
Do you know about the and southern hemisphere? Can you name more than four countries in the southern hemisphere?

Map and Overview Human Geography Features What? The Eiffel Tower is possibly the most well-known Key Fact: The Tower is - is a located entirely in the manmade structure in Europe. Situated in Paris, The tower was 324 metres originally built as northern hemisphere, and mostly in the eastern Deforestation , the structure has become a global icon high, the same the entrance to the of France. It is the most visited paid monument height as an 81 hemisphere. 1889 World’s Fair. in the world, with 6.9 million visitors per year. story building. nd How? -Despite being the 2 smallest continent by area Stonehenge is a prehistoric monument located Key Fact: How in Wiltshire, UK. It contains a ring of stones It is believed that (covering 10.2 million km² it is the 3rd most Stonehenge ) some of the stones Stonehenge about 4m high and weighing 25 tonnes each. It was constructed were hauled over populous continent in the world – with a is estimated to have been constructed sometime has baffled 200 miles! population of about 743 million people (about between 2000 and 3000 BC. archaeologists. 10% of the world’s population). The Berlin Wall was a concrete barrier that When? Key Fact: divided Berlin, Germany. As a result of WWII The wall was Around 150-200 -Europe largely rests on the same landmass as Berlin Wall and the Cold War, Germany became weakened erected and in people were killed use between trying to the , separated by the Mountains and the and divided. The wall prevented people from moving between East and West Germany. 1961 and 1989. Berlin Wall. Caspian . The Colosseum is an oval amphitheatre in the What? Key Fact: centre of Rome, Italy. It is the largest The Colosseum The Colosseum has The European is affected by warm was used for been partially The Colosseum amphitheatre ever built, and dates back to the gladiatorial destroyed by Atlantic currents. Roman times (it was built between 72-80AD). It battles and earthquakes and could hold 50,000-80,000 spectators. sporting event. stone-robbers.

Dubrovnik is a famous walled city on the Who? Key Fact: Adriatic Coast of Croatia. It is a major tourist Dubrovnik is Dubrovnik was Dubrovnik bombed after the destination and a World Heritage Site. It was populated by break-up of & Countries of Europe historically a major centre of sea trade. 42,615 people. Yugoslavia.

Largest European countries Most populous European countries There are many countries Physical Geography Features 1. Russia – 3.9 million km²(in Europe) in Europe, although 2 are 1. Russia– 109 million (in Europe) 2. Ukraine – 603,628 km² 2. Germany – 83 million only partially in Europe The River is Europe’s second longest What? Key Fact: 3. France – 551,695 km² 3. France– 67 million The Danube was The Danube goes (most of Russia and Turkey river. It flows through 10 countries, more than 4. Spain– 498,468 km² 4. UK – 66 million The Danube a major frontier through capital cities, are in Asia). any other river in the world. These include of the Roman including Budapest 5. Sweden – 450,295 km² 5. Italy – 60 million Austria, Hungary, Croatia and Serbia. Empire. and Vienna. The Giant’s Causeway is an area of the coast of How? Key Fact: The Giant’s County Antrim in Northern Ireland, in which They were Most of the columns Causeway formed from a are hexagonal, but there are around 40,000 interlocking columns. volcanic eruption. some have 8 sides! Northern Europe is a general term for the Eastern Europe is dominated by Russia and The Borealis is a natural light display in Who? Key Fact: area of Europe that is north of the Baltic the countries formerly a part of the Soviet the ’s sky, seen over high- regions, The term The are so Aurora Borealis Coast. This includes (e.g. , Sweden, Union. Here, further inland from the warm currents of including some areas of northern Europe. Aurora Borealis bright that they (The Northern was coined by can be seen from Auroras are a result in the magnetic fields Finland and Denmark), UK and Ireland. At extremely the Atlantic , temperatures can become Lights). Galileo in 1619, space. Someone caused by solar winds. These winds move northern (e.g. ) the Aurora Borealis extremely cold in . Further are countries using Roman looking from Mars (Northern Lights) can be seen. Life expectancy in such as Greece and Bulgaria. Ancient Greece is charged particles, causing a process in which and Greek would be able to Northern Europe is extremely high. considered the birthplace of western civilisation. bright lights become visible in the sky. vocabulary. see them! The Black is a heavily-wooded area of What? Key Fact: There is very little The forest is where The Black Forest northern Germany. It is so-known because trees vegetation, and the Brothers Grimm Western Europe is used to describe the Southern Europe is generally used to are so densely packed that it blocks light below. lots of sand! Fairytales are set. western portion of the European describe the countries that border the Mediterranean The Alps are the highest mountain range that How? continent, and also the countries that are deemed to Sea (e.g. Spain, Italy and Croatia) and island nations lies entirely within Europe. They separate The mountains Key Fact: (such as Cyprus). Southern Europe has a warm and Southern Europe from Western and Central were formed The Alps have show the characteristics of a more ‘western’ culture. The Alps when the African about 100 peaks Many historical events have shaped Western Europe, sunny climate, meaning that its countries are popular Europe and stretch for about 1,200km. The and Eurasian that are higher for example the Roman Empire and breakout of WWII. holiday destinations for those from colder climes. highest mountain is Mont Blanc (4,810m). They tectonic plates than 4,000m. Pechora – 1,809km are a popular location for alpine skiing. collided. Longest Rivers Highest Mountains Don – 1,870km Dnieper – 2,201km Ural – 2,428km

Danube – 2,850 km Tetnuldi– Kazbek – Koshtan Tau – Shkhara – 5,193m Dykh-Tau– 5,205m Elbrus – 5,642m Volga – 3,530km 4,850m 5,033m 5,151m