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Vinyasa Flow 22/09/2020 Enquiries@Kirstystewart.Yoga 60 Mins Kirsty Stewart Yoga Vinyasa Flow 22/09/2020 [email protected] 60 mins Inhale-Exhale 4m 5B 5B 1. Easy Pose Sukhasana 2. Easy Pose Variation Side 3. Easy Pose Variation Side Sukhasana Variation Side Sukhasana Variation Side 7B 5B 5B 4. Cat Cow Pose Bitilasana 5. Kneeling Pose Child Pose 6. Cobra Dance Flow Marjaryasana Flow Utthita Vajrasana Balasana Vinyasa / 10B 7. Child Pose Balasana 8. Sun Salutation Surya 9. Repeat 3 Namaskar 5B 12B 1B Inhale 10. Mountain Pose Tadasana 11. Standing Forward Fold Pose 12. Upward Forward Fold Pose Uttanasana Urdhva Uttanasana 1B Exhale 1B Inhale 5B 13. Plank Pose Four Limbed 14. Upward Facing Dog Pose 15. Downward Facing Dog Pose Staff Pose Flow Phalakasana Urdhva Mukha Svanasana Adho Mukha Svanasana Chaturanga Dandasana Vinyasa / 1B 5B 1B 16. Runner Lunge Pose Head 17. Revolved Lunge Pose 18. Runner Lunge Pose Head Right Utthita Ashwa Parivrtta Utthita Ashwa Right Utthita Ashwa Sanchalanasana Head Right Sanchalanasana Sanchalanasana Head Right 5B 1B 5B 19. Low Lunge Pose 20. Runner Lunge Pose Head 21. Half Splits Pose Ardha Anjaneyasana Right Utthita Ashwa Hanumanasana Sanchalanasana Head Right 1B 5B 5B 22. Runners Lunge Pose Utthita 23. Standing Split Pose Urdhva 24. Standing Split Pose Ashwa Sanchalanasana Prasarita Eka Padasana Variation Nose To Ankle Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana Variation Nose To Ankle / 1B 1B 1B 25. Runners Lunge Pose Utthita 26. Plank Pose Four Limbed 27. Upward Facing Dog Toes Ashwa Sanchalanasana Staff Pose Flow Phalakasana Tucked Urdhva Mukha Chaturanga Dandasana Vinyasa Svanasana Toes Tucked 12B 5B 28. Child Pose Balasana 29. Repeat Poses Arrow 30. Downward Facing Dog Pose Adho Mukha Svanasana 5B 5B 31. Warrior Pose II 32. Standing Archer Pose 33. Warrior Pose II Virabhadrasana II Virabhadrasana Archer Arms Virabhadrasana II / 5B 34. Triangle Pose Prep Arms Up 35. Triangle Pose Trikonasana 36. Warrior Pose II Trikonasana Prep Arms Up Virabhadrasana II 5B 10B 37. Extended Side Angle Pose 38. Goddess Pose Variation 39. Goddess Pose Variation Variation Elbow Arm Utthita Arms Straight Up Utkata Namaste Utkata Konasana Parsvakonasana Variation Elbow Konasana Variation Arms Straight Variation Namaste Arm Up 40. Wide Legged Forward Fold 41. Warrior Pose II 42. Warrior Pose II Pose Downward Facing Dog Virabhadrasana II Virabhadrasana II Pose Arms Prasarita Padottanasana Adho Mukha Svanasana Hasta / 43. Standing Archer Pose 44. Warrior Pose II 45. Triangle Pose Prep Arms Up Virabhadrasana Archer Arms Virabhadrasana II Trikonasana Prep Arms Up 46. Triangle Pose Trikonasana 47. Warrior Pose II 48. Extended Side Angle Pose Virabhadrasana II Variation Elbow Arm Utthita Parsvakonasana Variation Elbow Arm 10B 49. Goddess Pose Hands 50. Plank Pose Phalakasana 51. Four Limbed Staff Pose Behind Head Side Bend Parsva Chaturanga Dandasana Utkata Konasana Hasta Sirsa / 52. Upward Facing Dog Pose 53. Child Pose Balasana 54. Downward Facing Dog Pose Urdhva Mukha Svanasana Adho Mukha Svanasana 55. Standing Forward Fold Pose 56. Mountain Pose Tadasana 57. Standing One Foot Circles Uttanasana Exercises 58. Standing Hand To Big Toe 59. Standing Hand to Big Toe 60. Standing Hand To Big Toe Pose In Front Utthita Hasta Pose Utthita Hasta Pose In Front Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana In Front Padangusthasana Padangusthasana In Front / 61. Standing Hand To Big Toe 62. Standing Hand To Big Toe 63. Mountain Pose Tadasana Pose Forward Bend Utthita Pose D Variation Thigh Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana Forward Hasta Padangusthasana D Bend Variation Thigh 64. Repeat Poses Arrow 65. Seated Forward Bend Pose 66. Head to Knee Pose Janu Paschimottanasana Sirsasana 67. One Leg Folded Forward 68. Sage Twist I Pose Variation 69. Repeat Poses Arrow Bend Trianga Mukhaikapada Marichyasana I Variation Paschimottanasana / 70. Buttery Pose Variation 71. Buttery Pose B Baddha 72. Seated Straddle Pose Forward Bend Soles Apart Konasana B Upavistha Konasana Baddha Konasana Uttanasana Soles Apart 73. Wind Release Pose Knees 74. Half Happy Baby Pose 75. Eye Of The Needle Pose Apart Pawanmuktasana Knees Variation 1 Ardha Ananda Variation Holding Shin Apart Balasana Variation 1 Sucirandhrasana Variation Holding Shin 76. Constructive Rest Pose On 77. Repeat Poses Arrow 78. Side Reclined Shoulder Bolster Savasana Bent Legs On Stretch A Supine Spinal Twist Bolster Pose Ii Flow / 79. Constructive Rest Pose On 80. Side Reclined Shoulder 81. Constructive Rest Pose On Bolster Savasana Bent Legs On Stretch A Supine Spinal Twist Bolster Savasana Bent Legs On Bolster Pose Ii Flow Bolster 82. Supine Windshield Wiper 83. Wind Release Pose 84. Corpse Pose Savasana Pose Variation One Leg On Top Pawanmuktasana Supta Sucirandhrasana Variation One Leg On Top /.
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