
User Guide For General Users

Last updated August 24, 2020

Copyright © 1991–2020 Brigham Young University Provo, Utah, USA. All rights reserved.

WordCruncher® Copyright © 1991–2020 Brigham Young University Provo, Utah, USA. All rights reserved.

WordCruncher User Guide for General Users © First Edition March 2020

WordCruncher Version 7.1.100, Build 100 as of March 24, 2020

WordCruncher® and the WordCruncher logo are registered trademarks of Brigham Young University.

WordCruncher is a closed source program. While WordCruncher Development tries to give the best resources to users, we reserve the right to make changes to any of the features, reports, and datasets within WordCruncher. Suggestions for improvements are welcome but will be evaluated based on current priorities.

The use of WordCruncher is free. Books that are purchased through the bookstore are connected to a user account. The WordCruncher Support team keeps a record of all book purchases. If there is any loss of data, please contact [email protected] with your user information.

Licensor makes no warranties, whether express or implied, including the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, and specifically no warranties or representations are made with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the data.


Table of Contents About WordCruncher 3 General Purposes of WordCruncher 4 Studying Texts Analyzing Linguistic Features 4 Getting Started 5 Downloading Books 5 Downloading a Free Book Available on WordCruncher 5 Downloading the English Scriptures of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 9 Downloading General Conference Addresses from 1971 to 2019 10 Downloading General Conference Addresses from 1839 to 1970 12 Downloading the Book of Mormon with Voices Identified 13 Opening Books 15 Opening Downloaded Book from the WordCruncher Bookstore Window 15 Opening a Downloaded Book from WordCruncher’s Main Screen 16 Analyzing Texts 17 Navigate 17 Navigating the Table of Contents 17 Using Tabbing Navigation 19 Highlight 20 Highlighting Text 20 Deleting a Highlight 21 Notes 21 Writing a Note 21 Opening a Note 23 Deleting a Note 24 Search 25 Searching for Words in Highlighted Sections 25 Searching in Your Notes 26 Searching for Exact Matches of Words or Phrases in the Text 26 Searching for Partial Matches of Words or Phrases in the Text 27 Searching All Forms of a Word in the Text 28 Searching for Misspellings or Errors Using the WordWheel 29 Other Scriptural Resources 30 Voices in the Book of Mormon 30 Switching from Text Order to Voice Order 30 Switching from Voice Order to Text Order 31 Searching Within a Specific Voice in the Book of Mormon 31 English Bible Collection 33 Viewing Books in the Bible Collection 34 Comparing Versions of the Bible 35


About WordCruncher

WordCruncher is a free software program used for text analysis, annotation, and comparison. Developed by a group of linguists at Brigham Young University, this program was originally designed for the study of religious documents of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. WordCruncher is currently overseen by the Digital Humanities Department of BYU, which has since expanded the software’s scope to enable users to process any large digitized text.

WordCruncher integrates a multitude of text analysis tools that help users search for words and phrases; study texts with bookmarks, highlights, and dictionaries; and analyze linguistic features.

These tools are tailored to various fields of study. Corpus users will find the array of tools for analyzing customized corpora or collections of text beneficial for linguistic analysis. Linguists and translators can use these tools to study context and compare across languages, while editors may benefit from tools that highlight trends in grammar and usage to inform their editing choices.

This user guide focuses on general tools that will enhance the experience of all WordCruncher users; however, there are audience-specific user guides available for specialized users. You can access the CORPUS user guide, LANGUAGE/TRANSLATION user guide, and EDITING user guide on http://wordcruncher.com/.

System requirements and installation information can be found on http://wordcruncher.com/install/.


General Purposes of WordCruncher

WordCruncher has two general purposes: studying texts and analyzing linguistic features. Studying Texts

WordCruncher allows users to access free books for study. Below is a description of some basic options that WordCruncher offers for study: ● You can download several free texts to open in WordCruncher. ● You can read the Book of Mormon with Voices Identified, which tags verses with their original author/speaker, and searches within the words attributed to each author or speaker. ● You can compare versions of the Bible by downloading the Bible collection book, which includes several versions of the Bible. ● You can annotate your texts as you study with notes and highlights, which you can search for after they are saved. Analyzing Linguistic Features

WordCruncher allows users to analyze linguistic features of a document. Below is a description of some basic functions that WordCruncher offers for linguistic analysis: ● You can look at collocates (phrases you commonly find near a specific word). For example, if you look up the word truth, you can find other words or phrases that the word is often next to, like truth and righteousness or sword of truth. ● You can create phrase lists—for example, lists of first person singular pronouns— which primarily help you search for a list of words within a category. ● You can look at word frequency to see the number of times a word is used within a text or corpus. When searching for word frequency, you may expand or restrict your search results to show all forms of the word or only the exact word you are searching. ● You can discover word relationships by using one of the three types of Boolean logic: or logic to compare the usage of two terms; and logic to determine the number of words between your searched terms; and not logic to exclude some of the surrounding results of your search term.


Getting Started

The first step to analyzing the linguist features of a book is to download and open the book or books you want to analyze. This Getting Started portion of the document will teach you how to download and open books. If you already know how to perform these functions, please skip to the Analyzing Texts portion of this user guide. Downloading Free Texts

The following section will teach you how to download free texts on WordCruncher. Since the books most commonly analyzed in WordCruncher up to now are the English scriptures and the General Conferences addresses from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, those will be shown in many of the instructions below.

Downloading a Free Book Available on WordCruncher This set of instructions will teach you how to download a free book available on WordCruncher. Note: Most of the books on WordCruncher are free.

1. Open the bookstore either by clicking on the Bookstore button in the toolbar or by clicking on the File menu and selecting the WordCruncher Bookstore option.

Note: The Bookstore button from the toolbar and the WordCruncher Bookstore option from the drop-down menu will both open the WordCruncher Bookstore window.

2. Find the book from the WordCruncher Bookstore that you want to download.


3. Click the Free button next to the book you want to download.

Note: Some books will have a price instead of the word Free. If this is the case and you would like to purchase the book, please create an account within the Account . Note: Clicking the Free button will open the Product Downloads window. 4. Click the Install button for the book you want to install.


5. Wait for the book to install. Note: Once the book has been installed, a red banner with the word installed will appear across the corner of the book’s picture.

6. Click the OK button in the Product Downloads window after the book has finished

installing. 7. Click the OK button on the WordCruncher Bookstore window to close the bookstore.


Downloading the English Scriptures of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints This section will teach you how to download The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints’ book collection of English scriptures, since these books are some of the most commonly analyzed books on WordCruncher. This book collection contains the King James Version of the Holy Bible, the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants, the Pearl of Great Price, study helps, photographs, and maps. It also contains additional resources including the English Parallel Bible, the English Parallel Bible—Advanced, the Hebrew-English Lexicon of the Old Testament, and the Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament. To download this book collection, follow the instructions below.

1. Open the bookstore either by clicking on the Bookstore button on the toolbar or by

clicking on the File menu and selecting the WordCruncher Bookstore option. Note: The Bookstore button from the toolbar and the WordCruncher Bookstore option from the drop-down menu will both open the WordCruncher Bookstore window. Within the bookstore, you will be defaulted to WordCruncher’s general library.


2. Click the Collection drop-down menu and select the Gospel Library option.

3. Find the book called The Scriptures. 4. Click the Free button next to The Scriptures to open the Products Download window. 5. Click the Install All button in the Products Download window. 6. Wait for the books to install. Note: Once the book has been installed, a red banner with the word installed will appear across the corner of the book’s picture. 7. Click the OK button in the Product Downloads window after the book has finished installing. 8. Click the OK button on the WordCruncher Bookstore window to close the bookstore. Now the English Scriptures of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have been downloaded in WordCruncher.

Downloading General Conference Addresses from 1971 to 2019 This section will teach you how to download two books: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- day Saints’ General Conference addresses that together cover the time period of 1971 to 2019, since these books are two of the most commonly analyzed books on WordCruncher. Note: Note that all General Conference addresses are not downloaded in one set; you must download addresses between 1971 and 2007 separately from addresses between 2008 and 2019.


1. Open the bookstore either by clicking on the Bookstore button on the toolbar or by clicking on the File menu and selecting the WordCruncher Bookstore option. Note: The Bookstore button from the toolbar and the WordCruncher Bookstore option from the drop-down menu will both open the WordCruncher Bookstore window.

2. Click the Collection drop-down menu and select the Gospel Library option. 3. Find the book called General Conference Addresses (1971−2007). 4. Click the Free button next to the General Conference Addresses (1971−2007) book to open the Products Download window. 5. Click the Install button in the Products Download window. 6. Wait for the book to install. Note: Once the book has been installed, a red banner with the word installed will appear across the corner of the book’s picture. 7. Click the OK button in the Product Downloads window after the book has finished installing to go back to the WordCruncher Bookstore window. 8. Find the book called General Conference Addresses (20082019). 9. Click the Free button next to the General Conference Addresses (20082019) book to open the Products Download window. 10. Click the Install button in the Products Download window. 11. Wait for the book to install. Note: Once the book has been installed, a red banner with the word installed will appear across the corner of the book’s picture. 12. Click the OK button in the Product Downloads window after the book has finished installing to go back to the WordCruncher Bookstore window. 13. Click the OK button on the WordCruncher Bookstore window to close the bookstore. Now the General Conference Addresses from 1971 to 2019 have been downloaded in WordCruncher.

Downloading General Conference Addresses from 1839 to 1970 This section will teach you how to download The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints’ General Conference addresses from 1839 to 1970, since this is one of the most commonly analyzed books on WordCruncher.

1. Open the bookstore either by clicking on the Bookstore button on the toolbar or by clicking on the File menu and selecting the WordCruncher Bookstore option. Note: The Bookstore button from the toolbar and the WordCruncher Bookstore option from the drop-down menu will both open the WordCruncher Bookstore window.


2. Click the “Search” tab at the top of the WordCruncher Bookstore window.

3. Type conference into the search bar at the top of the window and press the Enter key on the keyboard.

4. Find the book called Conference Addresses by Decade (1839–1970). 5. Click the Free button next to the Conference Addresses by Decade (1839–1970) book to open the Products Download window. 6. Click the Install button in the Products Download window. 7. Wait for the book to install. Note: Once the book has been installed, a red banner with the word installed will appear across the corner of the book’s picture. 8. Click the OK button in the Product Downloads window after the book has finished installing to go back to the WordCruncher Bookstore window. 9. Click the OK button on the WordCruncher Bookstore window to close the bookstore. Now the General Conference Addresses from 1971 to 2019 have been downloaded in WordCruncher.

Downloading the Book of Mormon with Voices Identified


This section will teach you how to download the version of the Book of Mormon that has the voice of each author identified. For more information on the specific analysis options available within this resource see the Voices in the Book of Mormon section of this user guide.

1. Open the bookstore either by clicking on the Bookstore button on the toolbar or by clicking on the File menu and selecting the WordCruncher Bookstore option. The top circle has the File menu and the circle underneath has the WordCruncher Bookstore.

Note: The Bookstore button from the toolbar and the WordCruncher Bookstore option from the drop-down menu will both open the WordCruncher Bookstore window. 2. Click the “Search” tab in the WordCruncher Bookstore window.

3. Type the word voices into the search bar and press the Enter key on the keyboard. Note: This search will bring up the Book of Mormon with Voices Identified book.

4. Click the Free button next to Book of Mormon with Voices Identified. Note: This button will open the Product Downloads window.


5. Click the Install All button to download the book’s content.

6. Wait for the book to install. Note: Once the book has been installed, a red banner with the word installed will appear across the corner of the book’s picture.

7. Click the OK button in the Product Downloads window after the book has finished installing. 8. Click the OK button on the WordCruncher Bookstore window to close the bookstore.

Now the Book of Mormon with Voices Identified has been downloaded in WordCruncher.

At this point, you should be able to download any book that is available through WordCruncher. This is valuable because it will allow you to have content to analyze. The next section of this user guide will teach you how to access that content.

Opening Books

The following sections of instructions will teach you how to open a book on WordCruncher from the WordCruncher Bookstore window and from WordCruncher’s main screen.

Opening Downloaded Book from the WordCruncher Bookstore Window This section of instructions will teach you how to open your downloaded content if you have the WordCruncher Bookstore window already open. Note: If you do not have the WordCruncher Bookstore window open, refer to the instructions below titled “Opening a Downloaded Book from WordCruncher’s Main Screen.”

1. If you have the WordCruncher Bookstore window open, click the Open button next to the book you installed.


Note: When you click the Open button, a new window with the entire text will open. You can now apply any WordCruncher tool to aid you in your study.

Opening a Downloaded Book from WordCruncher’s Main Screen This section of instructions will teach you how to open your downloaded content if you do not have the WordCruncher Bookstore window open.

1. Click the Open Book button on the toolbar to open the Open Book window. 2. Find the name of the category that your book would fall under. Note: The categories are listed in the left frame of the window under the word Bookshelves. 3. Click the name of the category you want to open. Note: If you click a category in which you have downloaded books, a list of the books that fall into that specific category should appear in the right frame of the window. 4. Click the name of the book you want to open. 5. Click the Open button at the bottom of the window. Note: When you click the Open button, a new window with the entire text will open. You can now apply any WordCruncher tool to aid you in your study.

At this point, you should be able to download and open books in WordCruncher. These functions will allow you to access the materials you want to analyze. The next sections in this user guide will teach you how to use various tools to analyze and annotate the texts that you downloaded and opened.


Analyzing Texts

The following sections will teach you how to use the navigate, highlight, note, and search tools to annotate and analyze the books. Before you start this section, understand how to download and open the books you want to analyze. If you do not already know how to download and open books, follow the instructions in the Getting Started portion of the user guide. Navigation

In order to analyze books, you should know first how to navigate the books. The following instructions will teach you how to navigate a book using its table of contents. You will also learn how to navigate a book using WordCruncher’s tabbing navigation shortcuts.

Navigating the Table of Contents This section will teach you how to navigate to different parts of a book using the book’s table of contents.

1. Open the book you want to navigate. 2. Click the Show or Hide Table of Contents button if the table of contents is not showing when you open the book. Note: Clicking the Show or Hide Table of Contents button will open the Table of Contents frame, which frame will appear on the left side of the book’s window. The Table of Contents frame will display to parts of the book.


3. If you want to navigate to a section of the book, click the name of that section.

4. If you want to navigate to a subsection, chapter, or paragraph in the book, click the + button next to the section that contains that subsection, chapter, or paragraph. 5. Continue clicking the + button next to the section, subsection, or chapter until you find the place you want to navigate to. 6. Click the name of the place you want to navigate to. Note: The expanded table of contents will look something like the picture below.

Using Tabbing Navigation While the table of contents is useful for navigating a document, it takes time. If you know the name of the specific section, subsection, chapter, or paragraph you want to navigate to, use tabbing navigation to save time. This section will teach you how to use WordCruncher’s tabbing navigation shortcuts.

1. Open the book you want to navigate.


2. Press the on your keyboard to open a drop-down menu of sections within the book. 3. Type the first letter of the section you want to open. If there is more than one section that starts with the same letter, continue typing letters of the section name until the blue highlighting bar moves to the section you want to open. Note: For example, if you want to open the tragedy section in the Riverside Shakespeare book, type tr to get the blue highlight bar to move to tragedy as shown in the picture below.

4. Repeat the process of pressing tab and then typing letters of the subsection, chapter, or paragraph name until the blue highlight bar moves to the section you want to navigate to. 5. Press the Enter key on the keyboard when you want to stop navigating. Note: For example, if you want to open Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Act II, Scene I, open the Riverside Shakespeare book and then type the following sequence of keys: Tab key > tr > Tab key > h > Tab key > ii > Tab key > i > Enter key

At this point, you should be able to navigate through sections of books by using either the table of contents or the tabbing navigation shortcut. This allows you to efficiently locate the text you intend to study. The next section will show you how to highlight text for later reference. Highlights

While analyzing a book, you may want to highlight sections that you want to find again later. The following instructions will teach you how to use WordCruncher’s highlighting tool to highlight text or delete undesired highlights.

Highlighting Text This section will teach you how to highlight sections of a book.

1. Open the text that you want to highlight.


2. Use the cursor to select the text you want to highlight.

3. Click the down arrow next to one of the highlighter tools on the toolbar to open a drop- down menu. Note: There are three highlighter tools on the toolbar. Each tool will create highlights of a different color. Choose the tool with the highlight color you want to use.

4. Select the Mark Text option. Deleting a Highlight This section will teach you how to delete a highlight that you made if you no longer want the section highlighted.

1. Find the highlight you want to delete from the text. 2. Use the cursor to select the highlight you want to delete. 3. Click the down arrow next to the highlighter tool on the toolbar to open a drop-down menu. 4. Select the Delete Highlighting option.

At this point, you should be able to highlight text in multiple colors and delete highlights that are no longer needed. The next section will show you how to add notes to your text as you study.



While analyzing books, you may want to make notes about your findings related to important portions of text. The following sections will teach you how to use WordCruncher’s note tool to write, open, or delete notes.

Writing a Note This section will teach you how to write a note related to a specific portion of text.

1. Use your cursor to select the text where you want to add a note.

2. Click the Create Note button on the toolbar.

Note: When you click this button, a notes frame containing a yellow box will appear in the window next to the book you have open.


3. Type your note in the yellow box.

4. Click the Save button located below the yellow box.

5. Click the black X button in the corner of the notes frame to close the note.

Opening a Note This section will teach you how to open a note that you previously wrote so that you can read the note.

1. Find the note you have written by looking for the yellow note button in the margin of the book’s text.


2. Click the yellow note button to open the note. Deleting a Note This section will teach you how to delete a note that you no longer want. Note: A note once deleted will be deleted from the system and irretrievable.

1. Open the note you want to delete.

2. Click the red X button below the yellow box. 3. When a dialogue box appears that asks you “Are you sure you want to delete this note?” click Yes.

4. Click the black X in the corner of the Notes window to close the Note window.

At this point, you should be able to write, open, and delete notes that have been added to your text. The next section will teach you how to search your texts, notes, and highlights.



To analyze books and look for patterns, you will likely want to use the search tool. This tool allows you to search books for specific words or phrases. The following sections will teach you how to search for words in highlighted sections, search your notes, search for exact matches, search for partial matches, search for all forms of a word, or search for misspellings and errors.

Searching for Words in Highlighted Sections This section will teach you how to limit your searches for words to only sections you have previously highlighted.

1. Open the book you want to search. Note: If you are searching for words in your highlighted sections, be sure to choose a book that contains sections you have previously highlighted. 2. Click the Search button on the toolbar. Note: The Search button will open the Search window. 3. Locate the Bounds search bar within the Search window.

4. Click the black down arrow next to the word bounds to open a drop-down menu. 5. Select the Highlighter Bounds option from the drop-down menu. Note: Clicking the Highlighter Bounds option will open the Highlighter Bounds window. 6. Click either a highlighter topic that you’ve created or highlights with no designated topic. 7. Click the OK button at the bottom of the Highlighter Bounds window. Note: The OK button will close the Highlighter Bounds window and take you back to the Search window. The Search window will now show your chosen bounds. 8. Type the word(s) you want to search for in the Find bar to find specific words in your highlighted sections. 9. Press Enter on your keyboard to open your search results.

Searching in Your Notes As you research, you may make notes about an interesting point or fact about a result. This section will teach you how to search for words within your own notes.

1. Open the book or corpus that you made notes in; otherwise you will not get the results you want to find. 2. Click the Search button on the toolbar.


Note: The Search button will open the Search window. 3. Click the drop-down menu next to the phrase Word List. Note: This menu offers many options like searching within the book’s text, headings, or directions. 4. Select the My Notes option, which will restrict your search to within the notes you’ve taken. 5. Type the word(s) you want to search for in the Find bar. 6. Press Enter on your keyboard to open your search results.

Searching for Exact Matches of Words or Phrases in the Text This section will teach you how to search for exact matches of phrases and terms within a book, using double quotes (“”) to offset your search. Before searching, make sure you have the right section of the book selected. The drop-down menu offers the opportunity to look in the text, headings, and details.

1. Click the Search button on the toolbar. Note: The Search button will open the Search window. 2. Click the down arrow next to the word Search within the Search window. Note: The down arrow will open a drop-down menu. 3. Select the book or corpus you intend to search within from the drop-down menu. Note: You can select any of the books already open, all open books, or a book within the library. 4. Type in the phrase you want to search for into the Find bar. 5. Place double quotes (“”) around the entire phrase you typed. 6. Press the Enter key on your keyboard to open your search results Note: The search results will open in another window.


Note: If you wish to only search for the exact of the term you typed in the Find bar but want to ignore the case or type, press the All Forms tab, which will highlight Ignore Case and Ignore Type in the light blue. After clicking to highlight these two tabs, you may click on each tab individually to toggle each option on or off.

Searching for Partial Matches of Words or Phrases in the Text This section will teach you how to search terms in the same phrase without matching the phrase word-for-word, using single quotes (‘’) to signal a partial match. Before searching, make sure you have the right section of the book selected in the word list. The drop-down menu offers the opportunity to look in the text, headings, and directions.

1. Click the Search button on the toolbar. Note: The Search button will open the Search window. 2. Click the down arrow next to the word Search within the Search window. Note: The down arrow will open a drop-down menu. 3. Select the book or corpus you intend to search within from the drop-down menu. Note: You can select any of the books already open, all open books, or a book within the library. 4. Type in the phrase you want to search for into the Find bar. 5. Place single quotes (‘ ’) around the entire phrase you typed. 6. Press the Enter key on your keyboard to open your search results Note: The search results will open in another window.

Searching All Forms of a Word in the Text If you want to look at how a term is used in all of its forms (plural, singular, past, etc.), you can search for all the word forms (i.e. story would display as story, stories, storied).

1. Click the Search button on the toolbar.


Note: The Search button will open the Search window. At the very top bar of the Search window, there are four options: All Forms, Ignore Case, Ignore Type, and Ignore Diacritics. 2. Click on the “All Forms” tab until it is highlighted in light blue and the Ignore Case and Ignore Type tabs are both grayed out, as shown below.

Note: This step may involve clicking on the “All Forms” tab multiple times. Selecting the “All Forms” tab will show all the forms of a word. Now when you search, any results you receive will have multiple forms of the word(s) you searched. Note: If you are searching for a foreign term with an accent marker that you did not include, press Ignore Diacritics and highlight it in light blue. This will allow you to search for the term without concern for accent marks. 3. Click the down arrow next to the word Search within the Search window. Note: The down arrow will open a drop-down menu. 4. Select the book or corpus you intend to search within from the drop-down menu. Note: You can select any of the books already open, all open books, or a book within the library. 5. Type in the word or phrase you want to search for into the Find bar. 6. Press the Enter key on your keyboard to open your search results Note: The search results will open in another window. Searching for Misspellings or Errors Using the WordWheel When searching for certain terms, you may be interested in misspellings or errors that were missed by standard spellcheckers. This section will teach you how to use the WordWheel, which lists every word in the corpus so you can easily look through the list for mistakes. Make sure when you are searching, you have the correct book selected to search in; otherwise, you will not get the results you desire.

1. Click the Search button on the toolbar. Note: The Search button will open the Search window. 2. Click the down arrow next to the word Search within the Search window. Note: The down arrow will open a drop-down menu. 3. Select the book or corpus you intend to search within from the drop-down menu. Note: You can select any of the books already open, all open books, or a book within the library. 4. Click the drop-down menu by the phrase Word List. 5. Select the desired word list to search within. 6. Type in the word or phrase you want to search for into the Find bar. Note: The search results will open in another window. 7. Select WordWheel if it is not already highlighted in white. Note: Within this tab, you will see a T-chart with the word Frequency on the left and the word Words on the right. Frequency tells you the number of times the words are used within the text and Words lists every word used in alphabetical order. You can look for mistakes


and misspellings with this feature by scrolling up and down and see all forms of a term isolated.

At this point, you should be able to apply multiple text analysis tools to your text, including searching within your highlights and notes, searching for exact or partial matches within the text, searching for all forms of a word, and using the WordWheel to locate misspellings and errors.


Other Scriptural Resources

Many WordCruncher users primarily use the program to analyze The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints’ scriptural texts. Since scriptural analysis is a common use for the WordCruncher program, the following sets of instructions will teach you how to use several additional resources for analyzing scriptures. These resources include the Voices in the Book of Mormon book and the Bible Collection. Voices in the Book of Mormon

The Book of Mormon, one of the books of scripture used by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, was written by many authors. Several experienced linguists at Brigham Young University have analyzed the Book of Mormon to determine which author was most likely to have written each section. The following sets of instructions teach you how to switch between text order and voice order in the Book of Mormon with Voices Identified book. They will also teach you how to limit your search results within the Book of Mormon to a specific author’s voice

Switching from Text Order to Voice Order The Book of Mormon with Voices Identified book will open in text order, which will show the Book of Mormon in its regular order, but with tags to show who is speaking. However, you may also want to read or analyze the book in voice order so you can group together portions of text by a specific author. This section will teach you how to switch from text order to voice order in the Book of Mormon with Voices Identified book.

1. Make sure you have the Book of Mormon with Voices Identified book downloaded. 2. Open the Book of Mormon with Voices Identified book. 3. Click the Voice Order at the beginning of the book.


Note: A new window will open that is almost identical to the Text Order window, but if you scroll down, you will see the Book of Mormon ordered by voice.

Switching from Voice Order to Text Order

If you have the Book of Mormon with Voices Identified book in voice order, you may want to switch back to text order. This section will teach you how to switch from voice order to text order in the Book of Mormon with Voices Identified book.

1. Make sure you have the Book of Mormon with Voices Identified book downloaded. 2. Open the Book of Mormon with Voices Identified book. 3. Click the Text Order hyperlink at the beginning of the book to switch to text order if the book is in voice order.

Searching Within a Specific Voice in the Book of Mormon When analyzing the Book of Mormon, you may want to search for times when one specific author uses a word or phrase. This section will teach you how to search within a specific voice in the Book of Mormon.

1. Make sure you have the Book of Mormon with Voices Identified book downloaded. 2. Open the Book of Mormon with Voices Identified book. 3. Click the Search button on the WordCruncher toolbar. Note: This button will open the Search window. 4. Click the down arrow next to the word Bounds to open the Bounds drop-down menu. 5. Select the Reference or Attribute Bounds option from the drop-down menu.


Note: Selecting the Reference or Attribute Bounds option will open the References or Attribute Bounds window. 6. Select the Reference Bounds option from the Bound Type drop-down menu if the option is not already selected.

7. Scroll down in the Reference frame until you see the word Voice.

8. Check the box next to the word Voice. 9. Select the voice you want to analyze from the Name frame. 10. Click the Insert Item(s) to Bound button once you have selected the voice.

Note: The voice you selected will be added to a list at the bottom of the window. 11. Repeat steps 9 and 10 until you have added all the parameters you want to include to the list. 12. Click the OK button at the bottom of the window.


Note: This button will close the References or Attributes Bounds window and will take you back to the Search window.

13. Type a term you want to study into the Find bar in the Search window and press the Enter key on your keyboard.

Note: Pressing the Enter key will open the Search Results window. This window will show every instance where your keyword was used by your specified voice (in the case of this example, every time Nephi used the word pride).

At this point, you should be able to download and access the Book of Mormon with Voices Identified, switch between the Text Order and Voice Order versions of the text, and search within a specific author’s words.


English Bible Collection

The Bible Collection contains several different English versions of the Bible. The following sections will teach you how to view and compare different English Bible versions.

Viewing Books in the Bible Collection This section will teach you how to view different English versions of the Bible.

1. Download and open the English Bible Collection.

Note: The book will open to the introduction window. 2. Select one of the options beneath the phrase to Different Bibles.

Note: When you click a link, an introduction to its respective Bible will open in a new window. 3. Scroll down from the introduction to find additional links that will open the individual books of scripture.


4. Click the version you would like to navigate to.

Note: This will open another window with the scripture’s text; scroll down to find it.

Comparing Versions of the Bible This section will teach you how to compare different versions of the Bible. Note: In order for this comparison to work effectively, the Bible collection must be opened to a specific chapter in a specific Bible version.

1. Download and open the book called The Scriptures. The top circle below shows the Purchases menu while the bottom circle shows where to open The Scriptures.


2. Navigate to the section of the Bible you want to study. 3. When both the scriptures and the Bible collection are open, their text will be linked for comparison. Note: If you scroll in one window, the other window will automatically scroll to match its place. Furthermore, if you use the table of contents in one window to open a new chapter, that same chapter will open in the other window as well.

At this point, you should be able to access the Bible collection and use it to compare different versions of the Bible side by side.

Now that you have completed each instruction set, you should have a working knowledge of the general functions of WordCruncher that will aid you in text analysis, annotation, and comparison.

Further instructions are available in the WordCruncher for Corpus Users guide, WordCruncher for Language and Translation Users guide, and WordCruncher for Editing Users guide, which can be accessed on http://wordcruncher.com/.



Bible, 6, 9, 29, 32–34 Bible collection, 32–34 compare versions of the Bible, 34–35 bookstore, 7, 9–16 Book of Mormon, 6, 9, 29 with voices identified, 6, 13–15, 29–32 See also scriptures corpus, 4, 6, 24–27, 35 diacritics, 26–27 Doctrine and Covenants. See scriptures download book, 6, 7–17, 29–30, 32, 34 free book, 6, 7 priced book, 8 product downloads, 8–10, 12–15 editing, 4, 35 English parallel Bible. See scriptures English scriptures. See scriptures General Conference, 6, 7, 11–13 Gospel Library, 10–11 highlighting, 4, 6, 17, 19–20, 23–24 install book. See download book language/translation, 4, 35 navigation, 17 tabbing navigation, 18–19 table of contents, 17–18 notes, 6, 20–25 open book, 15–16 Pearl of Great Price. See scriptures reference or attribute bounds, 30–31 scriptures, 6, 7, 9–11, 29, 34 see also Book of Mormon search, 4, 6, 24 in bookstore, 12, 14 in highlights, 24 in notes, 24–25 for all forms of a word, 26–27 for exact matches, 25 for misspellings or errors, 27–28 for partial matches, 26 table of contents. See navigation

35 text order to voice order, 29–30 voices in the Book of Mormon. See with voices identified under Book of Mormon WordCruncher bookstore. See bookstore WordWheel, 27–28 word frequency, 6, 21 word list, 4, 26–27


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