Municipal and Industrial Water Supply ! I

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Municipal and Industrial Water Supply ! I APPENDIXES TO THE MAIN REPORT LOWER COLORADO RIDlON APPENDIX I- HISTORY OF STUDY APPENDIX II - THE HEGION APPENDIX III - LEGAL AND INSTITUTIONAL ENVIRONMENT APPENDIX IV - ECONOMIC BASE AND PROJECTIONS APPENDIX V- WATER RESOURCES APPENDIX VI - LAND RESOURCES AND USE APPENDIX VII - MINERAL RESOURCES APPENDIX VIII - WATERSHED MANAGEMENT APPENDIX IX - FLOOD CONTROL APPENDIX X- IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE APPENDIX XI - MUNICIPAL AND INDUSTRIAL WATER APPENDIX XII - RECREATION APPENDIX XIII - FISH AND WILDLIFE APPENDIX XIV - ELECTRIC POWER APPENDIX XV - WATER QUALITY, POLLUTION CONTROL, AND HEALTH FACTORS APPENDIX XVI - SHORELINE PROTECTION AND DEVELOPMENT (NOT APPLICABLE) APPENDIX XVII - NAVIGATION (NOT APPLICABLE) APPENDIX XVIII - GENERAL PROGRAM AND ALTERNATIVES IIII/iliIII/lllillllIIII1I111IIIII1II11II!IIIII LCR[)1855 LOWER COLORADO REGION COMPREHENSIVE FRAMEWORK STUDY APPENDIX XI MUNICIPAL AND INDUSTRIAL WATER SUPPLY ! I This report of the Lower Colorado Region Framework Study State­ Federal Interagency Group was prepared at field-level and presents the water and related land resources of the Lower Colorado Region. This report is subject to review by the interested Federal agencies at the departmental level, by the Governors of the affected States, and by the Water Resources Council prior to its transmittal to the Congress for its consideration. JUNE 1971 --"---- INDEX MAP EXPLANATION ---- Lower Colorado Region boundary --- Subregion boundary CD Lower Moin Stem o Little Colorado ® Gila .. ... .... Lower Colorado Basin boundary ~ Existing dam o"d reservoir 18:&'41 Existing dam o"d Intermittent lake COMPREHENSIVE FRAMEWORK STUDY LOWER COLORADO REGION - HYDROLOGIC GENERAL LOCATION MAP MAP NO. 1019-314-45 " SCALE· OF MILES " This appendix prepared by the MUNICIPAL AND INDUSTRIAL WATER SUPPLY WORKGROUP of the LOWER COLORADO REGION STATE-FEDERAL INTERAGENCY GROUP for the PACIFIC SOUTHWEST INTERAGENCY COMMITTEE WATER RESOURCES COUNCIL Workgroup Members Robert H. Hagen, Chairman Environmental Protection Agency Roger E. Frenette (Chairman, November 1968-September 1970) Environmental Protection Agency Thomas C. clark Arizona John Bogue Corps of Engineers Byron Stern (alternate) Corps of Engineers Richard N. Hull Bureau of Indian Affairs Frank Illk Bureau of Reclamation Charles Palmer Economic Research Service Fred O. Leftwich Forest Service Vernon Valantirie California Ronald Hightower (alternate) california Donald L. Paff Nevada David P. Hale New Mexico carl Slingerland (alternate) New Mexico Other contributors included: J. William Geise, Patrick J. Godsil, George G. Collins, and O. E. Dickason, Environmental Protection Agency; j H. C. Stewart, Bureau of Mines; Joseph E. Obr, Arizona Department of Health; John W. Klock, Arizona State University; Ted T. Wilson, Salt River Project; Ray D. Eicher, Bureau of-Indian Affairs; and William F. Mildner, Soil Conservation Service. SUMMARY OF FINDINGS Municipal and industrial water uses included in this appendix are domestic, manufacturing, livestock, governmental, commercial and related uses. In the Lower Colorado Region municipal and in­ dustrial water withdrawal requirements were 463,800 acre-feet in 1965. The water depletion requirement for these uses was 203,700 acre-feet or 44 percent of the withdrawal requirement. The 2020 municipal and industrial withdrawals and depletion will require in­ creases of 2,380,100 and 972,500 acre-feet per year, respectively. A 270 percent increase in population between the years 1965 and 2020, a fifteenfold increase in the value of manufacturing output, a fourteenfold increase in economic activity in the Trade and Services sectors, and rising water-use rates by rural residents are reasons for the growth of municipal and industrial water requirements. The increased municipal and industrial water needs of the Region could be met by developing authorized multi-purpose projects and ground water reserves, transferring irrigation water to urban uses, desalination of brackish supplies, wastewater reclamation and reuse, improved water management practices, and augmentation by importation from outside the Region. Availability of future municipal and in­ dustrial water supplies of suitable quality is predicated upon imple­ mentation of salinity improvement programs and adequate municipal and industrial wastewater treatment. Total capital costs for development and treatment are projected to be $109.5, $178.9 and $139.6 million for the 1965-1980, 1980-2000 and 2000-2020 time frames, respectively. Included are the cost of ten desalting plants varying in size from 0.5 to 100 million gallons per day, surface water development by government agencies, develop­ ment of ground water reserves, a small importation from the Upper Colorado Region, and water treatment plants to treat the total pro­ jected requirements. Costs of distribution systems from the treatment plant to the consumer are not included. Costs of federal mul ti­ purpose projects that have a municipal and industrial water supply allocation, such as the Central Arizona Project, are also not in­ cluded. Multi-purpose project costs are given in the General Program and Alternatives Appendix. The municipal and industrial water demands in each of the three subregions were developed by correlating economic sectoral water use with the economic and demographic characteristics. Water­ use coefficients, both withdrawal and depletion, were used to con­ vert the economic and demographic data to municipal and industrial water demands. These coefficients were defined as gallons of water i withdrawn and depleted per dollar of total gross output for the manufacturing, governmental, commercial and other water-use cate­ gories, the gallons withdrawn and depleted per capita per year for· the domestic (household) category, and the water withdrawn and de­ pleted per farm animal for the livestock category. Production, or output, data developed using interindustry economics, in con­ junction with the developed water-use coefficients, was then used to estimate the water needs in each sUbregion for the years 1965, 1980, 2000, and 2020. ii LOWER COLORADO REGION COMPREHENSIVE FRAMEWORK STUDY APPENDIX XI MUNICIPAL AND INDUSTRIAL WATER SUPPLY TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Summary of Findings.............................................. i CHAPTER A - INTRODUCTION......................................... 1 Purpose and Scope........................................... 1 Relationship to Other Appendixes .....•..•.....•.•....•.•.•.. 2 History. ..•.•.•••.•...•..•.•....••••..........•....•........ 3 CHAPTER B - PRESENT STATUS ....•••.••••;.......................... 7 Water Supply Requirements - Quantity .....•..••.•••.••••..•.. 7 Regional Totals ,.................. 7 Domestic Water Use................................ 9 Manufacturing Water Use ....••.••.•••••..•.••••.••. 10 Livestock Water Use .....•••.•..••....•...•.•..•... 13 Governmental Water Use............................ 14 Commercial and Other Water Use ..•••.•..•.......•.. 14 Lower Main Stem Subregion.................... ......•. .. 15 Little Colorado Subregion.....•.•...•.................. 17 Gila Subregion...••.•.•...•••••...•......••..••....•.•. 19 Water Supply Requirements - Quality , 21 Domestic Water Use 22 Manufacturing Water Use 25 Livestock Water Use ...•••••••.•••..•.•.•.••.•.•.•...... 27 Governmental, Commercial and Other Water Use ..•.•••.•.• 28 Distribution Systems and Sources ......•.•......•........••.. 28 Lower Main Stem Subregion....•.•.•••.••••.•.•••••.•.... 32 Little Colorado Subregion 36 Gila Subregion.•.•••..•.••••••••..•.•..•..•.•.••••••••. 39 - iii - TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont'd) Page CHAPTER C- FUTURE DEMANDS..... .•.•..•. .• .........•......•.•... .. 44 Modified OBE-ERS Level of Development ....................•.. 44 Water Supply Requirements .....•............•........... 44 Region..................•......................... 46 Subregions. .........•..•....•..•.....•.•........ .. 51 Service Areas. ....•....•..•...•..•..••.......... .. 55 Means to Satisfy Demands. ......•.......•............. .. 57 Lower Main Stem Subregion............•..•......... 59 Little Colorado Subregion.....•.•.•............... 61 Gila Subregion 62 OBE-ERS Level of Development ....••...•..•......•............ 67 Additional Studies and Research Needed 74 CHAPTER D- METHODOLOGY AND ASSUMPTIONS 76 GLOSSAI<Y' ".. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 84 BIBLIOGRAPHY •••..••..••••••.•.•••..••••.••••.•••.••••••••.••••••• 87 - iv - LIST OF TABLES Table No. 1 Regional Summary of 1965 Municipal and Industrial Withdrawal and Depletion Water Requirements by Economic Subregions......................................... 7 2 Withdrawals, Gross Water Used, and Recirculation Ratios for the Manufacturing Industries 13 3 Summary of 1965 Withdrawal and Depletion Water Requiremepts, Lower Main Stern Economic Subregion 16 4 Summary of 1965 Withdrawal and Depletion Water Requirements, Little Colorado Economic Subregion..........•. 18 5 Summary of 1965 Withdrawal and Depletion Water Requirements, Gila Economic Subregion.......••..•..•........ 20 6 Public Health Service Drinking Water Standards ....•..••.••.. 23 7 Limits of Total Dissolved Solids for Livestock............•. 27 8 Regional Summary of 1965 Municipal and Industrial Withdrawal Requirements by System and Source .........•..•... 28 9 Regional Municipal Distribution Systems and Percent of Population Served 29 10 Regional Municipal Water Treatment .•......•.......•......•.. 30 11 Summary of 1965 Municipal and Industrial Withdrawal Water
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