Demand for Grants 2021-22 Analysis
Demand for Grants 2021-22 Analysis Home Affairs The Ministry of Home Affairs is responsible for for expenditure in 2020-21 were 10.7% lower than matters concerning internal security, centre-state budgeted expenditure. This is the first estimate since relations, central armed police forces, border 2015-16, where expenditure of the Ministry has been management, and disaster management. In addition, lower than the budgeted estimates. the Ministry makes certain grants to eight Union Figure 2: Budget estimates v/s actual expenditure Territories (UTs). The Ministry was also the nodal (2011-21) (in Rs crore) authority for managing the COVID-19 pandemic.1,2,3,4,5 2,00,000 30% 25% In this note we analyse the expenditure trends and 1,50,000 budget proposals of the Ministry for 2021-22, and 20% discuss some issues across the sectors administered 1,00,000 15% by the Ministry. 10% 50,000 As 2020-21 had extra-ordinary expenditure on account of 5% COVID-19, we have used annualised increase (CAGR) 0 0% over the 2019-20 figures for comparison across all our -5% Tables. -10% Overview of Finances -15% 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 The Ministry has been allocated Rs 1,66,547 crore in Union Budget 2021-22. This is an 11% annualised Budgeted Estimates Actuals increase from the actual expenditure in 2019-20. The budget for the Ministry constitutes 4.8% of the total % under/over utilisation expenditure budget of the central government in 2021-22 and is the third highest allocation.6 Note: Figures for 2020-21 are Revised Estimates.
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