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kOB Manchester Evening ftei Wr"^j^nl:ies' with One Contribution to the War Fund -- __ _ ■uaaei Oouneil. Dagiaa of Poca Club to Attend hontas members will change the EAT THE BEST ATHEYMANDER’S Average Daily Circulation With Camp Band Heard Along Main Street The Weather About Town evening for their kitchen Bingo, L DELICIOUS BROILERS For tha Moath o f Beptaabar, 1848 and will hold It Monday night at Aiicient Rites Forecaet ot U. 8. Weather Bai eau the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter And on Some oj Manche»ter*$ Side Streel»i Too X ROAST BEEF i’flllKBtonenoh Trlba No- M, Im- Kanehl of *4 Wells street. Prlres FILLET MIGNON 8 ,3 5 4 Cbntinurd cool; rain tonight and Turaday forenoon; freah to.atroag "iovad Ordar t i Rad Men, will will bo awarded the' winners and ' Younssters around town contin-vular. So as a result it was a real Member ot tho Audit social time with refreshments IOUngSlcr> ■luui.u w _____ I t a l i a n . Coon and Fox Oub Almo OYS'TERS AND CLAMS ON THE HALF SHELL winda. ' ue to do pestiferous things— not big turnout at the Italian-Amerl- Bureau of drcnlatloBa will follow. Profits of the Bingo can Club. * DINE AND DANCE TONIGHTl social wUl be turned over to the exactly things that would justify Preparnig for Big police action—but acU that cause Charlie passed it off by remark Manchester^A City of Village Charm War Bond fund. Members and a nuisance and upset anyone's pa ing: "You don’t have a daughter Trials on Sunday. _____F*ad U Mahoney, a friends are urged to attend. g'etting married every day.” Reymtinder'a Reitaurant tience. One group of boya In the (daaaidod AdvartUag oa Page 8) ttcbilielAn with the let Ce- Middle Turnpike afea chanced by Fine Wines, Liquors and Beer VOL. LXIIL, NO. 21 MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, OCTOBER 25, 194.3 (TEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS The name of the man who pur Members of the Manchester J a lfy Dlviaion ta now In Auetralla, a tomato plot. The froat had hit Coon #.nd Fox Club will attend a .35-37 Oak Street Telephone 3922 iaeeardlng te a letter received by the tonlatoea and therefore had chased the local grill aa mention Car Cuisliion Fire ed last week thereby getting a unique ceremony in Taftvllle, It mother. Mra. Annie Mahoney not been picked by the gardener. was announced today. It will take i t M Maple atreet He waa gradu- The boya picked a number of the $7,000 stock of liquor for an ex World’s Largest Rubber Lifeboat penditure of $11,400 was Charles place on Nov, 7 on the Feast p t Mine Strikes H M from Georgia University aft- Calls Apparatus fruit and atarted throwing them, St. Hubert, patron saint of hunt " ar a 17 waeka’ rouree in algnalling first at utility poles, thei. ending Kuckcu. We don’t know the pur More Nazi Forces chaser but ha certainly wasn’t ers. It Is called the "Blessing of Vital Junction Taken and before leaving for overseas up by hurling several at a nearby "cuckoo” with the liquor stocks the Hunting Dogs.” It originated Affect More was stationed at Fort Bllas, Tex- Companies 2, 8 and 4 of the houae. I When told to atop by a In very early times In France and -aa. Another son. Staff Sergeant paaaerby they Were.aaucy and told dwindling as they are, local pack South Manchester Fire depart age store owners tell ue. before the war was a custom fol James D. Mahoney, has been at the adillt to mind his own bust- lowed each year In the country in Attempt Panama, C. Z-, for over two years, ment answered an alarm turned in ^Incidentally the reataurtfnt part Used neaa. parishes. Shafts Today from Box 57 at 4:10 this morning. A couple of youngaters were go o f the property Hasn’t been op erated since the salt waa made. Field Trials Sunday SAVE In Fifth Army Push; An automobile oh Summit street, ing along a atreet on the west aide Group 4 or the Memorial Hoa- when they chanced paat a pile of In the meantime, the members are busy cleaning up the last de Increasing Indications LplU l AnxUlary. Min. William opposite the Manchester Dairy, leavea on the front lawn at abew- W* have heard only one version To Halt Russians ^TOwfekie, leader, will meet Mon had caught fire probably from a ly constructed houae. The' leaves of the departure o f Dave McCol tails of their own field trials which day afternoon at two o’clock at will take place at their grounds In' Of No Approval by cigarette dropped on. the cushion. were to be carried away liter but lum fiom the Army and Navy the hosplUl. Group 2. Mro- Geoff* club as steward. It may be the North Coventry tomorrow begin FUEL The fire was extinguished with up MiM. I r. I Airy Matter the youngsters didn't bother about on. I'laiies, Tanks and Artil* Brings 85 Shipmates War Labor Board of ;^ W . House, leader, will join with ning at 10 a. m. In reaching the Battles Ragel holstery the only Ips*. that. They aet fire te' the pile and only one. but whatever the rea ‘ vthem. son. the club haa lost a faithful, grounds, autoists are advised to Home on First Leave Musician. 1st Cfass, Larry Met not only left a mess on a good- lery Thrown into Des Proposed Illinois Pact. iookliig lawn, but endangered the patient and ardent worker.-vDave turn toward the left at Bolton A,. - I ■ i I .» ier. son o f and Mrs. Maurice Notch Into the Coventry road Passaic, N. J., Oct. 25.—(IP) Ml. property because there waa a plot has done a lot to build up the club and COAL perate Bid to Stem Washlngtoh, Oct. 25.— (IP) — More Canes Souifht | ! —When Seaman John . Neu- Sparanise (^ptured ini Metier, of 2»i Benton street, has of dry g n u ' right alongaide the and keep the membership happy. known aS Route 44. Continue on It Is pretty difficult to replace a this until the River road is reach Offensive as Soviets bauer, a former policeman, "Wildcat” strikes spread to more Hour at Hand For Wounded V’eterans' returned to his base at Memphis, houae. / ! came home on his first leave Drive of Three Miles;! AnotWr group of youngetere on man who has been on the same ed which Is on the way to Mans soft coal pits today In a work- Tenn., after spemlliig a furlough job for 22 years. That his serv field snd then arrows will point Roll t ^ Within Six I from Naval training school. Phoenixvllle. Pa.. Oct. 25.— a North Bnd street wasn't satis ; his family was reassured that stoppage emphasized by a Solid American and British | with his p aren ts here. It waa fied sMth the applet on the ground, ices were greatly appreciated by the way. For America (A*)—Valley Forgi General hos Snow Fencing To those who have never at Miled of Krivoi Rog. their Johnny was popular. Fuels administration report of pital has a shortage of canes, but picked them up and threw the club members was attested USE Troops; North of Re-j the first time he haa been home th» other night when they voted tended one of these field trials. It | He brought with him 85 sharply dropping pnoddeiion ttf needed by wounded veterans In 14 months. An expert cornet- them Into the tree to get others. They didn’t consider where they to give him a $500 war bond. Per will prove an unusual surprise If Moscow, Oct. 25.— (/P)— shipmates, and promised his the vital fuel in the last reporting To Aid Peace learning to walk again after gia Defense Canal ;| Which, incidentally, can be used for many other fencing iat he IS first trumpeter with the were throwing and one apple went haps the attendance at the club they should travel out to the trial parents the rest of the train week. discarding crutches. The Nazis today threw in ing company of HO men would Col. Henry Beeuwkes, com Counter * Attack Aft purposes, now available in 50 ft. rolls. camp band which Is led by Clyde right through a window In a houke will Increase the next week or so grounds tomorrow. Tbe scene of FIREFLACE mqre troops, planes, tanks Meanwhile there were increasing McCoy famed orchestra leader. next door not only smashing the as the curious come in to learn the crowds, the dogb, the exciting drop In to see him before his Indications that the War Labor manding officer at tbe hospi er Counter - Attack! races In a real country fair set and artillery and fought back furlough was up this week. Coiinally Opens Debate tal, said today 200 canes are It is four feet high and is made of wood slats secure An orchestra made from the camp glass but. tearing a valuable cur^ the story back of Dave’s leaving. board would not approve in Its band with McCoy aa leader and tain to bits. ting, Is one long to be remem violently in a desperate bid to Some of Neubauer’s contin present form the proposed Illinois On Resolution to Join needed at onCe, and urged Launched by Germans.] ly joined together with wire ties. Painted red. Metier aa first trumpeter has . Windows along Main street were Housewives' whr gripe a ^ u t bered.