Gazette at 1 P.M
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________________ GLEN COVE ______________ OPEN HOUSE: HERALDSUNDAY, NOV. 12 Gazette AT 1 P.M. Daylight Saving Time ends Election Guide 2017 18/21 itc FG this Sunday Demi Condensed Remember to set your clocks back, and change your smoke Look Inside MOLLOY.EDU Page xx and CO detector batteries VoL. 26 no. 44 noVEmBER 2-8, 2017 $1.00 9 3 3 1 6 4 MOL662_OH_PostIt_3x3_4C.indd 1 A small step forward for 10/20/17 11:14 AM Crescent Beach cleanup State DEC gets involved in the investigation By DanIELLE aGoGLIa Committee; D&B Engineering; [email protected] County Legislator Delia DeRiggi- t’s not about lead Whitton; Glen Cove Mayor Reg- Representatives of Nassau agency status. This is gie Spinello and Councilman County, Glen Cove and environ- I Tim Tenke. mental agencies met on Oct. 27 an unlawful discharge While Spinello and DeRiggi- to discuss the next step in the Whitton said the DEC had taken cleanup of Crescent Beach, of sewage onto a public the lead on the investigation, which is potentially contaminat- beach. DEC Spokeswoman Erica Ringe- ed by sewage from nearby outfall wald said it was a multi-agency pipes. effort. The meeting’s participants BRUCE KEnnEDy “The DEC is working in con- included the county Department Sea Cliff Village junction with the Nassau County of Public Works, Board of Administrator departments of public works Health and Department of Envi- and health and the City of Glen ronmental Conservation; the Cove to investigate and identify Hempstead Harbor Protection CONTINUED ON PAGE 14 Glen Cove mayoral candidates debate the city’s key issues By DanIELLE aGoGLIa [email protected] Incumbent Mayor Reggie Spi- nello faced off against City Elisa Dragotto/Herald Councilman Tim Tenke in a debate in the Finley Middle Dunkin’s best customer School auditorium on Monday. THE annUaL BID Halloween Parade on Saturday was the The debate was hosted by the perfect preview for Tuesday’s day of candy. It included all Glen Cove Record Pilot. The can- kinds of costumed marchers, including Ella Wohltmann, left, didates had 90 seconds to answer REGGIE SPINELLO TIM TENKE and Desmond Sahai. More photos, Page 3. each of a handful of questions asked by the newspaper’s editor, Jill Nossa. Both candidates began with a Glen Cove,” he began, repri- small groups of people, the ones brief opening statement. Tenke, manding Spinello for deciding to I call the ‘elected and the con- a Democrat, noted his 27 years of borrow $100 million for the Gar- nected,’” Tenke said. He stressed experience as a lawyer, his two- vies Point Waterfront Project, what he saw as a need for more year seat on the planning board with no additional services or transparency. and 13 years as a councilman. amenities in return. “Deals Spinello, a Republican, began “It’s no secret the current should not be made in some by highlighting the city’s good administration is giving away smoke-filled backroom to benefit CONTINUED ON PAGE 14 2 November 2, 2017 — GLEN COVE HERALD GAZETTE Paid forbytheFriends ofMarshaSilverman 933149 Agencies meet to discuss cleanup of Crescent Beach 3 CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 does a 90-degree turn and goes some- GLEN COVE HERALD GAZETTE — November 2, 2017 2, HERALD GAZETTE — November GLEN COVE the potential sources of contamination,” where else,” Kennedy said. “All the City the DEC’s statement said. “DEC will take of Glen Cove needs to do is go in there all actions necessary to track down and and conduct an investigation. If the hom- address the source, or sources, of contam- eowner says no, then the city goes to the ination, including state-directed enforce- judge … and requests a search warrant. ment actions and/or penalties against There is a lawful manner to go about entities found to be violating water quali- this.” ty standards.” DeRiggi-Whitton requested that the The meeting was a response to a draft DEC expedite a plan of action so the proj- sanitary sewer feasibility report compiled ect can move forward without further by D&B Engineering on behalf of the delay. “Time is of the essence to find a County Legislature, which was permanent solution to this problem that announced at an Oct. 13 news conference has continued for too many years,” she held by DeRiggi-Whitton. The report indi- said. “The report has been complete for cated that the pollution at Crescent Beach two months. There is no reason to delay was coming from several sewage outfall any longer to begin remediation plans. pipes that empty into a stream that flows I’m appreciative and relieved that the into Hempstead Harbor, and named sever- DEC is taking the lead on this investiga- al large estates nearby. tion.” D&B confirmed that the final draft “There is no agency more knowledge- Danielle Agoglia/Herald able in matters such as this than the would be available soon, and that it would CITY OF GLEN Cove officials said they hope that Crescent Beach, which has been closed confirm the draft report. DEC,” Spinello said. “The city looks for- Since the pipes were discovered, there because of pollution since 2009, can be cleaned up in time for the 2018 summer sea- ward to their action plan and is ready to has been some confusion as to which son. provide whatever assistance they may agency should take the lead in the clean- “It’s not about lead agency status. This Tenke and Kennedy have both stated need in remedying this longstanding and up effort. Spinello has said that the coun- is an unlawful discharge of sewage onto a that the city is required by law to investi- complicated issue.” ty should, because it financed the study, public beach,” said Sea Cliff Village gate illegal discharge. Spinello has said he Crescent Beach, which in the past has while DeRiggi-Whitton and Tenke said Administrator Bruce Kennedy, who also does not want to accuse homeowners been used by residents of both Glen Cove they believed the city should be responsi- attended the Oct. 27 meeting. “[Spinello] until the pipes are investigated. and Sea Cliff, has been closed since 2009 ble for at least initiating some type of doesn’t need anybody else to start the “If this pipe is aiming right at that because of pollution. Officials hope it can enforcement. enforcement.” estate, it’s very doubtful that halfway up it be cleaned up by next summer. Mayoral debate hits the Glen Cove’s hot topics CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 when he first received a draft report indi- down, and right now they are low. He has Glen Cove safety news during his two terms as mayor: the cating a possible source of the contamina- only received about $200,000 in building Both candidates expressed their appre- reduction of debt, the stabilization of tion. He said that Spinello should have fees so far this year out of an expected ciation for the work of the Glen Cove taxes, an increase in property values, an sent letters to area residents to make $2.7 million, but is anticipating a $1.2 mil- Police Department, whose officers are improved credit rating and the initiation them aware of the problem and let them lion check in November for the Water- constantly on patrol, meeting with people of many revitalization projects. know that the contamination could poten- front and another in December. He said and making themselves available to the tially be coming from their property. that this year’s budget has extra money as schools. Tenke said he would love to The Garvies Spinello said that Crescent Beach has well, and pointed out that the city has not expand on the Crime Prevention Unit. been an issue for some time, borrowed for tax certiorari Spinello said he agreed with Tenke that Waterfront Project and that when he first took in three years. “I’ve had two Spinello highlighted the number of the GCPD is wonderful, and reminded the office, he called a public budgets and two surpluses audience he created the CPU. jobs the Garvies Waterfront Project would hearing and proposed a res- he whole that total $3 million,” Spinel- create, and the amount of revenue. “The olution for testing at the T purpose of lo said, “and this year I’m bond was a bond that was sold — there’s beach, which Tenke did not probably going to surplus Bipartisan City Council absolutely no recourse to the city,” he support. He said that Tenke redeveloping it another $3 million.” Spinello stated that a bipartisan city said, adding that the money was used to had never asked about the Tenke said he had previ- council was all he has ever worked with, pay off the city’s debt, and that the project and cleaning it beach before the draft report ously asked Spinello why he so it has never been an issue for him. He has helped increase property values, keep was made public at a news had recommended budget- said he believed he could work with any- taxes low and bring more people to the up was to get it conference two weeks ago. ing for $2 million in building one. city. “I wouldn’t change it,” Spinello said. Spinello argued that con- put back onto the fees, when the building Tenke said that anyone who runs for Tenke said that the project is hurting tamination at Crescent department only requested office wants the best for Glen Cove. He the city, because taxes are rising, and tax maps here in Beach is a county project. about $553,000.