958 A 7/ Approved and ordered this day of , A. D. 192 4 c Jeulenant Governor. At the Executive Council Chamber, Victoria, PRESENT: The Honourable in the Chair. Mr.Ulivrr Mr•Sloan Mr...;uthorlanti Mr.-,.,neon Mr•J‘Arrow icL9fm Mr•rlt, tul lo Mr. To His Honour The Lieutenant-Governor in Council: The undersigned has the honour to THAT under the provisions of Chapter 33 of the statutes of British Columbia, 1914, "Game dot", the subjoined Game Regu- lations for the year 1924 be made and promulgated. • $. • AND THAT the regulations made by Order-in-Council ..,o.755 on the dth day of July, 1924, be rescinded. 4' JATED this . day of August, A.). 1924 L-1L Attorney-General. APPROVED this g day or August', A.1). 1924. Presiding Lember of the Executive Council, krovinoial GJvernment Coat of Arm.6. GALE LATIOUS-1924. "GAME ACT." PURSUANT to the °visions of this Act, the Lieutenant-Governor in Counoil h een pleased to rescind the Game Regulations approved on t 8th day of July, 1924, under Order-in-Counoil No. 755, and tituta_tliarafara_th-e-Lalloallag-e-- Game Regulations-1924. 1. The prohibitions declared by Section 9 of the "Game Aot," being chapter 33 of the Statutes of 1914, as to the hunting, trapping, taking, wounding, and killing of game, are, subject to the provisions of Section 2 of these regulations, hereby removed to the extent and within the periods and limits and subject to the provisions hereinafter set out respectively, as follows:- For the purpose of defining the open seasons for big game, game birds, and trapping of fur-bearing animals, the rrovinoe shall be divided into three districts, to be known as the Northern, Eastern, and Western Distriots:- "Northern District" shall mean and include the Electoral Distriot of Atlin and all that portion of the rrovinoe situate and lying to the north of the mein line of the canadian stational Railway, formerly known as the Grand Trunk eaoific Railway, and to the east of the summit of the Cascade Mountains. "Eastern District" shall mean and include all that portion of the rrovinoe situate and lying to the east of the summit of the Cascade MJuntains and south of the main line of the Canadian National Railway, formerly known as the Grand Trunk raoifio Railway. "Western District" shall mean and include all that portion of the Province situate and lying to the west of the summit of the Cascade Mountains and south of the Electoral District of Atlin. Big Game. (a) MOOSE, of the male sex, in the Electoral Districts of Atlin, Fort George, and Omineoa, north of the main line of the Canadian liational Railway, formerly known as the Grand 'trunk reoifio Railway, open season from September let, 1924, to December 15th, 1924, both dates inclusive. Page-2- in the Eleotoral District of Cariboo and those portions of the ()mimes and Fort ueorge Eleotoral Districts situate and lying to the south of the main line of the Canadian National Railway, formerly known as the Grand Trunk r seine Railway, open season from September let, 1924, to December 15th, 1924, both dates inolusive. In the Electoral District of Columbia open season from October let, 1924, to October 31st, 1924, both dates inclusive. (b) CARIBOU, of the ma:e3, sex, throughout the erovinoe, except Queen Charlotte Islands and except all that portion of the rrovinoe lying to the south and east of the main line of the Canadian ,rational Railway, formerly known as the Canadian Northern hallway, open season from September 1st, 1924, to December 15th, 1924, both dates inclusive. In that portion of the pinvince situate and lying in the Eastern District south and oast of the main line of the vanadian National Railway, formerly known as the Canadian Northern ttailway, and north of the mein line of the Canadian xacifio Railway, open season from September 15th, 1924, to uotober 15th, 1924, both dates inclusive. (c) WAPITI(Elk), of the male sex, in the Eleotoral Districts of Yernie , Cranbrook and Columbia, open season from uctober 11th, 1924, to cotober 25th, 1924, both dates inclusive. (d) MOUNTAIN-SHEEt•, of the male sex, in that portion of the erovinoe north of the main line of the Canadian 1:ational stailway, formerly known as the grand Trunk racific Railway, open season from September let, 1924, to November 15th, 1924, both dates inclusive. In the Electoral Districts of Yernie , Uranbrook, and Columbia, open season from uotober 1st, 1924, to november 15th, 1924, both dates inolueive. in that portion of the Electoral District of Cariboo situate and lying south of the 52nd parallel of latitude and west of the Eraser laver, and that portion of the 'Electoral District of Lillooet situate and lying to the west of the Eraser Aver, open season from September 1st, 1924, to November 15th, 1924, both dates inoluwive. (e) h MITAIN-GOAT, throughout the Eastern and Northern Districts, except that portion of the Eastern District south of the mein line of the Canadian eacific =railway, open season from September let, 1924, to Page -3- December 15th, 1924, both dates inclusive. in that portion of the Eastern District south of the main line of the Canadian racifio Railway, open season from September 15th, 1924, to Deoember 15th, 1924, both dates inclusive. in the Western District, open season from Spptember 13th, 1924, to November 30th, 1924, both dates inclusive. (f) BEAR, throughout the Northern District, open season from September let, 1924, to June 3uth, 1925, both dates inclusive. Throughout the Eastern District, open Beason from September 15th, 1924, to Jane 30th, 1925, both dates inclusive. Throughout the Western District, except that portion thereof known and defined as Vancouver island, open season from September let, 1924, to Jane 15th, 1925, both dates inclusive. In that portion of the olestern District, known as Vancouver island, open season from i“nrember let, 1924, to 1.1ay 31st, 1925, both dates inclusive. Provided that no Bear shall be trapped in any part of the erovinoe (g) MR, (Mule, White-tail and ;;oast), Bucks Only, throughout the Northern and liastern Districts, (except White-tail Deer in that portion of the Eastern District known as North and South Okanagan and Similkameen Electoral Districts and An the Grand-torks-Greenwood Electoral District, west of the summit of the Midway Lountains), open season from September 15th, 1924, to December 15th, 1924, both dates inclusive. In the Wes§ern District, Buoks only, except on 4,ueen Charlotte Islands and those portions of Vancouver island, known as North and South Saanioh and Highland Districts, open season from September 13th, 1924, to November 30th, 1924, both dates inclusive. in that portion of Vanoouver Island known and defined as the Highland District, open season from September 13th, 1924, to September 30th, 1924, both dates inclusive. Eur-searing animals. 0) In the Northern and Eastern Districts, all fur-bearing animals(except Beaver), north of the main line of the canadian raolfio rtailway, open season from November 15th, 1924, to April 30th, 1925, both dates ino lusi ye . Page -4- Beaver, in Irterkmoxrtkomccdt the Northern District and in the Eleotoral Districts of Skeena, Mackenzie, eariboo, Omineca, and Port George situate and lying in the Eastern District, open season from November 15th, 1924, to April 30th, 1925, both dates inclusive. in that portion of the Eastern District south of the main line of the Uanadian liaolfio Railway there shall be a close season on all fur-bearing animals, except in regard to Musk-rate in the Columbia Electoral District. Musk-rats, in the Columbia Eleotoral District situate and lying in the Eastern District, open season from January let, 1925, to April 30th, 1925, both dates inclusive. in the Western District, all furpbearing animals, except Beaver, March 31st , open season from December let, 1924, to/textbadttk,/1925, both date s inclusive. Beaver, in that portion of the Western District known as the Prince Rupert, Skeen., and Mackenzie Hleotoral Districts, open season from December 1st, 1924, to March 31st, 1925, both dates in- clusive. Further, for the purpose of describing the Highland District, mentioned in these regulations, the same is hereby defined as folio's:- "Starting at the Junction of the Finlayson Arm Road and the Malahat Highway; thence south along the 14alahat and island highway ga to Atkin Road; thence east along Atkin Road to Thetis Lake Road; thence north along Curtis Lake Road. to triunnte Road; xinokex thence easterly and southerly along Munnts Road to Prospeot Lake Road; thence along tirospect Lake Road north and east to the interurban line of the British Columbia Eleatrio Railway; thence along said railway to Tod. Inlet Road; theme along Tod. inlet Road to Saanioh Arm; thence along Saanioh Arm to Gold- stream Creek; thence following Goldstream Creek to the Finlayson Arm Road; thence along tinlayson Arm Read to the idalahat Highway. Game Birds. (i) Ducks (except Wood and Eider Ducks), Wilson Snipe, Coots, Black- breasted and Golden Plover, Greater and .Lesser Yellowlegs, in the Northern and Eastern Districts, open season from the 15th day of September, tlikikTrzt in any year to a date three months and fifteen days later, botth dates inclusive- namely, September 15th, 1924, to December 30th, 1924. Page05- In the 'Se stern Di strict in that portion of the *it! stern District to the north of the 53rd parallel of latitude), ope season from the first Saturday ne::t following September 7th in any year to a date three months and fifteen days later, both dates inclusive--namely, September 13th, 1924, to December 28th, 1924. in the Western District (in that portion of the Western District to the south of the 53rd parallel of latitude), open season from October 15th, 1924, to January 29th, 1925, both dates inclusive.
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