METROPOLITAN HOSPITAL SUNDAY FUND.-ASYLUM REPORTS. 103 Lucas to be re-elected and Mr. Harrison Cripps to be elected METROPOLITAN HOSPITAL SUNDAY members of the Council. FUND. In all 981 Fellows voted, eight only voting in person, but 11 voting papers had to be rejected, nine arriving after the election had commenced and invalid. THE following are some of the principal amounts, addi- two being tional to those already announced in THE LANCET, received Mr. H. J. Price and Mr. W. Haig Brodie acted as scrutineers. at the Mansion House or notified directly to us as having been collected on behalf of the Metropolitan Hospital Sunday Fund up to Monday, when the sum paid in was about ASYLUM REPORTS. £34,000 :- £ s. d. Christ Church, Lancaster-gate ........, .., ... 1001 0 0 Barnieood House the Insane St. Pont-street 241 00 Ifospital for (Annual, Report- Columba, .................. the Year number of in Westminster Chapel, Buckingham Gate ......... 209 0 0 ,for 1908).-The average patients St. Stephen’s, South Dulwich ............ 170 00 residence for the year 1908 was 152. 31 patients were St. Mark’s, North ............ 121 0 0 Audley-street admitted. 25 patients were discharged, 11 of them having Union Chapel, Islington ............... 118 00 recovered. The rate on the total number under Brompton Parish Church .................. 111 0 0 recovery St. Andrew’s, Leytonatone .................. 110 00 treatment was 6’4 per cent. The deaths were seven in St. Peter’s, 104 0 0 Bayswater................., .., number, the rate on the average number resident being St. Paul’s, Beckenham .................. 102 00 St. Leonard’s and All Saints’, Streatham ..
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