at; it may be a Doe, a Cow, or MAN. DON'T go hunting until you are moque tad with the Game Laws. DON'T shoot harmless wild life. rrr , tioe on urows, ktagpies, Coopers and sharp-shinned hawks, and Gres Horned. Owls. They do more harm than good. DON'T forget to report violations of the Game Act to the nearest Game irarden or Provincial Constable as by this means better protection can be afforded the game and you ill have better shooting. DON'T destroy advertising or ot er signs posted in the district in which you are hunting. DON'T enter a boat or oar wit a loadedfitun or ft rifle. DON'T disoharge firearms fro • an automobile or other vehicle as it is a very dangerous prao oe and is against the law. DON'T forget to leave a ale n camp and a clean record.; you may want to owns book. DON'T throw lighted cigar or cigarette butte in the bush or leave lighted. fires in the camp. 2ROLECT your FOSEJTS and you GAMS. BR a sportsman- not Jus a cheap sport. REPORT all fires to th nearest Fire Warden, Game Warden, or 4:rovinoial Constable.

ALWAYS R UNLAWFUL TO use any atitoma io, swivel, or machine gun or battery or any gun larger than a 10-gau s, or a pump gun without a permanent plug. TO allow any do to run deer at any time or to run at large hunting game birds betwe the 15th of April and the 15th of August, both gates inclusive. TO hunt game of any kind from one hour after sanest to one hour before sunrise. TO carry lo ed firearms in or discharge same from an automobile or any other v iole, either on or ()VII a highway. TO carry rearms in an automobile, launch, sail-boat, or power boat during the o se season on game without be ing in possession of a permit issue d by t Game Conservation Board. TO hunt pheasants, prairie-chicken, quail, or partridge when snow is on the, ground. TO place or set poison for the taking or killing of any game. TO use pit lamps or lights of any d esoription at any time for the purpose of hunting game birds or anirals. TO remove the head from a de er which has been killed until such deer has been taken to place of consumption or to transport a deer without the dead on. TO oarryte firearms or traps without a licence. TO trap bear. Page-12-

TO hunt game birds from any sail-boat, power boat or areoplane. TO use any other person's lioenoe or to loan or transtex-why lioenoe under any oiroumstance a. TO hant on game reserves, bird sanotuaries, or other preeoribed areas. TO hunt game birds from an automobile or any other vehiole either on or off a highway.

NOTE: It is desired that g1YMigratory Birds, either shot or taken, bearing a leg band-be reported to the came conservation Board, giving the nymber of band, kind of bird, and looalitj where shot or talen and the date. TIM Electoral istriots mentioned in this Order-in-Counoil apply to the New Electoral Distriots(Provinoial). 11101184.,0114107111k150 ‘ftesel4434.4*