NSE Paper Clipping
DNL/ 1 40l NSE / 1 1 1 6 / 2020 May 27, 2020 Listing Department National Stock Exchange of India Limited, Exchange Plaza Bandra Kurla Complex Bandra (E) MUMBAT - 400 051 Dear Sir, Stock Svmbot: DEEPAKNTR Sub: Pubtication of Audited Financia[ Resutts Pursuant to the requirement of Regutation 47(1)(bl and 47(3) of SEBI (Listing Obtigations and Disclosure Requirements) Regutations, 2015 ("Listing Regulations"), we have pteasure to furnish herewith newspaper ctippings of Standalone and Consolidated Audited Financial Resutts of the Company for the quarter and year ended 31st March ,2020, pubtished in newspapers - Financial Express - Gujarati & The Indian Express - Engtish, Ahmedabad and Business Standard, Mumbai editions on 27th May, 2020. The said advertisement have atso been uploaded on the website of the company. You are requested to take the same on your record. Thanking you, Yours faithfutty For DEEPAK NITRITE LIMITED Enc[: as above DEEPAK NITRITE LIMITED Cl N: 124110GJ1970P1C00173s Registered & Corporate Ofrice: Aaditya-1, Chhani Road, Vadodara-390 024. Gujarat, India. Tel: +91 265 276 5200/396 0200 | Fax: +91 2652765344 Investor Relations Contact: investor@ godeepak.com www.godeepak.com @¼û¼y¼¡¼¼y, ù¼Æ†¼¡¼¼•, t¼¼. 27 û¼Ì, 2020 | ö¼ü¼‡¼¼½‡¬¼ü¼ÿ¼ @¼ÌL¬¼Š¼œÌ¬¼ | 3 WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM THEINDIANEXPRESS,WEDNESDAY,MAY27,2020 ‘SURVIVED WITHOUTFOOD,WATER FOR 70 YRS’ BREATHARIAN YOGI DIES AT 90 Prahlad Jani alias Chunriwala Mataji, a breatharian Yo gi who claimed to have survived without 3 food or water for over 70 years, died Tuesday in Gandhinagar district, his disciples said. He was 90. GUJARAT Jani's claims of surviving without food or water were tested in 2003 and 2010 by scientists.
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