Fact Book 2012-2013 An Annual Publication of the Office of Institutional Planning, Research and Assessment Anthony and Louise Viaer-Alumni Hall Office 310 Phone: 512.505.3020 Fax: 512.505.3198 Huston-Tillotson University Fact Book 2012-2013 Preface Huston-Tillotson University (HT) Fact Book is an annual publication of information about the institution that is frequently requested by board members, faculty, staff, alumni, and others. The Fact Book contains a wide spectrum of data about the past and present operations of the University. The Office of Institutional Planning, Research and Assessment (OIPRA) collects, analyzes, disseminates, and presents information designed to aid in the planning, decision making, and policy formulation at Huston-Tillotson University. Some of the information presented in text is obtained from administrative reports produced by various University offices. It is important to note that final enrollment numbers are based on the official 12th class day report, which is the basis for all state and federal reporting. Please note that this edition of the Fact Book includes student enrollment data for Fall 2012 and Spring 2013 semesters. The staff of the Office of Institutional Planning, Research and Assessment would like to express our gratitude to those offices for their valuable contributions. In our continuing effort to provide timely and accurate information, OIPRA will continue to refine this publication each year, and we welcome your suggestions and/or comments. Office of Institutional Research, Planning and Assessment Staff Jaya K. Soni Director
[email protected] Xia Serena Yan Institutional Research Analyst
[email protected] Tami Jackson Survey Coordinator/Admin Assistant
[email protected] Fact Book information is available on the World Wide Web at: http://htu.edu/offices/institutional-research/ ii Huston-Tillotson University Fact Book 2012-2013 Table of Contents Section I: University Profile ......................................................................................................