
TV 2 Weekend Prompt


Major Scenes In the Movie:

1. Scene 1: The king and queen had a baby daughter, but she was stolen by a wicked woman. 2. Scene 2: is living in a castle with and she asks if she can see the stars for her birthday, but she says no. 3. Scene 3: gets chased into Rapunzel’s castle and she ties him up. 4. Scene 4: She gets him to agree to take her to visit the stars, and they escape the castle. 5. Scene 5: They go to an old restaurant and have fun, but they get caught. 6. Scene 6: They escape to a cave, but it begins to fill with water and they barely escape. 7. Scene 7: Flynn and Rapunzel go on a romantic boat ride and see the stars. 8. Scene 8: The bandits catch Flynn and they tie him up in a boat, and Rapunzel returns to the castle. 9. Scene 9: Rapunzel realizes that she is the princess and her and mother Gothel get into a heated argument. 10. Scene 10: Flynn comes to save her but he gets stabbed. 11. Scene 11: Rapunzel agrees to stay with her mother if she helps save Flynn, but Flynn cuts her hair off to save her. 12. Scene 12: Mother Gothel then turns to nothing due to the magic hair being gone, and Rapunzel cries because Flynn has died. 13. Scene 13: Her tears save Flynn and he survives. 14. Scene 14: Rapunzel reunites with her family and her and Flynn get married.