Baildon RUFC Members Handbook Season 2016 - 2017 2 BAILDON RUGBY UNION FOOTBALL CLUB Affiliated to the Rugby Football Union and the Yorkshire Rugby Football Union MEMBER’S CARD MEMBER’S CARD Membership Subscriptions: Full/Playing (Student) ...£50.00 (£25.00)* Partner .........................................£25.00 Social ...........................................£15.00 Junior ........................................£75.00** Mini ..............................................£60.00 Life .............................................£500.00 *Please visit for full details. **Includes one parent becoming a Social Member. Only Hon. Life, Life and Full/Playing Members may vote at the A.G.M. or serve on the Committee. Please note that you can pay Playing Membership in two ways: 1. 12 month Standing Order at £15.00 (£7.50 for Life/Student members) - this covers your membership, all match fees and entitles you to other benefits. 2. Pay £50 Playing Membership and then a playing fee of £7.50 (£3.75 for Life/Student members) per match. Headquarters and Ground: Jenny Lane, Baildon, Shipley BD17 6RS Telephone: Bradford 582644 Club Colours: Red/Black/White Jerseys, Black Shorts, Red Socks Subscriptions are due at the commencement of the season 3 Bar designed and made in Baildon by Celebrate in style Venue available for hire for: Weddings, Birthdays, Anniversaries, C E LU IR Christenings, Funerals and Meetings BHOUSE H Interested in booking? Call Jane today on 01274 427167 email
[email protected], or visit tel: 01274 582644 4 SponSoR BAILDon RUFC You can sponsor Baildon RUFC in many ways, either by advertising in our annual Members Handbook or our Match Day Programme.