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service Boys, Our Alliiss, Our War Prisoners: Present Flag Women bus operators are BENSON’S FURNTTURE Average Daily Circulation learning fast. This week a To Publisher The Weather woman is operating one of the At 713 Main Si. Convenient for Shopping and Pafking. For the Month ot September, 1948 buses on the Hartford-Rock- ForecBM of L’. 8. Wrothcr Bnrenn • Grane-Southwick vllle Iliie. There are times Five and Half Tons when the’ bus arrives at the VFW Officers Provide a ,3 .'> 4 OccanlonnI very light drizzle to Miss Patricia Lenore Southylck, night; zenttered ahowerz Thurzdiiy daughter of Mrs: Peter Saukaitia, North End waiting station Handsome Banner for This Week's Furniture Values Member of tbo Audit Collected in Town ahead of time and as connec morning: diminishing winds; ran- _ the •xperimenUl dep»rt- of 65 Durant street was married to Bnrenn ot Otreulatlon* tinned cool. The Emblem Club will hold tions have to be '.nade with the The Herald Building. n, V o . *67. A chicken dinner Third District. Lieutenant Carlson E. Crane,' son cross town line the bus opera- x-wMi iiwvm! In Hartford and music public bridge^ party tomorrow eve- Manchester— A City of Village Charm Mr. Hooey la to enter mng at 8::5 at the Elks home in of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crane of •tor often waits for a few min Anderson-Shea Aiuciliary, No. IN MAPLE Paper collected in the northeast utes before pulling out. This ^‘* ?t«n p lo y ot the Quinn Pharmacy. Rockville. Mrs. Thopis* Conran is Atwofid streeti Newington, Sun 2046, Veterans of Fcrelg^ Wars, section of Manchester yesterday gives him an opportunity, to VOL. LXIII., NO. 23 (ClueMed Advertizing eu Page 18) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 27,1943 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS the only Manchester member on day afternoon. The ceremony was take a smoke \out'side of his has presented' a fine, large United Solid Maple the committee. amounted tp .I'i tons or nearly Solid Maple . AvlaUon Cadet David Spencer of performed at four o'clock in the*^ bus while waitihg. States flag to this paper. The Maaaau Shores, Liong Island, for- equal to the first week’s collec presentation was made last night Hutch Cabinet . Dresser and Mirror Center Concregatlonal church by The bus operated by the l^ a r ly a resident of Manchester Ward Cheney Camp No. 13. U. tion of 6 tons. This spurt over the woman happened to be ahead to Publisher Thomas Ferguson at . Mma 1^ graduate of the local High S. W. V., and Mary B. Cheney previous week is gratifying and Rev. Dr. Watson Woodruff, assist his home, 175 Main street, by the Renault Truck Factory Dpmolisl|ed by Allies ed by Rev. E. Burton of Newing of schedule by a few .minutes ' achoot. la Uking his basic training Auxiliary will have a joint insUl- also begins to give an indication yesterday and like the man, president. Mrs. Lillian M. Linders, $27.95 $34(95 Germans Gloomy ;at.Oreensboro, N. C. ^ lation of officers Thursday evei- of what can be secured once per ton. she too took the opportunity to w l » was accompanied by the Allied Troops Seize nlng in the Masonic Temple. Sup month. Already a goodly sum has The attendants were Mias Ellza- step outside and light up a pa'frlotlc instructor, Mrs. Madeline 'beth Shay of the DeaconCss hospi. ‘ According to the weekly report per will be served at 6:30 under accumulated in for the hos cigarette for a few puffs. It Drake and the junior vice presi from the SUte Health depart the chairmanship rOf Mrs. Sophte pital and the total will be an tal. Boston, as maid of honor: calmed her nerves juSt as it dent, Mrs. Florence Streeter. Large 4-Drawer Maple'Studio ^ As Soviet Units ment. there are three reported Grabowski. Alexander Bcrggrcn nounced after next week’s collec Miss Margaret' MacDonald and did the men drivers! Mrs. Linders! - who has three Solid Maple cases of whooping cough in Man- will be installed as commander cf tion. which will mean one com Mrs. Newton Smith of South Main sons In the service, explained .that Couch diester at the present time. the camp and Mrs. I>;titia Rady plete collection of the town. The street were' bridesmaids. Edward ..the flag was to be used on The Chest o f Drawers Hollywootf Style With Two Italian Towns; as president of the auxiliary. Cap next section to be collected will Thresher of South Windsor was full skirts and all wore matching Herald building at 13 Bissell tain Joel Nichols. department be the .southeast section. best man and James Milward of sweetheart caps of net. street, and while it is the.custom Arms and Back Near Krivoi Rog Loyal a rcle of K in r« Daughters 'To Extend Program East Hartford and Andres Agog- for the ajixlliaiy to pre.scnt flags will hold its annual fall rummage commander, and other department The bride'* mother wore royal $39.50 officers are expected. Plans .are being made now to latti of Newington were ushers. blue velvet with matching acces to organizations deemed worthy • sale Thursday from,9:30 on at Cen- try and take care of those people of such a gift, the members felt $54.95 ';,tsr Church House. Mrs. Arvld Sea- The bride who was given in sories and the bridegjoom’s moth Refls Storm Outskirts] Corporal Wllljam H. Carney ar who for rea.sons of physical dis marriage by her grandfather, John er gray with gray accessories. that this token of appreciation ' buiY heads the committee of ar ability cannot get this waste pa was due The Herald not only for , lYajtis Praise Hi rangements. members of which will rived last night from Tennessee M. Bogardus. wore a gown of Both wore pink pompom corsages. I-jirge, Comfortable O f Important Iron and to spend a short furlough with his per out of their cellars. Mrs. Saukitis and Mr. and Mrs. numerous notices and publicity he CO hand tomorroytf afternoon to These people are urged to list white broacaded satin, with long parents. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Car- basque bodice, sweetheart neck Crane were in the receiving line accorded the auxiliary and post in Maple Platform Maple Steel Center; Berlin rfcelve articles for the sale. If their names ahd with tha4r activities, but for the effort Red^^ Might ‘ donations must be called fdr, nev of 40 Garden streiet. line,’ and full skirt terminating in with the bridal party. Eighting Generally. Si their district supervisor. These su A reception for 75 guests follow the paper is making to use all \ Rockers Bridge Lamps Radio Announces Big Nazis Launch y friends are advised to contact Mrs. pervisors are: Southwest section: a circular train. Her firll length Food Losses Frank Fairweather. telephone 8144 ed at the Sheridan Restaurant. material possible in regard to the With sides as Last of O. Albert Pearson, phone 3323; veil of Illusion was draped from thousands of service men and Withdrawal Movement In Report or Mrs. Rachel Tilden, 8956. northwest section, Benjamin F. a Juliet cap of aeed pearls and she When the couple left for an un Combination Table ina^ Rearguarils Arel Turkey, Goose announced wedding trip, the bride women who have gone out from $32.50 Major Drive Figures Told Crchoi'e, phone 6037; northeast carried a bouquet of white pom Manchester to serve their coun In Dnieper Bend. Temple Chapter. O.E.S. will ob section and North End, Walter Mi poms and stephanotis. was attired in a light blue wool Pulled Back Intol b ; serve visiting matrons and patrons dress, black Chesterfield coat and try, many of whom have already $12.95 War Correspondents En Leclerc, phone .5269. and southeast The maid of honor was gowned made the supreme sacrifice. London, Oct. 27.— (/P)— night In the Masonic Temple to- And Pig Event section. Charles. S. Roberts, Jr., accessories and gardenia corsage. 111 Slovenia To Congress New Mountain LinevI in yellow taffeta and carried an Solid Maple With Soviet troops storming couraged to Portray . SBOrrow evening. A Solicited supper phone 8288. arm bouquet of bronze pompoms. Sedes and Megalo Mikol : . wni be served at 6:30 under the the outskirts of Krivoi Rog, One must bear in mind that this The bridesmaids were In green and Maple Ship Mlieel ^ Possibilities of Rus chainnanshlp of Mrs. Elizabeth applies only to those people' who 5-Pc. ra Fields Just OuM For the 45th Year No. orchid taffeta and their bouquets the German command today sian Military Machine. Fighting for Rich North Run into Hundreds of 1 Johnson. are physically unable to move were yellow and pink pompoms. Khchen Group Mirrors took the gloomiest tone to I ’ s Firemen to Hohl their scrap paper: Volunteers will western Area of Yugo Thousands of Pounds; side Salonika RiaidedUj 1 Corporal Domenlc Gentilcore. All dresses of the attendants were ward the Russian front since Thanksgiving Ball. be asked for to do this work on designed with basque bodices and RE-UPHOLSTER Madrid. Oct. 27—<4»)—German slavia Heavy; Parti- son ot Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Gen- one particular day. $39.50 / $6.95 Stalingrad, in an apparent Blame Rusty Cans, Wa Allied Headquarters, Ak| Ki tUcore of 74 Cottage street is sta effort to stiffen the public propaganda has let the bars down 2«Pc. Living Room Suites ^ Only this tangled mass of stiel work and machinery remains of the Renault truck factory at sans Active in Rear. ter Damage, W'eevils. glers, Oct. 27.—(IP)— Allidjl tioned at the Armored Technical Arrangementa for tha 45th an The Married Couples’ Club of and now not only permits but en school.