From: Pamela or Nick <
[email protected]> Sent: Friday, April 27, 2018 10:35 AM To: info Subject: Submission to District Plan I think that the Hauraki District Council should "SHOP LOCAL" wherever possible. The Council should lead by example and support local ratepayers who are in turn paying rates to support the local Council. In my experience the Hauraki District Council does not support local businesses, does not buy locally and requests local quotes they have no intention of seriously considering. Hauraki District Council should put out a local request, "Can you supply XX at $$ by xx/xx/xx?" giving local business the opportunity to respond. If these requests were not unreasonable, I believe that local business would respond positively. If you knew that the local council was supporting you then you would most likely get in extra stock so that the time in supplying would be comparable with online purchasing. Margins may not be great but they would result in more turnover. The Council is not paying more than they were going to pay for said items. If the Council is able to obtain items for less than the cost to the local retailer, the retailer can say they are unable to supply at that price, by return, and allow the Council to buy elsewhere at the better price:‐ I do think this would be infrequent. Online purchasing is not supporting the local economy and in many instances it is supporting Australian owned businesses more than it is supporting New Zealand owned businesses. Yours faithfully Pamela Aranyos ‐‐ Take Note Paeroa 46 Belmont Road, Paeroa 3600 Phone 07 862 7213, Fax 07 862 8002 DISCLAIMER: This e‐mail message and accompanying data may contain information that is confidential and subject to privilege.