Historia Naturalis Brasiliae ... in Qua Non
Piso, Willem, (1611-1678) and Marggraf, Georg, (1610-1644). Historia naturalis Brasiliae ... in qua non tantum plantae et animalia sed et indigenarum morbi, ingenia et mores describuntur / [Guilielmi Pisonis et Georgi Marcgraui; cum appendice... Ioannes de Laet]. Lugduni Batauorum : apud Franciscum Hackium; Amsterdam : apud Lud. Elzevirium, 1648 [12], 122, [10], 293, [7] p. : il. ; 2º. Catalogue references: *6, A-P4, Q2, (+), A-Z, Aa- Oo4, Pp2. Copperplate engraving on frontispiece. Engravings throughout text, all woodcuts. Illustrated with decorative initials and friezes. Parchment binding. Old catalogue references: P 514 ; 196/2/2 This is the first edition of Historia naturalis Brasiliae , a book on the natural history of Brazil, made during the Dutch occupation of Brazil (1630-1654), known as Dutch Brazil, or New Holland. At that time, the Dutch East Indies Company governed the northeast coast of Brazil (currently Pernambuco) and controlled the sugar trade and the slave trade. The governor general of New Holland, Johan Maurits de Nassau (1604- 1679), sent a group of 46 scientists, artists and craftsman to the colony to observe the flora, fauna and local inhabitants and complete an in-situ study. The two authors of this first edition were members of the group. Willem Piso joined the group as a physicist and George Marggraf served as a naturalist, astronomer and cartographer. The two men worked together with the artists Frans Post and Albert Eckhout, who made many of the illustrations for the book. The typographical title page that follows the engraved frontispiece states the content of the book and lists its authors. The first part of the book, which was written by Willem Piso, contains four sections on tropical medicine.
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