THE TORRANCE HERALD SEPTEMBER 7, 1961 Obituaries EXICAN K1MJAR II. SIIAI I i;ii 'JKNNIE I,. PAt'LKNKR By t'HARM'S K. ( IIAI'l-l, not luivr religion, get religion used as community fall-out out shelters, Asspmblyimin, l«th District quick and start praying. I was shelters, mentioned in the fine How much survival mater- Kunerfil nrriuigcmenlK for services were lmlc.1 F'eople at public inert ings asked which religion I recom- patriotic, aggressive program | |al, including food, water, first Kdgar II. ShalTer, /'•!, ol 122HI4 : Tuesday for .Jennie L. Faiilk- MERCHANT LUNCH 85c throughout the 4t)tli Assembly i mended, and I replied that |of our ('resident, who has| a i(1 equipment and tools will i Ward SI, arc pending at the i ner. 85. who hud heena 'J'or- j lime i llalversnn - Leave!! Mortuary. j ranee residenl since I!I24. Reitrvationt district, which is now a strict- is too short lo pick and demonstrated great courage In l>e given by the government of I choose. Get some •Mr. Shaffer died suddenly at ' She died Thursday in a I/os Phone DA ly maritime area, ask me con religion, con speeches. the Cnited States to our citi 3-7162 fess j his home yesterday. jAiiKeles hospital. Survivors in- stantly what we should do your sins, quit sinning • The names and addresses zens after it has donated bil FOOD "TO GO" about civil defense. On I In and pray. ; A native of Pennsylvania. Mr cltide lU'o dauglilerK, Mrs. Bes of buildings which are not yet lions of dollars to communist, Shalfer had lived in Torranee sie Myrick and Lillian state level, [ toll them to write On the federal level, you Faulk equipped with fall-out shelters, enemy countries.
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