Report of the Chief Executive to the meeting of Executive to be held on 9 June 2020 BQ Subject: BUILDING A BETTER FUTURE: LIVING WITH COVID 19 AND LAYING THE FOUNDATIONS FOR A BETTER FUTURE Summary statement: This report follows the report to Executive on the 30th April 2020 and outlines the action taken since then to support the District through the COVID 19 pandemic and the next steps we intend to take including action to support a period of time living with the virus and to lay the foundations for a better future. Portfolio: Kersten England Chief Executive Leader of the Council and Corporate Report Contact: Nigel Smith, Overview & Scrutiny Area: Principal Executive Officer Corporate (7582103578)
[email protected] Philip Witcherley, Head of Policy and Performance (07970 684889)
[email protected] 1 SUMMARY 1.1. This report sets out the principal actions undertaken since 30th April 2020 by the Council, working alongside partners, to tackle the COVID 19 pandemic. It summarises the impact of COVID 19 on Bradford district. It outlines Bradford Council’s next steps in responding to the COVID crisis, enabling our services to return from the lockdown and the steps we plan to take to make the District safe for communities, with safe workplaces, public spaces, travel and places for learning. It sets out the financial impact of COVID 19 to date and proposes next steps in planning for a period of time living with COVID 19 and laying the foundations for a better future including the development of a programme of priority investment proposals.