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THE LESLEY/SUMMERTHING JAMBOREE- STORY PAGE 3 Feminists from 27 countries met at Lesley College from june 1 to june 4 for the first International Feminist Planning Conference, spon­ sored by the National Organization for Women. Betty Friedan, the nationally known feminist and author of Th e Feminine Mystique, outlined the theme of the conference in the following opening re­ marks. BETTY FRIEDAN This is a momentous day in the massive unfinished revolution of women of the world toward full equality, human dignity, individual freedom, our own identity in the family of man . In SPEAKS AT every continent, these past ten years women have begun mov­ ing with accelerating speed against the barriers that have kept LESLEY them from participation in the mainstream of their own society, breaking through to assert their own personhood and to demand a voice in all the decisions that affect their lives and shape their future. Those decisions up until very recently have been made mainly, almost entirely, by men - in every country, not only the large decisions of war and peace and the government of cities- but even the control of wom en's own bodies, the decision to bear a child, the medical access to birth control and abortion. ·women have lived as the wives and mothers of m en, defined in terms of their sexual relation to men and never in primary human terms, d efining themselves as people in their own right, by their own actions in society. In my own country, and in many of yours, women have been trapped by menial voiceless housework in the isolation of their private homes, structured too much as women's world. And as they have moved into the fields and professions outside the home where the major work and decisions of society are now taking place- every field and profess ion is structured as man's world, and except for a few Betty Friedan (center) and two dele­ women who move as f reaks in a man's world the majority of gates exchange ideas during the In­ women who now work outside the home are still doing the ternational Feminist Conference held menial housework . Until recently we did not even have the at Lesley College. words to express in our own consciousness the bitterness women had to feel when they were paid half what a m an would have been paid for the same job, always passed over for promo­ tion, running the office as secretary and never even considered for ad ministrative or executive roles, cooking the church sup­ per, never preaching the se rmon. Our movem ent for equality - full equality for women in truly equal partnership with men- has emerged as the greatest, fastest growing force for basic social and political change of this decade - revol utionary change, though it m ay not be what "Women's movement for equality Karl Marx or any other ideology of revolutions pa st has meant. may be the first step in the renewal of Our revolution is unique. It can't be seen in terms of class the family, , home . .. " warfare or race warfare- though it intersects, is linked, and has lea rned from other revolutions of the oppressed. It trans­ cends orthodox political lines of right, left, center- it con­ fronts all our different economic and political systems with profound challenges. Before it is finished every institution of society will be radically restru ctured . (Continued on page 6)

The Current is published by Les ley College, Cambridge, Mas­ sac husetts, and 1s produced and ed1ted by the Office of Public Vol. Ill , No. 6 Relations. The purpose of the magazine is to portray the various july-August 1973 as pects of the College- its achievements, aspirations, diversity Lesley College and controversies- to alumni, parents, students, faculty, staff, Ca m b ridge, Mass. 021 38 governing boards and friends of Les ley.

Editor : Edna Maleson


In addition to the Curiosity Caravan, Lesley students teach games in an area adjacent to the bus. The varied activities capture the attention of the children, as well as their pets.

At 10:30 a.m. on july 18 a large field ences that few potential teachers have at the Columbia Point Housing Project the opportunity to enjoy. in Dorchester was almost deserted. This year's Curiosity Caravan has One hour later the empty field had bee n repainted but is still stocked with turned into a lively carnival called games aimed at developing math and jamboree, filled with lots of reading skills and gross and fine motor children - toddlers to teens - coordination . Operating on a shoe­ participating in ten different string budget, the students who par­ activities. ticipate in the eight-week Sum­ That same metamorphosis is occur­ merthing/ Les ley program have de­ ring in forty Boston neighborhoods veloped a wide variety of creative, during july and August. jamboree is homemade games. the outgrowth of Curiosity Caravan, Besides playing games on the Cara­ one of its ten components which was van, this summer youngsters can started last summer by Lesley Lec­ choose from a variety of other jam­ turer, Helen Grush. boree activities directed by Summer­ "With television, today kids really thing staff. These lea rning areas in­ don't play games anymore," Helen clude: The Potter's Wheel; The said. Believing that "kids are turned Teepee Loom ; The Painter's Palette; on to learning through games," she The Omniform Theate r (puppetry, looked for a way to bring games to stories);The Tribal Village (instrument large numbers of children during the making, exploring different life summer months. The result: the crea­ stvles); The Cardboard Construction tion of the Curiosity Caravan in con­ Company (carpentry); A Natural Thing junction with Summerthing, which (nature projects) ; and El ectronic comes out of the Mayor of Boston's Media Laborato ry (videotape work­ Office of Cultural Affairs. shop and radio programming). Last summer's Caravan was a big, With the above lea rning activities yellow, tempermental, old, broken staffed by highly qualified instructors down, gaily decorated school bus that and thoroughly enjoyed by the young­ was stocked with language and math sters, it is no mystery why Helen Grush games and staffed with Le sley stu­ described the jamboree as an " idea l COVER PHOTO: Graduate stu d~nt dents. The unique vehicle traveled open classroom." Marge Minor welcomes childre n to a into 18 inner-city Boston neighbor­ storytime on the Caravan. hoods, providing teaching experi- ~ -

LASS DTES Nineteen seventy JANE MARTIN BUDAY received a master' s degree in educatio n from Penn State. DOn july 8 ELLIN LEVENTHAL was married to j o nathan Hewes, a graduate of Harvard Law Nineteen seven ty-three School. They are living in Alburquer­ KAREN E. ABEEL is working as a mediate grade teacher, Athol, Mass.; que, N .M. DLENORE F. SCHOFIELD, typ e-face draftsman for Compu­ WENDY LASKOW LIPSMAN, special rece ntly returned from the Guan­ graphics in Wilmington , Mass . 0 ed teacher, Somerville, Mass.; MAR­ tanamo Bay Navy Base, Cuba, where SALLY ANN BRENNER was the June GARET M . LOPES , resource class she has spent the past school year bride of Robert Willis. Following their teacher, New Bedford, Mass.; NANCY teaching sixth grade. Next year Lenore wedding trip to Italy and Greece, the ~IDMER MADDEN (G), LD tutor, Ar­ will be teaching at the Bamberg Army couple settled in Portland, Me. 0 DE­ lmgton, Mass.; SUSAN MUTIEE, first Base in Germany. 0 A lette r from BORAH L. DOANE and Edward L. grade teacher, Sea Cliff, N .J.; JEANNE LAURA GORDON WERNICK told of Laramie of Peabody are living in Dan­ PERKINS , substitute, Winthrop, the birth of her dau g hter, Emily vers after their June wedding. 0 MARY Mass. ; JACQUELINE ANN SISCO Heather, last April. Laura previously ANN DORGAN became Mrs. john L. special ed teacher, Norwich, Conn. ; worked as a learning disabilities D enninger, Jr. in june. John, currently KATHLEEN STEM (G), Brockton, teacher in Weymouth. a student at Suffolk Law School, is a Mass. ; DEBORAH STEWART, first management t rainee at the Sheraton grade teacher, Loring Air Force Base Boston Hotel. D CAROL ELLEN Limestone, Me.; MARTHA ANNE Nineteen sixty-nine GOULIAN will attend NYU graduate WHELAN , kindergarten teacher school in September and also will be Plymouth, Mass. ; CATHERINE WIL~ ANN CARP became the bride of teaching at Cornell Medical School's LIAMS (G), K-1 teacher, Bronksville Mark Siegel, a g raduate of Northeast­ N.Y. ' Nursery School. 0 SUSAN KRAMER e rn Unive rsity. 0 SHIRLEY DRURY and Steven Gould were married on writes " We have a 2h year old son, july 8. Susan will be teaching in Hop­ Nineteen seventy-two David, and have moved back in with kinton in September. 0 Since their my fath e r following my mother' s july 1 wedding, Mr. and Mrs. Neal Be­ MARY FITZGERALD was the june death in March '73. I am a sub in Crans­ renson (MARGIE LIEBMAN) have bride of Ernest Fascetta, an alumna of ton and enjoy it. john works at El ectric made their home in Weymouth, Cornell University and MIT. The Fas­ Boat in Connecticut, now that he is out where Margie w ill teach fourth grade. cettas are living in Cambridge. 0 of the army." Neal works as an accountant in Bos­ MARGERY HILL has been appointed to ton . 0 JOYCE ELL EN McCARTY and teach kindergarten in Ashland, Mass. Nineteen sixty-six Charles Gigante, w ho were married 0 LINDA LaQUERRE was m arried on on July 7 in Swampscott, are living in June 9 to Bichop j . Nawrot, a graduate CLAIRE BLANCHARD w as married Melrose. 0 LINDA MIRIJANIAN is ass istant at Salem State College. 0 to Dean Bartlett on june 30 in Abing­ planning to travel through Europe this SANDRA LAWSON is now Mrs. Fre­ ton, Mass. The new Mrs. Bartlett is a fa ll . 0 MARCIA PACKER married Wil­ deric M. Lambert. Sandra is an kindergarten teacher in the Living and liam Schechter, a law student at elementary teacher in Franklin , Learning School in Rockland and her Hofstra University, on june 24. The Conn. , where her husband is a special husband is general manager of Eastern Schechters live in North Babylon, teacher. Engineering Co. in Whitman. Long Island. 0 ELIZABETH PURCELL known as Mrs. Roger E. Lambert since Nineteen seventy-one Nineteen sixty-five july 14, will be a teaching assistant in Kenneb u nk, Me. D ELLEN SUE JOAN B. WARNER (G) has been A note from HARRIET GOLD WEIN­ ROSENBERG and Mark A. Koretz have nam ed principal of the Hamilton STOCK said that her second son was lived in Springfield, Mass., since t heir School in Newton, where she had born in january and that the family will june wedding. Mark is employed at been acting principal during the past be moving to Lexington, Ky., where Digital Equipment Corp. in Westfield. year. Joan is vice president of the New­ her husband will be an associate pro­ D DINA SHAPIRO STOLPEN is a special ton Teachers ' Association. fessor at the University of Kentucky. education reso urce teacher in Syra­ cuse wh ile her husband Spencer is a third year law student at Syracuse Uni­ versity. O james Abraham and his bride ANDREA STONGIN are living in DO YOU HAVE A CLASS NOTE? Framingham. Andrea has accepted a N am e ______Ciass ____ teaching position in Franklin, Mass. , and James works at Bache Co . in Address ______Brockton. Members of the class of '73 have News ______accepted the following teach ing jobs : ELLEN BLOCK, Hathaway Home For Children , Los Angeles, Cal. ; CARY CADMAN (G), learni n g d isabilities teacher, Sa lem, Mass.; ROBIN CUM­ MINGS, elementary teacher, Conway, N.H.; CARRIE HUNTIN G TON, prim ­ Se nd to: Les ley Current, 29 Everett St. , Cambridge, M ass. 021 38 ary grade teacher, Dall as Publ i c Schools; PATRICIA KLEIN (G). inte r-

I I y Nineteen sixty-three NEW ALUMNI LESLEY WALMSLEY, instructional LETTER TO assistant and reading specialist at the PRESIDENT Memorial School in Burlington, has PRESIDENT been named an outstanding Elem en­ tary Teacher of America. She was the director of the sc hoo l's Title I program ORTON for two years and is an active member of the Burlington Educators As­ sociation , serving as treasurer in june 11 , 1973 1971-72.

Dear Don, Nineteen fifty-eight I had to tell you how thrilling it was LOIS WHITE BILLINGER, formerly to see you on Channel4last Thursday on the faculty at the University of night. Seeing Le sley in the news and Bridgeport for six years, writes that h ea ring that m arve lo us report on " Now , I only garden, ke ep house and teacher placement was delightful. travel occasionally." Th e new campus looked exquisite! How proud you and all of us should Nineteen thirty-two be. Lesley College has grown tre­ mendously since you came in 1960. A farewell recognition evening was Thank you for giving us a college w ith held for VIRGINIA BLAKESLEE LEN­ Ellen Bloch which we are proud to identify. NAN, retiring after 11 years as director Ellen Green Bloch '61 is the newly of th e Center Kindergarten, First elec ted pres ident of the Les ley Col­ Parish Congregation Church in Sincerely, lege Alumni Association. An active Wakefield. Formerly for many years Margie Stone Tanzer '64 Virginia operated her own private kin­ alumna for many years , she was on the dergarten, Miss Blakelee's School in Board of Directors, 1970- 73; Class Agent Chairman, 1973; Building Fund Malden, which she founded during Editor's Note: WBZ·TV prese nted a se ries on her senior year at Les ley Regional Chairman, 1969-70, and Wine placem ent of recent graduates seeking teaching Ta sting Evening Chairman, 1972. Are­ positions. Lesley, w hich consistent ly places more sident of Framingham, Ellen and her than 90 percent of its graduates, was featu red as a Nineteen twenty-nine schoo l w hose graduates continue to get teaching husband Donald have three children. offers despite the cu rrent job sho rtage. PRISCILLA NEWELL BARSTOW, a first-grade teacher in Barnstable school system for 17 years, retired in june from the Centerville El em entary School. An elementary school teacher for 38 years, she also taught in Fal­ mouth and Marstons Mills. Priscilla, the mother of three married children plans to do hospital work and travel during her retirement. Her husband, Elmer, is retiring soon from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute.

Nineteen twenty-seven

KATHLEEN O ' BRIEN of Gardner Mass., who retired after 20 years as ~ dental assistant at Gardner State Hos­ pital, was honored at a testimonial dinner in june.

Nineteen twenty-six

GLADYS POLLET YOUNG of Wor­ cester has been named to the 1973-74 Board of Directors of the Boston Ballet Society. She also serves as pres ident of the Worcester Ballet Society. MEMBERS OF THE PROPOSITION can be seen clowning around in this photo. They DEATHS can also be seen at lesley College on October 13. Conceived and directed by Allan Albert, The Proposition is an improvisational review with music, stories and gar_nes , We note w ith sorrow the death this involving audience participation. Reviewers throughout the country have described past M ay of MARY T. MAHONEY '25 of the players as " quick, clever, witty, and intrinsically very funny people." M.o re Somerville. details about the program to be sponsored by the Alumni Association will be ma1led shortly. In the meantime, set aside Saturday evening, October 13. (Continued from page 2) We who meet here today as women across the lines of nationality, political ideology, economic development, re­ ligious differences -are propelled by the unique circumstances that have forced women at this moment in his­ tory to move into their personhood, to demand their human equality, as the largest, most revolutionary force this world may have ever seen. I do not see the situation of women in terms of a class warfare - women as an oppres­ sed class seeking to overthrow men as a class- the oppressor. In all our countries, this would deny the pro­ found and complex human and sexual bond between men and women. I see wom en' s movem ent for equality as reaching the first stage- the neces­ sary first stage- of a profound sex role revo lution, not of women mobilizing to take the power away from men, the enemy, but of women and men as fellow victims, moving to­ ward human liberation from the obso­ lete sex roles, the m asc uline m ysti­ que, and the feminine m ys tique, JOHN LENNON AND YOKO ONO relax on the Lesley campus. The former Beatie w hich have locked us in mutual tor­ and his wife were participants in the International Feminist Conference. m ent, human liberation of the ener­ gies alienated and exploited for sterile profits, violence, death and war, liber­ ated in the service of human life, love and peace. We meet here together to share our different and common experiences in confronting the problems that keep us from being f ull and equal people in through. Women's move ment for And any m en who are our enemies will o ur societies. The wom e n 's move­ equality may be the first step in the change in front of our eyes - as we ment for equality is the necessary first re n ewal of the family, marriage, discover how many men see their own step - of the sex role revolution - h o m e - r estru cture d on lines of human libe ration in ours and join with but we speak f rom common and dif­ human equality that will make it truly us, as we discove r finally all over this ferent urgencies and stages of move­ possible for women and m en to make world our own new power as women. m e nt. Can women really break love, not war. I propose t hat w e set up And in so doing I thing we will change t hrough to equal participation in the as goal to plan a year hence to convene the very definition, the base and the econo mic and political m ai nstream of a world congress of women, in the nature, of politica l, economic, sexual any, or all of o u r countries - w ith all fullest se nse- women who will power. the rights and privi l eges, opp or­ come to a single place, whatever con­ tunities , rewards and responsibilities tinent we decide is most convenient, thereof, and a fu ll voice in all the d eci­ by boat or train o r plane or foot, the si o n s? W h at wi ll this do to our new countries of Africa, o ur sisters of econo mies - o ur politics- w ill t here China and Cuba, Greece and Spain, b e a back lash from men? Can suc h South America, our sisters now being equality be achieved without a pro­ subject to p o liti ca l persecu­ CONNER NAMED found sex role revolution in the fam ily tion - Brazil and Portugal. - t he very architecture of the home ­ But I propose that these few wi ll be ASSISTANT DEAN law s and mores af fect ing marriage, jo ined o n that day by all the woman, in childrearing? every country, who will be inspired by H arold F. Conner, former residence So m e h ave t ried to paint t h e the common strength to take what­ hall director at Roger Williams Col­ women' s movement as bent on de­ eve r action is n ecessa ry and lege, joined the Lesl ey College ad­ stro ying marriage, the fam ily, home. appropriate . . . to confront the un­ ministration on A ugust 1 as ass istant In f ast ch anging mass soc iety, of finished business of our equality. We dean and director of re sidences. today's alie nat io n , I see a deeper need can us e the manmade satellites now Conner's varied experiences coun­ t han ever for t he int imacy, continuity ringing o ur earth to bring our voices to se ling stude nts include se rving as a of intimacy, e m o tio nal support and each other . . . to pool our actions. Protestant chaplain at Drexel Univer­ strength people have sought in mar­ A ll our nations wi ll confront on that sity, as a campus ministry inte rn at the riage, t he fam ily, ho m e. And in my day t he full force, the passionate de­ Unive rsity of Pennsylvania and work­ own cou ntry I see t he eno rmou s de­ terminatio n , the irreversibility of the ing with draft counse ling and proble m struction, t he explo ding cr isi s in mar­ new movement of women. We w ill pregnancy program s. riage, th e fam ily, home, caused I be­ learn, t he m ost remote of o ur sisters, H e holds a B.A. from the Unive rsity lieve by the very polarize d sex o ur stre n gth to change o ur of Richmond, a M. Div. from Crozer roles- t he m asculine and feminine lives . .. and discover how m any we Theological Seminary and a M. Ed. stereotypes we are tryi ng to break are- in the hundreds of millio n s. from Temple University. 1973 LESLEY COLLEGE FUND

Lora Evans '74 Le sley' s continuing leader­ Diane LaBell Feinzig '58 Roberta Caras Fi shman '61 ship effort in teacher training is Naomi Neiman Fruitt '64 enhanced by contributions to M yrna Shufro Fruit! '54 the Building Program. Pledge Persis Gallion '56 payments totalling $75,436.51 Laurel Harrison Goldstein '42 Diane Sharp Hadelman '60 received during 1972-73 are Sandy Halady '73 gratefully acknowledged in this Su san Kaplan Harmon '67 report. Sheila Andelman Heller '67 Contributors are recognized Nadine Hettig 73 M ay Hogan '26 under the Lesley College fund Janice Karmolinski '75 which they supported. Con­ Ro salyn Cohen Kau fman '63 Robert Cain tributions to the Annual Fund Elizabeth Klaiman G65 support current on going pro­ Mary Lally '74 grams of the College and dona­ Ann Cleveland Lan ge '59 D ea r Friends, Clare Maney LaRochelle '40 tions to the Building Program Kathy Ann LaRochelle It is m y pleasure as cha irman of th e are used to build new campus Ro se Lewis Les ley Co llege Annual Fund ca mpaign facilities. Janice Kimball Lyons '53 Anne Struik Macchi '52 for th e yea r ending june 30, 197 3, to Trudy Vernon M agid '42 report that the Fund reached an all time )o Malva '49 high of $68,638.00, a fi gure w hich was M elinda Miller '75 more th an do uble th at of the previous Judy Murray '75 Dolores Glasser Orkin '63 yea r. jeanne Norton Palmer '53 Unprecedented heights were reached judith Diggs Potter '64 in the giving records of the Alumni, the Christine Banks Red ford '72 - PARTICIPATIO Governing Boards, Parents, business Cynthia Shepatin Rosenthal '60 Class Percent firms and foundations. Alumni Chairman Selma Freede Rudolph '41 1926 48% Barbara Barron Sch i lling 'SO Se lma Freede Rudolph '41 and Parent 1961 40 % Pamela Seeley '75 Chairman Wa lter R. }. Brown ea rn ed our 1962 40 % Lorraine Blondes Shapiro '42 deep gratitude for th eir personal com­ 1951 39 % Penny Kertzman Shuman '67 1960 mitment of th eir time and orga niza tional 38% )acki Si sco '73 1939 37 % M arjori e W olbarst Smith '62 abilities in achieving th ese res ults. Th e 1946 37 % Nancy Squ atrito 'SO Trustees and Corporators provided us 1967 37 % M arjorie Stone Tanzer '64 w ith outstanding lea dership in continu­ 1948 36 % Nancy Bluestone Tofias '56 ing their support of Les ley as th eir ca pital 1963 36% jeanette Hobbs Va lence '61 j ane Em ery W alker '43 pledges to th e building fund were com­ Amy Wallach '75 pleted, b y renewing and increas in g th eir joanne Hecht Zaiger '67 unres tricted gifts to the Annual Fund. TOTAL DOLLARS Emmy Zimmerman '73 Class Agent Chairman, Ellen Green Class Dollars Bloch '6 1, is to be congratulated for her 1967 $1 656. 00 success in recruiting fift y class agents, 1961 1,127. 00 each of w hom played a leading ro le in 1941 1 ,080.00 our Ca mpaign. Last, but by no mea ns 1950 990.00 1925 897.00 leas t, m an y th an ks to o ur A lumni 1968 822.00 Dialath on volunteers w ho contacted al­ 1964 780 .00 mos t 1,500 alumni. 1929 746 .00 Th e Les ley Community -alumni, par­ 1953 718.00 1958 680.00 ents, governing board members, faculty and friends - ca n be proud of this con­ CONTRIBUTORS TO tinued genero us support which will THE CAMPAIGN grea tly assist th e College in its e fforts to establish more student scholarships, in­ THE PRESIDENT'S ASSOCIATES crease faculty sa laries, expand library re­ (Founded in the fall of 1972, this o rgani­ zation is comprised of all constituents who sources and implement oth er items of 1973 DIALATHON VOLUNTEERS foremost importance. contributed $1,000 or more during the 1972-73 Annual Fund Campaign.) Roz Heifetz Abrams '67 Mr. & M rs. Harold Bis hins With sincere th anks, Doro thy Michelmore Arse nault '29 Mr. & M rs. Erwin Blonder M arilyn Saltz Bernheimer '63 Mr. & M rs. Alvan Corkin Ellen Green Bloch '61 M r. & Mrs. Sumner Feldberg M ollie Bromfield '33 M r. & M rs. Seymour Frank M argu erite Shaman Delany '50 M r. & Mrs. Ralph Rose Ca roline Deloury '74 Mr. & M rs. Louis Rudolph Claire O 'Brien Driscoll '37 (Se lma Freede Rudolp h '41) Amy Dunham '75 Robert Ca in Mrs. Elsa G. So nnabend Gail Roberts Dussea ult '60 M r. & Mrs. james E. Tu rner Annual Fun d Chairman Barbara Sm ith Ellenso n '61 M r. & M rs. )ames 0. Welch LORD NEWARK ASSOCIATES M r. William P. Dole Dole Pu blishing Company 1923 (Parent and Alumni gifts of $500 or more.) M r. Andrew W . Edmonds Du p ree Associates Annual Fund Ellen Green Bloch '61 M r. Henry M . Fawcett lockwood Pl astics, Inc. Helen O'Malley Jackman Mr. Walter R. j . Brown P73 M r. Richard M . Lee Re liance Co·operative Ban k ' Winifred M. Ra ndall Mr. john ). Cahi ll P72 M r. Pau l D . Magee Sea rs·Roebuck & Company El izabeth Joy Rasmusse n ..._,. Dr. & M rs. Harold L. Ehrlich P74 Mr. Richard D . M uzzy So nes ta Hotels Marice Ricker Mr. Samuel Glas er P73 Mr. Harris ) . Nadley Va ppi & Company Charl otte Clapp Russell ·j oyce Fro man Groper '50 Mr. Carlos M . Passa lacqua t Margaret Carroll Sa mpso n Mr. & Mrs. l ester f. Heath, Jr. P73 Miss Winifred M. Rand all Building Program Pa uline Davenport Sawyer Do nna Tufts Hopkins '52 Mr. Ralph L. Rose Harvard Trust Com pany Margaret Lyo ns Sm ith Mary McCarron M ead '25 Mrs. Beatrice H . Rosenthal New England Gas & Electric Association Ed ith Akin Vincen t Mr. Harvey A. Robbins P72 Mrs. Lo uis Ru dolph Servend·Sei lers Co rporation Mr. A rthur D. Pomerantz P73 Mrs. Melvin Shapiro United Carr Divisions of TRW, Inc. Building Fund M r. jack T. Schwartz P69 M r. Walter D . Silcox Gertrude M ansir Colton M r. M artin W . Straus Eff ie Scott M allery Mr. j ames E. Turner FOUNDATIONS Matching Gi fts M r. Andrew M. Wales Annual Fund 1924 Annual Fund M r. Do nald B. Wilson Boston Bi o·Physics Research Fo undation Annual Fund Brunsw ick Corp oratio n W illia m E. Schrafft & Bertha E. Schrafft Charitable Ed ith Hultin Bi bbin s Conti nental Can Company Building Program Trust Ruth F. Bo land First National Bank of Boston Mr. Robert A. Abeles The Paul Simons·Lt. Gutman Foundation Elizabeth Fisk Brand First National City Bank M r. julius Abrams Rae lene Sawyer Clo ugh The Gillette Com pany M r. H. Gardner Bradlee t Agnes Ro binso n Cullens Humble Co mpanies Mr. W alter R. ). Brown FRIENDS jean M acGrego r Hemenway IBM Corporati o n M r. john ). Ca hill Annual Fund Ka therine A . Murp hy Jo hn Hancock Mutual l ife Insu rance Co. M iss Eleanor M . Eddy Do ris Boshnack The Merck Company M rs. Richard S. Gordon M rs. M ary V. Crockett 1925 National Bi scuit Co mpany Mr. Paul D . M agee Isabelle Daniels z'l Annual Fund New England Gas & Electric Association M r. Geo rge A. Mclaughlin, Jr. Estelle Dinkes Carolyn Aye rs Alspach New En gland Mutual life Insurance Co. M r. Harvey A. Robb ins Claire Ertisc hek t Bess ie Brown Bl iven Phoenix M utual life Insurance Co . M r. Ra lp h L. Rose Shirley Ginsburg Sara Rubin Cohen Polaroid Corpo ration Mrs. M elvin Shapi ro Ern est Henderson, Ill M ildred O 'Neil Crowley U niroyal, Inc. Mr. An d rew M . Wales Gerald ine Nathanson Em ily Pries t Derby U nited Aircraft Co rporation M r. Do nald B. Wi lson Harriet Riederman Marian S. D urrell Xe rox Corpo ration june Savi tt Mary K. Fitzgerald Ellis Spear Flo rence E. Foley Building Program FACULTY & Sally W eisbord Elizabeth Arnold Haynes Bu rl ingto n Industries ADMINISTRATION Eva Grant Marshall Cabo t Co rp o ratio n Annual Fund Building Program Mary Welsh Mathieson General El ectric Company Martha B. Ackerson Mrs. Edwin M . Cadman Mary McCarro n Mead · He rcules, Inc. jane B. Benso n Herbert Fromm Ruth Trues dale M es erve The Travelers Insu rance Companies Elizabeth N . Berglund L. Allen Parke r Frances Tyler Moulton Roen ita Brathwaite Mary M . Plezia Avis M . Brenner Evelyn Ste rn Ray TRUSTEES j ane K. Canfield M ariam Riggs Annual Fund Cynthia Cole ALUMNI BY CLASS Gretta Becker Sa uer Charl es D . Bonner, M.D . Norman E. Dee janet Prince Schultz Mr. Ro bert H . Cain E. Belle Evans Prof. Ches te r L. Dawes Pau l A. Fid eler Building Fund M r. jo hn H. D yer judith S. Garelick 1913 • Mary Alsop McClanahan Mr. Joseph M. Edinb u rg Doro thy M. Giblin 13 Annual Fund - /.:ri~ Mary M cCarro n Mead Mr. Maurice T. Freem an David D . Ho nick ,... Charlo tte Fish Glancy Marga retha Becker Sa uer Mr. Hollis G . Gerris h Sylvia Hurwitch Amy Crockett Warren Mr. Charl es H . Hood li II ian Krieger 191 7 1926 M r. A ndrews S. Macalaster W inifred S. Lair Annual Fund Annual Fund M r. & M rs. C. Charles Marran Alma B. M acCormack Gladys Heroy Griffin M ildred Capodieci Barberio M r. Wi lliam C. McConne ll , )r. Edna F. M aleson * Ka therine Hansbury Ca hill Mr. Ervin Pietz Lawrence W . Marble 1918 Helen Fit zGerald Callahan M r. Eli ot I. Sn id er Geo rge L. Miller, Jr. Annual Fund Thelma Freeman Cary M rs. Elsa G . So nnabend M ary Mindess Agn es Welch Feeney * Po lly W ilso n Connell Mr. Ernest F. Stockwell , Jr. Betty M oore Mary E. Ki lroy El eanor Thayer Connolly M r. Robert Teno n Kat hryn G. Morgenthau Helen Colley Lagrenade Margaret Reid Cote Mr. C. Vincent Vappi Allan Morris Eva nge line Given Piper Dorothy Cushing M r. Jam es 0 . Welch Do n A. O rton Cat heri ne Deva ne M rs. Rich ard Ete lman j enni fe r A. Page Building Fund Kathleen MacBeth Dowd Mrs. A lbert Sc h ill ing Leno re D . Parker Helen Colley Lagrenade Beryl Holb rook Drayto n F. W es to n Prio r Evange line Given Piper Alice Moran D uris Building Pro gram Ruth L. Regan M ad eline McColgan Ellis Mr. Robert H . Cain Rosalie Richardson 1919 Rosamond Hawkins Harriso n Prof. Chester L. Dawes M iriam M . Ritvo Annual Fund Mary F. H ennessey Mr. john H . Dyer Joyce M. Snyder M ary Bergemin i Tewksbury Adah Lass one Hill Mr. jo se ph M. Edi nb u rg j o hn G . Tucker M ari o n Mclaughlin Yost * May Hogan M r. Ro b ert W. Fawcett F. j ea n W hittemore Helen Ewi ng Holmes M r. M aurice T . Freeman Ba rbara C. W ickson Building Fund Ruth Trefethen Humphrey M r. Ho llis G . G errish Gertrud L. Wyatt Doro thy B. Cormac k Grace Ell is Kline Mr. Do n S. Greer Nora M . M ullarkey M r. Ervin Pietz Bu ilding Program 1920 Norman E. Dee Alice Byrn e M urphy M r. jack T. Sc hw artz Annual Fund Thelma Howlett Penaliga n W i lliam L. Perry M r. Elio t I. Sn id er Blanche Lewis Freeland er Olive MacNeill Pollard F. Weston Prior M r. Ro b ert Te no n Mariam Nelson Adele W ebster Sparkes jo hn G . Tucker M rs. Richard Et elman Doro thy Hatch Ti cehurst Ca therine P. W elch Building Fund Madeline Burns W allis CORPORATORS Mariam Nelson t*Giadys Pollet Young Annual Fund M r. Ro bert A. A beles CORPORATE GIFTS 1921 Building Fund M r. Ju lius A bram s Annual Fund Annual Fund Kathleen Finnegan M r. Haro ld W. Atkinson Ba rbou r Stockwell Company jean Lamont W inifred Simpson W o rgan Mr. Erwin H. Bl o nder Ca mbridge Trust Company Alma Higgins Lowrey Dr. Ruth F. Boland Church Street Corporation 1927 Mr. H . Ga rdner Brad lee Cosmos Press, Inc. 1922 Annual Fund M r. Walter R. ) . Brown Nathaniel Dame & Company Ann ual Fund Gai l Sanford Abbe Mrs. A rthur ). Connell Doble En gin eering Company M ari o n Allen Fo lger Ruth jordan Blanchard

•(Pmur)· Club M C' mbcr 1 P~1 ren1 c1 nd Alumm gdt <. of S 100-$499) t(/a"" Agent Mario n W inn Dade Estelle Brady Lash Gertrude jennings LaFrenz Building Fund Hazel Newhall Fl anders Hannah Andrews Leviston Ph yllis Johnson Ledgard Dorothy Gemma Rowe t Madalene Sedgwick Hubbard tEvelyn Fenna Monroe Thelma Rubin Les hner Marjorie Green Stern Consta nce Leonard Claire Haines Nevers Ethel Hanscom M anwaring Ruth Loftus Tunnicliffe Elea no r Matthews Lucier Alyse Dearingto n Po rter Dorothea E. M asse Marion Hutton W eil Helen G. M acG regor Frances Pea rl Sch affer M ary M . Reardon Thelma Cross man Whitcher Eve lyn R. Maguire Rose M itrano Sl avitz Helen MacKillop Swindell M ild red Edmend Metcalf Barbara Tow ne • Eve lyn Neff Provenza ni Katherine Smith Varney Building Fund 1940 Madeline Ke lley Sanford Ruth Ober Wiley Jeanne Thayer Dunford Annual Fund Kat herine Farrell Sherman Mary M . Reardon Barbara Estabrook Cashin Co nstance Tenney Building Fund Barbara M itchell Howard N athalie F. Towle Virginia Saunders Allison 1935 Adeline Brewitt Liberatore Alice Robertson Dolan Annual Fund Doris Treadw ell M erritt Building Fund Alyse Dea rington Porter Barbara Bu chanan Pri scilla Emerson Morrill Ruth Jordan Blanchard Alice Goodrich Clark janet Ru therford Sher.vin Charlotte Ll oyd Hom er 1931 Do ris Hartwell Granger *Jeanette Pedersen Smith M adalene Sedgw ick Hubbard Annual Fund Co nstance Miller Grossman Isabelle Szygula Co nstance Tenney Helen Belcher Chace El eanor Tw itchell Gustafson M iriam Sears Tarr Eli zabeth Osborne W elsh Madeline Nazro Cline Rita Maher M addock t Rosamond O 'Neil Wyman * Frances M. Cronin M arjorie Gray Ray 1928 Helen Clark Dinjian Building Fund Annual Fund Bea trice Grant Gellerson Building Fund Clare M aney LaRochelle M argaret M ills Akin El ea nor Davenport Leathers El ea nor Cove Bergin * Ro samond O 'Neil Wyman M arjo rie Davidson Blomquist Laura Dixon Moulton ' Rita M aher M addock Eil ee n M arkham Curtin Prisci lla Andrews Musk 1941 Emily L. Dawley t Doris Kimball Newman 1936 Annual Fund t Martha Silva Dee ring Isadora M icheline Oliphant Annual Fund Clara Nathanson Gorin Jessie Taylo r Dickerman Beatrice Cruickshank Smith Eliza beth Roffey Bl atchford Rita Burke Lee NeH Ru ssin Go ldberg *Elizabeth Thomas Marjorie Grout Cummings Shirley Alkon Leventhal Doris Nelson Harrington Cath erine M oriarty Trafton Louise Lappen Duffey t Selma Freede Rudo lph * Dorothy Adams Hennessy Building Fund E. Ruth Breen Gagnon Esther MacDonald Schmiederer Patricia Lewis Hicks Aris Hart Dunnell Beryl Downs Graff Ph yllis Herring Smith Marion C. Little * Do ris Kimball Kewman Harriet Woodsum Hall Constance Hovey Zea Dorothy Fifield Nichols Isadora Micheline Oliphant Dorothy Pfeiffer Marshall Frances Whelton O'Hare Ray Robbins Protheroe 1942 Louise Linehan Roopenian 1932 Elizabeth Bell Ri II Annual Fund Hilda Lothrop Rudback Annual Fund M ary Turner Ru sse ll Amy Cunningham Bateman Dorothy Lloyd W ilkins Flo rence Gardner Balius j ean MacM ann Taylor Ed ith Nilson Co nti julia F. Yo ung Josephine Hodgdon Brow n Dorothy Noo n Timberl ake El eanor Paul Hough M at ilda Chudnorsky Zwetchkenbaum Helen Go uld Clark Frances Smith Weibust Trudy Vern on Magid Aris Hart Dunnell Bernice Mclellan White t * Lorrai ne Blondes Sh apiro Building Fund Alice Harvery Fuller Norene Jo nes Whitters M arie A. Sulliva n Emily L. Dawley Kat hryn Coffey Glenno n Nellie Ru ssin Goldberg Signe Hogberg Harl finger Building Fund Building Fund Do rothy Fifield Nichols Dorothy Potter Hawtho rne t Helena Cavan augh Dowd Amy Cunningham Bateman t Doris L. jo hnson Lau riette Em erson Trudy Ve rnon Magid 1929 M ary Crankshaw Johnson Ray Robbins Protheroe * Lo rraine Blo ndes Shapiro Annual Fund Helen Reimer M atson Frances Smith W ei bu st Ann Em erso n Andrews Barbara Sullens M cCrae 1943 1937 Do rothy Michelmore Arse nault Gladys Shaw Morris Annual Fund Annual Fund No ra Co nno rs Barce lo Jea nette Hennessy O 'Day t Ei aine Callahan Cavanaugh Pauline E. Buck Pri sc illa New ell Barstow Josephine Perkins Dulcie Dadmun El ea no r M . Clancy Evelyn M oody Bo demer Eli zabeth Robbins Ra ffa Barbara Gould Hamer M ary M artin Co nnors Lo ra Standish Brouhard Alma Burgess Ro hdin jea n Rogers Kenerson Ann Scribner Crane Irene Bu ce k M ary Doole Saurre Maria Lo uise Putnam t Claire 0 'Brien Driscoll Catherine E. Crosby Lydia Jon es Speirs Gertrude Sta nley Sc hm idt Angleine· Panes is Kei th Rac hel M aner Dava n Edna Stephenson Wintle Dorothy Cogswell Stack Ruth Howlett Duhig M argaret Price Kin g Building Fund Nancy Noonan W right M ary Greene Freeman Eliza beth Carrigan Rya n Th elma Gale Greene El ea nor Hayden Baker Gladys Tourtillott Sundell Florence Gardner Balius Building Fund Prisci lla Wildes Kennard Maria Lo uise Putnam Hazel Burrington Martin Do rothy Potter Hawthorne Building Fund *M ario n Neff M ayher Virginia Andrews Lass ieur Pauline E. Buck Alma Burgess Rohdin 1945 Lillian M agoon 1938 Annual Fund Helen Briggs Miller 1933 t Margery McCuske r Flannery Rac hel French Packard Annual Fund Annual Fund Freda Bisbee Gertrude Sanborn Sands Elizabeth H. Barber 1946 t M arjorie Truesdell Se rvis M o llie R. Bromfield Ella Sm ith Donovan El sa K. Hall Annual Fund Ru th Collier Straight Mario n Barber Brooks jea nne Ropp Be rge r Elizabeth Boynto n Shumway Eileen Mulcare Chamberland Muriel Barber Kn eib Anna T. M acone Marjorie Curtis Cole Ru t h Ke lley Thompson Do rothy Hodgen Crowell Marilyn Cu mmings Hart M arga ret A. Millican *Elizabeth Wroe Wright Charlotte Hopkins Cummings Shirley Canning McGowan Barbara Ram sey Dudley M abel L. Phinney Building Fund Sylvia Pet lock Pea rl stein Jeanette Davidson Eato n Nancy True Sears Irene Bu cek Lois Loud Sylver Evelyn O 'Neill Gree nhalgh t Carolyn E. Seymour Doro thy M oore Fitts t Dorothy W right Weber M arian Smith Hilton *M arjorie Tru es dell Se rvis Building Fund Rosalie M ann Kovar Building Fund Ruth Kelley Thompson Nancy True Sea rs t j ane W ason Ll anso j ean ne Ropp Berger Clare Murphy McGrath 1930 1939 Annual Fund Josephine M cDermott M cGuire 1947 Gertrude Guimond M orrison Annual Fund Virginia Saunders Allison Annual Fund Frances Ca rd Streeter Jane DuBo n Benso n Theodora B. Bonzagni *Gladys Elfenbein Daren Melba Kyriacos Collins Eleanor Morganstein Lechan Winifred Palmer Brachvogel Building Fund Helai ne Sossen Freeman Mary Shepard Pa rtridge M arian Nichols Bu sha M arian Smith Hilton Ruth Hickey M cA leer Janice Grinnell Chace *Jane W ason Ll anso t Dorothy G. Pratt Frances Conley Dunto n Dorothy Gemma Rowe 1948 Evelyn F. Ford 1934 Marjorie Gree n Ste rn Annual Fund Be rtha M cConnell Foster Annual Fund Mary Ki ng Stevens Selma Chervin Bell Ka thryne M ahoney Garvey t Kathleen Cail Dahlquist Mary M ilne St ubbs Marilyn Chace Bennett Geraldine Hillia rd Graves jea nne Thaye r Dunford Anna O lson Watson Jean Peckham Clark Pauline Tracy Jo nes M argaret Fowler Th elma Crossman Whitcher Jean O lfene Curtis joan Nock Dimeno Audrey A. Furze Marilyn Kliman Holstein Dia ne LaBell Feinzig Pauline Cloutier Eaton Brenda Gorey Garvin Do ris Hozid Krensky Dena Waldman Lavine t Evelyn Boyle Finnegan Shirley Patros Hoey * Jacqueline Bucciarelli Raymo nd Rh oda Freed Mann Elinor Tarky Greco t Do nna Tu fts Ho pkins Madeleine A. McDo nald Mary Doris )ones Mary Lea Webb Jo hnson 1956 *Audrey Belson Meline Marjo rie Small Ke nnedy Uta Levy Ke llerman Annual Fund Roberta Zuker Pr ives Evelyn Bl o ndes Lam b jud ith Sanborn Levis Lana H. Bailey Aurelia Rupert Anne Struik M acchi Mary Lou ise Ril ey Barbone 1959 Kat herine Halloran Sullivan Ca ro l Battis Para dis Rebecca Bicknell Brigham Annual Fund Rita Fl aherty Staffier Lo rrai ne Seth Cam pbell Lin dalee l evin Adler Building Fund Do ris Reynolds Tatham Gayle Ru dner Wise Caneva ri M arilyn Waldman Attenberg Marilyn Chace Bennett Shirley E. W arren j anice O 'Keefe Coan Barbara Nuss inow Bartman Ph yll is Ange ll Tyson Constance Yo ung Whitmore Carol Crockett Everett Doris Do nnine Bayes Persis Gallion Carole Sp ill Berman 1949 Building Fund Do rothy Farr Gilgut Gertrude Patterson Bo rden Annual Fund Audrey A. Fu rze M arjorie Kraft Goren Deborah Mill man Bu rwick Mary Haly Barry Do rothy M iller Newto n Barbara Dennett Howard Marcia So lberg Chauncey Roberta Sibor Braley Glo ri a Schnei der Ke rn j oan Paresky Chernoff Alice Coyle Henderson 1953 *Ei lee n E. MacEi arney Joyce Lane Crimmins t )oaquina Malva Annual Fund Jacqueline Robinson Mason Joan Gorham Devlin Elea no r Williams Manning Nancy Tremblay Bean Cat herine Do nley McGovern Ba rbara Harrison Dine Ja ne Sullivan O 'Ro urke Dianne Butterfield Brosnan Do nna Flood O'Shea jo-Anne Wales Eldridge Sh irley M ishner Shriro Sylvia Cohen Brown Ru th W eisman Peck Alice Silverstei n Fi erstein Rita Hyman Silverman Margaret Barton Cook Ann Brittain Pipkin Marilyn Yo ung Folta Vi rginia Woodbury Sl avi n Nancy Coleman Cummings Ca ro l Levi ne Pozefsky Sylvia O ppenhei m Goodwin Anne Dillo n Truscello Mary Vi ncent Fi sher t Barbara Silverman Tamara Bloom Gould j ea n Fossati Wood Barbara Cushing Hoffman Nancy Bluesto ne Tofias Elaine Kritz j acobs Marion E. Zentgraf Nancy Bennett Hofstetter Joan Davis West Susan Ferran joseph Helen Hawkins Hogan Diane Zerner Kizner Building Fund Building Fund t Phyllis Block Leventhal t Ann Cleveland Lange Lana H . Bailey Roberta Sibor Braley j ean Angrisano Limo ngiello M arcia Rabstein Lewis Mary Ril ey Barbone janice Kimball Lyons Paula Crane Lunder Marjorie Kra ft Go ren 1950 Mary Sanders M cPherson Anne Graham Maggipinto Annual Fund Nancy Morrison 1957 Joan Petrag lia Poepoe Dorothy Black Annis Norma Bennett Reinho ld M ary Fenwick Reckford Annual Fund Enid Olmsted Burke *Ruth M. Richard Ed ith M arsh Rya ll t linda Weisberg Altman Martha Morri s Ca llahan Ellen Sears Sa nsone Jane Robertson Rye r Lois White Billinger Lucille A. Cunnane Catherine Imler Tucker Bette Chambers W hite Po lly Timperl ey Brownell * Lois Be rk Grayson Penelo pe Perkins Upto n Ba rbara Sac kman W hite Clare Dineen Costello jane McCarthy Heckler Barba ra La mki n Wolkon Clai re Lewis Currier Betty A. jo hnson Building Fund Pauline Murphy Driscoll Building Fund Elea nor LaP lante Ke hoe Brenda Tudhope Adamczyk jane Fi sher Feigenbaum Marilyn Freed Berman Dorothy Wolfe Kulik * Ru th M. Ri chard Ann Tewksbu ry Ham M arcia Solberg Chauncey Lois Hanlo n Lawless Do nna Chickering Summerville Sy lvia R. Knight Susa n Farran Joseph Marie Story Pal mer Elizabeth Knight Th o mas M arjori e Brenner Lipkin t*Eiizabeth M o ran Po lachi Ann Cl eveland Lange Thelma Hixo n Walton Margaret Conway MacRae Jea nne Northridge Robson Eileen Israel Wolff t Catherine P. Welch Ann M cCa nn Magaletta * Barbara Barron Schi ll ing 1954 Elizabeth Bo uffard Marques N an cy C. Squatrito 1960 Annual Fund Caryl M arrone M asiello Eliza beth Snedeker Thompso n Annual Fund Mary Clark Barclay Elizabeth Fleming McMorrow Jane W. Worcester Marcia Juliano Abate Elizabeth Ca rl isle Bascom Barbara Stellwagen McVeigh M arjorie Sakolove Abramowitz * Bets y Dexter Bed rick Merle Royte Nelson Mary W hite DeNard is Building Fund Mary Ann Rya n Blackwell Barbara Buffered Ras hba Gail Roberts Dusseault j anice Spurr Titu s j oyce Fro man Groper Mary E. Brahaney El aine Bo rn stein Ellis ja ne Worces ter Mart ha A. Ca rro ll Building Fund Carol Scipio ne Fialkosky t Ann S. Casey Abby Spindel Cahn Nancy Giobbe Frabetti lasme Chiotelis Sheila Levitt Estrin Sa ralee Fineman Gordo n * Ei leen Feldman Fl ax 1951 Myrna Sh ufro Fruit! Diane Sharp Hadelman Merl e Royle Nelson Annual Fund Dorothy Ull ian Gorodetsky Marcia White Hega rty Barbara Bufferd Ras hba j oyce Go mberg Aaro n Virgi nia Haines Hull Diane M o nte it h Joyce Carolyn Palmer Ti rrell M arjorie L. Behrens jane DiTiberio Jo hnso n Sandra Fres hman Ke ller Barbara Street Berry Lavi na Dallahan Lawless Sa Eun Ho ng Kim Elea no r Piche Berube Enid S. Lofchie Joslyn Hills Kirkegaard M arj orie Sw artz Salmon Phyllis Bernhart Lerner Ru th Flaherty Burket 1958 jane Hasti e Ca rl eto n Della MacAski ll Schultz Linda Cooley Levene Annual Fund Edith St reechan Cross Florence G. Sherry Leno re Berman Lieberman Georgia Louras Bartlett Harri et Se iga l Dubin Clare Do nova n Wadsworth Barba ra Limmer Lo ughlin Ge raldine jo hnson Bunker Do ri s Carter Griffin Susan Martin Barbara Yo ung Coplin Barbara LeMay Gull a Building Fund Edith A. M cQuaid Anne Del uca Cote * Jean Fothergill Hahn M artha A. Carroll An ne Neal Nolan Diane Labe ll Feinzig El izabeth M aho ney Henderson Dorothy Ullian Gorodeisky Barbara Gold man Packer Marlene Zio nts Fri edman Shirley Marsh Krau se *Marj o rie Swartz Sa lmo n Joyce Ka rp Rosenthal M ary Lo uise Heath Sally McKay Libby Cynthia Shepat in Rosenthal Helen Klahr Hirshhorn t Peggy Sc ho lar M irick 1955 Donna Kasowitz Rubin Nancy Powers Kelley Mary O'Bri en Moylan Annual Fund Marcia Wright Sc huste r linda Prage r Laza roff Elna Fo re N ugent Mary Giblin Cogswell Evelyn Stratton Barbara Ya rl ott Li epmann Phyll is Brown Rh ein Ro berta Fi ne Danberg Frances Cooperman Taber Barbara Shinn Mary Corcoran Derba Rh oda Freed Mann Rho nda S. Tinkoff M ary Carew Dyke Do rothy Abrams Marshall t Ei ai ne Zucker Wax Elisabeth A. M cCauley Building Fund t Polly M unroe Furbush Sa ndra Krea m Zimo n Diann Eld redge Holland t Aud rey Belson M eline Elizabeth P. Zucco Marjorie L. Behrens Barbara Paul Holzman Ca role Iarin Rubins Ed it h St reechan Cross Joan W egerdt Kearns Janet M. Si lva Building Fund Ba rba ra Gofman Goldy Nancy Bousquet Ke lly Maruine Green Sto ne Mary W hite DeNard is *W inifred M . Linehan Ruby Ski nder Strauss Gail Roberts Dussea ult 1952 * Jacqueline Bucciarell i Raymond El iza beth Be ntley W ilmot Annual Fund Carol Shriber Sokolov Beverly Ro man W ine 1961 Mary E. Brady Lois Finke Spiegel jud ith Ein ste in Zieg ler Annual Fund Ei leen Lyons Coursey Susa n Si lve rman Adler joan Flentje Fo rsyt h Building Fund Building Fund ltty Chan Barn ett Marcia Hatch Fowler M aureen Duffy Forres ter Geraldine jo hnson Bunker *Virginia Farrell Bl au Ellen Green Bl och Miriam Shaw Coon t Chloe Burton Horton Paula Marshall Nurczynski Geraldine Milhender Bloomberg j anice Klimerman Diamond Ro se Merlesena )odice Dianne Bass Orenstein Carol lmpallaria Brickett Judith Kimball Emers on jane Collins Jo nes jean Birmingham Osofsky Ruth M. Chasse Joyce Levy Ep stei n Sue Kerstein Carol Mills Paige Marlene Steinman Chorches Susan Wilcon Etelman Elizabeth Klaiman Ro se mary llvento Penta Norma Reingold Silverman Dian Joy Wainwright Fidler janet O'Connell LaTanzi Karen V. Pagoda t Golda Siegel Doyle Ellen N . Fi sher Peggy Linahan judith Hammond Roberts Joan So rkin Dretler Roberta Rain Goldstein Gloria Knell Magliozzi Eileen S. Rogoff Barbara Smith Effenson Carole Stark Goldstein Virginia Lee Maloney Susan L. Schneider Rob erta Caras Fis hman Nancy Staudinger Haynes Joyce Ascher Mayer Elaine Eskesen Schuldenfrei Maureen A. Fowler Ro sa lyn Cohen Kaufmann Nancy Mellen Meehan Elisse Allinson Share Della Ro se Gilman t Marion Abrams Kay Jane Anderson Norton Rebecca Epstein Silverstein Benita Crosby Goldman Pam ela Nevins Kirk Muriel A. Ro se nthal Elaine Winiker Smith D. lnglee Harding M artha Sauntry Mclaughlin Martha Grossman Sholes Fran cee Sigal Solomon jacqueline Goldwyn Kingan Ed ythe Marcus Messer Harriet Salk Simon Regina Rosenbaum Stein • Janet Kaplan Laine Ann Milgroom El aine Saykin Weiner Ruth W. Sterne Sandra Wiles Marquis Dolo res Glasser Orkin Harriet Gold Weinstock Ruthann Theodore Stoltz Suzanne Hruska Nagler Geraldine Nye Pedrini Barbara Spencer Willis Denise Galvin Swan Elvira Draghetti Nannini Linda Leveton Radding Holly Woodbury Paula Starensier Va n Dernoot Ro chelle Shapiro Nolan Paula A. Rice Gay West Yelle Margaret O'Neill Ywoskus Carol Kenler Papermaster *Amy Stellar Robinson Building Fund Norma D. Penney Lyn Mills Sh apiro Building Fund Linda Spill Cooley Phyllis Ledewitz Press judith Morse Smi th Andrea Poolner Glovsky Elizabeth Klaiman jane Sugarman Sachs )ose ne Stephens Steinberg *Susan Pearl Grausman Judith Edwa rds Norton Elinor M ichelson Shaevel Dorris Stewart Pamela Baughman Mitchell Saralee Drubner Simberg Naomi Nason Tabella Dianne Bass Orenstein 1966 *Joyce Marshall Snyder H. Leslie Walmsley Janet N. Reed Annual Fund Elaine Driben Steinman Lana Canavan Williams Denise Galvin Swan Susan Duffy Anderson Eda Weinberg Stepper joyce Sokolove Wiseman Marilyn Sargon Brier Jeannette Hobbs Valence Marcia Turkewitz Worobow 1968 Ro sanne Siracusa Centurino Paula Sagoff Waxman M arilyn Kramer Yassin Annual Fund Blanche E. W etmore Mary Kingsbury Clark Susan Kline Ball Barbara ). Cohen Building Fund Susan Corcoran Bamond Building Fund Patricia Devlin Joyce Levy Epstein Barbara Flem ing Bartlett Ellen Green Bloch t linda Goff Gersten Sheila Foster Israe l Jane Hara Bulman Geraldine Milhender Bloomberg joanne Lipsher Goodman Barbara). Bradley Barbara Streiferd Gladstone Nancy Brown Grim Diane E. Bushner 1964 Jane Atwater Hale Benita Crosby Goldman Annual Fund Katherine E. Dobbie Ann Haffer jacob jane Regier Harrington Ann Quain Abbott Irene Pea rson Do ughty Louise Shapiro Levine Judith Gootkin Harvey Harriet Furlong Bigelow Shirley Culgin Drury Sandra Wiles Marquis Jean Ann Heide Susa n Friedman Brownstein Wanda Gay Hale Edmunds Judith S. Ryan janet Margulies Susan M. Buckley Susa n Kravets Greenstein Susan Katz Mazor Carol Ka lfaia n Hanson 1962 Linda Spector Cohen Eleanor Li geiro Manis Frances Hennessey Connelly Karen Berenson Harsfield Annual Fund Carolyn H. Paton Bebe Blackburn Hubbard Ada Price Allen Charlotte McKoen DeVoe janet D. Principato Janice Carroll Donovan Anne Moran jennings Charleen Dinner Alper Ellen Burger Ro st Paula McKinnis Drewett Ellen R. Kramer Jane Kudisch Ansi n Miriam Gold Rovner Joyce A. Finkelstein Carolyn Bourne Kronengold Irene Scimone Buonopane Gretchen S. Sanderson *Deborah Davis Gene Sa lly Heine Lafleur Ruth )udlowe Collier Diana Abraham Sawyer Judith Hindley Gettman Marsha Furchheimer Mattison Clare V. Doyle Roberta Heimlich Shane Ruth Ellen Liston Hastbacka Carolyn Lippitt McCarthy M arjorie MacKay Fl eming Dorothy Nider Shapiro Patricia Peterson Hood Joyce Crocket McComiskey Dea nna Cohen Gale Susan Brown Smith *Arl een Litner Jacobs Sherry Rosner M iller Joan Perlroth Gelpey Janet Heske Kophs Building Fund Li nda Cotton Nore M arcella Harrington Haviland Phyllis Weinberg Levy Susan Duffy Anderson lois Rosner Older Susan Harlow Howe Rosinne Cisternino Loew Nancy Ell en Bogg Annalee Tozier Pease Cynthia Za Ivan Katzeff Dawn Wallace Louis Les lie Contos Campbell *Marj orie Lebow Perlman Ann Wekstein Kazer jane Finberg Mandell Linda Leshner Revzan Lynne Bale Kovacs Barbara Teega rdin Card Karen Finkle Marcus Paula Sherin Carol Cameron Lamont Jea n Ann Heide Sandra Stedman Moreland )errilyn Kirsc hbaum Smith Marian Horvath McGee Ruth Zulofsky Na dal Carolee Gott Mountcastle Meryle Rubin Widman Diane Gelfand Stellar Mary Garvery Mclaughlin Diane Doyle Rol fe Maxine Price Sugarman Sandra Scott Nardozzi Judith Ravelson Shriber 1967 Beverly). Tash Cynthia Englund Norwood Carol Goldman Slippen Annual Fund Les lie Blonder Tramer Brenda Rawding Pilletere Rhoda Schoolnik Smolensky Gail Newman Abrams t Ca rolyn Costello Turner judith Rosen Rothenberg Sally Freihofer Stewart Rosalyn Heifetz Abrams Barbara Greenberg Zdziarski Marion E. Saylor Joan Lubow Stone Ellen Herwitt Atkins Helaine Finkel Saperstein Margaret Wall Sullivan Barbara Cotton Berman Building Fund tMarjorie Wolbarst Smith Susan Golden Tannor janet Lipman Brennan Irene Pea rson Doughty Penelope Smith t Marjorie Stone Tanzer Mary Rezendes Brown Ca role Haske ll Epstein Barbara R. Waterman Diane Nassau Weiss Elizabeth Arrants Cox Diane Hyman Gass Arleen Wilson Wiggetman Irene Brody Wheinstone Dorothy Ann Esperian Zoe Paley Greenberg Diane Berkowitz Wilcon Jan e Becker Fine Cynthia McDermott Kaplan janet Whalen Winship Building Fund Susan R. Geller judith M. Newlander Lovisa Wells Hill Beth Gerson Beverly). Tash Building Fund Andrea Poolner Glovsky Vivian Vaccaro Joan Perlroth Gelpey Judith Hirsch Li ss Jan e Finberg Mandell Ellen Scholnick Goldberg Mary Kuhn Weber Ann Wekstein Kazer Susa n Pearl Grausman Sybil Nassau Kaplowitz Joan Lubow Stone Diane Nassau Weiss t*Ri ssa Welt Grossman 1969 Lynn e Bale Kovacs Susan Kaplan Harmon Annual Fund Helaine Finkel Saperstein 1965 Sheila Andelman H ell er Deborah Wainer Abrahams Barbara R. Wate rman Annual Fund *Do rothy M cFa dden Hudak Ann G. Carp janet Whalen Winship Christine Myette Bauman Maxine Watstein Ka tes Annemarie O 'loughlin Chenette Susa n C. Crockett Charlotte Bareiss Knox Maureen Dressler Dares 1963 Deborah L. Donald Susan Tendler Ko tlen Janey Kuch insky Frank Annual Fund Carole Orgel Ein stei n Lynne Shamburger Kramlich Myrna L. Kesselman Angero Mandonas Andricopoulos Betsy Newcomb Eva ns *A. l o uise l ane Phyllis Gabowitz Kremen Arlene Neufeld Berens Suza nne Straub Fee Nancy Kaye Langelier Ruth B. Li lien M arilyn Saltz Bernheimer Glenda Green Grossman Susan Stanfield Las ley Deborah Schwartz Rai zes Maxine McGrath Bun ch Rh oda Friedman Handwerger jacqueline Hart l each )ulene Pike Rosenman Susa n ). Bush Rachel Freedberg Hershenow Kat hlee n Barnard Manchester Berta Gallin Samson Kathleen O'Keefe Chiasson Etta Hoffman judith Weiner Menkes Elaine Coughlin Schaeffer Eileen M . Shanahan Jacqueline Lasko Mr. & Mrs. Irving Eisen P63 *Mr. Harry D. Solomon P72 Jane Resseguie Shubert Judith Ann Lederman *Mr. Henry M . Fawcett P75 Mr. & Mrs. Clifford G. Stedman P64 Ellen Glasband Margolis Mr. & Mrs. Sumner Feldberg P70 Mr. Martin Straus P73 Building Fund Frances Foti Nonni Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Feuer P70 Mr. William Swid P68 Leslie Sandier Becker Rebecca Sanborn *Mr. & Mrs. Spencer Field P74 Mr. Robert W. Tonner P74 Sheial Browne Carol Petrillo Soumoff Mr. Louis Fine P75 Mrs. Irving Triber P65 Marcia M . Colagiovanni Nancy Pardee Swenson Mr. & Mrs. Seymour Frank P75 *Mr. Philip Tuzzolino P75 t Nancy H . Dean Joyce Beldon Turner Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Fredette, Jr. P74 Rev. & Mrs. Alfred Vail P66 Barbara B. Granetz Doris Wilhousky Dr. Irving G. Gahm P74 Mr. & Mrs. William Vaipan P64 Gail Condon Heald t linn S. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. John M. Galway P62 Ms. Anna Estelle Washington P76 Barbara Kirshenbaum Deborah Ohlsson Worth Mr. Ralph M . Glaser P69 *Mr. Jack B. Wasserman P75 Phyllis Gabowitz Kremen Sharon Deitz Zerden Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Glaser P73 Dr. & Mrs. Jerry W. Adams P74 Andrea Nordin Mr. & Mrs. Harold H. Goldberg, Jr. P75 Mrs. Henry S. Wells P64 Barbara Chesis Olney Building fund Mr. & Mrs. Milton Golden P64 *Mr. Neville Winkler P76 Deborah Schwartz Raizes Judith Lederman Mr. & Mrs. Harris Goldman P73 Mr. Isadore Zack P74 Jane Resseguie Shubert Marjorie Hanrahan Oberto Mr. & Mrs. Harry Greenberg P70 Elizabeth Hickey Stakem Mr. John K. Greenland P73 Building Program 1972 Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Gutman P76 Dr. & Mrs. Marvin Aaron P74 1970 Annual Fund *Mr. & Mrs. S. K. Haskell P68 *Mr. & Mrs. Robert A . Abeles P75 Annual Fund Judith Brackenbury Mr. & Mrs. Lester J. Heath, Jr . P73 Dr. & Mrs. Jerry W . Adams P74 Bryna Rifkind Alviani Sister Juleanne Burns Dr. & Mrs. Ralph Heifetz P67 Dr. & Mrs. Max B. Brenner P73 Lisa Walke Bernard t Margaret A . Buso *Mr. Stuart E. Hertzberg P74 Mr. Walter R. J. Brown P73 Anita Bailey Bolger Judith A. Davis Mr. Howard A. Hirsch P76 *Mr. Philip T. Cohen P73 Susan Finstein Brine Peggy H . Elkus Mr. Joseph Hochberg P64 Mrs. Douglas R. Crocket P68 Ellen M . Cotter Ann Fabianski Mr. & Mrs. Caswell Hoffman P67 *Mr. & Mrs. Harold B. Dean P69 * Elaine M . Cullinane Carol Moberg Floreen Mr. & Mrs. William Holzman P67 *Mr. Thomas R. Doyle P73 & P64 Marie T. Del Buono Dorothy A. Frampton Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Howe P73 Dr. & Mrs. Harold L. Ehrlich P74 Nancy Sobin Drourr Elaine R. Guay Mr. Harry Hruska P61 Dr. Sander H. Fogel P74 Susan Spencer Dworkin Karyl Heifetz Mr. & Mrs. K. Richard Johnson P.74 Mr. & Mrs. Manfredi M. Grassi P74 Joyce L. Gudeman Patricia Karasick Dr. Abram Judlowe P62 Mr. & Mrs. John P. Hanrahan P71 Sandy Bi rnbach Hoagland Linda LaQuerre Dr. & Mrs. Ben B. Kaplan P67 Mr. & Mrs. Edward E. Harlow P62 Sharon Coyne Karp Margaret Burn Petrey Mr. Fred S. Karagianis P73 Mr. & Mrs. S. K. Haskell P68 Lynda L. KiiiKelley Cheryl Young Schwartz Mr. Ralph R. Katz P73 Dr. Frank M. Heifetz P72 Sharon Clifford Knudsen * Mr. & Mrs. Samuel H . Katz P.72 *Mr. Stuart E. Hertzberg P74 Sandra Moriarty PARENT CONTRIBUTORS Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Kershaw P65 Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Hinckley P74 J. Dana Reid Mr. Joel S. Kirschenbaum P74 Mr. & Mrs. Caswell Hoffman P67 Ann Greenberg Rogel Annual Fund Mr. John J. Lally P.74 Mr. & Mrs. Ralph R. Kaplan P73 Judith L. Ship Mr. & Mrs. Robert Abeles P75 Mr. Paul E. Lane P72 Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Katz P73 Nancy L. Siegal Mr. & Mrs. William Abesh P74 *Mr. Lau renee Lapp P7 4 Mr. & Mrs. Samuel H. Katz P72 Deborah V . 51 utsky Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Albert P73 *Mr. Frederick H. Laskow P73 Mr. Benjamin Lederman P71 Barbara Simon Smidt * Dr. J. C. Athans P76 *Mr. Benjamin Lederman P71 *Mr. Paul D. Magee P66 JoAnn Breiner Stein *Mr. Maurice E. Bale P62 Mr. Harold D. Levitt P76 Mr. & Mrs. Paul T. Mahony P73 Jane Place Weaver Mr. & Mrs. Irving S. Belson P62 & PSB Dr. W. L. MacVane, Jr. P74 Mr. & Mrs. Ronald H . McCall P71 *Wendie Eisen Weisman Mr. & Mrs. Harold Bishins P75 * Mr. Paul D. Magee P66 Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. McCormick P74 Building Fund Mrs. Vinson Blanchard P66 Mr. & Mrs. Louis Marshall P61 Mr. & Mrs. J. W . McDermott P68 Mollye Sue Lichter Feldman Mr. & Mrs. Seymour Block P73 *Mr. Arnold Z. Mason P75 Mr. & Mrs. William F. Nolan P75 Mr. Erwin H . Blonder P75 Mr. & Mrs. John W. McDermott P68 Mr. & Mrs. Leo Perkes P74 1971 *Mr. Edward C. Borrego P76 Mr. & Mrs. Carlton R. Newell P73 Dr. Earl S. Pollack P75 Annual Fund Mrs. Doris 0. Bowden P74 Mr. Joseph N . Nichols P73 Mr. Arthur D. Pomerantz P73 Ellen Blumberg Mr. Walter R. J. Brown P73 *Mr. Carl Olla P74 *Mr. David A. Ramler P64 Eileen H . Bobrow Mrs. Francis Xaviar Bush P76 Mr. Charles Packman P74 * Mr. Bertram Rodman P74 Ruth E. Bradford Dr. & Mrs. Alphonse R. Cardi P70 Mr. & Mrs. Leo Perkes P74 Mr. & Mrs. Louis Rogoff P67 Robert C. Devaney Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. Casey P73 Mr. Adolph Perlroth II P62 Dr. Francis Rosner P68 Andrea Meisel DeVries Mr. Edwin B. Coghlin P68 * Dr. Earl S. Pollack P75 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur J. Ruggiero P74 Jean Schulman Dougan Mr. & Mrs. Philip T. Cohen P73 Mr. Miller G . Reed P67 Mr. & Mrs. Ben C. Sheftel P74 Wendy Cohen Dubinsky Mr. & Mrs. Alvan R. Corkin P76 Mr. Murray K. Roth P73 *Mr. & Mrs. Norman Sherman P75 Sara L. Feldman Mrs. Margaret C. Donohue P76 *Mr. & Mrs. William Sands P74 Mr. & Mrs. Walter S. Stanfield P67 Roberta Feinstein Gilstein Mr. & Mrs. Rubin Dragoff P73 *Mr. Joseph F. Schwartz P75 *Mr. & Mrs. Richard Stiner P75 Kathryn Hart Griffiths *Mr. GardnerS. Drape P73 Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Sepinuck P76 Mr. & Mrs. Leon Tobin P72 Betsy McCall Hale Mr. & Mrs. Bernard H. Dresner P74 Mr. Max Shanbaum P74 *Dr. & Mrs. Harland G. Turner P72 Susan Sweeney Hutson *Mr. & Mrs. David B. Einstein P72 Mr. Jerry Slivka P75

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