Face / Trim Face / Trim Safety Safety Bleed Bleed 371674id1a_Raya_Disney+_AllChar_v12_48x70_BusShelter_CMYK 01/28/21 12:32PM Marks 48x70 Marks 48x70 Marks 48 48 Bleed Bleed 70 Face / Trim70 Face / Trim Marks 48x70 Safety Safety Marks 48x70 DIGITAL SPRING & SUMMER 2021 BROCHURE the best movies! 12:32PM 01/28/21 12:32PM 01/28/21 371674id1a_Raya_Disney+_AllChar_v12_48x70_BusShelter_CMYK 371674id1a_Raya_Disney+_AllChar_v12_48x70_BusShelter_CMYK For a great 12:32PM 01/28/21 12:32PM 01/28/21 summer of outdoor events! Marks 48x70 Safety ©2021 Disney Enterprises, Inc. Safety Marks 48x70 1 800 289-8887 www.acf-film.com
[email protected] Face / Trim70 Face70 / Trim Bleed 48 Bleed Marks 48x70 Marks 48x70 48 Face / Trim Face / Trim 12:32PM 01/28/21 371674id1a_Raya_Disney+_AllChar_v12_48x70_BusShelter_CMYK Safety Safety Bleed Bleed 48in W x 70in H @ 100% Client: DISNEY - DOM - LAREDO - ALL CHARACTERS - BUS SHELTERS - CMYK Job#: 371674id1a CREATIVE: LARE_BS_88.4_Alt_Master_v5.0.psb v12©2021 Disney OUTFRONT MEDIA BUS SHELTER – 48"W X 70"H OVERALL SIZE: 48"W X 70"H Legal and rating are 50k. 12:32PM 01/28/21 VISUAL AREA: 44.5"W X 67.5"H "Additional Fee Required" is white. 371674id1a_Raya_Disney+_AllChar_v12_48x70_BusShelter_CMYK LIVE AREA: 42.5"W X 65.5"H BUILT AT 100% OF FINAL ABOUT AUDIO CINE FILMS INC. (ACF) We can assist you in creating memorable summer Audio Cine Films Inc. is one of the largest public performance film rights representative in Canada, with movie events for your members and citizens! exclusive rights to the largest collection of animated and family movies available. THE BEST CUSTOMER SERVICE AVAILABLE IN CANADA MOVIES IN THE PARK ACF offers access to thousands of movies and offers a Hundreds of communities across Canada organise special movie events for professional, devoted and attentive service.