ESA Biological Assessment

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ESA Biological Assessment c s x N I K u E 0 0 SAINT LAWRENCE N G Alaska n -2 ISLAND ia Highway ss ne Goodnews Bay Unalakleet!( sive economu Zo & S N D MAP A MAPR i cB N O R T O N S OE U !( Healy om A !( n To Asia Ports co Saint Paul Tok e SAINT MICH AEL !( !( ISLAN D R E Attu Island Alas E U Saint George V k c n Y Cantwell o !( B A I i !( O L !( n t P as t o l B ay B R I S T R e o d m S & i c t Nikolai a To Asia Ports McGrath Z t !( o e !( y n s a hw gi e E N H ( x False Pass !( O !( s A k K c r !( a Gulkana la lu Scammon P s s King U !( k Y iv Sca m m on B ay Bay e hway a ig Tanaga Island Unimak Pass Talkeetna !( H (! nn ) Gle -200 !( !( Scammon Bay Cove !( Holy Cross Yenlo R ic h Russian r !( Unalaska a Hills e e r Pa s s ga al ga Pa s s v v d N Adak i s Hooper Bay o n a mS R M !( Hooper Bay Mission H oope r B a y Ye a H n n i tn t g Project Feature i !( a h s w u a Saint Matthew S y R Willow !( y i le Island v al !( e V Sleetmute r a !( k s n u a McCarthy !( at Chitina Wasilla !( M !( Palmer Excl usive Economic Zone Boundary (EEZ) C O P Valdez P Maritime Travel Routes E R Anchorage H a z e n B a y R !( E Knik Arm !( V R Ba I ird I V I nl E et R Tyonek Turnagain Arm R Concentrate Bu lk Vessels Bethel !( Unawik Inlet Valdez Arm T Eaglek Bay AY !( LO Port Wells R Port Fidalgo M Eto lin Str ai t OU NTAINS y a M w I h ig Cordova Port Gravina Supply Ba rges W W Forelest T H O r c a B a y K and Nikiski L !( U d O r e a P r i n c e W i l l i a m g A a !( A w s K e t s F S a S o u n d S Kenai L P e d l n a U l U s I Ba y of I sl e s n !( t NUNIVAK K S h Nikiski to g I i U p n u k n N K ISLAND La k e I S HINCHINBROOK E ISLAND C h i k u m i n u k N G Diamond Port t La k e Wingham Island E N i A a P r Tu t stu m R S en a Seward k Kayak Island L e r a u B e o k La k e C h a u e k u k t u l i e v g i !( a Cape Saint Elias R & o I t R n y o Diamond Point Port C E a A B M D n Nuyakuk Lake o i E R t N c d MONTAGUE e n r a u r n r bo r a ay HD S o e t O r a u v ISLAND h E s g i n y lc B e i R R u R a M l y B C hi ni t n a B ay K B To West Coast Ports Aial ik Bay R m Iliamna i k w !( Homer Harris Bay o Middleton Island s k K u !( I y a k k e Ka ch e m a k B a a L a ag mn Seldovia h a us li N N I Augustine Goodnews Bay !( Island Nuka Bay Point G !( Togiak R i v er Bede Ka m i s h a k B a y k !( a h Dillingham c i C v huga K ch Isla nds !( K e n n e d S y E n t r a n c e Cape Newenham Cape Barren Islands Kulukak Bay Douglas E S t e Naknek v en son En tra !( nce GULF O F Hagemeister !( A Island King Salmon To West Coast Ports Nu s h a g a k B a y Kvichak Bay Shuyak Island Cape Current AFOGNAK A L A S K A ISLAND Saint Paul t !( i & a Ma r m ot B ay Bec harof L ak e Katmai Bay r t PRIBILOF ISLANDS S f Kodiak !( Pual C hi ni ak e B o ay Uyak Bay B ay Saint George Y k !( B A l i Cape Igvak e Ugak Bay Narrow L A h Cape O Wide B ay I S T S B R Kiliuda Bay L Agripina B ay K O D I A K U Sitkalidak I S L A N D Island Chiginagak Bay P o r t S H e i d e n y kBay N tiAl a Aniakchak Bay I Kujulik Bay MAP A MAP C M Sitkinak N Island -200 N Chignik N ka) N D S s Y I S LA la N I T R I A E !( T A ( ne P E o MAP B Devils Ba y Z Port Moller C ic Mitrofania A Island m C a ay th e d A B O o r m a ak l e r i R c n i a K v n e Stepov r B a a o S y C c King Sand Point E C o l I Bechevin Bay d A B a e y !( v Cove Pavlof Islands F i ³ L s M o !( r I u z h l o A v i Unga Island B c a a Miles !( y False Pass Deer Island C x E Shumagin Islands A s U e 0 50 100 150 200 n t i m Akutan Bay a a k t P P Akutan a UNIMAK ISLAND Unimak Passss Sanak Island S Island d Sanak Islands !( e Scale 1:5,500,000 it !( & Gulkana McCarthyn MAP C Ma ku s hi n Ba y Unalaska U !( To Asia Ports UMNAK ISLAND Valdez Inanudak Bay !( CANADA Un aw ki let I n Figure: U m n ak P a ss NAD 1983 StatePlane S UNALASKA ISLAND P r i n c e W i l l i a m IN S o u n d !( NTA MOU Y R A OU S B Skagway F T !( Alaska 5 FIPS 5005 OF A Yakutat T & U DS P a ss A K Y D To West (! N Haines Seward Meridian Chuginadak Sam alg a Juneau 13 Yunaska Island A Coast Ports Island L !( S I O X F SUPPLY BARGES AND CONCENTRATE A S K A Sitka F A L !( F O BULK VESSEL TRAVEL ROUTES - COOK U L To West Coast Ports O C E A N Ketchikan INLET, GULF OF ALASKA, ALEUTIANS, F I C !( C I P A PACIFIC OCEAN AND BERING SEA & NMFS Biological Assessment File: PLPNMFS_027 Date: 5/11/2020 Revision: 02 Author: ORNRC .
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