■ y ' ■AT^ATTTOtiT/ Aycmiis Daily Cireoistion Maneh^stet Evening HertttS rorOie MeMh et Jmw. 164S Tks’Weatker V ' Fifaeiief af D. S. W ca t^ JSwSaa OampbeS O o h » « :K . o f C., will . Slightly cooler tonight; asoSsr biatall ofricenr Wedneaday evening. W ork aches lOOF Officers Heard Along Main^lreet EAT BETTER AT REYMANDER’S ' Memlier o f tlw ’ ate temperatairiw Tnesday fore- itTowb A " fatM HMia^R. OreenaWay of t3 DELICIOUS B s o e u o f Clrca|at4dM M ig ta .a w t WUl apend the"'next Jkre Installed And on Some ofH anche»U r*» Sido Streetu^ Too iPh al Stagies HALFBBOILERS jC ^ of Village Chttm *;T** Btmm to.'bt *■ ■*• twr'weeka•ka at a ililupibla -------Lake, .................. '.I. ★ BMs A«NI| aaoraliMr Here's a suggestion for, thCf? urn^erybody to fight them and .T^X^VtasaiiM AdvwtMag oa Pago IS) ; u tMotk wm bt •^ha Sftb la the aerii LafgiRst Attendance in "North End Improvert" that was]leave it to' their neighbors, Monday Will See yOL. LXII„ NO. 248 MANCHESTER, CON •MONDAY, JULY 19, 1943 .(TWELVE PAGDS) PRICE THREE GEM'S I iMti Mid wonscB in door reaper eervicea will bhvheld YearB^ Sees Colorful made to us the other day. Whether^^eople with Victory gardens now ing Touches PRIME RIB ROAST OF BEEF X. -^ e f til* united Sunday evening at aeven o’clOt^ they 'can do anything abb.ut JV 'or j.are complaining about the shruba . And Our Uaugl Assortment of Good Things To Eat!' on the weat IWam o f the Souths \(^reniorile8 Here. not remains,to be seen. Between and vines of abscnteen owner..The Main Street »dvMi0« g««rd e< Methodlat chtirch>.wlth Profea- Oakland atfeet and Ne)a<m Place Jap beetles are daffy about grape DINE AND DANCE TONIGHT! y le Germans Passed Here ' lodMn of Hom Compwiy No. S ;adf RaadaU B.. Hamrick of Hillyer there mra two fine xw U c build- vine leaves, and In no time at all Strong Force Um South JdancliMtor f l w Junior College »• the ghegt apeak- King David Lodge, r. 0 . 0 . r.. Ings, the town-owpea^Whlton Me- skeletonize them, then legve for On Monda^Work will be started, Reymander's Restaurant tment who art tO apend today er and the Beethoven Glee, Club held its mid-summer Installation morial Library afW the Y. M. C. A. | more fertile fields. In some .pases applying'-y^ tpp .layer on Main tenorrow at Bolton lakCi Sot to fumlab apeclal musical num- of officers last night at Odd Fellows They attrac^,Jhe eye of many peo- absentee owners have been Infdrm- street rixj'mjdhe 'Center to Charter .Fine Wines, Liquors and Beer Of Warplanes •rway this momlni; i|nd othen ;bera. ' ple travelhig through the town by 1 ed of the condition of some Of Oak afreatT First to be applied will .15-97 Oak Street Teiephoac 9922 Itaae later in the day. Toraop> hall on East Center street and,the trtlln,J9fth'service men and civil-1 these vines and appealed to wlth- be,,-the emulsion coating and theh ‘ .afbemoan at t o’clock toere Mr. and Mra. Joseph Crooka of larifest' turnout of members In iariirr^ The Community play- out results. Over France 1 be a dinner aeiVedSnd 86 have Apel Place with their dki^hter, years witnessed the ceremony unds are In the rear and! There seems to be no neVv or ef- wiil coine fine trap rocit.',It will reaervationa .to be ■p*****'^ Mrs. Eric CrawahaW and eon. which was conducted by Dlstri greensward surrounds both b u ild -1 fective method of traping or ex- then be"rolled. The work, it Is-ndw outing will be held at the estimated, .Will take a week. E V ^ Y SATURDAY NIGHT AT 8 :1 5 Reed, will spend the next two Deputy Grand “Master Eyefett ings. Well It seems that the ,greeni terminating these mdst destructive Eright Miles Away British Dombers cottage Tat the b^ e- • weeks at the snore in Waterford. stretch toward Oakland street i of all pests, other than spraying In addition to the Improvements tWENTY-FIVE GAMES FOR $1.00 Mr, Crawshaw will spend a Weex Srillth and suite from ROckvllle. hasn't been cut all sitrnmer. that and catching them m the early on Main street. Work has also been Fighters Destroy^T^ight Kenneth Walker w a s /^ a te d as The Ibaaon that work waa held with them. the short cut across from Oakland evening in a. receptacle with, water done on . the street'a. leading off 1 at th e iS te l Sheridan remodel-' Noble Grand for thp.jfext term and to North Main street is unsightly and a good topping Of kerosene- Main street. 'The same .treatment Tank Detachments' in Enemy Aircraft and work foi^eariy three weeka. Otto Hermann/< 8 Vice Grand. and ever-widening, and our In­ and keeping everlastingly at It. was given to all of the side.streeta due to the refuaal of Building Mr. and Mrs. John McOuskey Harry Sweet^^Was again seated as on the east side of Main Street. Rear Ap. ^ Damage T j^ ^- Vf^ssels. of 40 Foster street are spending formant-thinks the picture doesn't utrtnr ChambeM^ to aanctlon treasurer^wld Thomas Maxwell ae make'^a good impression 6n out­ An Army aviation trainee'Whose This Is' expected to. prevent the "thT^um bing work that waa b ^ their yacatlon at South Casco, Me. reoordlpj^aecretary. home is in Manchester -gives his water from flowing under the new proaches o f Main Nazi London, Jpl^ 19—H>P)— A etrong Mr. and Mrs. McCluakey will cele­ siders. He suggests that It might Makes Tank Eight>MiIe Smash Splits Strike at Heart of Fas­ [ Jug dona It did not meet<the apecl- Appointed Oflleertr- , b e ,converted Into a little park, mother a thrill almdst' daily. He roadway during the-wlnter months. AT force of ^iried plane* waa reported Text^of Leaflets ationa or the requljjsment^f tte brate the 40th anniversary of their is training for higtV'iltitude flying Base; Massed marriage In September and bemg The new Noble Grand named young trees set out to replace a On Forest street a change was HcacUi^ acroB* the EngUah chan­ Enemy’s Front;, AIFed cist Italy in E^phat- llding code of Mancheeterxyhe aa hlB appointed offlceia for th^ number lost In ^ hurricane of- and in the couyie' of his daily made in the grade as it approaches ■ Poised 'in Otputkl Fire Better Dropped on'Rome taaary material haa now arri' unable to arrange for their yacp> fights come^Ver Manchester quite nel .QUe afternoon in the direction Forces Gain AH Along io Follow-Up to Ul­ iOn together at that time, depMed term .aa followa: Right support of ^mptember 1938, settees added In Main street which was much need­ The Army & Ndvy^ Club o^Jjslale and Boulogne : the Work la g^ing along. the Noble Grand, Charlea Roberta, the Jew shady spots left—In short frequently.'. He usually manages to ed.. Also better kind of sidewalk River Valley Now. td'^^nd the next week w^Bouth get oyer 'lthe town at . a certain /-• Observers on toe southeast coast Line'; British Burrow Allied Headquarters in North timatum X DemandiAg Casco. Their son. Dr. Jp)Mi McClus- Jr.| left Bupport, Wilbur Loveland; he ^ u U l like to ,Me some civic- ■was laid on the south side of For­ No gasoline? Cqn’t Ufie your car? Gadget StabilizeB said the planes flew altoost at sea Pfc. laidore I. Gottfried, aon of warden. Henry Ingraham: rigl\t tdwn perjk department try' , to tint^jVhen he does arrive over- est atreet along the property of the Africa, July 19—(/Pi—Following is k e y .ls N i^ them. h^aa he drops down pretty low and Moscow, July 19.— (/P)— levri. Other ^anes were heard Relentlessly Into Lo­ Itali;pis Quit War;. r. a«d Mra. Barney Gottfried, of supporter vice grand, Irving grhdm the spot referred to, so thkt Army and Navy Club. Then why not -Walk^ It’s not too far, , ' fire NiF Matter Hdw ' tb* EngUah translation of toe text Wept Center atreet, haa been dips his wings to hla mother. Advancing Red Armies have along the coast. Barrett; left supporter, Fred Rob­ it will have'the appearance tha^- And you Will fiiidxdur Bingo’s fun Elarller, the Air Ministry ' an­ cal Defenses Protect­ of leaflets which.., were dropped Sprtially Trained Al- .ranced to technical cQrporal. He Rev. Jamei^r^Young. pastor of inson; Inside guardian, John Mun- somebody cares.' , - ’ Rather .a nice Aajute, don’t you With many prizes to be won. \ - battered their way from’ the Monster* PitchX and I located at Drew FleldK;Fla. the Churclprdf the^Nazarene. Mra. think? V nounced that R.A.F. bombers and ing Catania; Within over Rome by. Allied airplanes to­ ied Crews Car^ sle; outside guardian, Jease Davis; heavily-wooded * t e r r a i n. Buck in Rou^fifAioing. fighters destro;^ eight enemy Young and son, Hdrqld, will Ipave right Scene supporter, Loydon One hot afternoon rejw tly two Some time In the ml^-afternooh (20) $5.00 GAMES (.T) $10.00 GAMES '--V, day: Monday morning for if you heard the ro a r'd f a de­ nqrtheast of Orel and are. aircraft and damaged two enemy Three Miles of City. Home Precistoii Raid. Sunaet Council, Degree of Poca- Clark; left supporter, Alfred of the’ Herald reporteya’^ete^ no­ (1) $20.00 G AMU T l) $50.00 GAME X vessela to attacks laat night on To the CltiZeni of Rome.
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