
2,950, 183 United States Patent Office Patiented Alig. 23, 1960 2 compatibility between solutions and the trace elements iron, manganese and/or copper, 2,950,183 so that these trace elements can be added to the solu tion to form a single spray. NURENT SPRAY COMSPOSITION FOR P:ANTS 5 It is important in sprays for foliar treatment that the Alexander A. Nikitin, College Park, Charies C. Fite, Jr., above trace elements be in divalent form (monovalent East Point, aad Janet Segers Gary, Union City, Gay in the case of copper). In the first place, plants ab assignors to Tennessee Corporation, New York, N.Y., sorb, translocate, and assimilate the trace elements much a corporation of New York more readily in this form-than in their oxidized states of O higher valency. In the second place, oxidation of the No Drawing. Fied Mar. 24, 1958, Ser. No. 723,216 trace element to states of higher valency results in 12 Claims. (C. 7F-11) precipitation of solid materials which interfere with the operation of the spray equipment, form undesirable spray residues and cause scale infestation on fruits, This invention relates to nutrient spray, such as liquid 15 etc. No difficulty arises with zinc from the standpoint and trace element solutions, for application of oxidation, because zinc remains in the divalent form to growing plants. and has no effect on any other trace elements which may It is well known that various so-called trace elements be present. But there is a strong tendency for fer are necessary for healthy plant growth, in addition to rous, manganous and cuprous ions to oxidize to higher - the usual nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium 20 states of valency in solutions with materials. Lack of adequate supplies of these trace the objectionable results already stated. elements in the is scnetimes a matter of local soil Moreover, although the manganous , Mint, is composition, but more often is due to depletion result commonly much more stable than the ferrous ion, Fet, ing from such causes as excessive liming, leaching by ex once manganese becomes oxidized it then exerts a pow cessive rainfall, immobilization of trace elements as 25 erful oxidizing action on iron. Thus it is known that the result of low moisture, intensive cropping, etc. Chlo ferrous ion, Fett, is much more readily oxidized in the rotic conditions resulting from such deficiencies are a presence of manganese than when iron is used alone. common occurrence during the growing season unless the in view of these facts, the established practice has been eficiencies are corrected, preferably by the use of sprays to use iron and manganese at the very high ratio of 3-10 containing the desired trace element or elements since 30 parts by weight of ferrous sulphate to one part man foliar treatment is both convenient and most effective. ganous sulphate, depending upon the crops and Usually the trace elements are provided in the form of treated. This high ratio of iron to manganese has been sulfates, but other soluble salts can be used in required to compensate for the iron which was lost due stead Such as chlorides, nitrates and acetates. to oxidation by manganese and precipitation as ferric Obviously the trace element or elements required, as oxide (FeO3), which is inert and has no nutritional well as the amount to be supplied, may vary from one value. In addition, the inert ferric oxide builds up a Soil type to another and also with different crops. Among heavy residue which interferes with the spray applica the trace elements that need to be supplied for healthy tion by plugging the spray nozzles. Ferric oxide also plant growth may be mentioned iron, manganese, zinc, causes high scale infestation on citrus fruits which greatly copper, boron, molybdenum, etc. Iron, manganese, zinc 40 depreciates their value. Still further, iron is usually sup and copper are commonly regarded as the essential plied in the form of ferrous Sulphate (FeSO4), and in nutrient trace elements and requirements for thern have this case its oxidation from ferrous to ferric results in been definitely established for most soil types. Boron the liberation of excess sulphate ion which is injurious and molybdenum can be safely used only in extremely to foliage. Small concentrations governed by the character of the The aforesaid incompatibility of divalent iron and Soil, Such as heavy clay, sandy loam, muck soil, etc., and 45 manganese and monovalent copper. With ammonium phos by the type of crop. phate solutions results from the high alkalinity of these it is highly desirable in the interest of saving time, solutions which causes oxidation and resulting precipi iabor, and expense to Inake each spray application serve tation of trace elements. This alkalinity is also detri as many purposes as possible. Thus not only the trace mental to many organic pesticides, causing their de element or elements but also nitrogen, phosphorus and/or 5 composition. Of course, the alkalinity can be reduced potassium fertilizer materials are desirably incorporated by adding an which is suitable for use in a plant in the Spray liquid, and sometimes also one or more spray, such as , but the trace elements pesticides, provided of course that the several materials are not stabilized against the oxidation which would take are all compatible with one another. For example, i, place as the result of high alkalinity of diammonium Soluble potassium Salts such as potassium chloride can phosphate solutions, unless the pH of these solutions is be added to the spray solution as a source of potassium So low (e.g., 4.1-4.7 or even less; see Table I) as to be along with Suitable trace element compounds. But di very injurious to plant foliage. In fact, while some orna aminonium phosphate, which is widely used in liquid mental plants such as laurel can tolerate a solution fertilizer sprays as a source of both nitrogen and phos having a pH range as low as 5.5-6.1, for most plants the phorus, is incompatible with certain of the trace elements O pH value should preferably be between 6.1 and 7.0. and also with certain pesticides and cannot be mixed The present invention is based on the discovery that directly with them in the same spray. The same in the trace elements iron, manganese, zinc and copper compatibility exists in sprays to which phosphoric acid are rendered compatible with ammonium phosphate so and have been added, these materials being lutions, and three of these trace elements-iron, man ganese and copper-are retained in the state of lower precursors of monoamimonium and diammonium phos Valency, either alone or in combination, by the addition phate. For convenience, these materials are referred to Such solutions of appropriate amounts of oxalic acid or to generically as "ammonium ' and the sprays soluble oxalates, while at the same time the pH values as "ammonium phosphate solutions.” of the solutions can be obtained in as high a range as The chief object of the present invention is to pro 70 pH 6.1-7.0, a range which is entirely safe for application vide an effective and suitable solution of the problems of to plant foliage. The results obtained with oxalic and ------a -s. 2,950,188 3 - 4 phosphoric are set forth for comparison in the character of reaction of the final solution was held within following Tables I and II: the limits of pH 6.1-7.0. The upper or lower limit of pH value, or some intermediate value, may be utilized - . . . TABLE I most effectively for determining the correct proportions The effect of oxalic acid on the availability of trace 5 of materials to be used in preparing the desired spray elements (Fe, Mn, and Zn retained in divalent form) solution depending upon the particular trace elements in diammonium phosphate solution, at various pH used. For instance, Table I shows that iron retains its values m chemical stability in divalent form even at the higher pH values shown in Table III, whereas for manganese Percent Availa O it may be necessary to reduce the pH to the lower value 75% Oxalic bility . - shown in Table III (pH 6.1). Thus the pH to which the - Acid (gm.) pH - - - Materials Used final spray is to be adjusted will depend upon the trace Fe ... Mr. Zn elements that may be used, and the amount of Oxalic acid to be used may be determined accordingly as shown wes - a as resa as 8.0 9.16.67 - 5.9 FeSO4.7Ho (22% Fe) at 5 5 by Table III. For example, if a pH of 6.5 is desired, a - g:liter. sufficient amount of oxalic acid should be used to pro 6------7.2 18.2 6.67 5.9 M.52.gilter. Hao (30% Mn) at 5 2------6.8 36.4 6.67 5.9 ZS2.0 (34% Zn) at 5 vide the ratio 100:18. - - - . . . g.fter. Oxalic acid, when used to obtain the range of pH :18------6.5 86.0 6.67 11.8 (NH);HPO (21% N; 53% - - PO) at 100 gliter. of the final spray solution containing trace elements and 24------6.2 : 00 - 6.67 - - 23.5 75%ÖaicVarious quantities,Acid HCO2Ho, as shown 20 diammonium phosphate as shown in Tables I and III, in Table. i.e., pH 6.1-7.0, makes iron, manganese, copper and 00 33.3 70.6 zinc compatible individually or together with ammonium 100 64.0 94. phosphate spray solutions. That is, oxalic acid renders the trace elements available as plant nutrients. Oxalic TABLE. 25 acid thus protects iron, manganese and copper against The effect of phosphoric acid on the availability of trace oxidation even in the comparatively high pH range, 6.1-7.0. a elements (Fe,Mn, and Zn: retained in divalent form) The results given in Table III show that when the in diamnonium phosphate solutions at various pH ratio of diammonium phosphate to oxalic acid is high values 30 (i.e., 100:8 to 100:16), the alkalinity of the resulting . Percent Availa mixture is comparatively high (i.e., pH 6.65-7.00), and 85%Phos- bility phoric pH Materials Used under these conditions it is most advantageous to use Acid (gln.) -- - . Upon further reduction of the ratio Fe Mn Zl of diammonium phosphate to oxalic acid (i.e., 100: 18 to ------l- 35 100:28), the alkalinity of the resulting solution is also 8.0 9. 6.67 5.9 FS:Hso (22% Fe) at 5 reduced to the lower range (i.e., pH 6.10-6.50), and g-Fliter. - oxalic acid should be employed. In each case, the guide 58.5------|- 5.6, 9.1 6.67 5.9 M.52g.liter. hio (30% Mn) at 5 for the selection of the form of oxalate to be used de 64.7------5.2... 9.1 3.3 .. 8 22:0 (34% Zn) at 5 m glliter. pends principally upon the pH desired in the final spray. 72.9------4.8 g.1 66.7 li. 8 (NEHPOat 100 g.fliter. (21%N;53%POs) 40. Any of the other soluble oxalates, such as potassium - 810------4.4. 9.1 100 47.1 85%, Phosphoric Acid, HPO and sodium oxalates, may also be employed, as well as various quantities, as shown - in Table II. ammonium oxalate and oxalic acid. However, the most 85.0------4.0 15.0 ------8.0 economical form is oxalic acid from the standpoint of the 89.0------3.4 100 ------10) cost, on the basis of the higher percentage of oxalate 45 radical. - The amount of oxalic acid or oxalate to be used de As already stated, requirements for iron, manganese, pends upon the particular pH value within the range of zinc, and copper have been definitely established, for 6.1-7.0 which is desired in the final spray solution. The most soil types and crops, and with oxidation losses following values are illustrative: negligible, the amount of these trace elements needed in 50 the spray can be determined directly from these estab TABLE lished requirements. In most cases, a much larger The effect of oxalic acid on pH of final solution (from amount of diammonium phosphate is employed as com standpoint of quantitative relationship between oxalic pared with the trace elements used, and its ratio to total acid and diammonium phosphate) trace elements (including boron and molybdenum) is 55 typically in the neighborhood of 100:5. Wide variations pH of final in known requirements for trace elements are encoun solution containing Ratio, diammonium phosphate (gm)f diamaonium . . tered with different crops and particular trace elements. oxalic acid (gm) phosphate, oxalic For example, cotton commonly requires from 25 to 50 acid, and trace Ibs. of manganous sulphate per acre, whereas oats may elements 60 require, in some cases, up to 100 lbs. per acre. Table I shows that when phosphoric acid is used, iron is much less readily available than manganese in diam monium phosphate solutions. That is, the pH must be reduced to consideraby lower values than in the case of 65 manganese before iron becomes available in compara tively large concentrations. When oxalic acid is used, however, Table I shows that iron becomes more readily available in its divalent form than manganese in the pH range of this invention (6.1-7.0). A comparison of Ta (In all cases, diammonium phosphate was used at 100 g/l. and trace O bles I and II shows that both iron and manganese are elements were used at the concentrations shown in Tables I and II.) rendered more readily available with oxalic acid than As shown in Tables I and III the amount of oxalic with phosphoric acid, in the pH range of the invention acid to be used can be defined not only in terms of the (6.1-7.0), and there is an even greater increase in the pH of the resulting composition but also as a ratio of availability of iron as compared with manganese. This diammonium phosphate to oxalic acid. In all cases, the 75 greater increase of available iron as a result of the pro 2,950,188 5 6 tective action of oxalic acid against oxidation of iron 6.1-7.0 where the spray is safe for foliar treatment as by manganese and by high alkalinity makes possible the already pointed out, and where the objectionable effects use of iron and manganese in the same solution at the of alkalinity on pesticides are also eliminated. reduced ratio of 1-2 parts by weight of ferrous sulphate It Will be understood that the invention is not restricted to 1 part manganous Sulphate, instead of the ratio for to the foregoing details of description or examples, and nerly necessary, i.e., 3-10 parts ferrous sulphate to 1 that reference should be had to the appended claims for part manganous Sulphate. This lower ratio of iron to a definition of its limits. Inanganese results in a great reduction in the amount of What is claimed is: inert ferric oxide (Fe2O3) formed in the spray solution. 1. A nutrient spray for application to growing plants This reduction makes it possible to secure much cleaner O comprising an of ammonium phosphate fruit by eliminating the excessive spray residue; and this, and oxalic acid in the proportions of from 8 to 28 parts in turn, reduces the Scale infestation on fruits. by weight of oxalic acid to 100 parts by weight of diam Another improvement resulting from this lower ratio monium phosphate and said solution having a pH in the between iron and manganese is a reduction in the con range of 6.1 to 7.0, said solution also containing as trace centration of Sulphate ion derived from ferrous sulphate metal Supplements soluble metal salts Selected from the (FeSO4). The reduction in the concentration of sul group consisting of ferrous, manganous, cuprous and phate ion is particularly important since it prevents the Zinc sulfates, chlorides and nitrates and mixtures thereof, severe injury to foliage which results from an excessive the total amount of said supplements not substantially concentration of sulphate ion. exceeding the proportion of 50 gm. of supplements to There is no interference between zinc and any of the 20 200 gm. of diammonium phosphate and said solution other trace elements, since zinc remains stable in its di containing a minimum of 0.1 gm. per liter of available valent form, and has no oxidizing effect on iron, man trace metal for each trace metal contained therein. ganese and copper. Therefore, there are no require 2. A nutrient spray as defined in claim 1, said trace ments for any particular ratio between zinc and any of metal supplement comprising ferrous sulfate. the other trace elements and the amount of zinc salt to 25 3. A nutrient spray as defined in claim 1, said trace be used depends entirely on the extent of deficiency of metal supplement comprising manganous sulfate. the soils on which the crops are being produced. 4. A nutrient spray as defined in claim 1, said trace Representative examples of actual spray compositions metal Supplement comprising cuprous Sulfate. containing both major (nitrogen and phosphorus) and 5. A nutrient spray as defined in claim i, said trace trace elements (as Sulphates: FeSO4, ZnSO, MnSO4, and 30 metal supplement comprising zinc sulfate. CuSO4) are as follows: 6. A nutrient dry crystalline composition to be dis 20-50 gm. all four trace elements (as sulphates: solved in water for spray application to growing plants FeSO4.7HO; MnSO4.2H2O; ZnSO4.H.O; Cu2SO4), comprising a dry mixture of water soluble ammonium using 5-10 gm. of the salt of each element; or 20-50 phosphate, oxalic acid, and water soluble trace element gm. of any one or more of these elements (as Sulphate) 35 supplements selected from the group consisting of ferrous, as desired. manganous, cuprous, and Zinc sulfates, chloride, and ni 40-80 gm. oxalate (expressed as technical oxalic acid, trates and mixtures thereof, said ammonium phosphate HCO2H2O). and oxalic acid being in the proportions of from 8 to 28 200-600 gm. diammonium phosphate (NH4)HPO4. parts by weight of oxalic acid to 100 parts by weight 10,000 ml. tap water. 40 of diammonium phosphate, said diammonium phosphate (In the above formulations, all materials are of technical being dissolved in the range of 200-600 gm. in 10,000 grade.) ml. of water providing a solution pH in the range of The materials of the above representative composi 6.1-7.0, the amount of said supplements being in the pro tions can be used in the form of a uniform mixture of portion of about 3.3 to 25 parts by weight of supple dry crystals. In the preparation of a suitable spray, this 45 ments to 100 parts by weight of diammonium phosphate. crystalline mixture is dissolved in ordinary tap water with 7. A nutrient spray composition as defined in claim 6, steady agitation. A mixture of the above proportions said trace element supplement comprising ferrous sulfate. and amounts will usually be dissolved in about 10,000 8. A nutrient spray composition as defined in claim 6, ml. of water. When the dissolving action is complete said trace element supplement comprising manganous and a constant pH is reached, the solution is ready for sulfate. use as a Spray. 9. A nutrient spray composition as defined in claim 6, When phosphoric acid and ammonia are used, gaseous Said trace element supplement comprising ferrous and ammonia is conducted from a cylinder or like source into manganous sulfates in the proportions of 1-2 parts by a solution containing an amount and concentration of Weight of ferrous sulfate to 1 part manganous sulfate. phosphoric acid equivalent to the 200-600 gm. diam 55 10. A nutrient spray composition as defined in claim 6, monium phosphate per 10,000 mi. water mentioned said trace element supplement comprising cuprous sulfate. above. To the resulting ammonium phosphate solution, 11. A nutrient spray composition as defined in claim 6, 40-80gm. oxalic acid and 20-50 gm. trace element Sul said trace element supplement comprising zinc sulfate. phates are added and subjected to steady agitation until 12. A nutrient dry crystalline composition to be dis dissolved and a constant pH is reached. 60 solved in water for spray application to growing plants Still another advantage of the invention is that the comprising a dry mixture of the following ingredients in liquid spray, containing the nutrient elements, is ren the following proportions: 200-600 gm. diammonium dered compatible with commonly used fungicidal and in phosphate, 40–80 gm. oxalic acid, and 20-50 gm. trace secticidal materials. Nitrogen and phosphorus, when element compounds selected from the group consisting 65 of ferrous sulfate (FeSO4.7H2O), manganous Sulfate used in the form of diammonium phosphite, are not com (MnSO4.2H2O), zinc sulfate (ZnSOHO), cuprous sul patible with fungicides due to the high alkalinity of diam fate (CuSO4), and mixtures thereof, said dry mixture monium phosphate, which decomposes the pesticides. It being dissolved in 10,000 ml. of water providing a solu has already been shown above that when phosphoric acid tion pH in the range of 6.1-7.0. is used to stabilize the trace elements in diammonium phosphate solutions, the pH is necessarily reduced so 70 References Cited in the file of this patent low in obtaining this stability that the resulting solution UNITED STATES PATENTS is injurious to foliage. However, when oxalic acid is 2,587,125 Ellingson ------Feb. 26, 1952 Substituted for the phosphoric acid, the trace elements 2,770,540 Vierling ------Nov. 13, 1956 retain their lower valency in the higher pH range of 75 2,772,151 Nikitin ------Nov. 27, 1956