Garrett Bugle Internet Edition
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e-Bugle Garrett Bugle Internet Edition Volume 63 January 2016 No. 1 Calendar Wed., Dec. 23 Pick up your Bugle at Penn Place Mon., Jan. 11 Town Council meeting, Town Hall, 7:30 pm Thurs., Dec. 24 Town Office closes 12:30 pm Tues., Jan. 12 Lunch Bunch, Town Hall, 12:30 Fri., Dec. 25 Christmas Day; Town Office pm; Bugle deadline, 4 pm closed Thurs., Jan. 14 GPJams, Town Hall, 8 pm Sat., Dec. 26 No farmer’s market Fri., Jan. 15 Film Society, Casting By, Town Thurs., Dec. 31 Town Office closes 12:30 pm Hall: dinner 7 pm, film 8 pm Fri., Jan. 1 New Year’s Day; Town Office (see p 3) closed Sun., Jan. 17 Art at Penn Place, Joe Cloher, Sat., Jan. 2 No farmer’s market digital photography (till Feb. 13) (see p 5) Mon., Jan. 4 Yard waste and Christmas tree pickup; Citizens Sidewalk Advi- Wed., Jan. 20 Town Council hearing on side- sory Committee meeting, Town walk project, Town Hall, 8 pm Office, 7 pm Thurs., Jan. 21 GPJams, Town Hall, 8 pm Thurs., Jan. 7 GPJams, Town Hall, 8 pm Fri., Jan. 22 Pick up Bugle from table in PO Sat., Jan. 9 Large item pickup; GIVES collec- lobby tion, Penn Place, 9 am to noon Sun., Jan. 24 Art at Penn Place: Youth Art Sun., Jan. 10 Art at Penn Place: Youth Art “story box” workshop, Town “story box” workshop, Town Hall, 2 to 4 pm (see p 5) Hall, 2 to 4 pm; “Meet-the- Tues., Jan. 26 Town Council hearing on side- Artist” reception, glass artist walk Project, Town Hall, 8 pm Margaret O’Brimski-Bonacorda, Penn Place, 3 to 5 pm (show Sat., Jan. 30 Town Dinner, Town Hall, 6 pm open till Jan. 16; see p 5) (see p 4) Known Knowns, Known Unknowns, and Unknown Unknowns The December Town Council meeting began out total assurance about where things are going with desserts (cookies, brownies, apple crisp) and to go. Kacky Chantry pointed out that after this comments about current legislative activity from latest round of road work, “We did indeed decide state representatives Ana Sol Gutierrez and Al to look at the process to see if there are places Carr. Both took questions from the room about when we can improve things.” Maryland’s “green” initiatives and the possibili- Margaret Goldsborough now rose to thank ties for connecting with other towns whose tree “both the members of Arboretum Committee canopies are, like ours, aging. who moved the tulip poplar removal issue for- Citizens’ comments began with Barbara Jack- ward, and the members of the Town Council who son expressing concern about the town having expedited the process. We’re very happy, and we moved ahead with some recent road work despite thank you.” Kristin Altar asked that we show this not knowing exactly what the end point of the same sort of consideration and input regarding work might be. Councilmember Joanna Welch sidewalks, which, she argued, “has not happened remarked that this was pretty routine procedure with contract work; you sometimes proceed with- (continued next page) (continued from previous page) know what the picture of this budget’s looking up to this point. Alternatives, for instance, are not like.” being considered.” “We’re not going to know the cost,” the Mayor After citizen comments, the Mayor announced responded, “until we have a bid.” that we now have a new version of the proposed Dick Pratt now said that the Sidewalks Advi- sidewalks work. This document is very detailed, sory Committee “will be concerned about its role and is easily accessible to all citizens. The entire at this point. If the committee looks at these plans project is done on the town right of way, and the and sees things it thinks should be tweaked one town is meeting one-on-one with the people who way or another, is the committee going to be lis- would be affected by the work. “We’re propos- tened to, or are the plans fixed in that regard?” ing two public hearings dedicated to the question of whether or not the sidewalk project should The Mayor responded that these particular move forward. After those meetings, we propose plans will not be changed until after the next set having a Council vote.” The proposed dates for of reviews. public hearings were Wednesday, January 20, and There were more comments, from the Council Tuesday, January 26. and from the audience, expressing discomfort There will be, at these meetings, an opportu- with our relative lack of control over this project, nity for the town to discuss, and to weigh in on, and arguing that the town has not adequately the concept of sidewalks, potential problems with explored alternatives to sidewalks. Tara Flynn sidewalks, and any other issues people have with took exception to the latter claim. “The Council the idea. has considered the alternatives that have been suggested, and will continue to do so.” An extended discussion now ensued as to where we are now on proposed sidewalks, and The Mayor noted that “we have to act in accor- what the plans look like at the moment. dance with this grant. We can make minor modi- fications, but we cannot make big changes.” Phil Schulp worried that things may play out in such a way that we’ll get hit in the budget in The Council voted to approve the two public ways we don’t now know. Representative Gut- hearings in January on a vote of one abstention, tierez said that our delegation could ask the con- one opposed, and three in favor. tractor to provide additional information in that The rest of the meeting was taken up with regard. proposed 2016 budget amendments. Gene Swear- “If the town in principle says let’s move ingen proposes putting money into the capital ahead,” the Mayor remarked, “we will be able program for a survey of the locations of all town to determine if there any budgetary issues and rights of way. “In many cases, we don’t know for therefore if we are able to complete this project.” sure where these are,” the Mayor noted. There’s also a proposal that money be put aside for storm However, some on the Council still felt that water management issues, since these, said Gene, they don’t know enough with things as they are are “definitely looming.” to take a go/no go in principle vote on the project. Margaret Soltan Peter argued that we should decide pretty quickly whether we approve the project in prin- ciple. There are always going to be worries about any project, and the Mayor feels he has put enough time into something that remains a pro- posal. “If the Council can’t say yes or no in prin- ciple at this point, I’m not going to put any more time into it. Two years is enough.” Kacky Chantry remained unhappy about our level of knowledge in regard to contingencies. The Mayor responded that “if you can’t trust me enough that I would come back to you if there are The Garrett Bugle is a publication of the Citizens Association of Garrett problems, then I don’t want to proceed.” Park, published 10 times a year. Publication of the Bugle is supported by member dues. All residents of Garrett Park are members of the Citizens Association. Yearly dues ($20 per family or $10 per individual Tara Flynn asked that we revisit the initial per address) can be sent to Citizens Association, Box 456, Garrett resolution on new town sidewalks, so the resolu- Park, MD 20896. tion was now read aloud. “It’s clear,” said Tara, Citizens Association Officers: President: Sean Conlan “that the Council can continue to have input into Vice-President: Michael Lutkenhouse Treasurer: Bridget Silverman this project after we vote yes conceptually.” Hans Secretary: Mike Grieb Wegner agreed that “we’ll have lots of input as Bugle staff: we go forward.” Editor: Barbara Collier (Box 191) Reporters: Margaret Soltan (Box 518), Mary Moyer (Box 98) Ads: Mary Moyer (Box 98) Kacky Chantry remained “troubled that we Subscriptions: Jane Salomon (Box 227) Distribution: Peggy Pratt First-class subscriptions cost $15 (bulk mail subscriptions are no longer avail- don’t really know the cost of this. I don’t know able). Letters to the editor can be submitted by mail, e-mail, or hand to Bugle staff. The editor reserves the right to edit submissions for length and clarity. where we are with any of the money; I don’t Unsigned letters will not be printed. 2 Town Manager Notes Leaf collection. Leaf collection will be finished Taxes. As much as I hate to bring this subject for the year at the end of December. If you have up during the holidays, please note that when fill- leaves left over after that date, you can either pile ing out your state income tax forms, you should them in a corner of your yard for composting (the remember to write “Garrett Park” in the box Town Office has compost bins available for free), labeled “City, Town or Taxing Area.” This ensures or bag the leaves for the yard waste pickup the that our community receives its fair share of the first Monday in January (Jan. 4). Please use paper income tax revenues that the state distributes to yard waste bags. the 23 counties and 157 incorporated cities and towns throughout Maryland. This revenue sup- Snow. Just a few reminders regarding snow: ports many of the services the town provides to it is especially important to try to park off the residents.