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The Earliest Tegulorhynchia (Brachiopoda: ) and Its Evolutionary Significance Author(s): Kenneth J. McNamara Source: Journal of Paleontology, Vol. 57, No. 3 (May, 1983), pp. 461-473 Published by: SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/1304689 Accessed: 16-07-2018 10:49 UTC

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This content downloaded from on Mon, 16 Jul 2018 10:49:02 UTC All use subject to http://about.jstor.org/terms JOURNAL OF PALEONTOLOGY, V. 57, NO. 3, P. 461-473, 3 FIGS., MAY 1983


KENNETH J. McNAMARA Western Australian Museum, Francis Street, Perth, Western Australia 6000

ABSTRACT- Tegulorhynchia boongeroodaensis n. sp. is described from the Early Paleocene-Early Cardabia Group in the Cararvon Basin of Western Australia. This is the earliest known occurrence of the . Changes in frequency of occurrence of this correspond with changes in the nature of the sediment: highest frequency of occurrence is in greensands; upward stratigraphic change to calcarenites and ultimately to calcilutites is associated with diminution in frequency of occurrence of the and is thought to relate to reduction in suitable sites of attachment. Like descendant species, T. boongeroodaensis underwent no morphological change during the course of its time range. Evidence is presented to indicate that evolution of later species of Tegu- lorhynchia and the closely related Notosaria proceeded by paedomorphosis. The result of this was attainment of a morphology adapted to regimes of higher hydrodynamic activity.

INTRODUCTION tions of the Western Australian Museum THE CARDABIA GROUP, which occurs (WAM). in All the Grid References (G.R.) refer to northern Carnarvon Basin of Western Aus- the KV section of the Giralia 1:100,000 map tralia, outcrops mainly on the flanks of sheet. the Giralia Range, south of Exmouth Gulf. This One new term is introduced: 'paedomor- largely carbonate sequence ranges in age phocline.' This may be defined as a stepped (McGowran, 1968, 1978) from the Early morphological gradient of paedomorphic Paleocene (planktonic foraminiferal Zone P.2) forms, extending from an ancestral apaedo- to the Early Eocene (p.f. Zone P.8) and prob- morph to an 'extreme' paedomorph which ably represents the most fossiliferous unit ofpossesses adult characteristics found only in this age in Australia. the earliest juveniles of the ancestor. The pae- The aim of this paper is to describe the domorphocline is an evolutionary gradient only species of rhynchonellide brachiopod which may extend through time and/or space. which occurs in the Cardabia Group; to dis- Examples, apart from that described herein, cuss the relationship between its stratigraphic are the Scottish olenellid trilobite paedo- distribution and sediment type; and to reap- morphocline through space (McNamara, praise the evolution of the genus Tegulo- 1978) and the ammonite genus rhynchia (within which the species is placed) Protacanthoceras (Wright and Kennedy, and the closely related Notosaria. 1980), a paedomorphocline through time. Little work has been carried out on the rich The counterpart of paedomorphocline will macrofossil fauna of the Cardabia Group be a 'peramorphocline' (for definition of per- which, dominated by echinoids, also com- amorphosis see Alberch et al., 1979). An monly contains , corals, bryo- example is the morphological gradient zoans, bivalves and gastropods, as well as through space and time in the lineage of the occasional crabs. Cockbain (1967) has heart urchin Schizaster (McNamara and described the craniid brachiopod Westrali- Philip, 1980). The concepts of the paedo- crania alleni from borehole material, while morphocline and the peramorphocline are Foster and Philip (1978) described two newdiscussed more fully in McNamara (1982). genera and three new species of holasteroid echinoids and McNamara and Philip (1980) STRATIGRAPHY OF THE CARDABIA GROUP have described the echinoid Schizaster (Par- The oldest unit in the Cardabia Group is aster) carinatus. the Boongerooda Greensand which reaches a All specimens of the newly described maximum thickness of only 3.3 m in its type species of Tegulorhynchia are in the collec- section in Toothawarra Creek (Condon et al.,

Copyright ? 1983, The Society of Economic 461 0022-3360/83/0057-0461$03.00 Paleontologists and Mineralogists and The Paleontological Society

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1956). The formation is composed entirely upward development of finer-grained car- of green glauconitic sand apart from bonate minor sediments through the Cardabia phosphatic nodules and reworked phospha- Group. This change is accompanied by an tized ammonites derived from the underlying alteration in the aspect of the fauna. Maastrichtian Miria Marl, which it discon- formably overlies. Although Brunnschweiler SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY (1966) favored a Late Cretaceous age for Order the RHYNCHONELLIDA Kuhn, 1949 Boongerooda Greensand, Edgell (1952) and Family HEMITHYRIDIDAE McGowran (1968, 1978) have suggested an Rzhonsnitskaya, 1956 Early Paleocene (p.f. Zone P.2) age on the Genus TEGULORHYNCHIA Chapman and basis of the foraminifers. Brunnschweiler Crespin, 1923 (1966, p. 12) based his conclusion for a Late Type species.- squamosa Cretaceous age, in part, on the occurrence of Hutton, 1873, p. 37. "brachiopods of the group in great numbers." The youngest known cyclothyrids TEGULORHYNCHIA BOONGEROODAENSIS are Late Cretaceous (Ager, 1965). However, n. sp. the foraminiferal evidence and the descrip- Figures 1A-Y tion of the brachiopod herein as a member of the Tertiary to Recent genus Tegulorhyn- Cyclothyris spp. nov. BRUNNSCHWEILER. In CONDON ET AL., 1956, p. 30. chia suggest an early Tertiary age. The Boongerooda Greensand is conform- Holotype. -WAM 80.1523 from the Boon- ably overlain by the 25-30 m thick Wadera gerooda Greensand, 3.6 km NNW of Whit- Calcarenite. The formation consists almost lock Dam, Giralia Station, from head and left entirely of glauconitic calcarenite (Condon bank et of gully, Grid Reference Giralia al., 1956). The overlying Pirie Calcarenite KV115820; collected by G. W. Kendrick reaches a thickness of 33 m and is composed 26.8.79. Dimensions of the holotype and largely of bryozoal calcarenite with minor paratypes given in Table 1. intercalations of calcilutite. The uppermost Material, localities and horizons.-In member of the Cardabia Group, the 10 m addition to the holotype, 158 specimens have thick Cashin Calcarenite, differs from the been collected from the Cardabia Group. underlying Pirie Calcarenite in the greater From the Boongerooda Greensand: 44 spec- proportion of calcilutite and fine-grained cal- imens (including the paratypes WAM carenite. Thus, there is a general progressive 71.161a, b, d, e, 80.1499-80.1502) from the

FIGURE 1- Tegulorhynchia boongeroodaensis n. sp. All specimens are from the Early Paleocene Boon- gerooda Greensand, except for WAM 80.1508 (A, F, G, K) which is from the Late Paleocene Pirie Calcarenite. All magnifications are X2. A, F, G, K, WAM 80.1508, paratype, from the southern tributary of Toothawarra Creek, about 350 m S of junction with northern tributary, G.R. 070720. Note relatively large foramen, low beak angle, narrow shell, lenticular profile and rectimarginate commissure. B, L, WAM 80.1492, paratype, from the base of Section Hill, G.R. 017543. C, H, WAM 80.146, paratype, from same locality as 80.1492. D, I, WAM 71.148b, paratype, from same locality as 80.1508, but lower in section. Note increasing development of uniplicate commissure through Figures K, L, I. E, WAM 80.1501, paratype, from same locality as 71.148b. Note small foramen. J, WAM 80.1500, paratype, from same locality as 71.148b. M, WAM 71.148c, paratype, from same locality as 71.148b. Development of strong uniplicate commissure initiated at earlier stage of growth than normal in this individual. N, R, WAM 71.16 la, paratype, from same locality as 71.178b. Gerontic individual with excess shell growth occurring dorso-ventrally about commissure. P, WAM 71.161e, paratype, from same locality as 71.148b. Individual with narrow profile, but uniplication still very pronounced. Q, WAM 80.1497, paratype, from same locality as 80.1492, showing lemniscate type of pallial sinus pattern in pedicle valve. S, WAM 71.148a, paratype, from Toothawarra Creek, G.R. 070725, showing internal features of brachial valve. T, W, X, Y, WAM 80.1523, holotype, from 3.6 km NNW of Whitlock Dam, Giralia Station, G.R. 115820. U, V, WAM 80.1499, paratype, from same locality as 71.148b.

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TABLE 1- Selected measurements of holotype and paratypes of Tegulorhynchia boongeroodaensis n. sp.

No. ribs Foramen Specimen no. Length Width Thickness Ht. plic. No. ribs sulcus diameter Valve 80.1508 (paratype) 7.5 7.3 3.6 0.1 53 - 0.65 conjoined 80.1492 (paratype) 9.3 9.4 4.5 1.1 64 21 0.55 conjoined 71.148b (paratype) 10.0 10.3 5.0 4.2 55 17 0.45 conjoined 80.1496 (paratype) 10.2 11.7 4.4 1.0 69 21 - conjoined 80.1502 (paratype) 12.4 13.2 6.3 4.5 62 21 0.60 conjoined 71.148c (paratype) 13.2 15.0 - - 68 22 0.45 conjoined 71.148a (paratype) 14.0 16.0 6.7 4.1 69 24 - brachial 80.1501 (paratype) 14.5 17.3 8.2 4.4 67 20 0.40 conjoined 71.161b (paratype) 14.6 16.5 9.0 4.5 73 24 0.55 conjoined 71.161d (paratype) 15.0 17.0 9.1 5.2 62 21 - conjoined 80.1504 (paratype) 15.0 17.0 8.2 4.6 66 19 0.40 conjoined 80.1500 (paratype) 15.2 18.7 8.2 4.6 72 22 0.60 conjoined 80.1493 (paratype) 15.2 17.7 - - 73 23 0.50 pedicle 71.161e (paratype) 15.5 20.2 6.5* 7.4 73 21 0.60 conjoined 71.161a (paratype) 16.7 17.7 13.8 6.5 64 21 0.60 conjoined 80.1497 (paratype) 16.7 20.0 - - 80 24 0.70 pedicle 80.1523 (holotype) 17.4 21.0 10.4 6.2 77 23 0.60 conjoined 80.1499 (paratype) 18.2 20.7 12.9 6.8 75 23 - conjoined * Specimen crushed. southern tributary of Toothawarra most branching Creek,of costellae occurs in small about 300 m S of the type section shell. Beak of short, the rounded Boon- with small round gerooda Greensand, GR 070720;foramen and 38 conjunct speci- deltidial plates. Com- mens (including the paratypes missure WAM with strong 71.148a, anterior uniplicate fold. b, c) from Toothawarra Creek, Description overlying (external).--Shell the impunctate; type section of the Miria outlineMarl, of GRsmall 070725;shells subtriangular, becom- 6 specimens (including the ing paratypesubpentagonal inWAM large shells. Length/ 80.1504) from a creek in the width Giraliaratio > 1 for Range shells less than 3 mm 6.5 km E of No. 10 Bore, GR 026617; 33 length (pedicle valve), < 1 for larger shells. In specimens (including the paratypes 80.1492, large shells, which reach a maximum known 80.1493, 80.1496, 80.1497) from the base of shell length of 18.4 mm, length/width ratio Section Hill, GR 017543; 7 specimens from 1:1.1-1.25. Profile of small shells lenticular, 3.6 km NNW of Whitlock Dam, GR 115820; becoming subglobose with growth. Shell 1 specimen from 300 m W of Section Hill, thickness increases with increasing shell size, GR 014543; 3 specimens from the southern from 33% shell length in juveniles 7.5 mm tributary of CY Creek, 4-500 m E of fence, in length, to a maximum of 75% shell length 1 km S of dry bore, GR 044665. in largest individuals. Small pedicle and bra- From the basal Wadera Calcarenite: 10 chial valves thicknesses similar (Figure 1G); specimens from the southern tributary of large CY brachial valve almost twice depth of Creek, 4-500 m E of fence, 1 km S of drypedicle valve. Anterior commissure recti- bore, GR 044665; from higher in the Wadera marginate in small individuals less than 5 Calcarenite 1 specimen 500 m upstream mmfrom shell length; becomes progressively creek crossing Giralia-Bullara road, 10.7 strongly km uniplicate with growth, uniplication W of Giralia Homestead, GR 184912. reaching as much as 70% of shell thickness From the Pirie Calcarenite: 13 specimens in large individuals (Figures 1P, R, U). With from the southern tributary of Toothawarra cessation of increase in length at about 18 Creek, about 350 m S of junction with north- mm shell growth may continue by thickening ern tributary, GR 070720; 1 specimen from of shell about the anterior commissure (Fig- 10 km NW of No. 10 Bore, between fence ure 1R). Anterior commissure ofpedicle valve and creek, GR 040675. may develop a medial projecting lip in large From the Cashin Calcarenite 1 specimen individuals. Shell surface ornamented by 500 m W of Section Hill, GR 012543. numerous, fine costellae. Large shells possess Diagnosis. -Shell thick and appreciably up to 80 costellae; 17 type specimens, ranging wider than long; bears up to 80 fine costellae; in size from 9.3 mm to 18.2 mm (Table 1)

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I have an average of 68 costellae. Shells with length as little as 8.4 mm may have up to 67 costellae. Increase in number of costellae occurs by bifurcation at intersection of cos- -02~~~~- | ~~~T. doederleini tellae with growth lines. Most bifurcation had occurred before shell length of 6 mm was z attained. A rapid increase in number of cos- tellae occurs at smaller shell sizes. At a shell length of 2 mm there are only about 25 cos- Notosaria spp. T. thomsoni tellae. This number doubles with a doubling of shell length. Thereafter branching of cos- tellae occurs at a much reduced rate. Well -O- NX T. coelata/+ preserved costellae possess short, spinose, distal extensions up to 1 mm in length; g they are most strongly developed toward the mar- T. squamosa gin of the shell. Beak long and prominent in small individuals becoming relatively shorter and more rounded in large specimens. Beak angle about 70? in 7.5 mm long shell and 120? in 18.4 mm long shell. Hypothyridid foramen o ONTOGENY large and oval in small individuals which have disjunct deltidial plates. During shell growth i T.T. boongeroodaensis boongeroodaensis (juvenile) T.(juvenile)T boongeroodaensis (adult) deltidial plates became conjunct then extended adapically so that foramen remained FIGURE 2-Ranges of apaedomorphic T. boon- about same size throughout shell growth. geroodaensis and Australian and New Zealand Foramen round and situated close to apex of neotenic species of Tegulorhynchia and Noto- saria with reconstructions of umbonal region. beak (Figure 2). The principal ontogenetic T. boongeroodaensis-squamata (doederleini)- changes are summarized in Table 2. coelata-thomsoni-Notosaria spp. form a pae- Description (internal).- Pedicle valve (Fig- domorphocline, illustrated by the retention in ure 1Q) possesses prominent, strong hinge the adult phase of progressively more juvenile teeth which are buttressed by dental plates. characters through time, shown here by the Diductor scars large, ovate, occupying 40% nature of the foramen, deltidial plates and beak angle. Morphological changes along the pae- shell length; surround cordate adductor scars. domorphocline follow the opposite pathway to Adjustor scars large. Pallial sinuses on ped- ontogenetic change in the apaedomorph, T. icle valve (Figure 1Q) of lemniscate type boongeroodaensis. Reconstruction of juvenile comprising short vascular media which umbonal region of T. boongeroodaensis drawn branch at mid valve, one branch extending at twice the size of other reconstructions. toward the anterior commissure and bifur- cating near margin into two pairs which extend almost to the commissure, and a sec- species Lee (1980) has synonymized Hemi- ond branch extending laterally and branching thyris depressa Thomson and Tegulorhyn- three times before almost reaching the lateral chia masoni Allan. T. boongeroodaensis can margin. be distinguished from the type species by its Brachial valve (Figure 1S) with very small finer, more numerous costellae, of which there cardinal process, extending into short, low are only up to 60 in T. squamosa; its smaller median septum which runs to almost half adult size, T. squamosa reaching up to 24.6 shell length; flanked by small adductor mus- mm shell length; stronger uniplication of the cle scars. Hinge sockets very deep and coarsely commissure; its relatively greater shell width; striated. Crura short, radulifer type. its smaller adult foramen and shorter, more Discussion. -The type species of Tegulo- rounded beak. The other New Zealand rhynchia, T. squamosa (Hutton, 1873), occurs species, T. sublaevis (Thomson, 1918) from on South Island and Chatham Island, New the Early Oligocene of Kakanui has an adult Zealand where it ranges from the Early Eocene form like early juveniles of T. boongeroo- to the Early Miocene (Lee, 1980). Within this daensis (see below), that is with subtriangular

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TABLE 2--Summary of the principal morphological changes occurring during the ontogeny of T. boongeroodaensis n. sp., contrasted with the changes which occurred through phylogeny resulting in the paedomorphic attainment of progressively more juvenile characters along the Tegulorhynchia-Notosaria paedomorphocline.

Ontogeny of Tegulorhynchia Phylogeny of Tegulorhynchia boongeroodaensis and Notosaria Character (E. Paleocene-E. Eocene) (E. Paleocene-Recent) Plication of commissure Increases in height Decreases in height Number of costellae Increases to 80 Decreases from 80 to 25 Shell width Relatively increases Decreases Shell thickness Relatively increases Decreases Foramen size Relatively decreases Increases Deltidial plates Become conjunct Become disjunct Beak angle Increases to 120? Decreases from 120? to 75? shell; far fewer costellae than With adult the sedimentologicalT. boon- change from geroodaensis; large foramen; greensand pointed to calcarenite beak; in the overlying deltidial plates only just in contact; Wadera Calcarenite,and weakly there is a sharp reduc- developed plication (Lee, 1980, tion in numbersp. 233, of fig.T. boongeroodaensis and 4). an incoming of species of the terebratuloid The two other Australian species of Tegu- Gryphus. Greatest concentration of T. boon- lorhynchia, the Mid Oligocene-Mid Miocene geroodaensis occurs in the lower part of the T. coelata (Tenison Woods, 1878) from South formation, where it may comprise up to 70% Australia, Victoria and Tasmania, and T. of the brachiopod fauna at any one locality. thomsoni Chapman and Crespin, 1923 from Higher in the formation terebratuloids dom- the Early Miocene of Tasmania, both possess inate, and may make up 100% of the bra- coarser and less numerous costellae than T. chiopod fauna locally. boongeroodaensis; weaker plication of the Tegulorhynchia boongeroodaensis forms a commissure; narrower shell; and larger fora- similar proportion of the brachiopod fauna, men with disjunct deltidial plates (Chapman an average of about 20%, in the overlying and Crespin, 1923, p. 183, P1. 11, figs. 3-6). Pirie Calcarenite. In the Wadera and Pirie The rare living species T. doederleini (David- Calcarenites more than 70% of the specimens son, 1886), which has been collected from are conjoined valves; in the Boongerooda between Japan and Borneo, and off St. Paul Greensand only 54% are conjoined. Isolated Island (Lee, 1980, fig. 10), is similar to pedicleT. and brachial valves occur in similar squamosa and is retained at present as a sep- proportions. The higher incidence of isolated arate species by Lee (1980, p. 235) on account valves in the Boongerooda Greensand is pre- of the large stratigraphic and geographic dis-sumably as a result of more post-mortem, continuities. pre-depositional reworking. The youngest T. boongeroodaensis, which ranges from the member of the Cardabia Group, the Cashin Early Paleocene to Early Eocene, is conse- Calcarenite, has yielded only one specimen quently the earliest known species of Tegu- of T. boongeroodaensis. lorhynchia. Thus decreasing numbers of specimens of T. boongeroodaensis and a decrease in their STRATIGRAPHICAL AND SEDIMENTOLOGICAL proportion of the brachiopod fauna corre- DISTRIBUTION OF T. BOONGEROODAENSIS spond with change from greensand to cal- Of the 158 specimens of T. boongeroo- carenite, and an upward fining of the sedi- daensis collected from outcrops of mentsthe Car- to finer calcarenites and calcilutites. dabia Group on the flanks of the This Giralia may reflect not so much a reduction in Range, 83% are from the Boongerooda hydrodynamic activity as a reduction in Greensand, where they comprise about number 99% of suitable substrates for attachment of the brachiopod fauna and are the of domi-the shells. The Boongerooda Greensand, nant constituent of the macroinvertebrate which contains reworked phosphate nodules fauna. A few fragments of indeterminate ter- from the underlying Miria Marl, probably ebratuloid are the only other brachiopod formed during a period of low sediment remains known from this horizon. deposition when numerous hardgrounds pro-

This content downloaded from on Mon, 16 Jul 2018 10:49:02 UTC All use subject to http://about.jstor.org/terms PALEOCENE AUSTRALIAN BRA CHIOPODS 467 vided many suitable substrates for Cooper, attach- 1959 respectively) the trend in ment. Increase in sedimentation rates reduction during of costellae is still apparent in formation of the overlying calcarenites Tegulorhynchia. and Notosaria nigricans can be calcilutites probably resulted in reduction considered in to represent the 'extreme' number of suitable sites. It is interesting paedomorph to of the T. boongeroodaensis note that T. boongeroodaensis does morphotype,not occur whilst the other species of in the Paleocene Kings Park Formation Tegulorhynchia, in T. squamosa, T. coelata, the Perth Basin in Western Australia. This T. thomsoni and T. doederleini, represent in- marine formation is composed of shale and termediate members of a paedomorphocline siltstone and would have offered few suitable between the two morphological end-mem- sites for attachment. Other species of Tegu- bers (Figure 2). lorhynchia inhabit a variety of sediments (Lee, The adult T. boongeroodaensis is differ- 1980, p. 243-245), but occur most frequently entiated from later species on shell outline in greensands, limestones and tuffs. and profile, plication of commissure, number Although a suitable sedimentary environ- of costellae and the nature of the beak, fora- ment existed in New Zealand during the men and deltidial plates. All of these features Paleocene Tegulorhynchia did not appear vary substantially during the ontogeny of the until the Early Eocene. The earlier appear- species, and to a much greater degree than in ance of Tegulorhynchia in Western Australia later species. In these later species there is a than in either eastern Australia or New Zea- relative retardation in morphological devel- land accords well with observations on the opment. Such retardation can be produced easterly migration of faunal elements into in two ways, i.e., there are two different pro- New Zealand during the Eocene (Fleming, cesses which can produce paedomorphosis. 1962). Foster and Philip (1978) note a trans- One process is a general retardation in the Tasman migration of echinoids from west rate to of morphological development (neo- east throughout the Tertiary, perhaps related teny); the other is precocious sexual matu- to the anticlockwise current in the Indian ration (progenesis) (Gould, 1977). Both of Ocean, both before and after opening of thesethe processes result in the retention of seaway between Antarctica and Australia. ancestral juvenile characters in the descen- This current would have facilitated an east- dant adult. They appear to have been impor- erly spread of marine invertebrate larvae, tant modes of speciation in Tegulorhynchia, including those of brachiopods. with neoteny leading to the evolution of Notosaria. EVOLUTION OF TEGULORHYNCHIA Neoteny. -The Early Eocene to Early Mio- AND NOTOSARIA cene T. squamosa reaches a maximum length General.-The Early Eocene to Recent of 24.6 mm. At a shell length greater than 15 species of Tegulorhynchia exhibit a number mm the width exceeds the length (Lee, 1980, of adult morphological characteristics which p. 240). This change occurs in T. boongeroo- occur at earlier stages of shell development daensis at a shell length of only 3 mm. Tegu- in the oldest species, the Early Paleocene tolorhynchia boongeroodaensis attained a Early Eocene T. boongeroodaensis, indicat- thicker shell earlier than T. squamosa. ing that evolution within the genus has pro- According to Lee (1980, p. 240) shell thick- ceeded by paedomorphosis. Chapman and ness does not exceed half shell length until Crespin (1923) noted the variation in number the shell length is 15 mm. This thickness was of costellae between species of Tegulorhyn- attained earlier in T. boongeroodaensis at a chia and observed a general reduction in shell length of about 11 mm (Table 1). Bifur- number from "T." patagonica (von Ihering, cation of costellae occurs mainly in the pos- 1903), with 12-15 costellae in the sulcus to terior 5 mm of the shell in T. boongeroo- as few as 4 in the New Zealand species Ter- daensis producing a rapid increase in number ebratula nigricans Sowerby, 1846, which of costellae at a small size. Bifurcation pro- Chapman and Crespin placed in Tegulorhyn- ceeded at a much reduced rate through adult chia. Although these two end members have growth. Rate of bifurcation was reduced in been subsequently placed in different genera T. squamosa relative to T. boongeroodaensis (Patagorhynchia Allan, 1938 and Notosaria resulting in an adult shell with fewer, coarser

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by T. squamosa suggests that, as is often the case when neoteny is operative, onset of sex- ual maturity was also delayed, resulting in a longer period being spent in the more rapid period ofjuvenile growth, resulting in a larger final adult size. T. coelata and T. thomsoni attain almost as large a size as T. boongeroodaensis. Like T. squamosa their paedomorphic character relative to T. boongeroodaensis is shown by the development of fewer costellae in the adult, larger foramen, disjunct deltidial plates, and less strongly developed plication. The adult characters of these species are more ju- venile in aspect than those of T. squamosa in possessing fewer costellae, a narrower shell, disjunct deltidial plates, larger foramen and more pointed beak. Stratigraphically T. coe- lata and T. thomsoni are younger than both boongerooa ONTOGENY T. boongeroodaensis and T. squamosa, sug- gesting a paedomorphocline with increasing boongeroodaensis (juvenile) T. boongeroodaensis (adult) Aus. degrees of paedomorphosis from the T. FIGURE 3 - Ranges of Australian and New Zealand boongeroodaensis morphotype through T. living and fossil species of Tegulorhynchia and squamosa, thence to T. coelata and T. thom- Notosaria. Dotted lines represent suggested neo- soni (Figure 3). T. thomsoni, with fewer cos- tenic relationships. Dashed line represents sug- tellae than T. coelata (28 as opposed to 36- gested progenetic pathway. All adult recon- 40 (Chapman and Crespin, 1923)), more structions X1; juvenile reconstruction X2. Re- prominent beak, valves of similar depth and constructions based on following sources: T. boongeroodaensis-type material; T. squamata, larger foramen, continues the trend as it is T. doederleini, T. sublaevis-Lee (1980); T. both relatively more retarded in morpholog- coelata, T. thomsoni-type material; Notosaria ical development than T. coelata and is spp.-Lee and Wilson (1979). younger, appearing as it does in the Early Miocene. T. coelata first appeared in the Mid costellae. Juveniles of T. boongeroodaensis Oligocene. have no plication of the commissure. Devel- The appearance of T. squamosa in New opment of a sulcus was initiated at a shell Zealand during the Eocene corresponds with length of about 5 mm and increased to become the spread of a number of Australian marine very pronounced in adults about 18 mm in invertebrates (Fleming, 1962) at this time. length. Even though T. squamosa attained a While this morphotype has persisted in New greater size than T. boongeroodaensis, pli- Zealand, later paedomorphs T. coelata and cation is less well developed. Similarly the T. thomsoni occur only in eastern Australia, narrow, long, pointed beak of juveniles of T. indicating either spread of these forms from boongeroodaensis changed to a lower, more New Zealand, or evolution from a local T. rounded beak with growth, while the large squamosa morphotype which has not been oval foramen became smaller and circular in preserved. the adult as the deltidial plates became con- Although Notosaria nigricans and N. anti- junct, then grew adapically to partially close poda (Thomson, 1918) were placed in Tegu- the foramen. The beak of the adult T. squa- lorhynchia by Chapman and Crespin (1923), mosa retains more the shape of the juvenile Cooper (1959) preferred to consider them as T. boongeroodaensis, being more pointed belongingand in a separate genus on account of having a larger foramen, as conjunction theirof few, coarse costellae, large oval fora- the deltidial plates is delayed until later men,in disjunct deltidial plates throughout the shell's ontogeny. The larger size attained ontogeny, and weak plication of the com-

This content downloaded from on Mon, 16 Jul 2018 10:49:02 UTC All use subject to http://about.jstor.org/terms PALEOCENE AUSTRALIAN BRA CHIOPODS 469 missure. The internal morphology of the Noto- form of the Pliocene to Recent T. doe- saria differs little from that of Tegulorhyn- derleini, illustrating how the evolution of a chia indicating a close relationship betweennew paedomorphic morphotype, such as the two genera. The only difference lies Notosaria in the from T. squamosa, need not nec- presence of large adjustor muscles in essarily Tegu- result in the of the ances- lorhynchia; in Notosaria they are weakly tral species, as the morphology of the descen- developed or absent (Richardson, 1979). dant may be sufficiently distinctive to achieve Rudwick (1962) noted the similarity in ecological separation, so avoiding interspe- lophophore structure between N. nigricans cific competition for substrate or food and T. doederleini. The close relationship resources. In this model geographic separa- between these two genera is also illustrated tion of species is to be expected (McNamara, by comparison of the adult morphology of 1982), explaining the wide geographic distri- N. nigricans with the Tegulorhynchia pae- bution of the fossil and living species of these domorphocline, as the trends apparent from brachiopods. T. boongeroodaensis through to T. thomsoni Progenesis.--The small species T. sublae- are continued into N. antipoda and N. vis (Thomson, 1918) has size and other mor- nigricans. Notosaria nigricans first appeared phological characteristics which suggest it in the Mid Miocene and has persisted to theevolved by progenesis: that is, the juvenile present day in New Zealand, to where it aspectis of the adult shell was attained as a restricted. Consequently, it is possible to con- result of earlier onset of sexual maturity than sider T. boongeroodaensis and N. nigricans in the ancestral species. If morphological as the end members of the paedomorpho- development through the juvenile phase of cline. Notosaria nigricans, although larger the two forms was similar, this would have than T. boongeroodaensis (shell length up resulted to not only in retention of juvenile 24 mm (Lee, 1978b)), possesses morpholog- characters, but also restriction of growth to ical characters found in the very early juve- a smaller size than its progenitor. T. sublaevis niles of T. boongeroodaensis: few (up to 25was contemporaneous with T. squamosa in (Lee and Wilson, 1979)), coarse costellae, New Zealand during the Early Oligocene. At showing no spinose development; weak pli- the shell's maximum length of 13 mm (Lee, cation of the commissure, which wasn't ini- 1980, p. 233) it has a larger, more oval fora- tiated until a shell length of 6-10 mm (Lee men and longer beak than T. squamosa, and Wilson, 1979); long, pointed beak, with weaker plication of the commissure, valves a very large, oval foramen and widely dis- of similar depth and only 25 costellae. Like junct deltidial plates; and valves of similar juveniles of morphologically more advanced depth. The Late Oligocene to Early Miocene species of Tegulorhynchia, spinose projec- N. antipoda differs from N. nigricans only in tions of the costellae did not develop. Spec- its possession of spinose costellae (Lee and imens placed in this species are not merely Wilson, 1979). juveniles of T. squamosa, as its morpholog- Allan (1940) discounted a phyletic rela- ical characteristics would have occurred in tionship between Australian and New Zea- juveniles of T. squamosa of a smaller size. land species of Tegulorhynchia as no two Discussion. -The attainment of a similar species are common to the two areas. How- morphology in T. sublaevis and N. nigricans ever, a general progressive paedomorphosis shows how the two processes, progenesis in is apparent in the species of Tegulorhynchia T. sublaevis and neoteny in N. nigricans, can and Notosaria in the two countries. The der- result in evolution ofhomeomorphic species. ivation of many New Zealand faunal ele- Their origin by different processes is reflected ments from Australia (Fleming, 1962) and in their differing size, one being smaller than the very widespread distribution of living the ancestor, the other generally larger; and species of Tegulorhynchia make it probable in differences in rates of juvenile develop- that the Australian and New Zealand species ment, the progenetic form developing at the form part of a single evolving plexus. The same rate as the ancestral juvenile. The sim- morphotype attained by T. squamosa in the ilarity between these two species led Cooper Early Eocene persists to the present day in (1959) to place T. sublaevis in Notosaria, but

This content downloaded from on Mon, 16 Jul 2018 10:49:02 UTC All use subject to http://about.jstor.org/terms 470 KENNETH J. McNAMARA in a recent study Lee (1980) has returned morphology. it In terms of its stratigraphic to Tegulorhynchia, illustrating, perhaps, occurrence the it would seem more likely that artificiality of the generic separation of Protegulorhynchia species is a cyclothyrid, but with- placed in Notosaria from those in outTegulo- details of its internal morphology, assig- rhynchia. nation to any particular family would be Williams and Wright (1961) have noted undesirable. Whether or not Protegulorhyn- how in a number of living brachiopods sexual chia is a suitable candidate as an ancestor for maturity may occur when the shell is one- T. boongeroodaensis cannot be demon- quarter to one-third the mature adult size, strated. and consider that terebratuloids evolved by There is no evidence to suggest any gradual paedomorphosis in the Late by pre- morphological change in T. boongeroodaen- cocious maturation of juvenile spiriferoids. sis during the 10 million years of its range This illustrates how a relatively minor mod- from the Early Paleocene to the Early Eocene, ification, in the form of earlier onset of matu- even though there is a change in the character rity, can result in large-scale morphological of the sediments in which the species occurs. changes in the descendant form. Lee (1980) has similarly shown that the mor- Rudwick (1970) has attributed much of the photype T. squamosa-doederleini, although success of terebratuloids to the evolution of exhibiting a certain degree of phenotypic transapical resorption, which allows enlarge- variation, underwent no directional morpho- ment of the foramen and the pedicle during logical change for over 40 million years, from growth. This facility does not occur in rhyn- the Late Eocene to the present day. These chonellides, the foramen being infilled to dif- species, therefore, remained essentially mor- ferent degrees by growth of the deltidial plates phologically static throughout their entire through ontogeny. However, some species oftime ranges. Lee and Wilson (1979) have Tegulorhynchia and species of Notosaria have similarly established that temporal morpho- attained a large foramen and pedicle phylo- logical stability has resulted in less variation genetically; not by resorption, but by pae- from the Miocene to the Recent than between domorphosis which enabled the adult to retain present-day populations of N. nigricans. the relatively larger juvenile foramen and pedicle. The nature of the pedicle of Noto- FUNCTIONAL SIGNIFICANCE OF saria has been described by Richardson PAEDOMORPHOSIS (1979). It consists of a stout, muscular pedicle Observations on the occurrence of living which attaches very firmly to the substrate, species of Tegulorhynchia and Notosaria the attachment surface covering an area far throw some light on the functional advantage in excess of the pedicle shaft itself. gained by retaining juvenile characters of early Owen (1980) has recently described a new species of Tegulorhynchia into the adult rhynchonellide from the Lower Campanian period of highly paedomorphic species of of James Ross Island, Antarctica, which he Tegulorhynchia and Notosaria. The living placed in a new genus, Protegulorhynchia. species, T. doederleini, which is only slightly Owen placed the genus in the Hemithyridi- paedomorphic, has not been collected from dae and considers it to be closely related to water shallower than 100 m (Lee, 1980) and Tegulorhynchia. All other hemithyridids are has been obtained from as deep as 635 m restricted to the Tertiary with T. boongeroo- (Dall, 1920). Lee (1980) believes that Tegu- daensis being the oldest. In fact no rhyncho- lorhynchia (that is, early paedomorphs) "lived nellide family ranges from the Cretaceous into on open, uncrowded substrates such as rocks, the Tertiary. Ager's (1965) record of a Late tuffaceous pebbles, corals, bryozoans or mol- Cretaceous to Miocene age for Aetheia is luscs in deep or relatively quiet water." incorrect (Lee, 1978a, p. 95), its true range The highly paedomorphic Notosaria, on the being Mid Eocene to Early Miocene. Nothing other hand, commonly occurs in the inter- is known of the internal morphology of Pro- tidal zone (Allan, 1960; Percival, 1960; Rud- tegulorhynchia and, as Cooper (1959, p. 2) wick, 1962), and, although extending to has stressed, higher taxonomic relationships depths as great as 790 m, is most commonly in rhynchonellides ought not to be made found in water less than 200 m deep (Lee, without due consideration of the internal 1978b). Lee and Wilson (1979, p. 447) con-

This content downloaded from on Mon, 16 Jul 2018 10:49:02 UTC All use subject to http://about.jstor.org/terms PALEOCENE AUSTRALIAN BRA CHIOPODS 471 sider N. antipoda to also have inhabited cation. a Thus in addition to the development shallow water, high hydrodynamic environ- of a greater area of commissure without ment. increase in shell length, increased shell thick- Thus the living Tegulorhynchia occupies ness would have enabled attainment of a regimes of lower hydrodynamic activity deeper than spirolophe. Juveniles of Tegulorhyn- the shallow water living species of Notosaria. chia would only require a relatively shallow As would be expected from a species which spirolophe with a small shell, even though inhabits a shallow water environment, theythe inhabited a low hydrodynamic environ- size of the foramen, and consequently ment. the Increase in shell size necessitated pedicle, is relatively larger in Notosaria developmentthan of a deeper spirolophe in the in Tegulorhynchia, which in its quiet water adult to act more efficiently in a low hydro- environment is able to attach securely to dynamic its environment. Neotenic retention by preferred substrate with a smaller, tethering adult Notosaria of the shallower spirolophe, pedicle. Lee (1980, figs. 5.7, 5.8) has illus- as deduced from the narrower shell profile, trated specimens of T. doederleini attached was possible, as it could operate quite effi- to coral and to rock fragments. The juvenile ciently in a higher hydrodynamic near-shore Tegulorhynchia, with its relatively larger environment. Hurst and Watkins (1978) have foramen, presumably possesses a relatively similarly related development of a sulcus, and thicker pedicle as it is important for a smalldeduced deeper spirolophous lophophore, in shell to attach itself securely to the substrate species of the Silurian orthide Isorthis to owing to its greater susceptibility to dislodge- occupation of a quiet water environment. ment by current activity than the larger adults Intermediate species along the paedomor- (Richardson, 1981). The growth of larger phocline between Notosaria and T. boonge- adjustor muscles in adult Tegulorhynchia roodaensisthan may be considered as being in Notosaria may indicate a greater degree adapted of to intermediate environmental con- mobility, perhaps enabling the shell toditions be between the predominantly near- oriented to an optimum position with shore, high hydrodynamic environment of respect to direction of current. Retention Notosariaof and the deeper water, low hydro- a large foramen and pedicle in adults of Noto- dynamic environment of the T. boongeroo- saria and some species of Tegulorhynchia daensisby morphotype. paedomorphosis would have enabled colo- Theoretically there is the potential for any nization of shallower water, higher hydro- number ofmorphotypes to develop along the dynamic environments by mature adults, a neotenic paedomorphocline. However, only habitat not capable of being colonized by the a small number of morphotypes become small-pedicle bearing species of Tegulorhyn- established as viable species. Obviously the chia. Larvae of apaedomorphic species of restriction in development of the number of Tegulorhynchia settling in shallower water distinct species is dependant on there being environments would have been less well sufficient morphological separation to avoid adapted to maintaining a secure attachment inhibitive competition between morpho- into the adult period than forms which types. re- This will result in ecological, geograph- tained the juvenile aspect of large foramen ical and, consequently, genetic separation and pedicle into the adult period. (McNamara, 1982). The retention of few, coarse costellae in adult Notosaria would provide better adap- CONCLUSION tation to higher hydrodynamic conditions It is considered that progressive paedo- than possession of much finer sculpture morphosis by in species of Tegulorhynchia, giv- most species of Tegulorhynchia. Develop- ing rise along a paedomorphocline to Noto- ment of the plication of the anterior saria,com- led to the attainment of an adult missure is related to the development ofmorphology the which was capable of colonizing spiral lophophore, the spirolophe, from a shallowerthe water, higher hydrodynamic schizolophe (Rudwick, 1970, p. 135). environment. The The morphological changes relatively greater shell thickness attained which by occurred along the paedomorphocline some species of Tegulorhynchia corresponds follow the opposite trend to morphological with development of the prominent unipli- changes which occurred during the ontogeny

This content downloaded from on Mon, 16 Jul 2018 10:49:02 UTC All use subject to http://about.jstor.org/terms 472 KENNETH J. McNAMARA of the earliest species of Tegulorhynchia, COCKBAIN, the A. E. 1967. A new craniacean bra- apaedomorph T. boongeroodaensis (Table chiopod 2). from the Tertiary of Western Australia. Evolution by any of the paedomorphic Western pro- Australian Geological Survey, Annual Report, 1966, p. 75. cesses allows the efficient and rapid attain- CONDON, M. A., D. JOHNSTONE, C. E. PRICHARD ment of new, quite distinct adult morphol- and M. H. JOHNSTONE. 1956. The Giralia and ogies with the minimum of genetic change. Marrilla Anticlines, North West Division, Pronounced morphological discontinuities Western Australia. Australian Bureau of Min- exist between the species along the paedo- eral Resources, Geology and Geophysics. Bul- morphocline, and evidence also suggests letin that 25, 86 p. the species remained morphologically COOPER, rea- G. A. 1959. Genera of Tertiary and Recent rhynchonellid brachiopods. Smithson- sonably static within their individual timeian Miscellaneous Collections, 139, 90 p. ranges. Evolution of a number of morpho- DALL, W. H. 1920. Annotated list of the Recent types, successively better adapted to a Brachiopodashal- in the collection of the United lower water, higher energy hydrodynamic States National Museum with descriptions of environment, along the neotenic paedomor- thirty-three new forms. Proceedings of the U.S. phocline from an older, deep water, low National Museum, 57:261-377. EDGELL, H. S. 1952. The micropalaeontology of energy hydrodynamic environment inhabit- the Giralia Anticline, N.W. Australia. Austra- ing morphotype, provides an explanation for lian Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and the temporally directional morphological Geophysics, Records, 1952/75. aspect of the paedomorphocline. FLEMING, C. A. 1962. New Zealand biogeogra- phy. A palaeontologist's approach. Tuatara, 10: 53-108. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS FOSTER, R. J. and G. M. PHILIP. 1978. Tertiary Professor and Mrs. G. M. Philip, Mr. holasteroid G. echinoids from Australia and New Kendrick and Mr. T. Darragh kindly Zealand.assisted Palaeontology, 21:791-822. in collecting specimens. I am grateful GOULD, to S.Drs. J. 1977. Ontogeny and phylogeny. I. Percival, P. M. Sheehan, J. L. Carter Harvard and University Press, Cambridge, Massa- chusetts, 501 p. A. Baynes for reading the manuscript HURST, J.and M. and R. WATKINS. 1978. Evolu- offering suggestions for its improvement; tionary Ms. patterns in a Silurian orthide brachio- V. Ryland for photography; and Mrs. M. pod. Geologica et Palaeontologica, 12:73-102. Wallis for typing the manuscript. LEE, D. E. 1978a. Cenozoic and Recent rhyn- chonellide brachiopods of New Zealand: genus Aetheia. Journal of the Royal Society of New REFERENCES Zealand, 8:93-113. AGER, D. V. 1965. and Cenozoic 1978b. Aspects of the ecology and paleo- Rhynchonellacea, p. H597-H625. In, R. C. ecology of the brachiopod Notosaria nigricans Moore (ed.), Treatise on Invertebrate Paleon- (Sowerby). Journal of the Royal Society of New tology. Part H. Brachiopoda. Geological Society Zealand, 8:395-417. of America and University of Kansas Press. 1980. Cenozoic and Recent rhynchonel- ALBERCH, P., S. J. GOULD, G. F. OSTER and D. B. lide brachiopods of New Zealand: systematics WAKE. 1979. Size and shape in ontogeny and and variation in the genus Tegulorhynchia. phylogeny. Paleobiology, 5:296-317. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, ALLAN, R. S. 1940. Studies on the Recent and 10:223-245. Tertiary Brachiopoda of Australia and New --and J. B. WILSON. 1979. Cenozoic and Zealand, Part II. Records of the Canterbury Recent rhynchonellide brachiopods of New Museum, 4:277-297. Zealand: systematics and variation in the genus . 1960. The succession of Tertiary brachio- Notosaria. Journal of the Royal Society of New pod faunas in New Zealand. Records of the Can- Zealand, 9:437-463. terbury Museum, 7:233-268. MCGOWRAN, B. 1968. Late Cretaceous and Early BRUNNSCHWEILER, R. 0. 1966. Upper Creta- Tertiary correlations in the Indo-Pacific region. ceous ammonites from the Carnarvon Basin of Geological Society of India, Memoir No. 2:335- Western Australia. Australian Bureau of Min- 360. eral Resources, Geology and Geophysics. Bul- .1978. Early Tertiary foraminiferal bio- letin 58, 58 p. stratigraphy in southern Australia: a progress CHAPMAN, F. and I. CRESPIN. 1923. The Austral report. Australian Bureau of Mineral Resources, Rhynchonellacea of the "Nigricans Series", with Geology and Geophysics, Bulletin, 192:83-95. a special description of the new genus Tegulo- MCNAMARA, K. J. 1978. Paedomorphosis in rhynchia. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Scottish olenellid trilobites (early ). Victoria, 35:170-193. Palaeontology, 21:635-655.

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