WestminsterResearch http://www.westminster.ac.uk/westminsterresearch Thinking Through Feminist Theorizing: Poststructuralist Feminism, Ecofeminism and Intersectionality Maclaran, P. and Stevens, L. This is a draft chapter. The final version is available in: Dobscha, S. (ed.) Handbook of Research on Gender and Marketing, Edward Elgar, published in 2018. The material cannot be used for any other purpose without further permission of the publisher, and is for private use only. The WestminsterResearch online digital archive at the University of Westminster aims to make the research output of the University available to a wider audience. Copyright and Moral Rights remain with the authors and/or copyright owners. Whilst further distribution of specific materials from within this archive is forbidden, you may freely distribute the URL of WestminsterResearch: ((http://westminsterresearch.wmin.ac.uk/). In case of abuse or copyright appearing without permission e-mail
[email protected] Thinking Through Feminist Theorising: Poststructuralist Feminism, Ecofeminism, and Intersectionality Pauline Maclaran, Royal Holloway University of London and Lorna Stevens, University of Westminster Feminist scholarship has played a major role in revealing the gendered nature of much theorising that masks taken-for-granted assumptions about the roles of men and women in society and associated heteronormative ideologies. From the study of theology, through the physical and social sciences to research on consumers, a feminist lens has brought new insights time and time again. Despite a proven track record, however, much confusion still exists over what exactly comprises feminist scholarship, and how to use the many theories it espouses. In this chapter we seek first to give a broad, explanatory overview of the basic principles inherent in any feminist thinking.