THE TORRANCE HERALD SEPTEMBER 7, 1961 Obituaries EXICAN K1MJAR II. SIIAI I i;ii 'JKNNIE I,. PAt'LKNKR By t'HARM'S K. ( IIAI'l-l, not luivr religion, get religion used as community fall-out out shelters, Asspmblyimin, l«th District quick and start praying. I was shelters, mentioned in the fine How much survival mater- Kunerfil nrriuigcmenlK for services were lmlc.1 F'eople at public inert ings asked which religion I recom- patriotic, aggressive program | |al, including food, water, first Kdgar II. ShalTer, /'•!, ol 122HI4 : Tuesday for .Jennie L. Faiilk- MERCHANT LUNCH 85c throughout the 4t)tli Assembly i mended, and I replied that |of our ('resident, who has| a i(1 equipment and tools will i Ward SI, arc pending at the i ner. 85. who hud heena 'J'or- j lime i llalversnn - Leave!! Mortuary. j ranee residenl since I!I24. Reitrvationt district, which is now a strict- is too short lo pick and demonstrated great courage In l>e given by the government of I choose. Get some •Mr. Shaffer died suddenly at ' She died Thursday in a I/os Phone DA ly maritime area, ask me con­ religion, con­ speeches. the Cnited States to our citi­ 3-7162 fess j his home yesterday. jAiiKeles hospital. Survivors in- stantly what we should do your sins, quit sinning • The names and addresses zens after it has donated bil­ FOOD "TO GO" about civil defense. On I In­ and pray. ; A native of Pennsylvania. Mr cltide lU'o dauglilerK, Mrs. Bes­ of buildings which are not yet lions of dollars to communist, Shalfer had lived in Torranee sie Myrick and Lillian state level, [ toll them to write On the federal level, you Faulk­ equipped with fall-out shelters, enemy countries. This is cer­ lor HO years prior to his death, ner, holli of 'I'orrance, to the Honorable Alan K. should write to the President Ihree but which President Kennedy tainly a fair question. i Surviving him are his widow, grandchildren and nine great- .lonas. Director and Chief of of the United States of Amer­ | intends to modify for our pro- • Who will make the profits Alice: two daughters, .lean A. Hrandcliildren. ROMERO'S the California Disaster Office, ica, the White House. Wash­ j lection. from tlie proposed new warn­ Volburn. Torranee. and Barbara O Mexican Reiliurint Sacramento, Calif. ington. 1)1'., and ask him for The Rev. Ponder W. Gilliland • The names and addresses ing system, called the nation­ Ann Werner, San .lose; a of Die Torranee Na/.afene 17236 Crcnshow Blvd., Torronc* At one public meeting, I was the following information: of any and all federal build­ al emergency alarm repeater, 'brother. Clifford, of San Ber- Clinrch officiated at services Open 11 fo 11. Fri. & Sit. till 1 A.M. Cloud TOM. asked what to do about civil • The names and adresses ings in California which now which will be sold to all home- nardino; and five grandchil- in the A. M. Cianiby Mortuary, defense. I said that if vou do of buildings which will be I have, or may have later, fall- owners? ' dren. l.oinila. interment followed at (Jreen Hills Memorial Park. Closing Out Stock & Fixtures Starting TO a.m. Thurs. - Open Thurs., Fri., Sat. to 9 - Sun. 11-5 IW-EY P. DUNTON Funeral services for Riley P. Dunton', f)8, of 2441H Los Co- dona, were held Wednesday nt 1343 EL PRADO the A. M. Gamhy Mortuary Next fo Security Bank — Between Cravens and Sarlori Chapel with the Rev. Earl B. Leonard officiating. SURROUNDED BY FREE PARKING 1 Downtown TORRANCE Mr. Dunlon, a native of Ari­ zona, died liore Aug. 31. Ha had lived here for 38 years. He is survived by I h r e J^ brothers. Charles of Los ArfT geles, John of Oregon, and Bill or Norwalk; and two sisters. Margaret Busch or Torranee and Lillian Braun of Norwalk, Interment was in Green Hills Memorial Park. Installation Work & Dress Shoes * Boots * Work Clothes * Camping & Hunting Supplies * Tools * U.S. Gov't. Surplus * Paint Banquet Set P J k'AT fc.m/i il 'A T * 1 By Chamber Athletic & Work STOCK ORDERED SOLDI AT COST. NEAR COST. •'America'* Chamber of Commerce di­ Favorite" WHITE SOCKS LEA men Bring Your Own Packing Cartons, Come and Haul it Away — Hurry rectors and officers for tha ,00% cushion « • ' *; new year will be installed at HAHES Cotton, or part wool JACKETS an Oct. 10 banquet at South FAMOUS QUALITY GENUINE SANFORIZED MENS' - DOORBUSTER Famous w,at Qualify — Work or Dress High School. UNDERWEAR iotl" • • • ABIJIBBA ENTIRE STOCK 100% WOOLS DRESS SOCKS Chambray Shirts Newly named directors and * TEE SHIRTS 59c If R«9«lelt 2 porkrl. riiKKfd blu SHOES officers of the local chamber, * BRIEFS BOMBER JACKET 100°o0% cotton framed, _ _"'"""'" k " 1""' : along with three directors * SHORTS . ,. One Group n Dren oxford . nav still waihfaitiihfait argyleiargyle» ... or D- _ ,1 7O || to be appointed, will bs type black oxffords . introduced and then installed Entire Stock ^^ NYLON BLUE rayon lilt A blacki . yyj QUIT TANKER 3 tit and loaf r stylel at the meeting. 1151- 50% wool* . cotton ————— WHITE - »LACK NAVY MELTONS FINE QUALITY On* G roup Dr. William Teague, vice heather . , . better hol­ president of Pepperdine Col­ THE and O.D. GENUINE NYION JACKETS ier for dress, casual nnd * TEE SHIRTS R«g. t« 8.98 WORK lege, and Dr. Stuart Marsee, * pockitouton «°>°'* * SHORTS BOOTS WORK SOCKS work wear . Buy 'em Brown or black, cord sole, waterproof, Goodyear president of El Camino Col­ Nylon reinforced Ixinii up ... Buy >m lege, will headline the by the DOZEN I b\ tti« box welt, *lk or flrshout. pro­ LEUIS Jacket gram. Teague is featured cotton* .*• • On. Group - Reg. 69c WORK OXFORDS MBuQT WORLD FAMOUS ENTIRE STOCK JN«Tftjr,;.j; On* Group 87 speaker and Marsee will be Reg. to 1.00 4' Black, elk, cord tole, Good- JPVl 0 I Never Seen Reg. to 39c •a« ,vrd"iu.; •97 master of ceremonies for the ' ' 'on Sole ' On* Group WE QUIT 2°67« year welt. banquet. M DRESS Reg »o *« 98 I SHOES Chamber members will alsov Wl QUIT Lac* styles by Entlicott- announce the winner of the Johnson. Citizen of the One Group — Reg. to S.°8 Year award for THERMAL - Torranee. UNION" MADE Nominations for the citation CAN'T BUST 'EM UHDERWEMl WORK SHOES"" are being accepted by the BOOT and Chamber now. Any one may rw * * ~ -. ». ftn FRISKO ..*..•• * *"" Insulated sole, service Italian oxfords. Lore to be nominated by a letter sub- SPORT SOCKS ,,dlum, >-»i-at. toe waterproof SANFORIZED fleshouts. 8" elk with waterpioof milted to the Chamber before Whltei or color* . Goodyear welt, FLANNEL cord sole, some with foam in- the announcement is made. wool • • • nersoles. y | o n reinforced JEAKS WELLINGTONS M-, R7 PAJAMAS ink reiiitont. , orlfli^'.efn "oTa" 97 Shod style in glove or regular mSSm 0 I 100°° fine cotton - • e Group T Entire'Vt'ock leather. Temple Beth smartest P°»ern$ 3. 1.0° I STEEL TOE tep name brand rk pant* blu wE_ayjI____— DENIM Oxford or shoe styles. itu'cky" Dun Com­ Udy or coat style. bat boot, fleshout with water­ Torah High ?« YACHTSMAN PQPUN One Group T jw' FatiflU" "BIKE" proof welt. Reg. 3.98 OR One Group — Reg. to 11.99 WE QUIT CHAUFFEUR MHLETIC JACKETS Holidays Set ied A unlln.d. »'"' l»m. Southwest Temple Beth SUPPORTER XL. AIS0 BETTER CAPS Kl> ,,,,m» C lOel.'Ml.-«> ENGINEER BOOTS Tor-all's High Holiday service! On* Group 10" or 12" oil treated. Logger boots oil treuted, will, for (lie second year, be WORK SHIRTS Entire'Stock M« Reg. to 3.98 WE ~'"T or 8" lace elk boot. Jump boot, full. 'u'lci at the air-conditioned Your Cholet _ - R,q. 1.00 HI Imperial Theatre, 3180 W. Im­ WE QUIT WELLINGTONS Fleshout or regular. perial Highway, Inglewood, in order to accomoclate its mem­ 8" WORK SHOE bers and all tlio.se who wish to In glove leather with B.F. worship together with a con­ Goodrich foam wedge sole. servative congregation. Serv­ One Group — Reg. to 14.9° ices will be Conducted by Kabbi Henry K. Kraus, Ph.D, Cantor Harold Stein and aft jse Few Days Temple Choir. Tickets F-H CLOSE-CUT still available, r^^^" ^ BOYS' OR MENS' Rosh Ilaslianah services will AMERICAN MADE begin CHILDREN'S SALE STARTS Siiuvlay evening, Sept. 10, at 8 p.m., Monday and HOODED BLANKETS CAPS 100% PLASTIC "Timex" 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 11 and 12, at On LUBRICATING 0 a.m. All SWEATSHIRTS Western Jocquard* — p'm9. FUning, R«B. ioc Compartmented Yom Kippur, Day of Atone, WE QUIT OIL THURSDAY ALSO incut will start with Kol Nidra 'or solids. $om« P«"» Boating » FOR be BOX Top Quality, Gov't. on Tuesday evening, Sept. 19, 3 BUTTON wool. Tackle, suppliei, WATCHES 9:30 to 9 FRI. On. Group COMPLETE Issue. Mad* by at 7 p.m. and the following CARDIGAN jewelry, sewing, Reg. 6.9S to 11.95 morning |On* Group SEWING!*•• »T • 11^* KIT*•*• Standard Oil. at 9 a.m. Yizkor R.g. to 1.00 nut* A bolt** «c.*rc. 9:30 to 9 SAT. One Group 4K Reg. to 3.98 WITH SCISSORS NOW . services will begin Wedneg- Out On* Reg. 2.49 WE QUIT Group ^'•• Group. On* Group 4 ft day, Sept. 20, at 11:30 a.m. WE QUIT Reg. 29c Reg. 39c I j 11 to 5 SUN. WE QUIT R«g. 1.00 37« Ticket Information may be WE QUIT we QUIT WE QUIT 20% OFF obtained at FA 1-0670 or Pliu Fed.
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