Report of the Strategic Director of Place to the meeting of the Regulatory and Appeals Committee to be held on 19 November 2020 AU Summary Statement Miscellaneous Items No. of Items Requests for Enforcement/Prosecution Action (26) Decisions made by the Secretary of State - Dismissed (11) Julian Jackson Portfolio: Assistant Director (Planning, Transportation and Regeneration, Planning & Highways) Transport Report Contact: Mohammed Yousuf Overview & Scrutiny Committee Phone: 01274 434605 Area: Regeneration and Environment Email:
[email protected] Report to the Regulatory and Appeals Committee 19/00134/ENFUNA 1 Pinnacle Court Sandy Lane Bradford BD15 9LS Report to the Regulatory and Appeals Committee 19 November 2020 Item Number: 1 Ward: Thornton And Allerton (ward 23) Recommendation: THAT THE REPORT BE NOTED Enforcement Reference: 19/00134/ENFUNA Site Location: 1 Pinnacle Court, Sandy Lane, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD15 9LS Breach of Planning Control: Without planning permission, the construction of a boundary fence to the rear and side of the property. Circumstances: Following a complaint received in this office in February 2019, a site visit revealed the above breach of planning control. Despite a request from the Local Planning Authority, the owner of the land has taken no action to rectify the matter. It is considered expedient to issue an Enforcement Notice because the high solid fence constructed in a prominent location on a major traffic route results in a strident feature within the street scene that is harmful to visual quality of the area due to its scale and design. Additionally, the boundary fence by reason of its excessive height, impedes on visibility for vehicles using the adjacent access track.