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TORRANCE HERALD SEPTEMBER 7, 1961 Obituaries EXICAN K1MJAR II THE TORRANCE HERALD SEPTEMBER 7, 1961 Obituaries EXICAN K1MJAR II. SIIAI I i;ii 'JKNNIE I,. PAt'LKNKR By t'HARM'S K. ( IIAI'l-l, not luivr religion, get religion used as community fall-out out shelters, Asspmblyimin, l«th District quick and start praying. I was shelters, mentioned in the fine How much survival mater- Kunerfil nrriuigcmenlK for services were lmlc.1 F'eople at public inert ings asked which religion I recom- patriotic, aggressive program | |al, including food, water, first Kdgar II. ShalTer, /'•!, ol 122HI4 : Tuesday for .Jennie L. Faiilk- MERCHANT LUNCH 85c throughout the 4t)tli Assembly i mended, and I replied that |of our ('resident, who has| a i(1 equipment and tools will i Ward SI, arc pending at the i ner. 85. who hud heena 'J'or- j lime i llalversnn - Leave!! Mortuary. j ranee residenl since I!I24. Reitrvationt district, which is now a strict- is too short lo pick and demonstrated great courage In l>e given by the government of I choose. Get some •Mr. Shaffer died suddenly at ' She died Thursday in a I/os Phone DA ly maritime area, ask me con­ religion, con­ speeches. the Cnited States to our citi­ 3-7162 fess j his home yesterday. jAiiKeles hospital. Survivors in- stantly what we should do your sins, quit sinning • The names and addresses zens after it has donated bil­ FOOD "TO GO" about civil defense. On I In­ and pray. ; A native of Pennsylvania. Mr cltide lU'o dauglilerK, Mrs. Bes­ of buildings which are not yet lions of dollars to communist, Shalfer had lived in Torranee sie Myrick and Lillian state level, [ toll them to write On the federal level, you Faulk­ equipped with fall-out shelters, enemy countries. This is cer­ lor HO years prior to his death, ner, holli of 'I'orrance, to the Honorable Alan K. should write to the President Ihree but which President Kennedy tainly a fair question. i Surviving him are his widow, grandchildren and nine great- .lonas. Director and Chief of of the United States of Amer­ | intends to modify for our pro- • Who will make the profits Alice: two daughters, .lean A. Hrandcliildren. ROMERO'S the California Disaster Office, ica, the White House. Wash­ j lection. from tlie proposed new warn­ Volburn. Torranee. and Barbara O Mexican Reiliurint Sacramento, Calif. ington. 1)1'., and ask him for The Rev. Ponder W. Gilliland • The names and addresses ing system, called the nation­ Ann Werner, San .lose; a of Die Torranee Na/.afene 17236 Crcnshow Blvd., Torronc* At one public meeting, I was the following information: of any and all federal build­ al emergency alarm repeater, 'brother. Clifford, of San Ber- Clinrch officiated at services Open 11 fo 11. Fri. & Sit. till 1 A.M. Cloud TOM. asked what to do about civil • The names and adresses ings in California which now which will be sold to all home- nardino; and five grandchil- in the A. M. Cianiby Mortuary, defense. I said that if vou do of buildings which will be I have, or may have later, fall- owners? ' dren. l.oinila. interment followed at (Jreen Hills Memorial Park. Closing Out Stock & Fixtures Starting TO a.m. Thurs. - Open Thurs., Fri., Sat. to 9 - Sun. 11-5 IW-EY P. DUNTON Funeral services for Riley P. Dunton', f)8, of 2441H Los Co- dona, were held Wednesday nt 1343 EL PRADO the A. M. Gamhy Mortuary Next fo Security Bank — Between Cravens and Sarlori Chapel with the Rev. Earl B. Leonard officiating. SURROUNDED BY FREE PARKING 1 Downtown TORRANCE Mr. Dunlon, a native of Ari­ zona, died liore Aug. 31. Ha had lived here for 38 years. He is survived by I h r e J^ brothers. Charles of Los ArfT geles, John of Oregon, and Bill or Norwalk; and two sisters. Margaret Busch or Torranee and Lillian Braun of Norwalk, Interment was in Green Hills Memorial Park. Installation Work & Dress Shoes * Boots * Work Clothes * Camping & Hunting Supplies * Tools * U.S. Gov't. Surplus * Paint Banquet Set P J k'AT fc.m/i il 'A T * 1 By Chamber Athletic & Work STOCK ORDERED SOLDI AT COST. NEAR COST. •'America'* Chamber of Commerce di­ Favorite" WHITE SOCKS LEA men Bring Your Own Packing Cartons, Come and Haul it Away — Hurry rectors and officers for tha ,00% cushion « • ' *; new year will be installed at HAHES Cotton, or part wool JACKETS an Oct. 10 banquet at South FAMOUS QUALITY GENUINE SANFORIZED MENS' - DOORBUSTER Famous w,at Qualify — Work or Dress High School. UNDERWEAR iotl" • • • ABIJIBBA ENTIRE STOCK 100% WOOLS DRESS SOCKS Chambray Shirts Newly named directors and * TEE SHIRTS 59c If R«9«lelt 2 porkrl. riiKKfd blu SHOES officers of the local chamber, * BRIEFS BOMBER JACKET 100°o0% cotton framed, _ _"'"""'" k " 1""' : along with three directors * SHORTS . ,. One Group n Dren oxford . nav still waihfaitiihfait argyleiargyle» ... or D- _ ,1 7O || to be appointed, will bs type black oxffords . introduced and then installed Entire Stock ^^ NYLON BLUE rayon lilt A blacki . yyj QUIT TANKER 3 tit and loaf r stylel at the meeting. 1151- 50% wool* . cotton ————— WHITE - »LACK NAVY MELTONS FINE QUALITY On* G roup Dr. William Teague, vice heather . , . better hol­ president of Pepperdine Col­ THE and O.D. GENUINE NYION JACKETS ier for dress, casual nnd * TEE SHIRTS R«g. t« 8.98 WORK lege, and Dr. Stuart Marsee, * pockitouton «°>°'* * SHORTS BOOTS WORK SOCKS work wear . Buy 'em Brown or black, cord sole, waterproof, Goodyear president of El Camino Col­ Nylon reinforced Ixinii up ... Buy >m lege, will headline the by the DOZEN I b\ tti« box welt, *lk or flrshout. pro­ LEUIS Jacket gram. Teague is featured cotton* .*• • On. Group - Reg. 69c WORK OXFORDS MBuQT WORLD FAMOUS ENTIRE STOCK JN«Tftjr,;.j; On* Group 87 speaker and Marsee will be Reg. to 1.00 4' Black, elk, cord tole, Good- JPVl 0 I Never Seen Reg. to 39c •a« ,vrd"iu.; •97 master of ceremonies for the ' ' 'on Sole ' On* Group WE QUIT 2°67« year welt. banquet. M DRESS Reg »o *« 98 I SHOES Chamber members will alsov Wl QUIT Lac* styles by Entlicott- announce the winner of the Johnson. Citizen of the One Group — Reg. to S.°8 Year award for THERMAL - Torranee. UNION" MADE Nominations for the citation CAN'T BUST 'EM UHDERWEMl WORK SHOES"" are being accepted by the BOOT and Chamber now. Any one may rw * * ~ -. ». ftn FRISKO ..*..•• * *"" Insulated sole, service Italian oxfords. Lore to be nominated by a letter sub- SPORT SOCKS ,,dlum, >-»i-at. toe waterproof SANFORIZED fleshouts. 8" elk with waterpioof milted to the Chamber before Whltei or color* . Goodyear welt, FLANNEL cord sole, some with foam in- the announcement is made. wool • • • nersoles. y | o n reinforced JEAKS WELLINGTONS M-, R7 PAJAMAS ink reiiitont. , orlfli^'.efn "oTa" 97 Shod style in glove or regular mSSm 0 I 100°° fine cotton - • e Group T Entire'Vt'ock leather. Temple Beth smartest P°»ern$ 3. 1.0° I STEEL TOE tep name brand rk pant* blu wE_ayjI____— DENIM Oxford or shoe styles. itu'cky" Dun Com­ Udy or coat style. bat boot, fleshout with water­ Torah High ?« YACHTSMAN PQPUN One Group T jw' FatiflU" "BIKE" proof welt. Reg. 3.98 OR One Group — Reg. to 11.99 WE QUIT CHAUFFEUR MHLETIC JACKETS Holidays Set ied A unlln.d. »'"' l»m. Southwest Temple Beth SUPPORTER XL. AIS0 BETTER CAPS Kl> ,,,,m» C lOel.'Ml.-«> ENGINEER BOOTS Tor-all's High Holiday service! On* Group 10" or 12" oil treated. Logger boots oil treuted, will, for (lie second year, be WORK SHIRTS Entire'Stock M« Reg. to 3.98 WE ~'"T or 8" lace elk boot. Jump boot, full. 'u'lci at the air-conditioned Your Cholet _ - R,q. 1.00 HI Imperial Theatre, 3180 W. Im­ WE QUIT WELLINGTONS Fleshout or regular. perial Highway, Inglewood, in order to accomoclate its mem­ 8" WORK SHOE bers and all who wish to In glove leather with B.F. worship together with a con­ Goodrich foam wedge sole. servative congregation. Serv­ One Group — Reg. to 14.9° ices will be Conducted by Kabbi Henry K. Kraus, Ph.D, Cantor Harold Stein and aft jse Few Days Temple Choir. Tickets F-H CLOSE-CUT still available, r^^^" ^ BOYS' OR MENS' Rosh Ilaslianah services will AMERICAN MADE begin CHILDREN'S SALE STARTS Siiuvlay evening, Sept. 10, at 8 p.m., Monday and HOODED BLANKETS CAPS 100% PLASTIC "Timex" 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 11 and 12, at On LUBRICATING 0 a.m. All SWEATSHIRTS Western Jocquard* — p'm9. FUning, R«B. ioc Compartmented Yom Kippur, Day of Atone, WE QUIT OIL THURSDAY ALSO incut will start with Kol Nidra 'or solids. $om« P«"» Boating » FOR be BOX Top Quality, Gov't. on Tuesday evening, Sept. 19, 3 BUTTON wool. Tackle, suppliei, WATCHES 9:30 to 9 FRI. On. Group COMPLETE Issue. Mad* by at 7 p.m. and the following CARDIGAN jewelry, sewing, Reg. 6.9S to 11.95 morning |On* Group SEWING!*•• »T • 11^* KIT*•*• Standard Oil. at 9 a.m. Yizkor R.g. to 1.00 nut* A bolt** «c.*rc. 9:30 to 9 SAT. One Group 4K Reg. to 3.98 WITH SCISSORS NOW . services will begin Wedneg- Out On* Reg. 2.49 WE QUIT Group ^'•• Group. On* Group 4 ft day, Sept. 20, at 11:30 a.m. WE QUIT Reg. 29c Reg. 39c I j 11 to 5 SUN. WE QUIT R«g. 1.00 37« Ticket Information may be WE QUIT we QUIT WE QUIT 20% OFF obtained at FA 1-0670 or Pliu Fed.
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    County of Somerset New Jersey PO Box 3000 – 20 Grove Street COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING SOMERVILLE, NJ 08876-1262 PURCHASING DIVISION PHONE: (908) 231-7043 KAREN L. MCGEE, QPA Fax: (908) 575-3917 Purchasing Agent NOTICE TO BIDDERS #2 SOCCP The County of Somerset is conducting a voluntary Co-operative Pricing System #2 SOCCP. Sealed bids which will be received by the Purchasing Agent acting as Lead Agent on behalf of each participating contracting unit, on April 11, 2014 at 2:30pm. prevailing time in the Purchasing Division, County Administration Building, 20 Grove St., Somerville, NJ 08876 at which time and place bids will be opened and read in public for: Uniforms, Various County Departments Contract# CC-0004-14 Specifications and instruction to bidders may be obtained at the Purchasing Office or the County website at * We store all responses electronically; therefore submit all pages of the response on a CD in addition to the printed copies. * All Bid Addenda will be issued on the website. Therefore, all interested respondents should check the website from now through bid opening. It is the sole responsibility of the respondent to be knowledgeable of all addenda related to this procurement. Bidders shall comply with the requirements of N.J.S.A. 10:5-31 and N.J.A.C. 17-27 et seq. Karen L. McGee, QPA Purchasing Agent NOTICE- RESULTS OF ALL BIDS ARE POSTED ON THE COUNTY WEB SITE. 1 CO-OPERATIVE PRICING CONDITIONS METHOD OF AWARDING CONTRACTS Contract(s) of purchase shall be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder(s) as declared by the County of Somerset.
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