! ! Sleeping Giant Loppet Wax Recommendation! !Adam Kates: Big Thunder Nordic Club Coach! !Forecast: High -18, Low -29! !Glide Wax:! !Wax of the Day: LF4! ! ! ! ! Explanation: In colder weather, where the humidity level is low and where the snow is dry, low !fluoro carbon waxes are typically faster. ! !Waxing Instructions: ! 1. Apply wax with an iron and allow to cool. Re-iron 1-2 additional times, adding additional wax as needed. Melting temperature colder waxes is high so ensure that your iron is continually moving so as not to damage your ski bases.! 2. Scrape majority of wax off using a sharp plastic scraper. Remember to scrape the groove first.! 3. Use a brass brush to remove majority of excess wax. Be aggressive on your brushing as harder waxes with cold temperature ranges, like Swix LF4, are more difficult to remove. Any wax left on your will slow them down significantly, especially in cold slow conditions.! 4. Use a nylon brush to finish the brushing process. Again, be aggressive to ensure that all wax is removed.! !5. Use a cloth (shop towel on a roll works great) to wipe any wax dust off of your ski. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !Grip Wax:! 1. Grip Zone: Use a medium grit sandpaper to sand/rough up your grip zone. This process will !help your binder and grip wax stick to your ski.! 2. Binder: A binder is a durable grip wax that is applied with an iron to help with grip durability !for longer races or in abrasive snow conditions.! Binder Options:! ! SwixVG35!! ! ! Vauhti Super Base!

!Both Options will assist with durability and, if applied properly will not inhibit ski speed.! Application: Touch binder to a hot iron (use a different iron than you use for glide wax) until it begins to get soft. Apply lightly to the grip zone of your ski. Once applied, use your iron to smooth the binder evenly over your grip zone. Ensure that the application is light and thin. !Finally use a cork to ensure a smooth and even application. Allow to cool.! !3. Grip Wax Options: ! ! Swix Extra Blue SkiGo HF Blue! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Applicaton: Apply 4-5 thin layers of each wax on top of your binder. Remember that more thin !layers are better than fewer thick layers. For additional grip, use Vauhti K18 or SkiGo HF Red! !Happy !! See You On The Trails!! AK