

Actions Leading Light 1. Focus students in on neutral pelvis 2. Speak to full body expression as an 60 min class access to freedom 3. Speak to a time when stretching to your edges gave you the experience of freedom in what seemed like a confining situation

Integrating poses // 3 minutes

Child’s pose, downward facing dog, downward facing dog with a single leg lift each side, Ragdoll pose, extended mountain post

Sun Salutations // 12 - 15 minutes

5 x Sun A and 5x Sun B // 1 x breath in the downward facing dogs 3-legged dog, Side plank - repeat on other side

Standing poses (strengthening) // 8 minutes

crescent , crescent twist, warrior two, extended side angle – repeat on other side. chair pose with a twist to the right, standing with left leg up, forward fold – repeat on other side.

Balancing poses // 5 minutes

crow, eagle pose 2x, king dancer’s pose w/ strap 2x (each side), tree pose (each side)

Copyright Ó 2020 Leading Light yoga

Balancing // 5 minutes // 10 poses Standing poses (lengthening) // 5 minute Triangle pose, side-facing wide-legged forward fold, Hanumanasana (Take some time to , twisting Hanumanasana

Backbends // 5 minutes bridge, wheel 6x, supine butterfly, dead bug pose

Core strengthening poses // 2 minutes

scissor legs, Yogi bicycles, boat Pose

Hip openers // 5 minutes

half pigeon, double pigeon (each side), frog pose

Forward Folds // 3 minutes

janu sirsasana (each side), seated forward fold, reverse table, fish pose

Inversions // 4 min

standing split to , child's pose, supine twist

Rest // 5 minutes

Copyright Ó 2020 Leading Light yoga