Banner of Light V23 N16 4 Jul 1868
T i-Banner Lig A At VOL. XXIII yes,00 FEB YEAS,I I8IBGLB OOPIEBA 1 In Advasoe. • > BOSTON, SATURDAY, JULY 4, 1868 < Eight *Oeti. > NO. 16 true human progress I owe and hereby acknowl kindred in all Nature, and all-powerful for good thoseI of an honored or despised past. Tliero may nite. Nature is one; but Nature le more than edge our preservatlop. And I am ready, as here with tliat which 1bo in our degree of mental recognition, but that form. Law is one; but conditions of law are not ---------“ kept tbo atari from wrong, tofore, to reflect to you or to any my humble Whereby tho moat ancient heavens ore freah aqd strong!" ।only reveals our status and not the harmony of law, however scientifically so-called. Unity ex The Union between Human Intuitions measure of realization. all truth. Wo must nnd we will go through the ists, or is I But there is no unity save in diver Your own Chalmers—among Theologians, and ( Linked to no party, sect or creed, I rejoice in conflicts of inherited thought, but it is to tbo har sity. Tho unity of my body is in tho capacity (inil Scientific Demonstration, after him a host of imitators or followers—had tiie free expression of thought on any and all mony of every recognition of an infinite bestow and exercise of every limb thereof; not lhat one mind enough to see tbe unity, and itronost elo DELIVERED MARCH S, 1865, AT CAMBRIDGE HALL, al upon tbe race. We cannot despise' any, for all member is auother, but that the free function subjects; willing to hear and -be heard in all that quent strains he helil the cold, chaste thought of LONDON, ENGLAND, tends to secure the good, of all men of every are of Nature to Nature, it may be, in new and of each makes tho unity of the whole.
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