Northumberland County Council Weekly List of Planning Applications Applications can view the document online at If you wish to make any representation concerning an application, you can do so in writing to the above address or alternatively to
[email protected]. Any comments should include a contact address. Any observations you do submit will be made available for public inspection when requested in accordance with the Access to Information Act 1985. If you have objected to a householder planning application, in the event of an appeal that proceeds by way of the expedited procedure, any representations that you made about the application will be passed to the Secretary of State as part of the appeal Application No: 19/03515/NONMAT Expected Decision: Delegated Decision Date Valid: Aug. 21, 2019 Applicant: Mr Alan Marshall Agent: Mr Kris Burnett Willow Grove Cottage, 14 - 16 Bridge Street, Amble, Grangemoor Road, Morpeth, Northumberland, Widdrington Station, Morpeth, NE65 0DR, Northumberland, NE61 5PU, Proposal: Non-material amendment relating to planning permission 17/04561/FUL for removal of single storey offshoot/annex and for glazing amendments Location: Willow Grove Cottage, Grangemoor Road, Widdrington Station, Morpeth, Northumberland, NE61 5PU, Neighbour Expiry Date: Aug. 21, 2019 Expiry Date: Sept. 17, 2019 Case Officer: Mr Ryan Soulsby Decision Level: Delegated Ward: Druridge Bay Parish: Widdrington Station And Stobswood Application No: 19/00796/FUL Expected Decision: Delegated Decision Date Valid: Aug. 22, 2019 Applicant: Mr David Perry Agent: Mr Mario Minchella Mason Bungalow , Station Witney Way , Hi-Tech Village , Road, Northumberland , NE22 Boldon Business Park , Boldon 5PP , Tyne And Wear , NE35 9PE Proposal: Resubmission: (Retrospective) Erection of stables, two portcabins for storage and a paddock Location: Land To South Of Hartford Drive, Hartford Drive, Hartford Bridge, Northumberland, NE22 6AJ, Neighbour Expiry Date: Aug.