AUSTRALIAN SHOOTERS JOURNAL R TheASJ political voice of the SSAA E S P Anti- stance E rebuffed C T by SSAA

2018 Vol. 15 Issue 1 www.ssaa.org.auAustralian Shooters Journal 1 Members-only insert to the Australian Shooter In this issue ASJThe political voice of the SSAA

Staff CEO-Chief Editor Tim Bannister, Editor Allan Blane, Associate Editor Thomas Cook, Assistant Editor Dave Rose, Chief of Staff Jennifer Martens, Art Director Mike Barr, Production Coordinator Judy Ward, Graphic Designer Natalie Kuhlmann, Communications Officer Sam Talbot, Advertising Representative Karoline Minicozzi, Administration Debbie Wing. PO Box 2520, Unley, SA 5061 3 A message from SSAA National President Geoff Jones Phone: 08 8272 7100 Fax: 08 8272 2945 Internet: www.ssaa.org.au 4 Recreational hunting and - An RSPCA Email: [email protected] Australia (mis)information paper Distributed to 191,000 members Australia-wide. The ASJ is owned and published by the Sporting Shooters’ Association of Australia Inc. Opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the policy of this Association.

Contributions: Freelance contributions are welcome. We do, however, recommend that potential authors contact the office prior to story drafting.

No responsibility can be accepted for errors and/or omissions.

No text or photographs within the ASJ may be republished, either electronically or in print, without the express written permission of the SSAA. Copyright 2018.

The Australian Shooters Journal is published periodically and is printed by Genii, Brookvale, NSW.

The Sporting Shooters’ Association of Australia Inc (SSAA Inc) is subject to the provisions of Unrealistic path to utopia the National Privacy Act. We collect personal 14 information from members of the Sporting The Greens’ visceral view of volunteer hunters Shooters’ Association of Australia in the various states and territories. Should you want a copy of the SSAA Inc Privacy Statement or seek further information please write to PO Box 2520, 16 Tackling the problem head on Unley, SA 5061.

See back issues of ASJ at ssaa.org.au/asj

2 Australian Shooters Journal A message from SSAA National President Geoff Jones

Regardless of the demands Greens are almost always guilty of this. ethical hunters that way. The only losers of an increasing politically The truth is, the world over, recre- in this sort of ideological contest are our ational hunters have contributed more to and environment. This contest is correct world, it is sometimes conservation efforts and animal welfare not what SSAA and its members believe difficult to respond politely outcomes than most of the inner-urban in or promote. Our ongoing ‘Be Part of to crass stupidity and blatant armchair do-gooders combined. Some the Solution’ campaign is much more than dishonesty put to the Australian non-hunting conservation groups have cheap rhetoric: it is an opportunity for also had positive effects through their all our members who identify as hunters public as ‘fact’ or ‘research’ efforts however, it is worth noting that to ‘walk the walk’. Whether through our in relation to animal welfare. the principles underlying these successes highly skilled and regulated Conservation When the zealots of fairyland are often so similar to those of hunting and groups, our groups. Sadly, there are some good and accredited Farmer Assist participants try to denigrate the natural, sensible people in non-hunter groups or just through our individual ethical legitimate and cultural claim whose genuine commitment to wildlife is hunter members, we can and should make beings have to ethical, devalued and distorted by association with ourselves aware of the truth, take the sustainable and humane the extremists. moral high ground and openly challenge By the same token we should not be the dishonesty every time it is pushed. hunting and harvest of a natural expected to stand idly by while the $5 Legitimate hunters all have a place in resource, their diatribe cannot contributor ‘conservationist’, ‘animal the natural world and, provided we always go unchallenged. supporter’ or Greens voter deni- act with integrity and respect for grates the real contribution hunters and animals alike, we can and should make to conservation and the dignity of claim that right and not allow ourselves Despite the fact that genuine, peer-re- animals in life or in death. To suggest that to be marginalised by an extreme radical viewed research and hard evidence almost all motor car drivers are deranged and minority whose only is irrational always favours the lawful, ethical hunter, homicidal maniacs just because a small emotion. We will continue to educate the naysayers are undeterred from peddling minority of their number do stupid or groups like the RSPCA about the real role their extreme ideologies and divisive, unre- criminally negligent things, often with hunters play in conservation and call out alistic agendas. The RSPCA is sometimes catastrophic consequences, is equally offensive anti-hunting policies perpetuated unfortunately guilty of this, while The disingenuous or laughable as labelling by groups like The Greens. .

Australian Shooters Journal 3 10.1 RSPCA Australia is opposed to the hunting of any animal for sport as it causes unnecessary injury, pain, suffering, distress or death to animals involved.

4 Australian Shooters Journal SSAA Farmer Assist program aims to curb malignant

Recreational hunting SSAA MEMBERS CAN do their bit to bolster the SSAA Farmer Assist program, which has already made a major impact across the and animal welfare – length and breadth of Australia. An RSPCA Australia (mis)Information Paper The venture seeks to help farmers eradicate rogue and feral pest animals on their thanks to volunteer shooters and he information paper released by must follow, hunting organisations also is now fully operational in , South RSPCA Australia in late 2017 is a have their own which obliges members to Australia, , , New collection of various policies and follow the rules. To make blanket state- South Wales, the Australian Capital Territory statements dating back a number ments that seem to imply the majority of and . T hunters do the wrong thing and have no of years. This document is littered with emotional terms and statements, precon- regard for animal welfare is somewhat The concept is simple but highly effective ceived notions that the majority of hunters disappointing. organisations - SSAA members sign up as shooters to do the wrong thing and don’t take animal have a tendency to make outlandish state- put their skills to use free of charge when welfare seriously and is more or less ments to further their cause, but this is assignments come up at the request of expressed opinion rather than facts. something we shouldn’t expect from the farmers, landowners or managers who are The continual use of the term ‘sport’ RSPCA. also registered. In an attempt to downplay the use of when discussing hunting is rather disin- To become involved you simply fill out recreational hunting as a tool, genuous. The term ‘sport’ in regard to an online enrolment form. Members statements are made that hunting is inef- hunting originates from must undertake the proficiency fective at reducing pest populations on a where it was simply used to distinguish requirements and have a digital copy of broad-scale level. The problem with this real hunters (sportsmen) from market or their assessment target available prior to statement is that most hunting occurs at commercial hunters. These days, and in completing the online document. the Australian context, hunting is simply a the local scale (being the ) and is recreational pastime. focused on impact mitigation of the partic- This initial online form only requires contact The opinion that ‘the potential for ular pest animal. For example, hunters information to construct your profile and significant suffering is extremely high’ target through spotlighting activities create a password that will allow you to during hunting activities is exaggerated. during lambing season to improve lambing retrieve your account once established. rates, or target grazing pests at particular The act of is highly Members must read the Complete Program times to reduce damage. Coordinated regulated. There are a number of codes Booklet and be prepared to follow the safety, programs such as those under- of practice (COPs) in place that must be animal welfare and ethical hunting guidelines. followed when hunting. Not only do regu- taken by the SSAA Conservation and latory authorities have COPs that hunters Wildlife Management branches can be Members are required to undertake a self- guided shooting competency test at their local SSAA range using the SSAA Farmer Assist target. If you’re already a member of a Conservation and Wildlife Management Farmers speak about Farmer Assist (CWM) branch you don’t need to take this “We have always found the Farmer Assist shooters extremely test. good, communicative and obliging (and very successful!). They With a completed target in hand you’ll be ready to fill in the signup form and upload ring before they come; and on the way before arrival. They were a digital copy of your target or CWM clean, tidy and left no mess. They camped in our cottage.” membership evidence. Registration is completed by responding to an email from Andrew C, Aramac farmer SSAA Farmer Assist to verify your account. This will let you log in to the Farmer Assist jobs page and start being part of the feral pest solution. For more information visit farmerassist.com.au

Australian Shooters Journal 5 Animal rights organisations have a tendency to make outlandish statements to further their cause, but this is something we shouldn’t expect from the RSPCA.

conducted at broad-scale level. These young hunter to be mentored by someone been used by hunters for many years. In activities are very different in motivation with experience and develop the skills reference to statements regarding the and resources and involve a number of and ethics required to be a good hunter. effects of hunting on other animals, the shooters in teams across larger areas. The regulatory ability to mentor juniors same can be said about other methods of To infer that limited monitoring and is something that should not be seen in a pest control. , poisoning etc can enforcement to increased suffering negative light. Mentoring is a positive part also result in dependant young being left and distress of animals shot by ‘unskilled’ of Australia’s hunting . to fend for themselves. To try to infer this hunters during pest control is also disin- issue is only relevant to hunting is very genuous. It’s another claim made without misleading. To also imply hunters delib- providing evidence to support it. Every Hunting is a erately leave dependant young alive for week there are thousands of hunters at component of the purposes of ‘becoming future targets’ SSAA ranges shooting, practising and without evidence is offensive to all those improving their skills. It is highly likely pest animal who undertake hunting for pest control they spend more time practising at ranges reasons. than so called ‘professional shooters’ management. Any pest population that has been who may only need to apply for an ABN subjected to physical control where human and demonstrate competency once when To imply that hunters are not motivated interaction exists will display some sort of gaining accreditation. Hunters gain no or required to follow standard operating flight or avoidance response. This would pleasure from a misplaced shot and procedures or best practice is insulting. not be limited to just hunting activities because of this fact they endeavour to Hunters are motivated to succeed and so to imply this would be wrong. Without practise and improve their skill levels. will happily seek and take on advice that providing evidence of ‘stray ’ Whether a child can obtain a hunting improves hunting success. Ensuring wounding native animals or causing injury permit or not has no negative implications a clean kill is a component of hunting as ‘they try and flee the area’, such claims on animal welfare. A young child may success. Standard operating procedures sound more like a story concocted by be able to legally hunt but not without such as those developed and promoted animal rights activists intended to mislead direct supervision of an adult who has by PestSmart for the humane control of people. passed the checks and balances to be a pest animals reflect generally followed Hunting is a component of pest animal licensed firearm owner. This enables a hunting practices and methods that have management. To imply that ‘most hunting

Our members, our environmental volunteers

6 Australian Shooters Journal Environmental volunteers speak about Farmer Assist “We make a yearly trip to Blackall and also go to Tambo once or twice a year. We’ve taken down bunnies, roos, , feral and hope to take more wild , which are the worst for farmers.” Jared Battye, environmental volunteer

is primarily done as a desire to kill pest defined objective or planning or assess- evident when the comparison between or animals’ is plainly offensive to ment when used as a pest control method state forest hunting in NSW and helicopter legitimate hunters. The act of killing is is illogical. Utilising hunting doesn’t was made. State forest hunting in only a small element of hunting and the negate the use of additional pest control NSW is managed as a recreational pursuit motivation to hunt is varied. Some people measures. Best practice pest control relies where hunters, hunting only on foot, hunt for cultural or recreational reasons or on using all tools in the toolbox to achieve generally harvest feral and game animals for pest control or conservation. a positive outcome. for or trophy reasons. There can be a As mentioned previously, hunting as When trying to minimise the effective- pest control element to activities in state part of pest management is generally a ness of hunting as a pest control method, forests where individual hunters may tool used at a local level, where hunters the statement that hunting is ‘labour conduct their activities as pest control. For and landholders have the ability to manip- intensive and expensive’ is often made. the most part, a recreational activity and a ulate activities (frequency and intensity) Hunting or shooting can be as labour harvest of is the main motivation. to achieve desired results. Anti-hunting intensive as other methods of control such In contrast a helicopter cull, where pest groups usually imply hunting is done on an as trapping. But does this really matter animals are chased by helicopters and ad hoc basis and is something that should when people are willing to undertake it shot with self-loading (that are be seen as a negative. Ad hoc means to be as a recreational activity free of charge? not available to recreational hunters) is a ‘done for a particular purpose as neces- How can it be viewed as expensive when completely different situation. The high sary’ and this can suit many situations the landholder pays no hourly rate or costs associated with helicopter culling farmers find themselves in. equipment costs? Using the same logic, demand large areas be covered, usually There’s nothing wrong with a land- Trees for Life volunteers may as well stop across land tenures, to ensure a successful holder requesting a hunter to undertake turning up for activities that improve our outcome. State forest hunting in NSW spotlighting for control to limit lamb environment. Their contribution to the has restrictions on the number of hunters while lambing season is under environment may also be viewed as too who can be in the same forest at any time. way. While not every fox is eliminated expensive and labour intensive. This safety measure restricts hunters’ across the landscape (as is hoped with When suggesting hunting is ineffective, ability to provide the level of intensity coordinated mass poisoning programs), the common play by organisations opposed and frequency that replicates pest control the objective of reducing fox predation at to recreational hunting is to compare methods such as helicopter culling. the property level (the desired effect) can apples with pears in the hope of misleading This is undoubtedly an apples-and-pears be achieved. To simply say hunting has no people unfamiliar with the issue. This was comparison.

Farmers speak about Farmer Assist “The two shooters I had here could not be faulted. They did an excellent job and all gates were shut properly, etc. I think the program is a great asset in helping reduce the plague proportion of pest animals at the moment, especially with the drought conditions we are experiencing out here. Thank you.” Tracey W, Newstead farmer

Australian Shooters Journal 7 Whatever the RSPCA thinks regarding recreational hunting in national parks is irrelevant. They are an animal welfare advocacy group, not a pest management organisation or a government land management authority.

Another common issue used to down- A silver may not currently exist but of the general population, do the right play the effectiveness of hunting is to nor does a wishing wand that guarantees thing. This means 99 per cent of hunters imply pest management programs target the success of every long-term control don’t damage property, don’t release feral all animals but hunters only target large program. animals in new areas or do anything that is trophy animals and leave the young to To suggest the competency of recre- counteractive to other control efforts. To up. This statement never takes into ational hunters is not up to standard by imply otherwise is simply unfair to those account the different motivations hunters comparing them to a limited few in the doing the right thing. have. For instance, if a hunter is looking country that have specific training to We certainly agree shooting is a humane purely for a trophy they will most probably shoot from helicopters is ridiculous. The way to kill an animal. What we don’t agree not shoot a female because they are after a vast majority of staff from all government with is the assertion that recreational male with , but if a hunter is culling agencies that conduct on-ground pest hunting is likely to cause a high degree for pest management they will shoot every management as well as so-called profes- of suffering due to hunters lacking the individual of a particular target species sional shooters would not have this level necessary skills to kill animals humanely. they can manage male, female, young and of training. To infer only highly skilled Hunting organisations provide educa- old. and accredited shooters can deliver good tional material to their members as well The RSPCA’s statement that ‘shooting welfare outcomes is simply wrong. In as providing facilities to enhance their by itself is not an effective way to signifi- some circumstances it is shooting organ- shooting skills. There’s a clear difference cantly reduce animal numbers and is of isations such as the SSAA that actually in opinion regarding the humaneness of limited use to achieve long-term control’ train departmental staff on how to safely both head and chest shooting between can also be said about other pest control and competently use firearms for pest animal welfare and hunting groups. This tools (baits, traps etc) currently used. control. opinion is squarely based on the lack of Best practice pest control demands using Questioning whether recreational real life expertise and experience, and the a suite of measures to achieve a desired hunting hinders the management of pest unrealistic utopian views that many animal outcome. There is no one silver bullet and animals without providing indisputable welfare groups hold. hunting organisations such as SSAA never evidence is just hearsay. It’s possible that While it sounds ideal to deliver imme- imply shooting is a silver bullet. Many rogue hunters, or better termed poachers, diate unconsciousness through a well- pest control programs are dependent on may interfere with pest control equipment placed head shot, most field conditions funding and have ceased after funding but so too can bushwalkers or even animal (and equipment restrictions) experienced has run out. This has a big impact on the rights activists. The reality is the vast by recreational shooters make a chest shot success of any long-term control program. majority of hunters, like the vast majority the preferred method for the delivery of

8 Australian Shooters Journal Environmental volunteers speak about Farmer Assist “We put in 100% and if we’re not eating or sleeping, we’re shooting - on average about 18 hours a day. On every single property I’ve been to through Farmer Assist I’ve received a “come back anytime” and I plan to continue with Farmer Assist for as long as it’s available – the whole program is genius!” Paul Land, environmental volunteer

a humane kill shot. A chest shot may not to the animals involved’. In order to hunt recreational activity to harvest food or produce an immediate kill all the time but or cull or harvest meat, it is necessary product. Hunting can have different moti- still ensures a rapid and humane death. that an animal must die. Hunters do not vations, objectives and outcomes. Hunting The loss of blood to the brain causes go out with intent to cause unnecessary can and should occur on both private and insensibility and, if not killed instanta- injury, pain, suffering or distress. Far public lands in a regulated way. neously by hydrostatic shock, the resultant from it, hunters like other industries with Again, the apples-and-pears approach blood loss and unconsciousness will animal-human interactions have codes of has been used to compare the effective- to a rapid demise. practice to follow that minimise the poten- ness of recreational hunters in national Chest shots are not simply made ‘to tial of pain, suffering and distress. There parks to professional shooters. It must be preserve a head so that it can be mounted’, are very few animal-human interactions stated that recreational hunters in those but to minimise the margin of error that involve animal use that are free from areas do have limitations on equipment especially when dealing with species that the potential of injury, pain, suffering or (self-loading and ) and are flighty and make sudden head move- distress. The RSPCA may think it’s unnec- accessibility (on foot, limited access to ments. A chest shot should be viewed as essary for everyday people to cull a pest land), whereas professionals have access acceptable because it reduces the risk and or harvest healthy free-range organic wild to helicopters, semi-automatics and potential of wounding and it should be the food, but many more reject that narrow- sound suppressors. In all seriousness gold standard when assessing best shot minded ideology. the approaches are so different that most placement. An animal running away with a Whatever the RSPCA thinks regarding people with any expertise in the area devastating facial wound after a failed head recreational hunting in national parks is wouldn’t consider comparing the two. shot due to a sudden head movement is irrelevant. They are an animal welfare The RSPCA states that ‘some recre- not a good welfare outcome. The choice of advocacy group, not a pest manage- ational hunters are highly skilled at shot placement should be based solely on ment organisation or a government land shooting, but there are many who are not’. field conditions and target behaviour at the management authority. Best practice pest In an attempt to substantiate this claim time, not some preconceived utopian view management focuses on a ‘Nil-Tenure’ they use an example from New Zealand, that to be humane every pest animal needs approach, which means it doesn’t matter indicating that 5 per cent of recreational to be shot in the head to ensure an instan- who owns or manages the land, all lands hunters account for more than half of all taneous death. should be treated the same while taking shot. The problem with this claim is The RSPCA opposes ‘recreational into account cultural considerations. As that it’s not hunters who are highly skilled as it causes unnecessary stated previously, hunting is a component at ‘shooting’ but hunters who are highly injury, pain, suffering, distress or death of pest control and can also be a purely skilled at ‘hunting’ who are having better

Farmers speak about Farmer Assist “Farmer Assist is definitely the way to go if you have an unwanted wildlife problem on your property. The quick, easy and effective SSAA process had us in touch with responsible shooters who have come out and helped us to significantly reduce the impacts of pests on our and grazing lands.” Andrew Hannaford, farmer

Australian Shooters Journal 9 Codes of Practice mandate permit holders and members alike to abide by humane hunting principles whenever they go hunting.

results. This doesn’t reflect an animal abide by humane hunting principles when- and conservation. These programs are welfare issue, it is purely a numbers game. ever they go hunting. supported by the International Union for It simply comes down to hunter experience To imply trophy hunting is ‘purely for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the world and the way they go about a hunt. Also, sport and pleasure’ is a regurgitation of largest conservation group. ‘Canned’ the NZ example takes into account hunters animal rights propaganda. Trophies can be hunts are where animals are hunted in who may only shoot one deer every now sourced from animals harvested for food, environments that don’t allow them to be and again for personal use and others who cultural reasons (by both new and indig- free-roaming or they are even drugged shoot every deer they see for other reasons enous Australians) and as a memento to to prevent their escape. These hunts are (culling). Again, different motivations celebrate a successful hunt. Hunting regu- unethical and not supported by hunting produce different results. lations cover all motivation to hunt and organisations. Canned hunting is strictly To express concern because there have this includes animals hunted for trophies. illegal in South and the Professional been no independent audits of wounding To say that ‘animal welfare implications of Hunters’ Association of rates of animals shot by recreational such activities are often overlooked when prohibits its members being involved in it. hunters is unreasonable. To state that until potential economic benefits take priority’ Commentary regarding and quail such studies are done recreational hunters is just incorrect. All trophy hunting activ- hunting is commonly fixated on the term can’t make claims regarding the humane- ities that are regulated consider animal ‘sport’ and disregards the main motivation ness of hunting is somewhat ridiculous. welfare; to claim otherwise is incorrect, if why people hunt , that being for Maybe the RSPCA should practise what not misleading. food harvest. Duck hunting is a regulated they preach and not make claims like they Overseas trophy hunting generally takes activity that carries fines for non-com- do regarding ‘inevitable pain and suffering’ place under sustainable use principles. pliance just like . If the RSPCA when there are no independent audits to Hunting captive-bred animals through continues its opposition to the use of suggest this. Granted, there is potential sustainable use programs and ‘canned’ shotguns on animal welfare grounds, that for accidental wounding through activities hunts are two different activities. There is a complete contradiction to the model conducted by professionals and recreational are a lot of misconceptions on what is for assessing the relative humaneness of hunters alike, but their overarching aim ‘canned’ hunting and this is normally pest control methods. In this model, the is to take steps to minimise the chance of driven by animal rights activists to cause humaneness of shooting as a pest control this occurring and provide a rapid, humane confusion and further their propaganda. measure rates the most humane way to death. State hunting and Captive-bred animals hunted in extensive destroy pest . The RSPCA Chief hunting organisations’ Codes of Practice wildlife systems as part of sustainable use Scientist was part of the Humaneness mandate permit holders and members alike programs benefit both local communities Assessment Panel team that developed

10 Australian Shooters Journal Environmental volunteers speak about Farmer Assist “I really like culling pest animals and feeling that I’m being useful for the property owners. I even recently helped put out cropping seeds while on a property.” Paul Land, environmental volunteer

this model. The question that should be example of trying to find information that The general statements made in the asked is why it would be humane to shoot suits an anti-hunting agenda. RSPCA information paper try to illustrate a duck as a pest but not a duck harvested An exit survey at a prominent South the use of dogs while hunting as inher- for sustainable use. The answer to this is Australian hunting area in 1996 indicated ently cruel and unnecessary. Regulations purely an ideological one. 2718 ducks had been bagged during a exist to prevent dogs from attacking The reasoning behind the RSPCA morning hunt. Only 38 wounded ducks other animals, thus most of the RSPCA’s assessment that there’s a high risk of were collected by statements reflect illegal acts and not wounding during duck hunting fails to take members combing all areas of the general hunting practices. As is the case into account modern hunting practices. as well as searches by a retrieving time and time again the RSPCA, like other With the widespread use of double barrel club. This number of collected ducks indi- animal rights organisations, try to infer shotguns offering only a two-shot capa- cated a wounding rate of less than 2 per the majority of hunters do the wrong thing bility, modern hunting techniques now cent in an area with a large number of both when there’s only a small minority flouting focus on bringing birds within effective hunters and those looking for wounded the law. It is unacceptable to blame the range using callers and decoys ducks. In 2011 in Donald, Victoria it was majority of hunters for the actions of a then targeting single birds. Hunter educa- also reported that fewer than a dozen few. Even ‘pig dogging’ organisations have tion via regulatory bodies and hunting wounded ducks were collected after a specific codes of practice their members organisations has improved animal welfare morning hunt where approximately 2000 must follow in regards to how their outcomes to more than an acceptable hunters bagged an average of four ducks hunting dogs behave. level. each. Again, this indicated a wounding rate Although there are claims that there ‘is The attempted calculations of wounding of less than 2 per cent. In recent media plenty of video, photographic and direct rates provide another example of an reports following duck opening weekends, evidence that reveals the true nature of apples-and-pears comparison. Overseas there has been nothing to suggest the pig hunting’, actual and perceived animal research is irrelevant to the Australian overall current wounding rate would be welfare issues are two different but rele- context because of the different culture significantly different to what was experi- vant things. A pig dog chasing then bailing and firearm types available. To make the enced in the above examples. This clearly up a pig may cause a level of stress but statement ‘it is indisputable that duck indicates RSPCA’s attempt to develop this is no different to other stress reac- hunting using a shotgun results in a signif- over-inflated wounding figures (26-45 per tions that a prey animal may face regu- icant number of ducks who are wounded’, cent) for propaganda reasons. larly in nature. A hunter coming in and is flawed when it’s based on old and irrel- Dogs can be a valuable tool for the despatching the pig in a rapid manner is evant information. This is yet another hunter to locate, flush and retrieve game. certainly a more humane method of death

Farmers speak about Farmer Assist “We have always found the Farmer Assist shooters extremely good, communicative and obliging (and very successful!). They ring before they come; and on the way before arrival. They were clean, tidy and left no mess. They camped in our cottage”. Andrew C, Aramac farmer

Australian Shooters Journal 11 Ethical hunting This fox was caught in the act on a Bendigo sheep . Luckily the the only way lamb, above, survived.

As modern-day society continues to place more emphasis on the ethical treatment and than one from a pack of wild dogs mauling naturally flighty so the use of dogs such as welfare of animals, it is vitally important for it to death. Nature is cruel but people companion dogs and scent-trailing hunters to ensure their practices don’t fall in general endeavour to be kinder and can be an effective way to find and/or hold foul of such considerations. Ethical hunting humane. deer. Although evidence from the UK means hunters obey both the unwritten or It’s easy to say that ‘many aspects of is provided to suggest hunting dogs can moral codes of practice as well as formal pig hunting involve significant cruelty stress deer, it should be stated that the written laws. and would breach animal welfare legisla- particular deer (red) in that study are not tion’, but what is not so easy is to provide permitted to be hunted using scent-trailing Modern means of travel, firearms tech- evidence by way of prosecutions to hounds. In Victoria, only can nology and optical sights make it easier for support the legitimacy of such statements. be hunted in this way and this species hunters to find and see their target. But it’s With so-called claims of ‘plenty of video, has evolved with a completely different still up to the hunter to ensure a clean and photographic and direct evidence’, there set of predators to red deer (such as wild rapid kill. Hunters should always make time should be a long list of prosecutions to dogs, tigers etc). Seeing that scent-trailing to regularly practise and sharpen their skills substantiate these statements but this is hounds only find and hold (surround at at their local shooting range. simply not the case. Just because you say a distance) sambar deer, and other dogs It’s important to understand that during something is cruel doesn’t necessarily flush or point without chasing, there is wildlife management activities, such as the mean it is. limited animal welfare impacts that would removal of problem animals, ethical hunters Pig hunting with dogs can be a very warrant a case to oppose the use of dogs, still need to ensure that animals, no matter effective pest control method depending especially when considering some coordi- their status, are treated in a humane way. on the objectives of the hunt and the nated control programs use helicopters to terrain. With the reduction in the avail- locate, chase and shoot deer. The ethical hunter shows concern for ability of self-loading firearms, dogs The interpretation given of ‘effective wildlife and the surrounding environment. provide a way of increasing hunting effi- and humane deer control’ again blurs They instil in others they mentor along ciency through their detection and holding the motivation of hunters or hunting the way the same principles they follow in capabilities. objectives. It is certainly agreed that regard to ethical hunting behaviours. This Dogs are also used to locate, point ground shooting is the most effective and includes letting others know if they feel their and flush deer. In those states where humane technique available for reducing behaviour is out of line. dogs can be used for this purpose, the wild deer populations. The national Ethical hunters know the importance of activity is heavily regulated. Deer are standard operating procedures referred obeying laws to ensure the sustainable use and management of wildlife. They take care of the environment and always have people’s safety in mind while recognising the sensitivities of others with regard to wildlife management issues. Read the SSAA’s code of Safety, Ethics and Etiquette at https://ssaa.org.au/hunting/ safety-ethics-and-etiquette

12 Australian Shooters Journal Environmental volunteers speak about Farmer Assist “The sheep farmers in Blackall have wild dogs and even feral cats ripping lambs apart.” Jared Battye, environmental volunteer

to are just a and generally reflect objective would be to cull as many animals common hunting practices in regards as possible. to shot placement and firearm calibre To even ask the question if there are choice. Recreational hunters are certainly any alternatives to recreational hunting disadvantaged by regulations that prevent that don’t involve the use of certain firearms (self-loading) and shows a total lack of understanding of the equipment such as suppressors, which reasons people hunt. There’s no substitute would improve efficiency and welfare for the harvest of wild, free-range, organic outcomes. At times it’s like having food. Hunters undertake target shooting someone use only a four-cylinder car to to build and improve skill so they can hunt race in a V8 event. better. Put simply, paper or clay targets The inability of the RSPCA to under- don’t provide a source that can be stand that hunter motivations can change shared with the family at meal time. Not is constantly on display. Although some every person in this country is vegetarian species are classified as game, this or vegan and there are many who have the does not mean they cannot be managed skill and motivation to source something differently if they become locally over- different that can’t be found hunting around abundant and impact landholders or the the supermarket aisles. environment. All states that manage game Hunters can rightfully take the moral species have processes to deal with over- high ground for being responsible for their abundance when necessary. A permit can harvest of meat from an ethical supply chain generally be sought to allow recreational that doesn’t involve constant human-animal hunters to assist landholders in culling interactions, penning, transport and indus- operations where the objective is beyond trial processing. And that is something the taking an animal or two for meat purposes. RSPCA should be supporting, not trying to The SSAA Farmer Assist program is demonise. . a good example of where recreational hunters can provide effective and humane deer control free of charge, when the An excellent result for Australia’s indigenous wildlife.

Farmers speak about Farmer Assist “The program is working well for us – every pest animal taken is one less, so that in itself is a positive. Our volunteers have all been good fellas. I know it is expensive for them to take part, so we appreciate their efforts.” Jane B, Cunnamulla farmer

Australian Shooters Journal 13 Unrealistic path to utopia The Greens’ visceral view of volunteer hunters

or true , benefits of the proposed Great Forest would lock out the state’s 38,000 SSAA witnessing feral and introduced National Park. However, she failed to members and the broader hunting commu- animals ravage our native and mention that hunting by volunteers would nity from conducting any form of hunting Fpastoral lands is a driving force not be welcome here. using firearms, be it for pest control, food or that motivates us to help landowners, A document prepared for the party only other cultural reasons. governments and traditional owners deal conceded that “professional hunters” would SSAA Victoria CEO Jack Wegman hit with this threat to Australia’s unique be used to eradicate pests and reduce back at the op-ed and study on behalf of . But the tangible contributions environmental damage within the proposed responsible hunters. “Is it narrowly scoped volunteer hunters make to conservation Park. This is despite Parks Victoria regu- because they don’t want us to know the can come under fire from those who adopt larly relying on SSAA members to conduct whole truth about the massive taxpayer an ideological approach to wildlife manage- pest management activities in national burden to replace the current income from ment, rather than a pragmatic one. parks on behalf of the State Government. the areas earmarked in this to inner-city The ASJ, along with the SSAA’s flag- There is even a Memorandum of voters who never visit the bush?” he asked. ship publications Australian Shooter and Understanding sealing the symbiotic “SSAA Victoria believes our bush should Australian Hunter, has long documented partnership. be open to everyone, especially the hunters the positive role played by hunters in Another document recently circulated who are the real environmentalists.” protecting and saving native fauna and flora. by The Greens examined the economic Supporting Mr Wegman’s stance is We have also challenged anti-hunting views an independent study conducted by the touted by groups like the various RSPCA Department of Environment and Primary branches and extreme animal rights groups, The Greens have Industries which showed that duck hunting including PETA and Animals Australia. alone had a positive and direct $43 One group notorious for denying that a policy that million impact on the state. The report, volunteer hunters are a viable option for calls for “the end Estimating the Economic Impact of Hunting wildlife management is the Australian in Victoria in 2013, found that in total, Greens Party. In the lead-up to the of recreational hunting tourism brought of $439 million to Victorian state election that takes place this regional Victoria in that year alone a figure month, the party’s Victorian arm has again hunting on public even the economically reckless Greens targeted legitimate hunters in a series of land”. shouldn’t sneer at. divisive policies. “It was hunters who restored Victoria’s The Greens have a long-standing policy where game and protected against regulated recreational hunting, viability of the Park. However, its executive species (and tourism) now thrive, and it including for wild ducks. Ahead of the summary essentially discredits the whole is hunters who control in November 24 vote, the group is airing its report: “Nous Group was engaged by The the bush,” Mr Wegman added. “From this ideological hatred of the lawful pursuit of Society to undertake a narrowly evidence it appears The Greens want to rob gathering free-range ducks for the table. scoped analysis,” it reads. The Wilderness regional towns of real, tested, studied and The party’s candidate for Northern Victoria, Society is a corporate pro-Greens giant proven hunting-tourism dollars and replace Nicole Rowan, penned an opinion-editorial created by The Greens founder, Bob Brown them with yet another eco-tourism fantasy.” under the guise of “standing up for the and others, casting a shadow on the report’s SSAA Victoria Hunting Development country” saying “duck shooting (hunting) is objectivity. Manager David Laird offered an insightful detrimental to rural areas and nature-based Along with this deliberate that analogy regarding The Greens’ unwar- tourism would be far more lucrative.” puts paid hunters on some kind of elitist ranted attacks on volunteer hunters. The op-ed, published in various news- pedestal, The Greens have a policy that “Volunteer fire-fighters are not paid, yet papers in August, painted the party calls for “the end of recreational hunting no one claims they should not be utilised as a “much-needed advocate for rural on ”. In Victoria, hunters can or that their skills and contributions are Victorians” as they sized up a regional seat. currently access private and public land to less valuable than ‘professionals’,” he In addition to this standard attack on duck conduct hunting activities. The Greens’ said. “Volunteers are generally respected hunting, Ms Rowan touted the economic stance on banning hunting on public land in all other areas so the logic of volunteer

14 Australian Shooters Journal hunters being somehow different and infe- benefits our natural areas,” Tasmanian rior doesn’t stack up.” Liberal Adam Brooks explained. “The SSAA National President Geoff Jones issuing of permits will be limited and agreed. “The view that only professional hunting will only be available in designated hunters should conduct culling activities, areas, away from those areas frequented also seen in the RSPCA’s misinformation by visitors. A statewide deer population paper, fails to recognise the important census will inform demarcation areas and contributions volunteer hunters make to deer population management strategies.” conservation,” he said. “The idea that only SSAA Tasmania Senior Vice President paid hunters can play a part in creating Donald Riddell was interviewed about the some sort of utopia is laughable. Volunteer issue by the ABC in August and described hunters are just as capable, ethical and the utilisation of experienced hunters to adhere to a code of ethics and relevant cull wild fallow deer as an obvious option. laws when conducting the very same “This is a sensible way of going about activity as paid hunters.” it, getting people who are familiar with This visceral view of volunteer hunters the terrain, familiar with the animals and is also evident among the Tasmanian familiar with what’s required to hunt deer,” Greens. An informed decision to allow he said. “We welcome the Government recreational hunters access to national looking for a low-cost sensible alternative parks and World Heritage-listed natural for managing these deer numbers. areas as part of a pest management “The misrepresentation of the strategy was insultingly described as a Government’s position by the Tasmanian “public safety risk” by its leader, Cassy Greens leader is quite staggering. There O’Connor. are huge areas that never see bushwalking “A well-resourced and properly managed and and there are well-estab- cull is what’s needed, not open slather for lished protocols and plans in place already recreational shooters,” she said. “There for hunting on public lands, including have been tragic, avoidable deaths in other reserved land managed by Tasmanian parts of the world where shooters are Parks and Wildlife Service.” allowed into places where people go to The SSAA has long advocated that our enjoy bushwalking and camping.” land of open plains should be protected by In comparison to the Greens’ scaremon- those willing, capable and able. Our organ- gering approach, the decision to utilise isation has a proven history of success in willing and capable volunteer hunters to hunting and culling activities across many protect Tasmania’s idyllic parks came after landscapes, on behalf of state govern- a thorough Legislative Council inquiry into ments, farmers and traditional owners. wild fallow deer, which recommended the Unfortunately for The Greens, pest and eradication of deer populations in World feral animals have no regard for govern- Heritage and other conserved areas. The ment land classifications. expertise and experience of recreational Hunters were the ones who restored hunters was identified as a way to lessen Victoria’s wetlands where game and the damage wild deer have on the natural protected species and tourism now thrive, environment. and it is hunters who are being called upon “Our goal is to support the positive role to control invasive species in Tasmania. It is that responsible recreational hunters play clear that hunters are the real environmen- in conservation and wildlife management talists, not the grandstanding Greens. . in a safe, regulated way that ultimately

Australian Shooters Journal 15 Tackling the feral pest problem head on

Water supplies can be rendered unusable through infection by pig droppings.

eral pests are a huge problem and being infected by pig droppings, while months old and the Wildlife Man highlights constant headache for Australia’s another recounts a nightmare nine-day this and the fact that, within a 12-month animal and crop farmers alike. stay in intensive care after contracting the timeframe, a single nanny can double the To highlight the extent of the potentially-fatal Q fever. population of a mob. He shows first had F On the subject of goats, he talks to damage they cause, SSAA member and the devastating impact feral goats are renowned ‘Wildlife Man’ David Ireland has experts including vet David Jenkins who having on native flora. made feral and goats the focus of his explains the many parasites carried by David demonstrates what it takes to latest instalments on SSAA TV. feral goats and the risk they pose not humanely cull the pests and invites SSAA David has spoken to farmers in the front only to and native animals, but members, via the Farmer Assist program, line fight against feral pigs and seen first- humans too. Among a variety of exotic to become involved in reducing their hand the devastation they leave in their diseases, some fatal, spread by feral goats numbers. wake. One farmer tells how his main are tetanus, hydatids, and leptospirosis. Check out his latest videos at ssaa.org. water supply was rendered unusable after Nanny goats can breed at just six au/ssaa-tv or visit www.farmerassist.com.au

A nanny can breed at just six months old.

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