ANNUAL REPORT REPORT 2020 20203 COMMISSIONER’S FOREWORD Thank You for Your Interest in the Western Australia Police Force Annual Report of 2020
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CONTENTS COMMISSIONER’S FOREWORD .................................................................................... 4 AWARDS AND RECOGNITION ................................................................................................................................... 43 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .................................................................................................... 6 ROAD SAFETY COMMISSION ......................................................................................................................................44 OVERVIEW OF THE AGENCY ......................................................................................... 8 SUMMARY OF RESULTS AGAINST FINANCIAL TARGETS .........................................................51 AGENCY AT A GLANCE .............................................................................................................................................................8 SUMMARY OF RESULTS AGAINST PERFORMANCE TARGETS ........................................ 52 OPERATIONAL STRUCTURE ..............................................................................................................................................9 SUMMARY OF VARIATION AGAINST PERFORMANCE TARGETS ................................. 53 REGIONS AND DISTRICTS ................................................................................................................................................ 10 SIGNIFICANT ISSUES IMPACTING THE AGENCY ....................................................54 ADMINISTERED LEGISLATION .....................................................................................................................................12 DISCLOSURES AND LEGAL COMPLIANCE ............................................................... 57 REPORT ON OPERATIONS ........................................................................................... 13 INDEPENDENT AUDITOR’S OPINION .............................................................................................................. 58 COVID-19 RESPONSE .............................................................................................................................................................16 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ..............................................................................................62 ENFORCE THE LAW................................................................................................................................................................... 22 KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS ...........................................................................160 PREVENT CRIME ............................................................................................................................................................................ 26 OTHER STATUTORY INFORMATION ........................................................................195 MANAGE AND COORDINATE EMERGENCIES ...................................................................................... 33 CONTACTS .....................................................................................................................214 CAPABILITY AND RESPONSIVENESS ................................................................................................................. 36 2WESTERNWA AUSTRALIAN POLICE FORCE POLICE | ANNUAL FORCE REPORT | ANNUAL 2020 REPORT 2020 STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE Hon Michelle Roberts MLA Minister for Police; Road Safety In accordance with Section 63 of the Financial Management Act 2006, I hereby submit for your information and presentation to Parliament the Report of the Western Australia Police Force for the year ending 30 June 2020. The Report has been prepared in accordance with the provisions of the Financial Management Act 2006. CHRIS DAWSON APM COMMISSIONER OF POLICE 14 SEPTEMBER 2020 WESTERN AUSTRALIANWA POLICE POLICEFORCE |FORCE ANNUAL | ANNUAL REPORT REPORT 2020 20203 COMMISSIONER’S FOREWORD Thank you for your interest in the Western Australia Police Force Annual Report of 2020. We acknowledge all traditional custodians The shutdown of many businesses with the The WA Police Force was instrumental in setting throughout WA and their continuing subsequent loss of thousands of jobs and lengthy up a COVID-19 Hotline to answer the many connection to the land, waters and queues of people seeking Government assistance thousands of queries arising from the community. community. We pay our respects to the were scenes not witnessed in Western Australia A highly skilled support team was deployed to the Aboriginal community and their culture, and since the Great Depression of the early 1930s. Information Coordination Centre and State Pandemic to Elders past, present and emerging. The stringent measures were introduced and were Coordination Centre and were integral in the State’s vital, based on the very best advice from the Chief response to the COVID-19 pandemic. I am proud of I am proud to present my third Annual Report as Health Officer. the way my officers and staff are performing their duty Commissioner of the Western Australia Police The WA Police Force has maintained law and in coordinating the multi-agency emergency Force. Throughout the last 12 months our services order while supporting the State Government in health response. have aligned to Western Australian Government combatting the pandemic and the transition to After more than two decades of painstaking priorities that include delivering a safer community recovery. We are achieving this through Operation investigation and forensic work by WA Police Force for all Western Australians, and improving TIDE, balancing the health and welfare of police personnel and international experts, the most Aboriginal wellbeing throughout the state. personnel while maintaining business continuity anticipated murder trial in the history of the State In Western Australia we have been confronted and the ability to provide essential policing services. commenced. The Claremont serial murders case by an unparalleled crisis in the form of the At the same time, we are treading new ground to proceeded over seven months across 95 sitting days, COVID-19 pandemic. A State of Emergency was ensure the Western Australian community adheres hearing from more than 200 witnesses and resulting in declared on 15 March 2020 and it has been my to self-isolation and social distancing requirements more than 11,000 pages of transcript. On the eve of privilege and duty to manage our response to - enforcement tasks not previously carried out by the trial, the accused admitted to five counts relating the COVID-19 pandemic in my role as the State the WA Police Force. to sexual attacks on two young victims, whose brave Emergency Coordinator. As part of the business continuity strategies, a testimony formed part of the prosecution. At the time of writing, Justice Stephen Hall is I know it has been a worrying and stressful time number of pro-active measures were introduced to considering his verdict in a case that has involved for all Western Australians. The closure of our keep the workforce safe. Direct person-to-person the dedication and expertise of many current and borders to international and interstate travellers contact has been minimised, personal protective now retired police personnel. I acknowledge the and the subsequent closure of our regional equipment has been delivered to every frontline dedication and commitment of over 500 WA Police borders were extraordinary measures, coupled officer, various tasks such as Breath and Drug Bus Force personnel who have demonstrated their duty, with unprecedented physical distancing and social operations were temporarily suspended, and teamwork, integrity and care in bringing this trial gathering restrictions. some of the workforce worked from home where it was practical. before the courts. 4 WA POLICE FORCE | ANNUAL REPORT 2020 On a global scale, we have witnessed with great bolstered by the commencement of Aboriginal The WA Police Force has much to celebrate. concern and sadness devastating events occur Cultural Awareness Training for all personnel, The last 12 months has presented enormous throughout the world. As hundreds of thousands and the recruitment of more officers of challenges but I am proud to say as an agency we were dying from the pandemic, riots spread across Aboriginal heritage. have persevered, gained valuable learnings from the the United States of America and the world, experience, and performed incredibly well. The Black Lives Matter campaign has put following the death of a man under arrest by intense focus on racism globally and amplified I want to acknowledge and thank the Western Minneapolis police in May 2020. the challenges the agency faces in righting the Australian community for their support in enabling Closer to home, the destructive bushfires that wrongs of the past and building a better future. the WA Police Force to perform their duty during ravaged the Eastern States last summer, the This work will need to continue well beyond my such turbulent times. senseless deaths of four police officers in a horrific tenure as Commissioner. I strongly believe the I also want to sincerely commend the efforts of all road crash in Victoria and another in a high-speed WA Police Force is making progress and will the men and women who make up the WA Police crash in South Australia in April 2020, shocked and continue to generate positive change to police all Force – from my senior executive