Compositional and Taphonomic Variations in Modern Crinoid-Rich Sediments from the Deep- Water Margin of a Carbonate Bank Ghislaine Llewellyn Harvard University
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Nova Southeastern University NSUWorks Marine & Environmental Sciences Faculty Articles Department of Marine and Environmental Sciences 12-1-1993 Compositional and Taphonomic Variations in Modern Crinoid-Rich Sediments from the Deep- Water Margin of a Carbonate Bank Ghislaine Llewellyn Harvard University Charles G. Messing Nova Southeastern University, [email protected] Find out more information about Nova Southeastern University and the Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography. Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Marine Biology Commons, and the Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology Commons Recommended Citation Llewellyn, Ghislaine, and Charles G. Messing. "Compositional and taphonomic variations in modern crinoid-rich sediments from the deep-water margin of a carbonate bank." Palaios (1993): 554-573. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Department of Marine and Environmental Sciences at NSUWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Marine & Environmental Sciences Faculty Articles by an authorized administrator of NSUWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 554 RESEARCH REPORTS Compositionaland TaphonomicVariations in Modern Crinoid-RichSediments from the Deep-Water Marginof a CarbonateBank GHISLAINE LLEWELLYN Departmentof Earth and Planetary Sciences,Harvard University,Cambridge, MA 02138 CHARLES G. MESSING Nova OceanographicCenter, 8000 North Ocean Drive,Dania, FL 33004 PALAIOS, 1993, V. 8, p. 554-573 be identifiedin deep-watercarbonate bank-margin sed- iments.Such changesare largelya responseto differences Multivariateanalyses ofthe coarse-grainedfraction (>2 in benthicflow regime associated withsmall-scale topo- mm) of sedimentsaccumulating in deep water (419-434 graphicirregularities and may providean importantdi- m) along the westernmargin of the Little Bahama Bank agnostictool for the interpretationof fossil assemblages. reveal identifiable,small-scale compositional and tapho- nomic variationsamong local subhabitats (ridge crest, slope, foreslope,base of slope, pavementsand scour pit) INTRODUCTION separated by metersto tens of meters.Bulk composition variesbetween planktic- (crest and slope) and lithic-dom- Subfossilskeletal remainsof benthicmarine inverte- inated (pavements,scour pit) sediments.Local macro- bratesare widelyused to diagnosetaphonomic signatures benthicskeletal components also varysignificantly among and revealchanges in communitystructure over a variety subhabitats,but are commonlydominated by echinoid of spatial and temporalscales. Such workprovides impor- and crinoidmaterial; crinoid columnals contribute 9-52% tantinformation about the transitionbetween living com- of the coarse skeletal componentof 17 sedimentsamples munitiesand fossil assemblages (Cumminset al., 1986; considered. Distributional and taphonomic analyses Hendersonand Frey,1986; Firsich and Flessa, 1987;Kid- (abrasion, encrustation,breakage) indicate that colum- well,1988; Miller,1988, 1989; Davies et al., 1989;Parsons, nals produced in dense ridge-crestassemblages of Chla- 1989; Staffand Powell, 1990a; Milleret al., 1992). Similar docrinusdecorus are transporteddown and accumulate studiesusing fossil material contribute to the reconstruc- along an adjacent slope. Sediments fromhardgrounds tion of ancientcommunities and vastlyimprove our un- supportingscattered living assemblages show columnals derstandingof paleoenvironments (Brett and Baird, 1986; with the highestlevels of abrasion,implying prolonged Norris,1986; Speyer and Brett,1986, 1988; Parsonset al., local reworking.Elevated contributionsof Endoxocrinus 1988;Meyer et al., 1989;Kidwell and Behrensmeyer,1988). parrae columnalsto the fewsubhabitats where this spe- Althoughexceptions exist [e.g.,Mullins et al., (1981) on cies dominatesthe livingassemblage suggest limited lat- the recognitionof deep-waterfossil coral bioherms],the eral transportin the absence of steep gradients.High greatmajority of thisliterature treats material from shal- levelsof biologicalencrustation in areas ofthin sediment low-waterenvironments. coversuggest control by lengthof exposureof grains at Stalked crinoidswere important components of shallow thesediment-water interface. Lack ofany correlationbe- marineenvironments during much of the Paleozoic and tweenfrequency of broken columnals in samples and any Mesozoic and have successfullybeen used as taphonomic observedsedimentary or environmentalparameters sug- indicatorsin ancientcrinoid-rich limestones (Blyth Cain, gests the action ofpredators or scavengersin this deep- 1968;Ruhrmann, 1971a, b; Meyeret al., 1989,Meyer, 1990; watersetting. Donovan, 1991; Baumillerand Ausich,1992). As a result Small-scale variationsin sedimentcomposition, ben- ofthe Mesozoic marine revolution, however (Vermeij, 1977), thic skeletal assemblages,and taphonomiccharacteris- stalked crinoidsmoved into deep water,leaving shallow ticsare notunique to shallow-watersettings, but can also marine habitats to unstalked comatulidcrinoids which Copyright© 1993,SEPM (Societyfor Sedimentary Geology) 0883-1351/93/0008-0554/$3.00 This content downloaded from on Mon, 9 Jun 2014 17:10:16 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions MODERN CRINOID-RICHSEDIMENTS 555 x . I : : I ' have since diversifiedsubstantially (Meyer and Macurda, A o80- 79" .78' B North Pavement Stalked crinoidshave remained Little Bahama Bank 1977). importantcompo- 27'N . nents of a varietyof deep-waterhabitats (Roux, 1980; S traits of Conan et et Florida | al., 1981; Messing,1985; Messing al., 1990), STUDY SITE* .. but because are moststudies .. ahama they relativelyinaccessible, Florida Island of moderncrinoidal skeletal materialhave concentrated NW Providence on shallow-watercomatulids. Although these unstalked '"' Channel 26" .... Great crinoidsare sometimes abundantand have suc- Miami extremely Bahama been used in biostratinomicand Bimini.. Bank Base of Slope cessfully taphonomic - studies (Meyer, 1971; Liddell, 1975; Lewis and Peebles, 2- 428 1988, 1989), theymake onlyminor contributions to local _ Slope- sediments(Meyer and Meyer,1986; Lewis et al., 1990). ) Limitedtaphonomic and compositionalinformation on l~?'';-T--7~,~6~e modernstalked crinoid skeletal material does exist.In two ""¥o__,'! /: Ii I1 '* Foreslope / sedimentsamples collectedvia submersiblein the north- I ' \ ' e, .PavementI - western (1985) notes that -- - - - - Bahamas, Messing (chiefly ,~ , \ -I'wrScourPit crinoidossicles contribute count stalked) 11.6% by grain \ lee _ to a sand fromlithoherm rubble - (7.8% byweight) gravelly _ / / SoutJhwest Margin , (550 m) whereliving crinoids are fewin number,and 8.8% I byweight of a chieflyforaminifer/thecosome sand adjacent to a pavementwith scattered isocrinids (300-400 m). Ame- 7 ziane-Cominardiand Roux (1987) discuss bacterialand lpv fungalbiocorrosion of a varietyof stalkedcrinoid ossicles recoveredfrom cores taken offNew Caledonia (735-1285 FIGURE1 -Map ofstudy area. A-Geographiclocation of study site. m). Althoughcrinoid ossicles make up fewerthan 10% of B-Detailed map of studysite. Dashed linesare isobathsin meters bioclasts,they distinguish autochthonous and allochtho- estimatedfrom individual depth measurements taken during sub- nous components.Ameziane-Cominardi's (1991) studyof mersibledives. Area covered is approximately100 m across. substantialnumbers of ossicles also takenfrom New Cale- donian cores includes morphologicaland distributional analyses,a comparisonof expected and actual proportions theLittle Bahama Bank in an area characterizedby locally of differentskeletal components, and a discussionof hy- dense (to 12 individualsm-2) populationsof the isocrinids drodynamicand biocorrosionalprocesses as possibletaph- Endoxocrinusparrae (Gervais) and Chladocrinus (for- onomicagents. No directcomparisons are made between merlyNeocrinus) decorus (Carpenter).The results re- sedimentsand local livingcommunities, however, and the ported herein are part of a largerproject investigating relativecontributions of crinoidaland othersedimentary stalkedcrinoid biology and ecology,as wellas taphonomy, componentsare not discussed. and the possible use of modernstalked crinoidsas ana- This paperprovides the first detailed compositional and logues forfossil forms. taphonomicaccount of a modern,deep-water, carbonate sedimentrich in stalkedcrinoid material. It also provides PHYSICAL SETTING the firstcorrelation of a livingstalked crinoid assemblage withpenecontemporaneous crinoidal sediment where co- The studyarea is located on the southwesternslope of lumnalsalone contributea mean of 23% by graincount the Little Bahama Bank, 7.41 km south of Settlement to the coarse fraction(>2 mm) of benthicbioclasts. As in Point and 4.55 km offthe beach at the westernend of shallow-waterenvironments, both composition and tapho- Grand Bahama Island (26038'N lat., 78°59' W long.;Fig. nomic characterof accumulatingsediments reflect local 1A). The substrate consists of extensive,gently slop- topographicand habitatvariations, permitting recognition ing, submarine-cemented,carbonate pavements (hard- of environmentaldistinctions and taphofaciescharacter- grounds),interspersed with areas coveredby unconsoli- isticsin a relativelyhomogeneous, deep-water, carbonate dated sediment,chiefly pelagic foram/thecosome material. environment.Criteria are proposedfor recognizing similar Moderate-relief(to about 8 m) topographicirregularities environmentsin the fossilrecord. A deep-watermodel for