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[email protected] Pseudocapacitive oxide materials for high-rate electrochemical energy storage Veronica Augustyn,†a Patrice Simonbc and Bruce Dunn*a Electrochemical energy storage technology is based on devices capable of exhibiting high energy density (batteries) or high power density (electrochemical capacitors). There is a growing need, for current and near-future applications, where both high energy and high power densities are required in the same material. Pseudocapacitance, a faradaic process involving surface or near surface redox reactions, offers a means of achieving high energy density at high charge–discharge rates. Here, we focus on the pseudocapacitive properties of transition metal oxides. First, we introduce pseudocapacitance and describe its electrochemical features. Then, we review the most relevant pseudocapacitive materials in DOI: 10.1039/c3ee44164d aqueous and non-aqueous electrolytes. The major challenges for pseudocapacitive materials along with a future outlook are detailed at the end. Broader context The importance of electrical energy storage will continue to grow as markets for consumer electronics and electrication of transportation expand and energy storage systems for renewable energy sources begin to emerge.