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Energy Procedia 104 ( 2016 ) 129 – 134

CUE2016-Applied Energy Symposium and Forum 2016: Low carbon cities & urban energy systems Wetland dynamic and ecological compensation of the Yellow River Delta based on RS

HAN Mei , YU Haozhe College of Geography and Environment, Normal University, 250014,


This paper selects Landsat-5 TM remote sensing images in 2001 and 2008, field investigation, the department visits and other methods as the date source. Based on these datas, the types of the wetland, changes in wetland area and the value of wetland are obtained. And then, we estimated the loss of market value and ecological function value which caused by reduction of wetland area and the environmental pollution with the methods of market value, ecological value, cost of environmental protection investment and outcome parameters. Therefore, we made the fund allocation of wetland compensation and calculated ecological compensation standards of wetland, provided an important reference for Yellow River Delta′s eco-compensation.

© 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license © 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of CUE Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the Applied Energy Symposium and Forum, CUE2016: Low carbon

cities and urban energy systems. Keywords:Wetland; ecological compensation; RS; compensation standards; Yellow River Delta;

1. Introduction

In recent years, ecological compensation is concerned more and more by domestic and foreign scholars. Many foreign scholars have done a lot of research in the concepts, mechanisms, models and standards of ecological compensation. Cuperus R, Bakermans M M and De Haes H A, et al (2001) believed that ecological compensation is the alternative measure of impaired ecological function or quality [1]. Heimlich, R.E. (2002) and Scherr S J, White A, Kaimowitz D (2004) studied the models of ecological compensation in the areas of America, Mexico and Brazil[2-3]. Alix-Garcia J, Janvry A D and Sadoulet E (2004) studied the forest ecological compensation mechanism in Mexico[4]. Austen E and Hanson A

Fund: National Natural Science Foundation of China (41371517); Shandong province key science and technology program (2013GSF11706) *Corresponding author: Mei (1963-), female, Professor, doctoral tutor, mainly engaged in environmental evolution and sustainable development and assessment of water resources and wetlands. E-mail:[email protected]

1876-6102 © 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the Applied Energy Symposium and Forum, CUE2016: Low carbon cities and urban energy systems. doi: 10.1016/j.egypro.2016.12.023 130 Han Mei and Yu Haozhe / Energy Procedia 104 ( 2016 ) 129 – 134

(2008) studied the Principles and mechanisms of ecological compensation in Cnanda[5]. Al-Ghais S M and Pearson W H (2008) established a program of ecological compensation in the UAE water area [6]. In China, we began to study the ecological compensation in 1980s. Right now, the study direction is transforming from ecological compensation mechanism of macro-policy to quantitative study with mathematical models. For example, SHI Y S (1999) studied the river ecological compensation mechanism[7]; ZHAO W H and LI H X (1999) proposed the initial idea of forest ecological compensation tax[8]; MAO X Q (2002) investigated the compensation standards[9]; HUA G D and CAI Z J (2004) constructed a model of forest ecological compensation[10]; LIU Y L (2006) established a model of ecological compensation in Xinanjiang upstream area[11]; MAO F (2006) studied the mechanisms and guidelines of ecological compensation[12]; LIU Q (2006) studied the ecological compensation mechanism in Jiangheyuan [13]; LAI L (2008) studied the methods of ecological compensation[14]. There are some research on the Yellow River Detla Wetland focused on biodiversity, ecosystem function and restoration, ecological water requirements and ecological value. For example, CUI B S (2005) studied on ecological water requirements[15]; XING S J (2005) studied on ecosystem function and restoration[16]; HAN M (2009) studied on ecological value[17]. Despite many scholars have done much research, there still are much work to do about quantitative methods and standards of ecological compensation. The authors believe that the quantitative study of wetland ecological compensation should combined with the regional characteristics of the ecosystem, only in this way can make compensation standards suited to local conditions.

2. The purpose and significance

The Yellow River is the mother of the Chinese nation. The delta wetland located in the Yellow River estuary is the youngest and the most typical delta wetland in the world. Because of its unique indigeneity, growth, vulnerability and extremely high scientific research value, the wetland draws extensive concern from both the domestic and foreign wetland organizations and experts, and is a research focus of global wetland ecology. But the former research of the Yellow River Delta wetland ecological has focused on the evolution of ecological systems, ecosystem health, ecosystem service value, ecosystem restoration etc, the quantitative analysis of ecological compensation is little. The scope of this study takes Ninghai as the apex, with the southeast to the Zhimai estuary, the northwest to the Tuhai River (Taoer River) estuary. The entire fan-shaped area amounts to more than 5400 square kilometers. The geographic coordinate is between longitude 118° 07' - 119° 23' E and latitude 36° 55' - 38° 16' N (Figure 1). The administrative area includes Kenli County, , District, a part of Guangrao and , four townships of Zhanhua County and a small part of . 93% area of the Yellow River Delta is in Dongying City and 7% area is in City, so the scope of this study area is the administrative area in Dongying City.

Han Mei and Yu Haozhe / Energy Procedia 104 ( 2016 ) 129 – 134 131

Figure 1 Location map of wetlands in the Yellow River Delta Yellow River Delta Wetland area is vast, diverse and species-rich ecological powerful, is an important bird migration, "transfer station, wintering habitat and breeding grounds",in landlocked and Northeast Asia, Western Pacific area. But in recent years, wetland area has shrunk dramatically, seriously damaged the ecosystem and ecological function decline due to natural and man-made factors. Therefore, establishing reasonable standards and wetland ecological compensation programs, for the rational development and protection of wetland ecosystems is of great significance.

3. Data sources and calculation method

3.1. Data sources

In this paper, the data come from remote sensing interpretation, the relevant statistical data, field investigation and the department visits. It mainly include Landsat-5 TM remote sensing images in 2001 and 2008, “Land Use Planning of Dongying City (2006-2020)”, “Statistical Yearbook of Shandong (2001-2008)”, “Fishery Statistical Yearbook of Shandong (2001-2008)”, “Statistical Yearbook of Dongying City (2001-2008)”, “Fishery Statistical Yearbook of Dongying City (2001-2008)”, “Environment Bulletin of Shengli Oilfield (2001-2008)” and field investigation data.

Interpretation of remote sensing image and area of wetland type

This paper selects remote sensing images, based on geometric correction, band combination and image enhancement of remote sensing images to identify each wetland types’ tone, texture, shape and other interpreting signs. Meanwhile it takes the object-oriented classification method and uses ERDAS software to classify wetlands of the study area automatically. Additionally, in order to improve the accuracy of automatic classification, using artificial methods of visual interpretation, through the ARCMAP software to modify, refine and supplement the wetlands automatic classification results, resulting in getting the data of types of wetlands, an area, vegetation types, and their spatial and temporal changes in 2001 and 2008, which provides a reliable data resources to estimate wetland ecological value and to formulate ecological compensation standard. Fordetails see attached table 1, table 2.

Table 1 Remote sensing images in this study

Type Satellite Track number spatial resolution Time

TM Landsat5 121/34 30m 2001.07.16

TM Landsat5 121/34 30m 2008.07.03

Table 2 Categories and areas of wetland in the study area (unit: hm2)

Wetland categories Areas of wetland (2001) Areas of wetland (2008) Area changes of wetlands River wetland 15912 15901 -11 Natural wetland Tidal flat wetland 106579 90880 -15699 Reed Wetland 34483 41590 +7107 Woodland shrub wetland 9 952 9082 -870 Reservoir wetland 22326 22527 +201 Artificial wetland Pit pond wetland 24105 21826 -2 279 Ditch wetland 52069 35150 -16919 132 Han Mei and Yu Haozhe / Energy Procedia 104 ( 2016 ) 129 – 134

Rice paddy wetland 20998 17284 -3714 Total 286424 254240 -32184 The results of remote sensing interpretation show that: ķThe total study area increases in a fluctuating tendency, which is mainly due to the Yellow River carrying sediment deposited in the estuary. ĸThe wetland of study area display obvious changes in time and space and the general trend is degenerated and decreased from 2001 to 2008. ĹFrom the first stage of wetland styles, artificial wetlands tend to increase, and natural wetlands tend to decrease. This is mainly due to that the part of the natural beach, reed and so on transform into artificial salt pan, breed surface, etc. Although a lot of unused land transform into construction land in the non-wetland, the transformation between non-wetland and wetland is less. ĺthe reduced speed of area in the top four were tidal flat wetland, reed wetland, marshy grassland wetland, woodland shrub wetland.

3.2. Calculation method

This article calculates wetland ecological compensation from two aspects of ecological destruction and environmental pollution based on the dynamic change of wetland data from 2001~2008. It uses the methods of market value, cost of environmental protection investment etc. The eco-compensation standards are the average of compensation. The formula is as follows:


Where EC is the eco-compensation of wetland, EC1 is the loss of wetland ecological damage and EC2 is the loss of wetland environmental pollution. The eco-compensation includes the loss of wetland ecological damage and environmental pollution. The loss of wetland ecological damage refers to the loss caused by reduction of wetland area. It is by natural and man-made factors. The loss of environmental damage is the loss of wetland ecosystem which is caused by industrial pollution, particularly Shengli Oilfield.

4. Data sources and calculation method

We obtain the allocation of compensation fund of Rice paddy wetland, Tidal flat wetland, Ditch wetland and Pit pond wetland according to the loss of market value and the percentage of reductive wetland area (Table 3). The compensation standard is 4381 Yuan/ hm2·a.

Table 3 Allocation of ecological compensation fund based on the market value

Reductive percentage Allocation of fund Compensation fund per Wetland categories Lost area(hm2) ˄%˅ ˄108 Yuan˅ year˄108 Yuan˅

Rice paddy wetland 3 714 9.62 1.302 0.163 Tidal flat wetland 15 699 40.66 5.502 0.688 Ditch wetland 16 919 43.82 5.929 0.741 Pit pond wetland 2 279 5.90 0.798 0.099 Total area 38 611 100 13.531 1.691 Han Mei and Yu Haozhe / Energy Procedia 104 ( 2016 ) 129 – 134 133

We obtain the allocation of compensation fund of every kind wetland according to the loss of ecosystem services value and the percentage of reductive wetland area (Table 4). The compensation standard is 6599 RMB/hm2·a.

Table 4 The allocation of ecological compensation fund based on the ecosystem services value

Reductive Area of 2001 Area of 2008 Lost area Allocation of fund Compensation fund Wetland categories percentage (hm2) (hm2) (hm2) (108 Yuan) per year (108 Yuan) (%) River wetland 15 912 15 901 11 0.028 0.01 0.002 Tidal flat wetland 106 579 90 880 15 699 39.752 8.29 1.036

Woodland shrub wetland 9 952 9 082 870 2.203 0.46 0.058

Pit pond wetland 24 105 21 826 2 279 5.771 1.2 0.151 Ditch wetland 52 069 35 150 16 919 42.842 8.93 1.116 Rice paddy wetland 20 998 17284 3 714 9.404 1.96 0.245 Total area 286 424 254 240 39 492 100 20.85 2.606

5. Conclusions

(1)The area of wetland in the Yellow River Delta decreased rapidly from 2001 to 2008, thus selecting this time slot to study the compensation of wetland. (2)The ecological compensation of wetlands includes the loss of ecological destruction and environmental pollution. From 2001 to 2008, the lost market values of ecological destruction and environmental pollution are 1.3167 billion and 0.0364 billion, respectively; the total lost market value is 1.3531 billion. The lost ecosystem services value is 2.085 billion and the lost value of ecosystem services is far greater than the lost market value. Thus, the compensation of ecosystem services is far greater than the compensation of market value and the compensation standard of ecosystem services is far greater than the standard of market value. (3)The lost areas of ditch wetland, tidal flat wetland, pit pond wetland and rice paddy wetland in 2008 are more than 2001, whose compensation according to the market value are 74.1, 68.8, 16.3 and 9.9 million/year, respectively. The compensation according to the ecosystem services value are 111.6, 103.6, 24.5 and 15.1 million/year, respectively. (4)Based on the loss of the market value and the ecosystem services value, the ecological compensation standards are respectively formulated which is 4 381 Yuan/ha•a according to the market value and is 6 599 Yuan/ha•a according to the ecosystem services value, respectively.


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Mei Han, female, born in City in 1963, professor, doctoral tutor, mainly engaged in environmental evolution, wetland ecology, hydrology and water resources research. Educational .Prof. Han is the committee member of Shandong Province Forest Resources Evaluation Committee and Marine Engineering Advisory Committee and has been rewarded as Shandong Province Press and Publication Award.