APPLE Stanley APRICOT, ALMOND Williams' Pride Taylor's Gold Valor

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APPLE Stanley APRICOT, ALMOND Williams' Pride Taylor's Gold Valor APPLE Westfield Seek-no-further Starkrimson Stanley APRICOT, ALMOND Akane Williams' Pride Taylor's Gold Valor Reliable Alkmene Winesap Ubileen Victoria Almata Winter Banana White Doyenne PEACH Arkansas Black Winter Pearmain ASIAN PEAR Bette Ashmeads Kernel Wolf River SHIPOVA Atago Q1-8 Belle de Boskoop Wynoochie Chojuro Redstar Ben Davis Yellow Bellflower CIDER APPLE Hamese Braeburn, Hillwell Kingston Black Ichiban Nashi Bramley ASIAN PLUM Michelin Kikisui Brown Russett Beauty Kosui Chehalis Cocheco Plum CRAB APPLE Mishirasu Daliest Early Golden Centennial Shinsui Dayton Kuban comet Dolgo Egremont Russett Methley Evereste SWEET CHERRY Enterprise Shiro Red Fleshed All Star Fall Pippin Fameuse Sprite/Delight A Angela Fiesta Sprite/Delight B EURO. PLUM Bing Golden Russet Superior A. hybrid Beauty Danube Grand Alexander Weeping Santa Rosa Blues Jam Early Burlat Gravenstein Cambridge Gage Hartland Hatsueki PLUOT Geneva Mirabelle Hudson Hudson's G. Gem Sweet Treat Pluerry Gras romanesc Kristen Jonagold (Decoster) Imperial Epineuse Lapins King Edward VII EURO. PEAR Jam Session Rainier Liberty Araganche Jubileum Schneider Liberty Bella de Guigno Methley Surefire Melrose Beni Shogun Bosc Mirabelle de Nancy Sweetheart Newton Pippin (yellow) Clapps Favorite Moldavian Tehranavee Pink Pearl Comice Mount Royal Vandalay Pristine Concord Oblinaja Victory Roxbury Conference Opal White Gold Rubinette Doyenne de Julliet Parfume de September Sayaka Duchesse D'Angeleme Pozegaca TART CHERRY Shay Harrow Delight Prune de Ente English Morello Silken Highland Purple Gage Montmorency Spigold Morettini Rosy Gage Tompkin's King Onward Schoolhouse QUINCE Twenty Ounce Orcas Sehome Italian Aromatnaya Wagener Rescue Seneca Karp's Sweet Wealthy Spaulding Shiro.
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