MINERALOGIA – SPECIAL PAPERS Volume 48, 2018 Abstracts and field trip guide th XXV Meeting of the Petrology Group of the Mineralogical Society of Poland 25-28 October 2018, Brunów Session: “Petrology in narrow and wide perspective: 25 years of sessions of the Petrology Group of the Mineralogical Society of Poland” Organised by University of Wrocław, Adam Mickiewicz University and Legnica Copper Museum 1 Editor of the series: Marek MICHALIK Institute of Geological Sciences, Jagiellonian University Oleandry 2a, 30-063 Kraków, Poland Editors of Volume 48: Daniel BUCZKO, Magdalena MATUSIAK-MAŁEK University of Wrocław,
[email protected] University of Wrocław,
[email protected] Organizers: Sponsors: _______________________________________________________ PL ISSN 1899-8518 Wydawnictwo Naukowe AKAPIT, Kraków Kom. 608 024 572 e-mail:
[email protected]; www. akapit.krakow.pl 2 The XXV Session of Petrology Group of the Mineralogical Society of Poland Welcome to the 25th Session of the Petrology Group of the Mineralogical Society of Poland! Petrological research comprises geologically directed studies of rock provenance and evolution, which are essential for understanding of Earth’s dynamics, but also the applied studies of mineral chemistry and physics, necessary for new deposits prospection and exploitation, and many side applications in archaeology, soil science, inorganic waste management, and others. The Sessions of the Petrology Group always gathered researchers working in broad spectrum of problems and made a platform