US Government Exclusion of Chinese Migrants, 1848-1882
University of Hawai‘i at Hilo HOHONU 2016 Vol. 14 finde [sic] that the God of Israel is among us, when ten Gilded Freedom: U. S. of us shall be able to resist a thousand of our enemies Government Exclusion of [Indians]…,” in which this “Model of Christian Charity” would later justify Indian decimation.3 A first known Chinese Migrants, 1848-1882 example of this came on May 26, 1637, when Captains John Mason and John Underhill led a Puritan militia into Robert Villanueva History 382 Mystic River, Connecticut, and massacred 400 Pequot Indian villagers, bringing upon a white xenophobic Inscribed within the U.S. Library of Congress construct of hatred for future Americans to follow.4 archives, nineteenth century American expansionist Historian Alvin Josephy Jr. stated that British policy is noted for enslavement of African Americans, Puritan colonists of New England aimed “… to instruct oppression of Mexican Americans, and the systemic the peaceful and exterminate those who resisted,” decimation of Native Americans, instilling a legacy of resting on the belief that all uninhabited lands of ‘savage bigotry that exist in the United States today. Seldom Indians’ were rightly given to them by God, whereupon discussed in college lectures, the Chinese Exclusion American politicians adopted this exceptionalism Act of 1882 depicts another tragic event in U.S history, concept to justify black slavery, American Indian when Chinese migrants were falsely accused of causing decimation, and persecute other distinct ethnic groups.5 America’s economic hardships. This study will examine This initial period in American history, in essence, the social and political developments that led to the embedded a fixed social construct of white supremacist Chinese Exclusion Act in 1882, which became the first bigotry in the United States.
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