NOTTICE Company Now It Matching Tank to Allied Headquartets Said Htar Atnet Amd Mra
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■ y ' ■AT^ATTTOtiT/ Aycmiis Daily Cireoistion Maneh^stet Evening HertttS rorOie MeMh et Jmw. 164S Tks’Weatker V ' Fifaeiief af D. S. W ca t^ JSwSaa OampbeS O o h » « :K . o f C., will . Slightly cooler tonight; asoSsr biatall ofricenr Wedneaday evening. W ork aches lOOF Officers Heard Along Main^lreet EAT BETTER AT REYMANDER’S ' Memlier o f tlw ’ ate temperatairiw Tnesday fore- itTowb A " fatM HMia^R. OreenaWay of t3 DELICIOUS B s o e u o f Clrca|at4dM M ig ta .a w t WUl apend the"'next Jkre Installed And on Some ofH anche»U r*» Sido Streetu^ Too iPh al Stagies HALFBBOILERS jC ^ of Village Chttm *;T** Btmm to.'bt *■ ■*• twr'weeka•ka at a ililupibla -------Lake, .................. '.I. ★ BMs A«NI| aaoraliMr Here's a suggestion for, thCf? urn^erybody to fight them and .T^X^VtasaiiM AdvwtMag oa Pago IS) ; u tMotk wm bt •^ha Sftb la the aerii LafgiRst Attendance in "North End Improvert" that was]leave it to' their neighbors, Monday Will See yOL. LXII„ NO. 248 MANCHESTER, CON •MONDAY, JULY 19, 1943 .(TWELVE PAGDS) PRICE THREE GEM'S I iMti Mid wonscB in door reaper eervicea will bhvheld YearB^ Sees Colorful made to us the other day. Whether^^eople with Victory gardens now ing Touches PRIME RIB ROAST OF BEEF X. -^ e f til* united Sunday evening at aeven o’clOt^ they 'can do anything abb.ut JV 'or j.are complaining about the shruba . And Our Uaugl Assortment of Good Things To Eat!' on the weat IWam o f the Souths \(^reniorile8 Here. not remains,to be seen. Between and vines of abscnteen owner..The Main Street »dvMi0« g««rd e< Methodlat chtirch>.wlth Profea- Oakland atfeet and Ne)a<m Place Jap beetles are daffy about grape DINE AND DANCE TONIGHT! y le Germans Passed Here ' lodMn of Hom Compwiy No. S ;adf RaadaU B.. Hamrick of Hillyer there mra two fine xw U c build- vine leaves, and In no time at all Strong Force Um South JdancliMtor f l w Junior College »• the ghegt apeak- King David Lodge, r. 0 . 0 . r.. Ings, the town-owpea^Whlton Me- skeletonize them, then legve for On Monda^Work will be started, Reymander's Restaurant tment who art tO apend today er and the Beethoven Glee, Club held its mid-summer Installation morial Library afW the Y. M. C. A. | more fertile fields. In some .pases applying'-y^ tpp .layer on Main tenorrow at Bolton lakCi Sot to fumlab apeclal musical num- of officers last night at Odd Fellows They attrac^,Jhe eye of many peo- absentee owners have been Infdrm- street rixj'mjdhe 'Center to Charter .Fine Wines, Liquors and Beer Of Warplanes •rway this momlni; i|nd othen ;bera. ' ple travelhig through the town by 1 ed of the condition of some Of Oak afreatT First to be applied will .15-97 Oak Street Teiephoac 9922 Itaae later in the day. Toraop> hall on East Center street and,the trtlln,J9fth'service men and civil-1 these vines and appealed to wlth- be,,-the emulsion coating and theh ‘ .afbemoan at t o’clock toere Mr. and Mra. Joseph Crooka of larifest' turnout of members In iariirr^ The Community play- out results. Over France 1 be a dinner aeiVedSnd 86 have Apel Place with their dki^hter, years witnessed the ceremony unds are In the rear and! There seems to be no neVv or ef- wiil coine fine trap rocit.',It will reaervationa .to be ■p*****'^ Mrs. Eric CrawahaW and eon. which was conducted by Dlstri greensward surrounds both b u ild -1 fective method of traping or ex- then be"rolled. The work, it Is-ndw outing will be held at the estimated, .Will take a week. E V ^ Y SATURDAY NIGHT AT 8 :1 5 Reed, will spend the next two Deputy Grand “Master Eyefett ings. Well It seems that the ,greeni terminating these mdst destructive Eright Miles Away British Dombers cottage Tat the b^ e- • weeks at the snore in Waterford. stretch toward Oakland street i of all pests, other than spraying In addition to the Improvements tWENTY-FIVE GAMES FOR $1.00 Mr, Crawshaw will spend a Weex Srillth and suite from ROckvllle. hasn't been cut all sitrnmer. that and catching them m the early on Main street. Work has also been Fighters Destroy^T^ight Kenneth Walker w a s /^ a te d as The Ibaaon that work waa held with them. the short cut across from Oakland evening in a. receptacle with, water done on . the street'a. leading off 1 at th e iS te l Sheridan remodel-' Noble Grand for thp.jfext term and to North Main street is unsightly and a good topping Of kerosene- Main street. 'The same .treatment Tank Detachments' in Enemy Aircraft and work foi^eariy three weeka. Otto Hermann/< 8 Vice Grand. and ever-widening, and our In and keeping everlastingly at It. was given to all of the side.streeta due to the refuaal of Building Mr. and Mrs. John McOuskey Harry Sweet^^Was again seated as on the east side of Main Street. Rear Ap. ^ Damage T j^ ^- Vf^ssels. of 40 Foster street are spending formant-thinks the picture doesn't utrtnr ChambeM^ to aanctlon treasurer^wld Thomas Maxwell ae make'^a good impression 6n out An Army aviation trainee'Whose This Is' expected to. prevent the "thT^um bing work that waa b ^ their yacatlon at South Casco, Me. reoordlpj^aecretary. home is in Manchester -gives his water from flowing under the new proaches o f Main Nazi London, Jpl^ 19—H>P)— A etrong Mr. and Mrs. McCluakey will cele siders. He suggests that It might Makes Tank Eight>MiIe Smash Splits Strike at Heart of Fas [ Jug dona It did not meet<the apecl- Appointed Oflleertr- , b e ,converted Into a little park, mother a thrill almdst' daily. He roadway during the-wlnter months. AT force of ^iried plane* waa reported Text^of Leaflets ationa or the requljjsment^f tte brate the 40th anniversary of their is training for higtV'iltitude flying Base; Massed marriage In September and bemg The new Noble Grand named young trees set out to replace a On Forest street a change was HcacUi^ acroB* the EngUah chan Enemy’s Front;, AIFed cist Italy in E^phat- llding code of Mancheeterxyhe aa hlB appointed offlceia for th^ number lost In ^ hurricane of- and in the couyie' of his daily made in the grade as it approaches ■ Poised 'in Otputkl Fire Better Dropped on'Rome taaary material haa now arri' unable to arrange for their yacp> fights come^Ver Manchester quite nel .QUe afternoon in the direction Forces Gain AH Along io Follow-Up to Ul iOn together at that time, depMed term .aa followa: Right support of ^mptember 1938, settees added In Main street which was much need The Army & Ndvy^ Club o^Jjslale and Boulogne : the Work la g^ing along. the Noble Grand, Charlea Roberta, the Jew shady spots left—In short frequently.'. He usually manages to ed.. Also better kind of sidewalk River Valley Now. td'^^nd the next week w^Bouth get oyer 'lthe town at . a certain /-• Observers on toe southeast coast Line'; British Burrow Allied Headquarters in North timatum X DemandiAg Casco. Their son. Dr. Jp)Mi McClus- Jr.| left Bupport, Wilbur Loveland; he ^ u U l like to ,Me some civic- ■was laid on the south side of For No gasoline? Cqn’t Ufie your car? Gadget StabilizeB said the planes flew altoost at sea Pfc. laidore I. Gottfried, aon of warden. Henry Ingraham: rigl\t tdwn perjk department try' , to tint^jVhen he does arrive over- est atreet along the property of the Africa, July 19—(/Pi—Following is k e y .ls N i^ them. h^aa he drops down pretty low and Moscow, July 19.— (/P)— levri. Other ^anes were heard Relentlessly Into Lo Itali;pis Quit War;. r. a«d Mra. Barney Gottfried, of supporter vice grand, Irving grhdm the spot referred to, so thkt Army and Navy Club. Then why not -Walk^ It’s not too far, , ' fire NiF Matter Hdw ' tb* EngUah translation of toe text Wept Center atreet, haa been dips his wings to hla mother. Advancing Red Armies have along the coast. Barrett; left supporter, Fred Rob it will have'the appearance tha^- And you Will fiiidxdur Bingo’s fun Elarller, the Air Ministry ' an cal Defenses Protect of leaflets which.., were dropped Sprtially Trained Al- .ranced to technical cQrporal. He Rev. Jamei^r^Young. pastor of inson; Inside guardian, John Mun- somebody cares.' , - ’ Rather .a nice Aajute, don’t you With many prizes to be won. \ - battered their way from’ the Monster* PitchX and I located at Drew FleldK;Fla. the Churclprdf the^Nazarene. Mra. think? V nounced that R.A.F. bombers and ing Catania; Within over Rome by. Allied airplanes to ied Crews Car^ sle; outside guardian, Jease Davis; heavily-wooded * t e r r a i n. Buck in Rou^fifAioing. fighters destro;^ eight enemy Young and son, Hdrqld, will Ipave right Scene supporter, Loydon One hot afternoon rejw tly two Some time In the ml^-afternooh (20) $5.00 GAMES (.T) $10.00 GAMES '--V, day: Monday morning for if you heard the ro a r'd f a de nqrtheast of Orel and are. aircraft and damaged two enemy Three Miles of City. Home Precistoii Raid. Sunaet Council, Degree of Poca- Clark; left supporter, Alfred of the’ Herald reporteya’^ete^ no (1) $20.00 G AMU T l) $50.00 GAME X vessela to attacks laat night on To the CltiZeni of Rome.