Skane Facts-And-Key-Trends.Pdf
SKÅNE – FACTS AND KEY TRENDS Utgivningsår: 2017 Rapporten är framtagen av Region Skåne och Helsingborgs Stad 2017 inom ramen för OECD studien OECD Territorial Review Megaregion Western Scandinavia Författare: Madeleine Nilsson, Christian Lindell, David Sandin, Daniel Svärd, Henrik Persson, Johanna Edlund och många fler. Projektledare: Madeleine Nilsson,, Region Skåne. Projektledare för Skånes del i OECD TR Megaregion Western Scandinavia 1 Foreword Region Skåne and the City of Helsingborg, together with partners in Western Sweden and the Oslo region, have commissioned the OECD to conduct a so-called Territorial Review of the Megaregion Western Scandinavia. A review of opportunities and potential for greater integration and cooperation between the regions and cities in Western Scandinavia. This report is a brief summary of the supporting data submitted by Skåne to the OECD in December 2016 and mainly contains regional trends, strengths and weaknesses. The report largely follows the arrangement of all the supporting data submitted to the OECD, however, the policy sections have been omitted. All the data sets have been produced by a number of employees of Region Skåne and the City of Helsingborg. During the spring, corresponding reports have been produced for both Western Sweden and the Oslo region. The first study mission was conducted by the OECD in January 2017, where they met with experts and representatives from Skåne and the Megaregion. In late April, the OECD will be visiting Skåne and the Megaregion again with peer reviewers from Barcelona, Vienna and Vancouver for a second round of study mission. The OECD’s final report will be presented and decided upon within the OECD Regional Development Policy Committee (RDPC) in December 2017, and subsequently the OECD Territorial Review Megaregion Western Scandinavia will be published.
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