Faith Filled Family Films

Tangled is the retelling of the beloved fairy tale, . As a baby, Rapunzel was captured by an old hag named . The greedy Mother Gothel keeps Rapunzel sequestered away for the magical power of her golden hair which has the gift of providing eternal youth. When she turns 18, Rapunzel becomes curious about the outside world, and when Flynn Rider, a thief, uses her tower as a refuge, she asks him to help her escape.

Opening Scripture Verse—James 1:17 Every good gift and every perfect present comes from heaven; it comes down from God, the Creator of the heavenly lights, who does not change or cause darkness from turning. Movie Connection The movie begins with a drop falling from Heaven which is the source of Rapunzel’s magical hair.

Spiritual Themes

 The source of life and beauty comes from Heaven

 Love unlocks the power within Rapunzel just as Christ’s love transforms us

 Sometimes love requires sacrifice

Family Conversations

 What gifts have we received from God?

 What can we do in our family to better show love for one another?

 Rapunzel showed mercy when she reached out to save Mother Gothel—how can we show forgiveness and mercy to each other? Faith Filled Family Films Mighty Macs

Mighty Macs is based on the true story of the basketball team from a tiny women’s college that appeared in three national championships in the early 1970’s. Now called Immaculate University, this Catholic school is proud to be considered the birthplace of modern American women’s basketball.

Opening Scripture Verse— Hebrews 11:1 To have faith is to be sure of the things we hope for, to be certain of the things we cannot see. Movie Connection Coach Cathy Rush believes that the team can achieve great things and holds firm to this idea even when things are a struggle.

Spiritual Themes

 We can maintain faith and hope even in overwhelming circumstances

 Commitment is an important spiritual virtue

 Perseverance helps us deal with obstacles and hard times

Family Conversations

 How can our family show our belief in God?

 How do we show our commitment to each other? To God? To the things we value and think are important?

 What can we do to better encourage each other during rough times to help each other persevere? Faith Filled Family Films UP

Up tells the story of Carl Fredricksen who seeks to keep a promise to his late wife, Ellie by traveling to South America. Carl voyages via balloons tied to his house and accidentally takes along a young boy named Russell.

Opening Scripture Verse— 1 Corinthians 13:13 So faith, hope, love remain, these three; the greatest of these is love. Movie Connection In addition to telling the love story of Carl and Ellie, love is the driving force throughout the movie. Even Doug the dog says, “I’ve just met you and I already love you!”

Spiritual Themes

 Being faithful to our promises is important

 God is love and love is the most important force in the universe

 Not even death can separate us from the love we have for others just like nothing can separate us from God’s love

Family Conversations

 What promises have we made to each other as a family? How do we do at keeping our promises?

 How do we show love in our family?

 Perhaps think about someone you love who has died and talk about how love continues even after death. How can Jesus dying but rising again help us when we are sad about someone who has died? Faith Filled Family Films Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe On the surface, this fantasy tells the story of four sibling who discover the magical world of Narnia where the evil White Witch battles the brave lion, Aslan. On another level, this movie presents an allegory for Jesus’ sacrificial love for humanity .

Opening Scripture Verse— John 15: 12-13 This is my commandment: love one another as I love you. No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. Movie Connection Aslan dies (but is raised again) to save the life of Edmund and gives us an example of God’s limitless love and mercy.

Spiritual Themes

 God is always ready to forgive us—even when we turn away from him

 Love will overcome all evil

 We can believe in the promise of the Resurrection

Family Conversations

 The White Witch gives us examples of being tempted. What things tempt us and draw us away from God’s love?

 How is the story of Narnia similar to the story of Jesus?/ How is Aslan like Jesus?

 God loves us—no matter what. God loves us even when we sin. How do we experience God’s love and forgiveness in our family? Faith Filled Family Films Narnia: Prince Caspian Prince Caspian is a classic tale of good vs. evil. This story follows the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. War comes to Narnia and the Pevensie children join forces with Prince Caspian to overthrow the evil King Miraz and restore peace.

Opening Scripture Verse— John 20:29 Jesus said to him, “Have you come to believe because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed. Movie Connection Initially, only Lucy can see Aslan. The others do not believe in his presence because they have not seen him.

Spiritual Themes

 God sometimes chooses unexpected people to lead and serve—much like children are chosen to save Narnia

 It can be hard to have faith and trust when we can’t see things for ourselves

 God’s timing and purpose can be hard to understand and we wonder why God doesn’t take away our troubles

Family Conversation

 How have we struggled with faith and trust because we can’t always see God?

 It can be hard to do the right thing and not follow what our friends are doing. Lucy initially forsakes Aslan because the others don’t believe in him. How has this happened in our own lives? What can we do to keep following Jesus even if our friends don’t believe?

 After Lucy turns away from Aslan, Aslan welcomes her return with love and compassion. How is this like God? Faith Filled Family Films Narnia: Voyage of the Dawn Treader

This is the third movie in the Narnia series following The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe and Prince Caspian. In this adventure, Edmund and Lucy are drawn into a painting of King Caspian’s ship. Along with cousin Eustace, Edmund and Lucy join the king in the quest to find the seven lost lords of Narnia.

Opening Scripture Verse— 2 Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!” Movie Connection Cousin Eustace is unkind and selfish. In his greed, he changes into a dragon but Aslan transforms him back to a boy and a better person.

Spiritual Themes

 Jesus’ love can transform us into better versions of ourselves

 We have to fight darkness and sin inside of ourselves and not only in the world

 The Holy Spirit is always with us to provide guidance and encouragement

Family Conversation

 Throughout the Narnia series, we see similarities between Jesus and Aslan. What do you notice is the same about both?

 What things would you like to ask God to help you transform in your life and heart?

 How have we felt the Holy Spirit with us in times of trouble? Faith Filled Family Films Joseph: King of Dreams Joseph King of Dreams is an adaptation of the Old Testament story of Joseph. Joseph is deeply loved by his father, Jacob, causing his half brothers to become jealous and sell Joseph into slavery. Through God’s help, Joseph perseveres and not only survives but becomes a powerful and compassionate ruler.

Opening Scripture Verse— Genesis 41: 38 “We will never find a better man than Joseph, a man who has God’s spirit in him.” Movie Connection Joseph faced betrayals and hard times but still kept his faith and trust in God.

Joseph’s full story can be found in Genesis Chapter 37 through Genesis Chapter 50

Spiritual Themes

 Jealousy can cause sadness and even hatred

 With God’s help, any situation can be used for good

 We can love and forgive because God fills our hearts with love

Family Conversations

 Sometimes we can feel jealous of other people—even our own family members. But God gives each of us our own special gifts. Share with each other the special gifts of each family member.

 Not forgiving someone can feel like a heavy load. Think about times when you were forgiven. How did that feel? How does it feel to forgive others?

 Joseph trusted in God even when his circumstances looked hopeless. What can we do to stay connected and close to God even when things are hard? Faith Filled Family Films The Prince of Egypt The Prince of Egypt recounts the Old Testament story of Moses. When Moses was born, the Israelites were enslaved by the Egyptians. Moses’ life is saved when he is adopted by the pharaoh’s daughter. Although he was raised as a prince of Egypt, Moses discovers his true Hebrew identity. God called Moses to free the Israelite slaves and chose Moses to speak for him. Opening Scripture Verse— Hebrews 11: 24 It was faith that made Moses, when he had grown up, refuse to be called the son of the king’s daughter. He preferred to suffer with God’s people rather than to enjoy sin for a little while. Movie Connection Moses could have ignored his birth and the injustices of Israelites but instead became a great prophet and leader.

Spiritual Themes

 God made a covenant, a sacred promise, with the people of Israel

 The people of Israel come to know God through the Passover and Exodus

 The foundations of Baptism and the Eucharist are found in this story

Family Conversations

 The Hebrew people were saved from the plague of the death of the Firstborns by spreading blood of a lamb over their doorposts so the angel of death would “Passover” them. Jesus was celebrating the Passover as his Last Supper. What connections do you see between the Passover, the Last Supper, and the Eucharist?

 We call the Hebrew people leaving Egypt and heading to the Promised Land the Exodus. Talk about how God helped the Hebrew people escape.

 In what ways was Moses a prophet speaking for God?