1984-06 and 07
A S.rvlc• of Continuing Education & Extanslon University of Minnesota Dululh VolurM S Nurnt».r 3 JuM-July 1984 kumd 103.3 Acting Manager • Paul Schmitz Program Director • John Ziegler Public Affairs Director • Paul Schmitz Producer/ Outreach • Jean Johnson Report to the Listener Engineer • Kirk Kersten Volunteer Staff by Paul Schmitz, Acting Station Manager Bill Agnew, Craig Aderson, Kath I wish I had more time to list here the . Anderson, Mark Anderson, Bob It seems appropriate to begin this column University decides how to go about _names of all those who are leaving the Andreson, Leo Babeu, Chris Baker, Kent with a final "farewell" and "thanks for selecting the new permanent manager. station, and in some cases, this area. Many Barnard, Todd Borstad, Dave Brygger, everything" to the man who used to write This decision has not yet been made, and is students and others have contributed a lot Jan Cohen, Melanie Creger, Christopher it, Tom Livingston. Tom is now at his new being held up somewhat because the of energy and enthusiasm to KUMD this Devaney, Bruce Ecklund, Dann Edholm, job in Shreveport, Louisiana, and reports people m Minneapolis who will make it past year. To all of them our sincere Pat Eller, Phil Enke, Doug Fifield, that things are "different but also the are still working on next year's budgets for thanks, and best wishes. Tamar Fox, Susanna Frenkel, Bev same.'' I guess the problems of managing a the various departments they administer. Garberg, Brian Gitar, Stan Goltz, Doug public radio station do not vary that much We will let you know about further It is too early for me to say with certainty Greenwood, Jim Gruba, Bill Hansen, from one location to another.
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