Time-synchronized Data Collection in Smart Grids through IPv6 over BLE Stanley Nwabuona Markus Schuss Simon Mayer Pro2Future GmbH Graz University of Technology Pro2Future GmbH and Graz Graz, Austria Graz, Austria University of Technology
[email protected] [email protected] Graz, Austria
[email protected] Konrad Diwold Lukas Krammer Alfred Einfalt Siemens Corporate Siemens Corporate Siemens Corporate Technology Technology Technology Vienna, Austria Vienna, Austria Vienna, Austria
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION For the operation of electrical distribution system an increased Due to the progressing integration of distributed energy re- shift towards smart grid operation can be observed. This shift sources (such as domestic photovoltaics) into the distribution provides operators with a high level of reliability and efficiency grid [5], conventional – mostly passive – monitoring and con- when dealing with highly dynamic distribution grids. Techni- trol schemes of power systems are no longer applicable. This cally, this implies that the support for a bidirectional flow of is because these are not designed to handle and manage the data is critical to realizing smart grid operation, culminating in volatile and dynamic behavior stemming from these new active the demand for equipping grid entities (such as sensors) with grid entities. Therefore, advanced controlling and monitoring communication and processing capabilities. Unfortunately, schemes are required for distribution grid operation (i.e., in- the retrofitting of brown-field electric substations in distribu- cluding in Low-Voltage (LV) grids) to avoid system overload tion grids with these capabilities is not straightforward – this which could incur permanent damages.