
Nonmetals and of Elements

Matter: Properties and Changes Warm up

● In your notebook answer the following exercise:

○ Find the element (Cu) in the periodic table, what can you infer about copper’s properties and explain how its position in the periodic table helps identify its properties. Lesson Objectives

● Describe the properties of . ● Tell how metalloids are useful. Nonmetals

● Nonmetals are elements that lacks most of the properties of . ● Most nonmetals are poor conductors of electricity and heat and are reactive with other elements. ● Many of the nonmetals are common elements on Earth. ○ Physical Properties of Nonmetals ● Ten of the 16 nonmetals are at room temperature. ○ nitrogen and oxygen ● Others are nonmetals are dull and brittle. ○ carbon, , and is the only that is liquid at room temperature. ● Nonmetals usually have lower than metals, and are poor conductors of heat and electricity. Chemical Properties of Nonmetals

● Except for 18, most nonmetals readily form compounds with other elements. ● Many metals and nonmetals react with each other. Their atoms usually gain or share electrons when they react to other atoms. ● Nonmetals can also form compounds with other nonmetals by sharing electrons. FAmilies of Nonmetals

● Carbon Family ● Nitrogen Family ● Oxygen Family ● Family ● Noble Gases ● Carbon FAmily

● The elements in Group 14. ● They gain, lose, or share four electrons when reacting with other elements. ● Carbon is the only nonmetal element in the group and play an important role in the of life. Nitrogen Family

● The elements in Group 15. ● The two nonmetals in this group are nitrogen and phosphorus. ● These nonmetals usually gain or share three electrons when reacting with other elements. ● Nitrogen is an element that occurs in nature as a formed from two nitrogen atoms bonded together. ● A molecule that is made up of two identical atoms is a . Oxygen Family

● The elements in Group 16. ● The three nonmetals in this group are oxygen, sulfur, and . ● These atoms typically gain or share two electrons in a reaction. ● The oxygen is highly reactive and it can combine with almost every other element. It is the most abundant element in the Earth’s crusg. We

breathe is O2 and the is O3. ● Sulfur is the other common nonmetal

in this family. Halogen Family

● The elements in Group 17 are the most reactive elements. ● All but one of the are nonmetals. ● A halogens atom typically gain or shares one electron. ● Halogen elements are dangerous, many of the compounds that halogens form are quite useful. Noble Gases

● The elements in Group 18 do not ordinarily form compounds because the atoms of these elements do not gain, lose, or share electrons. ● Usually unreactive ● All the noble gases exist in Earth’s atmosphere, but only in small amounts. ● Because they are so unreactive, they were not discovered until the late 1800s. Hydrogen

● Is the simplest element ● Its atoms contain one and one electron. ● Because hydrogen’s chemical properties are so different from the other elements, it cannot be grouped into a family. ● Hydrogen makes up more than 90 percent of the atoms in the universe, it makes up only 1 percent of the of found on Earth’ s crust, oceans, and atmosphere. ● Hydrogen is rarely found on Earth as a pure element.

● Most hydrogen is combined with oxygen in (H2O). Metalloids

Boron, , , , , , , Metalloids

● On the border between the metals and nonmetals are seven elements called metalloids. ● Metalloids have some of the characteristics of and some of nonmetals. ● The most useful property of the metalloids is their varying ability to conduct electricity. Some are used to make semiconductors. ● Semiconductors are substances that under some conditions can carry electricity, and under other conditions cannot carry electricity. ● Some semiconductors are used to make computer chip, transistors, and lasers.